Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The "Cookie Monster" has it right!

A new day---  to get it right--I want to add--It is minus 22 C---Extremely cold--  the last day of January--

The one good thing about this cold is it will make more ice on the lake--  People will not be as apt to fall thru the ice, in their snow machines-- This happens too often if we don't get very cold weather. Little Chihuahuas do not do well on these frigid days--even in the parka ----I always try to keep him crated until it warms up somewhat--

I read all your responses to the blog, yesterday-- I think it broke a record--45 people  put their opinion in--I appreciate ALL your opinions---Anyway, I am leaving it where it is- It is easy to access  which means a lot  as we are busy people with no time to search around looking  for this blog. However, things may change in the future-

It was so cold over night, that we had to leave a tap running , --just dripping a bit--- in the kitchen. Our water comes from a well, and we do not want anything to freeze, which has never happened, but it's good to take precautions .

I heard on CBC this morning that there is a shortage of Pilots---perhaps part of the reason people have long waits in different countries if their flight gets cancelled and they are waiting for another plane--Also, many people are flying again--

Have you noticed that there are more daylight hours lately ?--  I just looked out, and it is daylight here already. I do notice it is lighter in the  evenings also. --The last day of January--to-day--onward --To-morrow will be February--

-Everyday is a gift-- EVERYDAY --is a gift--Do you think of that each day?--  I need a reminder to not let "stuff" get me down-- When one is in the 80th year, that is so important--EVERYDAY IS A GIFT --even when it is minus 22C outside-- even when 20 tons of snow is falling---and has to be cleared off the driveway-- even when "Stuff" gets  gets in our way---There really is something good in everyday-- 

Try to be awesome--Every Day may Not Be Good---- but--- There is something good in every Day.

--------------------------The " Cookie Monster" has it right---------- I think--


Monday, January 30, 2023

Respect your own decisions--

Good day to all--VERY COLD here--minus 15 and more---  It will warm up later on this morning--but--not much--  end of January--into February weather ---

To-day, January 30 is National Croissant Day---  I never heard of that before--- but it is really a day to celebrate  the perfect Croissant- You can do this , if you decide to bake one, by folding butter into a mixture of multiple thin layers  of butter and dough--- I have never attempted to make a croissant, but I do know they taste buttery and light, and  we all love that buttery flavour.  They have a mouth watering flaky crust and an airy body.  A medium croissant has  about 230 calories.-Just a few interesting facts.

And--- the Birth flower for January is the Carnation-but--We are almost into February now--- 

In case you are wondering,  the wonderful Lady who set me up blogging,  is calling me this evening-- and we shall chat----  Should I leave it the same?--  If it were made more private, would you be able to access it?-----  I will keep yu posted. What if you all sent your email address and "I" sent it out to you-?-- --justa thought here--or--what if I just left it the way it is  and never voiced my opinion on  --whatever--- lord love a Duck! ---  (AS if I could do that!)--- Please let me know ----So far, it is the same---

I hear Lopez-- The poor wee fellow-- It is so cold, that he will not do well going outside to do his business---I had to put a couple of those pads in the sunroom yesterday and I noticed he used them. The sunroom is  on the way to the front door--  still cold there-- but not as cold as outside-

Let me know if any of you have a google account-- would yu  ever use one to access my blog?-- If all this is too complicated we will just leave the way it is--  Tough thoughts here-- 

It's another day to have a good day--We are so fortunate to be a part of to-day--I must always try to remember that!--


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Live, Believe, Inspire.....

There you go--You can say that too--"I did it myself!"----- I am late posting--  Blame it on the bananas---We did get to the grocery--only $169 this time--and much easier to put away--

I received an email from a dear Lady who lives way out west---It was her who helped set  myself to blog-- She had noted all the chaos going on, due to family here , and suggested ,  that she  help me set up the blog on a more private site-- What do you all think of that?--  Anyway, I shall  work with her, to see if it will work--She believes it will--I have no idea how---but--bless her heart to  rescue me from all the hullabaloo----I certainly will keep you all posted! 

