Friday, February 21, 2025

Enjoy to-day--no matter what happens---

Do you have crazy days--?--I mean, days where things do not go right--or , the day is mixed up, or something important , goes wrong, right off the bat--Yesterday , my day was like that---I got to  do what I was supposed to do, but whatever I  tried to do, did not turn out like it was supposed to-

-For instance----  for me to get to the hair  dresser, it is easier  if I walk-- It is --like 3 blocks away--This Lady said, "I find your hair colour too light--"---and, "How be I tone it down a bit"---AND SHE DID----  AND I LET HER--because I thought she knew what she was doing--I NOW HAVE A FUNNY TONE OF BLACK HAIR----It does not look good!-- I suppose it can be rectified--but----   I'm afraid if I do too much to it, it just all might fall out--and I had to pay this Hair Lady a lot--I do not know what to do---  maybe wash it --and hope some of the black colour washes out--

To-day , it is cold out side--like--VERY COLD----  Parka weather--  I do hear that Spring is in the air--somewhere---We all know that eventually it will come--It will be exciting to go outside WITHOUT a parka on---

"Gung hei fat choy"----  which means,  "Happy New Year"  in Chinese, and this evening, Himself , and I, and son #2 and wife, are heading out to eat a  Chinese meal--and more good news, Himself's "Ears" are in--in Peterborough--which means a trip into the city, AGAIN, --but it will be wonderful for Himself to hear what is said-----if they work---

How is your day going?--- Are you able to cope with what is happening in your life today---It might be a day where you just might have to do something fun--like----

                                                        I shall be thinking of you-- 
 I hope that you can enjoy every moment to-day--even if things do not turn out the way you thought----You might like having blackish hair ----Lordy be!-----(It looks bad tho! )

I must learn to just accept what each day brings---'specially when we cannot change things--


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Please don't be a jerk.

Good day--We have sunshine-- Extremely cold temperatures--but--- It is  almost the end of winter---  so--there is the promise of SPRING--YEAH!!! -----(somewhere out there)---  

It is my hair day-- so I shall put Lopez in his crate, and "hoof it"  a couple of blocks away , to the hair dresser-----in the cold---- Monday, Himself goes into Peterborough, for his new hearing aids--Lets hope they work--that the inner part of his ears  is not damaged--

BE HAPPY----  I shall leave you with the above, to think about--  and I shall return--(with new hair)--

                                    Oh --one more thing----until I return---  Remember--

Well--=Here I Am--returned--with new hair--coloured--but--  I am thinking of letting the white show thru--Yu know this hairdo cost almost $200-----  and I go every week--- --  What if I let the white grow in and just put a few streaks into the white--?--=How many of yu at my age have white hair??--I am in my 80's-- --$200 a week is just not going to happen----  Please lt me know   if you let the white show and how yu feel about it?----  
I see the un is out--- cold tho---==-  Lordy Be! $200  Holy Smoley! OK-=-=-=  I m offa here --will check yer responses  later--Lynda



Wednesday, February 19, 2025

What to do if-- someone breaks your heart--

                                                     Good morning--dark here still--AND COLD!-- so important   to face the day--the cold---  with the promise of milder weather on the way--There is snow removal going on here now---  Yeahhhhh!---

Son#2 the Pilot son, is back home here--He sent a picture of what he called  his swimming pool, in Punta Cana, in the Dominion Republic--
                                                            It looks lovely doesn't it??

We had a  call yesterday--from a Lady who I knew years and years ago, in Elliot Lake-- Apparently she lives near Lakefield--I feel the phone call was from God herself--Apparently, she was with my friend Linda , who used to run with me, early every morning, in the dark, but recently, Linda passed --I guess I wrote an article about her years ago----- 
 (I used to write an article for our local newspaper, called, "The Merry Go Round"---all about raising 5 children and the crazy things that happened-)-This wonderful Lady has offered to introduce me to people --her friends, in Lakefield--Here!----There is a God in Heaven---

So life just goes on and on--minus 24 C here outside----Wee little Lopez needs to go out AGAIN--- He refused to do his business in the cold  when I took him out earlier-- 

How is your dAy going??--Is  it warming up where you live??----  Are you feeling strong??---  Please don't let the "Doldrums" get you down--or--"the crazies"----  Life can be tough -"-IF WE ALLOW  IT"-

Above, --a picture of my Mom and I--outside her house in Elliot Lake-- Dad and her had just moved up to Elliot Lake from Orlando, Florida-- Little did I know how  difficult that move must've been on Mom--She always wanted  to move back to their place in Florida--but---she never did--I understand now, how she must've felt--
            Yes--Take care of you---"YOU"-----  Be strong---  Do what you feel  is good for you---
            The world will wait its turn--


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Another day--to be strong!

