Monday, January 23, 2023

"Hello Monday"---

--It is a new day--AND--the very best part is-- WE ARE A PART OF THIS DAY!----AND---- another great thing here is, there is no snow falling--yet-- Hopefully not till Wednesday-----

Yesterday I took the snowblower by the horns, and blew snow to the propane tank-- and the path around the inside of the dog pen--for the wee Chihuahua , of course. Beau can manage  the deep snow--I had been so afraid  of getting stuck with the Blower in the deep snow, but I have learned that there is a reverse gear on the machine, and when it feels like it is getting stuck, as the snow is so deep, reverse it, and go back and forth-- Man oh man, there is an art to using the thing-- and no-one showed me any of that.  Even on the driveway, you must divide the driveway in half---do one side and blow the snow that way--then do the other half, blowing the snow the other way--

You know, when I was in Grade 9,  I had to take "Home Economics"---  There was no choice.  They made us sew an apron, which was beyond me--  My apron looked so bad, that Mom pretty much remade it for me-- so that I could get some marks for it. And the cooking part of the class was a disaster-- I had never ever cooked a thing--Home Ec. was mandatory---- 

Too bad there wasn't a course in "How to run a Snowblower"----"  How to fix a vacuum-"--"How to service an automobile"--No, "Home EC"--- "Art"--"Music"--were mandatory!----because, I was a girl----Is this how it was for all of you women ?--And now, I come inside, and my husband is laughing, telling me that I know nothing about snow blowing-- that I am going in circles-- with the snow blowing in my face--

"Well yes", I told him,  "Why doesn't someone show me?" ----So, life goes on --and on--- and you learn more and more!


We must get stronger as we age I believe---------------hopefully we become healthier and happier---

I do like the above--"Habits to make us Prosper"----"-Take action, even if it's scary"---"Make your Health a Priority"--------"Get up Early"--------what a great list---"Dream big"----"Make  meaningful relationships"--

AND_----- above all, have a great day to-day! ---  I shall see you all to-morrow----- sending out hugs--


  1. We had to take Home Ec also and learned how to knit, bake, cook and make clothes. It would have been a great idea to have learned how to use some tools and how to fix basic things. I imagine back then they didn't feel that girls needed to know those things. How wrong they were! We have a pretty day today with snow covering all the trees. Have a great day!

    1. Madeline--You took Home Ec too--LOL---- and now our needs have changed-- I even wonder if there is a "Home Ec" course anymore?--Lynda

    2. Yes, there is still Home Ec classes. Actually they are great for some girls who are not planning further education or need the extra help for normal living. A few boys even take it. They include such things as child care and handling banking, etc.

    3. Probably the Home Ec course now is much more current-- Lynda

  2. Yes, Home Ec was mandatory a jillion years ago when I went to high school…so was shorthand!! Like you, I’d have much rather taken any useful fix-it course!
    You are so smart to get that snowblower to do its job almost every day!! Let Fred laugh…you get the job done!! Pat yourself on the back, you are amazing! ❤️ Eissa7

    1. I guess we alls were "girls"--had to learn what was important then--and our lives sure have changed--LOL--- Thanks for responding-Lynda

    2. Times are finally changing-- Our lives have really changed-I agree-Lynda

  3. I had to take home ec too. My mom taught me all that and more. Would had done better to have one on using tools, equipment, etc. I am amazed at all you can do by yourself. We're supposed to get a big storm Wed/Thurs. You probably are too so rest up! Like your habits poster.

    1. Brenda--- It seems that we all had to take Home Ec-----I never ever did all this stuff as the kids grew-- Fred did it (Himself)--And-yes we are supposed to get more snow Wednesday--(sob-sob)--Lynda

  4. Oh yes, had to take Home Ec, but Remember, the rules were made by MEN back then, and, like religions, rules made by men always keep we women down as 2nd class citizens, some men still wish we would all smile and curtsy! To them!

    1. Yu are so right! --The rules were made by men! --And--I know, it is still too much that way to-day-Lynda

  5. I didn't take Home Ec although it was offered way back then lol. I took shorthand,typing,bookkeeping etc. as girls not going to college were destined to be secretaries,way back when. Mostly the guys went to college. I went years later. I was in 4H and required to make a skirt. It had an elastic waist and was horrible. I looked like a pickle barrell. My mom basically made it as I could have cared less. I wish I knew how to FIX stuff. You are becoming an expert in the art of snow blowing. We're supposed to get several inches Tuesday night into Wednesday. 4 inches will stop most activity in St.Louis. generally we get ice which is horrible.
    Have a great day.
    Be safe and warm.