Finally--NO SNOW FALLING----  I am so so happy!---There is still the deck to shovel, and the dog pen trail, for the Chihuahua , but eventually I shall get to that!--  I did meet with our friendly neighbour yesterday and from now on, he will keep the gate to the road clear of snow--where the snow plough goes by-- YEAH-----

I liked the above---  It is hard for me to ignore all the advice coming my way---  It seems to me that the older I am, the more advice is  doled out---  I believe it should be the other way around--  the older we are, the more info we have accumulated in our brain--but, then again, we know when to share it , and when to be silent---- Life --so much to learn as we age--

I must have lunch-- then grab a wee rest , with my book--  I did finish "The Spare"-- the only part I did not enjoy, was when he went to war-- I found it well written, and interesting, and if I ever meet Harry, I will tell him that. He loved the  Queen---loved his Mom so very much---loved his wife , and adored his children.

I hope that you all are feeling good to-day--feeling like the Lady in the above picture.--She looks like she has not a care in the world. If we were to pose like her, maybe we might feel like that too--I shall try it!-

 Courage---  The best protection women can have---and must have-------  WE can do this! 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Laugh more-Worry Less--

 Well, it has been quite a day--Imagine?--I am blogging at this late time--almost 4-30pm---  you see, we had 10,000 ft of snow fall here--(Well, I am exaggerating  as you probably guessed-)-but--it feels like that much! ---So--I was out snow blowing---- but

-- There is more --- seems some people are very upset that I blog-- some people in this family---in fact, so upset because I guess people in this town read the blog, and comment to these people who are upset at me blogging---  -so these people who are upset at me blogging, want me to quit my daily blog------  So, how do all of you feel?---- I write a blog for all of you---  I know that you know this--I blog for people who , like myself, are stuck in their home, probably doing the same as I do--  cleaning-- taking care of the laundry-- walking dogs, doing the banking----  and, it is all mostly inside work---and---  because I can communicate with you, I do not feel so alone--  I can share what I do with you  and I hear that you are doing pretty much the same as me--I feel good when I hear that-- also, it is a way of sharing one's life with these grown  Grandchildren  one day---

Anyway, of course I will continue to blog-- probably will not bring my grown kids into it all as much--the kids who expect that I will stop all this nonsense ---- putting a blog online--etc etc-- 

-I too, rehired the neighbour and have put him in charge of "SNOW"-----I was over at his house this afternoon and he is happy to help us out--for a fee of course--but then I can spend more time with Himself---or I could be baking--- or exercising---  playing the piano-----  or--blogging----  LOLOL--

One really must see the humour in all of this ---  it has happened before -----  but, life just carried on---and so did the blogging. I really like you all, and I would miss you if you were not here--

So, that is why I am so so late  chatting with you --What do you think?-----Do you blog?--- Could you just stop?--

Look at all the snow???

--  -------------------------

-doncha jess think, in the end, it will all work out?


Friday, January 27, 2023


 Good Morning-- Here we are again-- "another day-another dollar"---  Mom used to say that!---

So, isn't it good to know that there is some little secret person, reading my blog, ready to forward whatever  can be sent, to one of my sons--but--it has to be something that will upset whomever she forwards the blog to--pretty sad eh ?---

I must tell you why I blog--not only to meet all who read the blog, but , it is a way to keep a history of my life, to save, for my grandchildren---I wanted to write  a wee book for the grandchildren--for when they are older--to keep--  because looking back over my years, growing up, I wish I had known my Dad's Mom--my Grandmother, who was a teacher, before she raised 6 children.

That was her with the arrow -----
My Mom with the long hair--- with her Mom,  who I never knew, and her Grandmother, and great Grandmother--

A daily blog, is a way to save  thoughts-- a journal of the times-- the pandemic--the way of life in this time--this era--

It is minus 20C --too cold---  I think it will warm up , as snow is expected this afternoon- The poor dogs have not been out yet--Little Lopez  will not enjoy this cold!--

Well, I never knew, when one's body goes crashing down on a concrete  drive, --not only do you end up with a terrible sore knee, but your ribs  are sore--- as I put my arms out to stop the fall--and if you move the wrong way, your back sends sharp pains up and you hear someone  shouting, in pain--It is me!--Lord love a Duck! If you are snow blowing, as I am doing, be very careful--- DO NOT WEAR CLEATS ON YOUR BOOTS WHICH MAY BECOME  DETACHED, AND CAUSE YU TO TRIP!---

--lotsa  positive words in the above--"ABSOLUTELY"---"FANTASTIC"---"SPLENDID"-----Yu gotta love them! 

