Saturday, January 28, 2023

Laugh more-Worry Less--

 Well, it has been quite a day--Imagine?--I am blogging at this late time--almost 4-30pm---  you see, we had 10,000 ft of snow fall here--(Well, I am exaggerating  as you probably guessed-)-but--it feels like that much! ---So--I was out snow blowing---- but

-- There is more --- seems some people are very upset that I blog-- some people in this family---in fact, so upset because I guess people in this town read the blog, and comment to these people who are upset at me blogging---  -so these people who are upset at me blogging, want me to quit my daily blog------  So, how do all of you feel?---- I write a blog for all of you---  I know that you know this--I blog for people who , like myself, are stuck in their home, probably doing the same as I do--  cleaning-- taking care of the laundry-- walking dogs, doing the banking----  and, it is all mostly inside work---and---  because I can communicate with you, I do not feel so alone--  I can share what I do with you  and I hear that you are doing pretty much the same as me--I feel good when I hear that-- also, it is a way of sharing one's life with these grown  Grandchildren  one day---

Anyway, of course I will continue to blog-- probably will not bring my grown kids into it all as much--the kids who expect that I will stop all this nonsense ---- putting a blog online--etc etc-- 

-I too, rehired the neighbour and have put him in charge of "SNOW"-----I was over at his house this afternoon and he is happy to help us out--for a fee of course--but then I can spend more time with Himself---or I could be baking--- or exercising---  playing the piano-----  or--blogging----  LOLOL--

One really must see the humour in all of this ---  it has happened before -----  but, life just carried on---and so did the blogging. I really like you all, and I would miss you if you were not here--

So, that is why I am so so late  chatting with you --What do you think?-----Do you blog?--- Could you just stop?--

Look at all the snow???

--  -------------------------

-doncha jess think, in the end, it will all work out?



  1. It’s a great outlet for you. People need to vent and chillax.

    1. Thank yu so much for writing-Lynda

  2. So glad you have talked to the neighbor again about handling the snow. I know you like to get outdoors, but as you know, snow shoveling and snowblowing can be dangerous, especially as we age and don't move as easily as we once did.
    As for the blog, I love hearing your positive outlook and your sharing of the difficulties of aging. However, I can understand the family not wanting some comments to be public, and unfortunately, blogs are public. So, you do what you feel comfortable with. If you decide not to blog, you could spend that time writing your family history for the grandkids, and perhaps exchange emails with some of the folks here on the blog, so you could keep socializing with friends over the internet.

    1. Yes, I could do that--In fact I did attempt the "Book" thing--- but--- not a lot of time to learn how--- I will keep on -I do enjoy hearing from yu all ever so much!--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, I've been reading your blogs since the days of Spark People. I'm not one to normally comment on things, but for this I will male an exception.
    I read your blogs everyday. As you say many of us don't have a lot of outside contact. Your blogs let me know that people of our age are alive and kicking.
    Kids are great at telling you what to do, but aren't willing to help. You keep on blogging and we'll be here to rea them.

    1. Well, bless yer heart too-- We are all in this aging thing?-At least we can talk about how to age with common sense and strength- Thank yu so much for responding--Lynda

  4. Margene--_I do love yu! Thank yu--- Of course I must keep on-- It is NOT son#2 who said all that-- just to let yu know--LOl-- Bless yu for writing! Lynda

  5. As Prince Philip would say--I love that Gloria-- Yes, I could not stop writing- I would miss yu terribly----- and I have a man now in charge of the "snow"--LOL-- (Just hope he comes)---Thank yu Gloria for writing--- and to add a wee note--That little Lopez is very smart-- very cuddly--a sweet little boy-- -I could not do without him now--LOL-- Lynda

  6. Lynda… I don’t comment much, but I look forward to your blog every day. I love your honesty, and your strength. I’m 73 and my husband is 80. We are aging, and not always gracefully. It’s great to know that we’re all in this together, and I know I can rise to the days challenges when I read your blog as well as your reader’s comments. Thank you for your positivity!
    Vicki from MASS.

    1. Hi Vicki from MASS--- So good of you to write-- to take the time!--I never thought atb our ages that life could get so complicated eh?--- Thank yu for your opinion-Lynda

  7. Lynda I too would miss you terribly! Sorry some don't appreciate what you write about your family, but it's nice to know that some sons are the same the world over. Please take care of yourself and remember that you are loved by so many!