    1. Yu were smart to take thing etc==--Funny too, that the boys weren't to college--not the girls--I am like yu--went to University after my kids were in high school--took courses at night=-- I never did get my degree but enjoyed the courses ever so much! Lynda

    2. I meant say--"Typing"-- --LOL--

  6. Yep! I took Home Ec! And I laughed when I read your blog because I made an apron too! I really liked mine - but rarely wore it! And I remember learning to make homemade biscuits that were quite good. A lost art now that store bought ones in the can are so easy and almost as good! I am like you - learning a lot still about taking care of the house and property. Never thought I would be driving a tractor or cleaning under the mowing deck of a zero turn, or doing pool maintenance, etc! Nothing soft about learning and being strong enought to try and satisfying to succeed! FYI - as a former school administrator, I can tell you that they no longer call the high school course "Home Ec" - it is now called "Family and Consunsumer Science" and boys sign up for it a lot...especially the cooking section!

    1. I really like that new name! -----and boys take it too?--ever good! --Yes, in our "older age" it's amazing what we are doing Sandra!----- Maybe all Home Ec classes made aprons--LOLOL--

    2. In 9th grade I too had to take Home Ec, that would have been 1973. I have NEVER been artsy/craftsy, and I don't cook, never had babies, never liked babies.

      Anyway, I had to make a skirt with an elastic waist. It turned out so ugly. I remember also cooking something on a gas stove, but that's all I recall. When I moved into my first apartment, I TRIED to cook, all my mom ever really cooked were casseroles and meat and potatoes on Sunday, since she worked and there was no Dad. It turned out I am grossed out by leftovers, so soon enough I started buying frozen dinners, and that's all I've ever really eaten, or I go out or bring in fast food. That's not to say I'm not a GREAT cook, because I have learned that I am, when I end up cooking something. I just choose not to, not for one person, and then having to eat leftovers, just turns my stomach.

      Yeah, I would much rather have taken shop, or a class on how to fix things, and how to be handy. I enjoy that kind of thing, but I'm horrible at measuring and using a ruler or measuring tape. Turns out I have to do that every day at work, and I have to estimate. I never learned how to read the little measurements between the one and the two, besides the obvious ones.

  7. WE are actually having sunshine! First time in forever.

    Yes,there definitely is an art to using a snow blower, but you’re ‘getting it’.

    Love that last meme. All good advice!


    1. Hi Barb-I love that last meme also--great advice!--Lynda

  8. Back in the days we were in school all the "how to fix it" classes were for boys only. Good for you for figuring out how to effectively use your snowblower. I have had to blow my own driveway many years ago - I sure hope it never comes to that again. This is paceka1 by the way, Google wouldn't let me log in today!

    1. Silly Google eh--- Sometimes it is slow to open here,--Glad yu told me that yu are paceka1 ---What does that mean-by the way-Lynda

  9. Home ec was mandatory for me, too. First year, it was an apron, second year a blouse. Sad, sad, sad. My mother had to help with the blouse. It had darts. Anybody remember darts?

    1. LOL----Yes I remember "darts"--- funny eh Barb?--Do they even have Home Ec anymore?- --Too bad --- We could've used "Car Maintenance"- -- Funny to look back at all that-- Lynda

    2. My family must be really strange as we all did everything. It was my mother who taught us how to change a tire...

      I never took Home Ec. but did take a half year of typing. Also I took mechanical drawing and math and science. I was in 4-H so got my HomeEc type learning there.

      My dad was an industrial arts (shop) teacher so we all picked up the tool knowledge at home.

      The school system my kids went to here in NE Montana required 8th graders to take a half year of HomeEc and a half year of Vo-Ag. The current Vo-Ag teacher in that school is a woman.

    3. No--Your family's not strange-just more "with" the Times--Maybe ou ate younger than myself=??--Isnt it interesting that purvlives areas different??-- I love it---Thanks for your input-Lynda

  10. Lynda, you should get some sort of badge or medal, for what you have learned to do, and by the seat of your pants, no one to show you how or explain at great length! We applaud you, my Dear! (Ethelmerz)

  11. We had to take Home Ec for one term and second term we had to take shop. Boys had to take it as well. I made a wrap around skirt (very similar to an apron) and an ashtray…made of wood!! 😂😂 I’m very impressed with your snow blowing skills. My husband tried to show me and I was quite useless!!

  12. I took Home Ec also....didn't learn anything because the teachers' pets got all the attention. I made a dress because I had to.......took it home, cut it up and made an apron...........David is trying hard to do what the dr. tells him....1500 cc of water a day, including his protein drinks in that as well because he has no appetite...I am glad my daughter came to help, because I'm afraid to leave him by himself but have to go to the store, drs, etc.


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