Himself , by the way, is doing pretty good so far to-day--We did get to the grocery store yesterday--and bless his soul, he stayed in the car, with Lopez, the Chihuahua----while I was in the store---I am trying not to buy a large order , as  it takes so long to put it all away--and--I worry that he might get out of the vehicle while I am in the store---Lotza stuff to worry about isn't there?

"I am crazy enough to think I can-- "------  some days  seem tough-- but---  WE CAN  DO THIS---BECAUSE WE  HAVE TO!--


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Very upset- here-- but---

It has been a difficult morning-- Once again,  I put a blog on , a few days go, complaining about  my grown son---No name mentioned---but--someone read the blog (I think  I know who--)-and sent it to the son, who drives by, as I am out snow blowing------ I am sorry that this has happened---  I love my children very much-- I believe that you all know this--- but--I shall never mention them again--

You see, there is no help , and I may as well recognize this--- and  in this world, it takes a lot of money to hire help--which at our age now, with no  income,  is hard to do, and keep the books balanced--  It is a difficult job--to snow blow---and to make matters worse, I fell--tripped on the cheat on my one boot and down I went--When I am outside blowing snow too, Himself is left alone in the house--a worry for me, in case he falls--

Anyway, the blog this AM, is late because of   me frustrated with so much going on here, and  me, silly enough to complain and write down my frustrations--_ beeping--but not stopping in-- but, why should anyone  stop in eh??-- 
I am terribly sorry that  I ever  wrote down my frustrations-- 

I do a good job here---  managing everything-- I am sorry that I upset anyone---  I am sorry that I even ask for help--which will never happen again--

I love to blog ---- I understand  that I was in the wrong to even think that anyone should help , just because I am old and tired-- --- Women, no matter their age, can be strong--and we are--because we have to be-- I have always said this--

Life is hard sometimes--somedays----even  writing down my frustrations- upsets- the family--- probably because I was so tired -- pooped--really! --Crazy --Anyway----

I am talking in circles--The blog, expressed my frustrations---but---it's a lesson to me-----to keep my feelings to myself-- ---  Well!----I hope all is well in your part of the world! Is it?-- 

I need to adjust the sails I guess---  

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Make the Most of To-day!

We have a new day-- so no snow  falling, --  dark here  too---I am awake ---   "I get to wake up"--Whatta great thought! --

I cleaned up the snow yesterday, but in the process, the rubber cleat on my one boot  came partially off the boot, which I hadn't noticed, so, I stepped on it by mistake, and down I went , on the bricks in front of the garage--landed on my one knee, which is quite sore and swollen--  as well as my ribs---I shall never wear those cleats when blowing snow again--

I hear Toronto is getting 20cm of snow to-day--It looks like we are just on the edge of that storm--which, hopefully, means, not much snow here--- 

I must tell you, that the crate that Lopez sleeps in, on my side of the bed, , which he escapes from every morning as soon as he  hears me move,-----well, I FINALLY FOUND A WEE LITTLE HOOK, blocking him from opening the crate--This hook had moved and I had not noticed it before- HE CANNOT ESCAPE ANYMORE----  Lord love a Duck--almost 2 years that I've had to grab him as soon as he had escaped  to run downstairs-----  This morning he could not get out---We have another crate down in the living room with a secure  lock on it, when we leave him, when was go to town---Finally , I can get dressed in the morning without wondering what he is getting into  on the main level--

Naps are great things-- Getting up at 5-30 am  everyday,  putting in the laundry before the rates go up at 7am--- is OK as long as that nap is happening after lunch!-- I like to relax on the sofa and am now reading, "Spare"---  by Harry. I have enjoyed  the book--found the part about him  in a war not too interesting, but on the whole, my heart has gone out to him--losing his Mom, or "Mummy", as he called her, had a huge impact on his life- He never believed she had passed--for years and years. He expected her to pop up somewhere and send for William and him to be with her.---Have any of you read the book?---  It showed me how much children depend on their Mother---and by losing her, how it affected his whole life--

I must get moving--- Beau needs to get out--and I need to check the "Snow situation"--

Above is a picture of a fish caught here in the lake-- and below is their ice hut, which , on cold days , there is a wood stove in that ice hut. They can sit in the hut and fish-- or outside the hut and fish--   -
-I hope to-day, for you is special--DON"T FALL!----get up and at-er--- ---Stay strong---

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

It all begins and ends in your mind!