    1. Yes, I suppose sons are the same the world over-Now who would think eh?--Hugs to yu-Lynda

  8. I have been reading your blog for many years (since Spark) and if I didn't look forward to it each day I wouldn't still be here. You bring us smiles, memories and sometimes we have to laugh out loud. We can understand what you are going through and it helps to know that we aren't alone in our day to day problems. Your blog helps us get through some of our bad days because we are alone and need to hear from someone. Keep up the blogging.

    1. Hi Madeline--Thank yu for adding your opinion--I do appreciate it!--We will get thru this--I do know that---takes strength doesn't it?--Lynda

  9. It's paceka1. You enjoy blogging so no, I don't think you should stop. AND, we enjoy your daily updates. My life is a lot like yours. At home all day most days, very few people to talk with, with children who don't even have time to call very often unless they need something. Knowing that we are all in this together is comforting! 3 years ago when I was blogging on SparkPeople my son and daughter in law adopted an adorable little boy. I wrote a blog about it. My DIL googled his name and it took her directly to my blog. Apparently, that's a no-no with the adoption agency so of course I took the blog down and have never mentioned him again. Whichever of your children is upset can just request that you no longer mention him. Done!

    1. Of course-- I won't mention them--- so good of yu to write -I really appreciate your opinion-Lynda

  10. Keep on blogging!!! I never was good at blogging, but thoroughly enjoy peeking into the lives of others. I sometimes get a bit behind, but always manage to catch up with you and Barb as long as Spark lasted and here ever since.

    1. Yu are so good to write-Thank yu-Lynda

  11. Lynda, even in the midst of your give us humor! Thanks for that.
    Love that first poster! I am going to change it.
    I feel that maybe if you kept blogging, but only entered positive, happy comments about the people still living in your family, maybe it would be okay with them. I can see why you post it, though, when Himself is giving you trouble. This is like journaling for you...and a safe way to express your feelings.
    Wonder if all those people in town read al our comments?
    We have only 5F here, too, below 0F tonight. No snow in the forecast for at least a few days. We missed that storm. It stayed north of us.
    I...and I'm sure all of your followers...would really miss you if you stopped blogging! {{{HUGS}}}

    1. I would miss them top-- Yo are so good to write-- It was a hard day--the snow--- etc etc---but-- to-morrow is always better-- Lynda

  12. Lynda, of course you must blog. We all look forward to it. Just think, if we all lived in the same town we would all meet for coffee and talk about the same things! If a family member doesn't like it, perhaps they feel guilty about the lack of help they give to your parents. It is sad that someone would not want you to enjoy yourself. And I'm glad you are going to get help with the snow. You are really getting a lot this year. And yes, it would be good to help you spend more time with Fred. Did you ever hear back from the person/agency who was going to visit? Hope you're healing well from your fall. Take care.

    1. No-- But she did say there is a long list--I believe eventually we will hear from this agency-- Thank yu for writing--It was a vey snowy day here to-day and then all this-- Lynda

  13. Okay, I have strong feelings about this. As someone who blogs daily too there is no way others will have a say in what I blog. This is your blog and you can do whatever you want to and if they don't like it they cane leave and not read your blog. If they read it and get upset that is all on them because they have a choice. You blog what you feel and there is nothing NOTHING wrong with that because that is how you feel. You are allowed your feelings on your blog.

    Also, as someone who lost her dad over five years ago and now is the sole care giver to my mom this hurts me that your family doesn't help out. I would give anything to have my dad here to take care of. You are their parents and it should be out of love and respect that they help you when you need it. It is selfish to not help your parents out after everything they did while growing up.

    Sorry for the soapbox, but it hurts me so much that you have to go through this. (((BIG HUGS)))

  14. I’m so glad you wrote today, I’m just getting to bed, thought I’d check, and so glad you hired the neighbor for the snow removal! I would miss hearing your day to day tales. Getting older causes lots of new feelings, we have never been this age before, lots of life changes. Can’t help but talk about it! It helps to know we all are in this life together, it’s not fun and games, and YOU are being honest!! You are real! You have a right to tell it like it is. Just don’t mention names, even though we don’t know the names, really. Except for your dogs. I wish your life was smoother and easier, dear. (Ethelmerz) from Spark.

  15. I don't usually comment but have been reading and looking forward to your blogs since spark days. Please do not stop blogging. What would those kids say if you told them to stop using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram? Blogging is a way for you to connect with others and to heal yourself while maybe healing others too.