 Good morning---So happy that we are all alive and well! -----Thank the good lord eh??---I am up--Lopez and I ----Very cold here this AM---I took the recyclables to the road--hope "they" take them--And, I have the car running as I am going to venture up the road to Food Land--I also talked to 2 of the boys still living in Elliot Lake-
---also, spoke to son #2 , who was sitting in Punta Cana, waiting to fly an airplane full of people back to Toronto---
Terrible accident at Pearson Airport last night, but everyone  is alive ---Son #2 , was sitting  at the Airport in Punta Cana, with a plane load of passengers-- They all had to de-plane, as Pearson Airport in Toronto was closed after the accident-so  they had to stay in Punta Cana for the night--- He texted me in the middle of all that--

-I said to him, when I saw it was  him, "So, Are you heading home?"---and he replied, "Mom, turn on CNN"---The passengers are de-planing-"-
--- Lordy Be, I did not know what he was talking about--
So, He will return to-day ----  

It is extremely fortunate that everyone is OK------ The weather in Toronto has been terrible--like 40 cm of snow has  fallen over the past 2 days--  Lakefield is about one and a half hrs from Toronto-----The runway in Toronto appeared quite snowy , looking at the TV with the plane on its side--
Remember to live carefree and thank the good Lord for everyday--I spoke this AM.,  to 2 of the boys in Elliot Lake--reassured them that one day , when my Himself is not here anymore, I shall return to Elliot--live in an apartment---Right now, Himself is enjoying this one level home-- 
                                        We need to be strong women---  AND WE ARE__
                                            Remember--I love you all to the moon and back--



Monday, February 17, 2025

A bit of "THIS and THAT"

    Good Morning--  President's day in the  and Family Day in Canada--either way it is a holiday--Saturday was National Flag Day in Canada--on our 60th anniversary; to celebrate our red  and white   flag--

I am early, on here-- will carry on with household chores--and return in a bit--I just wanted to wake you all up--I did get Lopez out , early---and we hoofed it up the trail---with , what it seemed like 50.000-other people, all with dogs on a leash--

-It seems--VERY VERY cold outside--but we do have sun--

I hope that your day is going well--I think the sunshine  does brighten our sprit--even with the cold temperatures--We did get more snow overnight-I had to brush the snow off the car--and from around the car--I hear from 25 to 30 cm of snow fell overnight----

I guess that is me--I am certainly over 60 yrs--- so, I could be described  as strong, sensitive,  spirited sassy and a survivor--How about you??--Are you feeling strong?--  I believe you already are, sensitive, and spirited , and certainly sassy---AND a SURVIVOR ---

There is always a great many chores to do on a weekend--vacuuming, walking the dog, cleaning out the frig--the laundry---but---  no driveway to blow the snow off of--no stairs to go up and down-- Mom used to say, "A womans work is never done!"--I believe that!-- I hope you get time for a wee rest--Do you?? 

                                       "Keep your Chin up!" I think  Shakespeare got it  right--

                                        Love your life--Be Happy---  Before you speak-Listen-   



Sunday, February 16, 2025

Here's to STRONG WOMEN---

It is snowing AGAIN----and lots of it coming down!---I have already been out shovelling around the car--but will be going out again as soon as I post this----  And in case you were wondering, YES--A lot of my friends are kinda crazy! They are the best kind you know--not afraid to laugh at ourselves-- ---Just look at the Ladies in the above picture--LOL----  Lotza fun !

So , I have changed the bed--Sunday morning, that is what I do_And it's not easy to do--because  I feel the bed is larger than the room--One almost has to climb across it to tuck the sheets in--And we now have a cat who sleeps between Himself and I, every night. Last night, I reached over to pat her as she was sleeping, (I thought she was sleeping) and she whacked me with her paw------ I guess she is still a tad on the wild side!-----  You know, I am talking about Sushi--(the cat I brought in from the cold)

So, we have snow---- SNOW EVERYWHERE----  on the car--around the car--in the driveway----lots and lots of it----AND, IT IS STILL COMING DOWN!--I think most of our highways are closed with trucks jackknifed across the highways----

So, I am still missing Elliot Lake---  I think the good Lord is dropping all this snow here to remind me of "Elliot" --and what I moved away from--I will be so happy when all these feelings of, "I want to move back"--disappear----Himself is as happy as a clam at high tide--I think,  living here is like living in Heaven, to him--no stairs--a real walk-- in shower------One day, I hope to  feel the same---and -I  will--in time!---

So, I hope that your day is going well-- Sometimes, one just has to pretend it is---then it really will happen--It just takes time--  I hope!--Remember------
                                       "" Strong Women""--WE  are STRONGER than we know-



Saturday, February 15, 2025

Disappointed with "Blogger"

This is a sad day--- As yu all know, I do enjoy communicating to you all--  but --looking back---  like way back---someone--or ---some people have gone into my comments on your comments , and changed MY WORDS-- to  extremely critical words --on your President--and typed my name onto the comments--so --it looks as if  I was very critical of your President------  I feel terrible--- That is not right--- I would NEVER type in what was put there--  I may not be a big fan of someone--or some things, but I appreciate your opinions as long as the comments are not  derogatory--  I do not know how long this has been going on--  this AM was the first morning I have gone back to read what has been said----  and why was  this allowed??--   Isn't there a way that when you type in whatever you type--that it stays there?--- and  not be changed-- I am disappointed in the BLOGGER SYSTEM----- What can I do to stop this???- Any ideas , I would be certainly appreciated hearing--Lynda---