 I was out snow blowing--Son#1, went whipping by me--in his truck--peeped---and kept on going---Kids! Grown-up boys , who are men---  seeing their 80 yr old Mom out there trying to clear the drive way, and doesn't even stop-- What has become of all of us?--  We are the Moms who brought them into the world, and you would think, out of respect, they might at least stop! Am I angry?----  You bet I am! --- That's what they think of their mother!---  GRRRRR!--  

I did the whole driveway--- if the snow plough goes by, the neighbour said he will clear it out beyond the gate for me!---So----- Do you ever feel angry at your grown kids?---  I mean, as angry as I feel right now?-- Do you ever feel disappointed with them?--Am I alone with all these thoughts?--

So, to change the subject, Himself and I are going  to get bananas---and veggies and fruit-- hopefully not too much--We will take Lopez--- 

--I will stop complaining-- It seems to have powsr  over me, because I am allowing  it to---"It all begins and ends in my mind"- I really know that the grown boys have never rushed out here to give me a hand--so---why am I ranting and raving--??---Accept it Lynda and carry on--- Lord love a Duck! 

There!--I feel better already--I think! -- Do you find that on some days, it is hard to be a Mom?---  Oh Dear! I am still giving  my misery "power"--  --I need to hear from you all--  to help me go calm down--LOL----What on earth would I ever do without you all-???

I am off got the grocery---Remember--- It all begins and ends in your mind! ---

Maybe I read them too many Fairy Tales! 

Monday, January 23, 2023

"Hello Monday"---

--It is a new day--AND--the very best part is-- WE ARE A PART OF THIS DAY!----AND---- another great thing here is, there is no snow falling--yet-- Hopefully not till Wednesday-----

Yesterday I took the snowblower by the horns, and blew snow to the propane tank-- and the path around the inside of the dog pen--for the wee Chihuahua , of course. Beau can manage  the deep snow--I had been so afraid  of getting stuck with the Blower in the deep snow, but I have learned that there is a reverse gear on the machine, and when it feels like it is getting stuck, as the snow is so deep, reverse it, and go back and forth-- Man oh man, there is an art to using the thing-- and no-one showed me any of that.  Even on the driveway, you must divide the driveway in half---do one side and blow the snow that way--then do the other half, blowing the snow the other way--

You know, when I was in Grade 9,  I had to take "Home Economics"---  There was no choice.  They made us sew an apron, which was beyond me--  My apron looked so bad, that Mom pretty much remade it for me-- so that I could get some marks for it. And the cooking part of the class was a disaster-- I had never ever cooked a thing--Home Ec. was mandatory---- 

Too bad there wasn't a course in "How to run a Snowblower"----"  How to fix a vacuum-"--"How to service an automobile"--No, "Home EC"--- "Art"--"Music"--were mandatory!----because, I was a girl----Is this how it was for all of you women ?--And now, I come inside, and my husband is laughing, telling me that I know nothing about snow blowing-- that I am going in circles-- with the snow blowing in my face--

"Well yes", I told him,  "Why doesn't someone show me?" ----So, life goes on --and on--- and you learn more and more!


We must get stronger as we age I believe---------------hopefully we become healthier and happier---

I do like the above--"Habits to make us Prosper"----"-Take action, even if it's scary"---"Make your Health a Priority"--------"Get up Early"--------what a great list---"Dream big"----"Make  meaningful relationships"--

AND_----- above all, have a great day to-day! ---  I shall see you all to-morrow----- sending out hugs--

Sunday, January 22, 2023

"Let your Soul Shine"

 I have been snow blowing--  from the storm 2 days ago--the dog pen---and the path to the propane tank--plus the deck---  We really MUST get rid of this house-- a wonderful family home--on a lake---on an acre of land--I shall miss it--but--not all the work involved to keep it going ---Anyone want to buy a huge home in Northern Ontario, near a small community, 3 hrs from Michigan--- 2 hours from Sudbury and about 3 hrs to Sault St Marie ?---- 4 bedrooms--- 2 kitchens-- etc etc etc--  

