Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Wish for the Week Ahead-

 It is coolish---  no sun---  but----NO SNOW either!--lotza leaves also, everywhere--- Lopez and I  hoofed it up the back road--Lopez in his parka---and--HE DID HIS BUSINESS!!  Woo Woo!--- So I can begin to tidy up the house, ready for another showing this evening--

So, we  got out of the house last evening-- (There was a showing)---with Lopez and Sushi --and we sat in MacDonalds parking lot--Fred ate --I could not-- (was all tied up in knots)--Apparently the couple liked the house, but they have to sell their house-----so, that is not going to happen--

When we returned home, in my mind , I was thinking--"Are we crazy to sell?"--" Maybe we should just stay here"---and--of course  we know we cannot just stay here-- but--- the mind wants everything to remain the same--and we know that cannot happen---I am not going to be able to be Ms Super woman forever---

So, the world still goes on----doesn't it?--and we must adapt---and that is OK I guess----
Positive thoughts -Positive thoughts only!--

To change the topic, Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot, is now in Brazil--He flew all night, from Montreal- He did say it was a good flight--smooth--and very hot there--probably sleeping now as  they fly there at night---maybe it's not so bumpy crossing the equator??

I hope that your Thursday is a good day--that you get some rest in--get to read your book---  and walk your dog---It is hair day here---( hope I get to go-)--hide the Halloween Candy---  and be good to yourself-- A new week begins to-morrow--

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"You are an amazing girl"--

 Well good day to you all---Now isn't the above the truth?--No-one does the laundry 'cept the woman of the house--at least here--I hear on CBC  this AM, to-nite there will be a very bright moon in the sky--  called the Hunter's Moon---  why it's called that, I do not know! -- I called Son #2 the Pilot, who is sitting in Montreal, waiting to go to Brazil, this evening, to tell him that he will have bright moon light , on his trip--He thought that would be good--"I will see any storms!"----he said.

-Every morning,  you should say, "Yes it is a beautiful day."--And every night, you can say,. "Yes it was a beautiful day"-----AND----- ONE DAY, ---you look back and say, "Yers, it was a beautiful life."--We need to have a beautiful life!!

Now, I must fill you all in here---  We are moving to "Lakefield"--a small town east of Toronto---  There are lakes around us--- It is a tiny place --chosen because Son#2 will be living there--and I like "QUIET"--It looks quiet---- We have a "Showing" of this house to-night--and 3 more scheduled----So, I just hope we survive all of the excitement---I think we will--

Now I must get this house tidied up---  the laundry put away--As the kids used to say, "" I must get this baby into action!"-- --Lopez has been out--

                        Always remember --You are  special---Make to-day a good day--because ----

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Things we learn-from a Dog!

Good morning---  on a cold, windy day--not snowing--yet--but----it looks like it could happen any minute. We do have  leaves on our trees --on some of the trees, but they are blowing in the wind--Yu can feel winter is on our doorstep--

We did have a wonderful get together at Son #3's , last evening-The decorations for Halloween were  so  Halloween-y----the food excellent-the company great, and Himself walked up the stairs and into the house, with help, and enjoyed being out ---We celebrated Thanksgiving AND  Halloween----  Son #2 and Son #1 could not make it , and were missed-- Families seem to have  different ideas and conflicting views on life  but it certainly wasn't noticed last night---and yes, I'm sure that every family gives God a headache at times---I always walk away, shaking my head, as I apologize to the "good Lord"--But, it was a lovely outing and we appreciated being a part of it!
So--to-morrow  our home goes on the market---The Real Estate will have it online---  and, we will "move on"------ hopefully it will be a good move--- a good place to live---and easier for me to  handle--Lord love a Duck! --What one must do as one ages--I never remember my Gramma or Grampa "downsizing"--  I think they went right from their farm house, to the hospital and eventually passed--

Well, Son#2 just sent a couple of pictures of the village we are moving to-- It looks very quiet-- I like "QUIET"----------------------                ---The Grocery ---"QUIET" is good!

-                                ----looks lovely doesn't it--- a park along a main street        

                                                Enjoy your day---- Take care of your pets--- Remember to talk to them-- and I shall  look  in on you all, this evening---Remember to be strong---NO CRYING!