  16. Oh goodness, here I am commenting twice in the same week! When I told my sister (she lives in Georgia (the state) and we chat daily via video), she played Devil's Advocate and tried to tell me that your son didn't see you struggling, in his mind, she said, he saw his strong, capable mother out there with the snowblower. I just glared at her and said 'she's 80 and her partner is in his 90's with dementia and was inside alone. None of that entered his mind? I really disagree with the rosy view of oh look at my strong Mom! If my family told me to stop blogging I'd keep on, and I'm glad you will be too. The first thing I worried about when Spark People started shutting down is you and reading how your day was going or what your plans were. And that was before the pandemic locked a lot of us in our homes!! As you know, I live alone and sometimes it really helps to connect with people online. I'd feel a bit lost without your daily updates. I'd miss my sister and her sometimes taking an opposite view on things too. And her kids (she's 72) try to tell her what she should or shouldn't be doing as well. She only takes their advice when it feels right and resonates with her. I think a lot of us deal with that with our kids. They usually mean well even if they aren't seeing the entire picture. Like I wonder if any of them have read down here in the comments how much love and support you have with us. Anyway, must go make some Sunday dinner for myself. Keep on carrying on. We'll be here cheering you on! ❤️

  17. This has happened before, so I think we should move to a private blog. This doesn't have to be a public blog. You should feel safe, Lynda, to write however you please when you write your blogs to your friends.

  18. I love your blog and I learn so much from you. I live alone after taking care of my husband for 5 years before he died of Alzheimer's Disease. Your blog speaks to me and reminds me of those hard times and I am so impressed with your strength and honesty. I think it is so helpful to others to know a little bit of what it is like and I think that it is such a good outlet for a caregiver. I live in Indiana and can't help you but I do pray for you. I hope you keep blogging. Liz

  19. Keep on blogging as you want to and need to. If some get upset it probably is over their own guilty feelings. I have no plans to stop at all. Once all the photos and history are on my blog for those that follow I will then just blog about life. I hope if I go in a home I am in enough of a right mind to continue blogging about life in a home.

  20. Keep blogging! Your readers love reading your daily blogs! And they love you too! You are a special friend to many people! Do not let the naysayers get to you!

  21. If it works for you, keep doing it!! I always enjoy a quick visit to see how you are doing. Donna_cps2 (Old Spark Friend)

  22. I stop by daily to read your blog and sometimes comment. It is sad that others can't just let you do what you do to bring a little happiness and sanity to your life. I hope you can just carry on and let the naysayers and troublemakers be tuned out. This is a positive zone from those of us who love to hear about your daily life. For me it resonates . . . I can see my future through you. . . I am only 65 but my DH is going to be 77 this year and we already have less than supportive children (there are 4 of them) I don't know how we will get among when we really need help.

  23. I don't think I can add to what those before me have said -- your blogs keep the Spark alive, keep us connected, keep us sharing feelings and solutions, and keep us strong. Many years ago, I worked with a (then) older woman in her mid-60s, who used to say, "I'm an old woman and I can do what I want to!" My version is "I don't want to, I don't have to, and you can't make me!"

    In any case, follow you heart in terms of what glimpses of your life that you're comfortable sharing, but please keep blogging. Decide if you're willing to risk The Silent Treatment from your sons from time to time. And shame on them for trying to censor their 80-year-old mother -- they should be proud that you are able to write these daily blogs that are read by a community that cares (rather than limiting your writing to a weekly shopping list).

  24. I don't blog but I love you're blogs and hearing about your family. Please do not stop. I think you need to do this as it's an outlet for you. Too bad that nosey B---- has to stick her nose in and make all of this trouble for you with your family. I look forward to your next blog. They should look at it as a form of mental health.

  25. Don't stop blogging!Everybody needs to vent somewhere,I vent to my Daughter in law and she vents to me.She calls me when she's driving to work.If your kids are worried about you saying thing They feel are negative then they should do something positive for you and himself and you will post the good stuff as you always have!

  26. Please don't stop blogging!! I look forward to reading these each day. Hearing about your daily happenings helps to keep me going also.

  27. Plain and simple fact..I’d miss you immensely if you didn’t blog…would feel like a loss in my life of a special friend!! ❤️. Eissa7 is

  28. Please do NOT stop -you have so many fans!


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