I shall try to work on Son#3--- (But he just built their forever hone!)--Oh well--  It is the very last lot on this lake--  No more cottages or homes will be built--

Before I forget--Happy Chinese New Year--The year of the Rabbit-----

Son#3 and Son#4 dragged their ice hut from our lawn--

---onto the Lake-------and are fishing  down the lake--
The joys of living in the North-- -- they will let me know how much ice is on the lake---probably a couple of feet for sure--
--Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot- sent this picture of  his big  "Bird" as he calls his Dreamliner---sitting on the Tarmac in Costa Rica, probably loading up with Bananas--He returned last night--leaving for Jamaica to-day--

OK_-I have a bit more snow to blow--so, I hope that your Sunday is  a good day--

"Keep your chin up" as Dad used to say as I walked out the door-It is Sunday--  "Bless your Heart"--- as Mom used to say----  and--I say, "Let your Soul Shine!"


Saturday, January 21, 2023

You are important, needed, and unique.

Think about that--- " YOU"---- really ARE---important, needed, and you are unique----Write it on your bathroom mirror-- Doncha jess wish  someone would  stand you up every morning and make you repeat that?--

This morning, Beau, the big Shepherd goes to the groomer--9am--  He could not go yesterday as we had a snow storm--He hates this-- the ride in the car,---  the groomer's place--me not staying there with him--The poor fella eh?-- And Himself isn't much help, altho he does sit with him in the back set--(as he calls off orders at me)---

It is minus 12 celsius--VERY cold---At least when it is this cold, we do not have snow falling!--

I must ask you all a question?--- Do you and everyone out there, find--that--- as we age, that your food tastes have changed?--Do you find too, that supper time meals are more difficult to do?--  Do you find , of course, that you do not want as much for dinner anymore?-- I think I could just eat cereal  sometimes--- but, we never do have that for supper--but--if I lived alone, definitely I would ! ---(-My question of the day!)-

it's nice to know---that we ARE being watched over, isn't it?----something to think about---I will tell big Beau that!---

Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot is in  San Jose, Costa Rico--flew there last evening with a full load--- says it is very warm--I'm sure some pictures of food will be coming soon-

WE WILL MAKE IT A REALLY REALLY GOOD DAY---------for sure! -----


Friday, January 20, 2023


"KUNG  HEI  FAT CHOY"-----Happy New Year --which this year, is Sunday, January 22nd-- The new Year celebrations, in China, last 15 days------
It is the year of the rabbit--The rabbit  symbol.  represents--intellect and cautiousness----If you were born this year,  you might be very intelligent-- but cautious--

The Chinese New Year,  is known as the Spring  Festival. Each year  is linked with a different animal--

When one goes to a Chinese restaurant, you will notice a lot of "red"---  red means good luck --and the colour "red" scares away the evil spirits-- Himself always told me, that the children in his family always received red envelopes, from their relatives and parents, with money inside---  He said he remembers his Father, getting together with many Chinese people and they spent days and days, gambling--and playing cards--with huge feasts, roasting a pig, and eating and drinking all day and night.

So, that is a little bit of our Chinese culture-- Did you know that Jamaica, where Himself is from, has many Chinese? Himself's father emigrated to Jamaica from China--

 The Chinese people in Jamaica, are mostly business people--Above is his Dad, Mom, and his sisters family-  Himself's father owned a grocery wholesale business, as well as a gas station, a bakery, and a grocery store, in the town of Lucea, which was a small village along the coast, from Montego Bay, on the way to Ochos Rios, which was not developed when I used to visit. 

Of course  Chinese people in Jamaica always have enormous families. I remember on Sunday, many many cars would pull into their drive, in Lucea, Jamaica, and every window in the car had a little face looking out.---

I have no idea how I got into all this-- I was out blowing snow, as we had about 6-8 inches of snow which fell overnight----

This was Himself, many moons ago--long before I met him--a very kind generous wonderful man---and just look what happened?-
Lord love a Duck eh??--

AND----- the weekend is nearly here---  STAY STRONG---- I know you will--because we have to keep moving FORWARD!