Monday, October 14, 2024

Each new day is a gift-

Good Day----  It's Thanksgiving---plus its also our wedding anniversary--amazing!--It is also very cold outside and this morning, there was snow in the air--first day of snow--- not enough to stay on the ground--but , it is a sign that winter is almost here. Canadian Thanksgiving is earlier than the American Thanksgiving--
We are going to Son#3's house for dinner---I usually buy the turkey and they cook the meal--That is because Son#3's wife does not have her parents anymore  where  son#4 celebrates Thanksgiving with his wife's family--Son #1 is at his wife's daughters place--It is usually a celebration with family--

The above is a picture of our new kitchen--in the place we are moving to--  Everything is new!

The dishwasher
and below, the washer and dryer
It is just an apartment but, I think we will be very comfortable there--no stairs--no yard work--I just might get my blogging done early in the day--LOL
How is your day going?--Do you have the patience of Job??--Mom used to say that--I knew then that she was about ready to lose it and to make myself scarce---Is it a good day in your house?

I shall talk to you all this evening---and I am heading out to cut grass---AGAIN___!


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Where did the time go?

Happy Sunday--  I am late posting as  I had the Real Estate Lady here---  to list this house---AND----  the above meme put a smile on my face--I hope it did the same for you!

We have a cool-ish day--WITH Sunshine ---Lopez has done his walk--He really is a good little boy---a one person dog---VERY protective of me!  -- I shake my head a lot , with him---  that such a tiny wee fellow can  guard me so diligently--

It's hard to believe that we will be moving out of this family home , to a different community---  to Southern Ontario, and I seem to be OK with it all--like--I'm not blubbering my head off--that I seem to accept that it's time to "downsize"--It seems kinda  amazing!--  Maybe the tears will come when I get to this new community and will not know anyone---  well, I have Son #2 and his wife--

                                                    -and-- I will have the man that i married---

        So, what do y'all think?--Would you move  when yu are in your 80's --and 90's?--- We are not Spring Chickens anymore--

                and----- It seems that only yesterday----Himself  got to meet-me-- Lordy Be!!!  Where did the time go?



Saturday, October 12, 2024

It doesn't get easier--You just get stronger-


Good morning----  a short blog--on time---  not posted in the middle of the night--not posted when I was in the depths of despair!-

-And yes, "CONFIDENCE""--- a woman needs confidence for sure--I think that comes with age---You think?--

It's a brand new, crisp day--coolish--but sunny--A text just came in from Son#2 the Air Canada pilot--who is in Edinburgh, Scotland--and, here he is, trying on a Scottish hat-

It looks good on him!


   Below---and above, (I think) is the Scottish Mile--whatever that is--


                    and----of course--- a restaurant ---  WITH HAGGIS-----  on  their menu
The Wallace Tartan ( Wallace was my Maiden name)
and some views of the landscape--  very mountainous--

  Life is good to-day--after yesterday, a day of indecision---  like--"What am I Doing  ????"---Confidence----A Woman -of age----  of course must have confidence--  A Woman will always listen to advice, but usually , her mind is already made up---because she has lived whatever is happening, several times before, and she knows  the best way to handle whatever is going on---but----she will always listen----then decide---

Friday, October 11, 2024

The best thing about getting older is becoming clear on what does and doesn't matter...

 It'a after 7pm and I can't stand it any longer-- I miss you all like crazy--so , I  shall not tell you all about my terrible awful day, to-day----but---- You know that I will -- maybe, first,  let you know, that I didn't cry--but---  I was sad--disappointed in my kids--- and Himself . It's hard being a Mom-----One must be thick skinned--not allow anything to get under the thick skin, which I tend to forget ---

I am old---and I feel, being "old", I deserve to be  asked  about stuff, before "stuff"  just  happens-- --especially about "Himself" whom I do try my best to take very good care of--I don't appreciate people stepping in and just taking over--I am the wife, and I feel I should be consulted ---- I don't feel respected I guess one might say! I never did that to my Mom and Dad--  I felt they knew  their own minds, and I appreciated their thoughts and decisions in life--I find my own grown kids- seem to think that if you are "ahem--"OLD" ---  which seems to be anyone  older than them--they have the right to do whatever they feel is necessary in their eyes---- with no consultation--

So, it was a tough day--- for me--not for Himself--or my grown kids-- but--- here I am--- and I had to speak my mind , and it does seem like it went over like a lead balloon --- and I suppose, until they are my age and their children express their opinions, whether asked for or not,  they will not understand even what I am talking about--

    I hope your day went well---It's getting colder-snow in some parts of the world-not here yet--