Friday, September 30, 2022

"I need a six month vacation twice a year"

It  is Friday--  I am late blogging-- Himself was to see a Doctor in the clinic this AM---booked by our daughter--who lives in Ohio -- BUT--  (There is always a "but"!)- I had booked an appointment to renew my driver's Licence plus my health card--Yesterday I stopped in the Licence office and booked it--Anyway---  for me to get Himself to the Dr's office would take me a very long time----It is on the 3rd floor of the medical  building-so---- I went to renew the licence and Health card -thinking I'd do that first---and--  they were closed--The Lady yesterday  did not tell me that to-day is a national Holiday -banks and gov't offices are closed---- so--we went to town, but accomplished nothing--not his ears  nor the health card and the Drivers licence.

Too bad our daughter didn't ask me when would be a good day to take Himself somewhere--It would be nice to have SOMEONE check his ears-----  AND, it would've been good to have a new Health Card plus a new Driver's licence--Nothing worked out--

And--you know what?-- It would've been nice to have one of the kids drive Himself to get his ears checked--Kids never think of that!--

So, between you and me, I am "pooped"--running all over town, and accomplishing nothing--- Life is busy, living with a 93 year  old who does not hear-----Oh well!--  There is always another day-- and Himself seems happy--said he didn't want to have is ears checked anyway--so, it's not worth worrying about-It must be a quiet world for him--Funny thing tho--He does hear the TV--- strange eh??-- -  Lord love a Duck!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Keep yer sense of Humour!

 It is early-- I have a few minutes as it's too dark to let the "boys" (as in dogs)-out--It is MINUS 2 Celsius -Lord love a Duck!  The seasons, they are a-changing--

Yesterday, I took Himself to have his feet done-- plus the nails--and we threw in a surprise haircut-  He loved all the pampering--The Ladies in the salon made a huge fuss over him --mainly because of his age-- 

I believe it is the first time in his life that he has had his hair washed in a salon- 

I really was so proud of him to have this done--and he looks like he is part of the world! Here is the finished product.
It is "dark as the Ace of spades" outside right now-- (Mom's expression again!)_To-day is MY hair day-- plus I have a few errands to run this afternoon.

Our Thanksgiving plans have now changed-- I believe the "Good Lord" must've intervened--  because-- Son#1, the restaurant guy, is now hosting Thanksgiving at his house--I am happy for that, as now -- ALL THE BOYS with their families will be attending-- It is an act of God for sure! --I am now in charge of the pies-- Son#1 will look after the Turkey-- --Probably Son#3 and Son#4 will be bringing vegetables and salad-- Can yu believe it??--  We will sorta be together--minus Son#2 and daughter----It is like a miracle and will be so good for Himself! 

I hear Lopez wanting out of his crate--He sleeps in a large crate ( bestowed to us by Son #4 and wife)-right beside my bed)_ Beau is already up- I must report that Lopez had a VERY good day yesterday--did not chew my hand--nor did he swallow  too much of the rug--and he seems to nearly do all bis business outside--  still chews on Beau's legs tho- He is a handful, but-- yesterday was  a pretty good day for him. (I just might keep him---Of course I will keep him-- but there are moments---)

I have never given a dog away once they move in--It mixes them up and I believe thy are never the same--AND_I believe I CAN  train this guy--in time!)_

So, I am off of here--I see the storms on the TV--- It's unavoidable-- the war in Ukraine-and now Himself is telling me that that Hair Lady cut too much hair off his head--Lord love a Duck! 
I must remember that I am a strong person-- We all are--because we must be--and we must STAY STRONG--
(But I didn't tell him that--  ) --I told him that the hair will grow-- One must be positive mustn't one!

It is a new day---  Here we go! ---  Hugs to yu all-- and remember to keep yer sense of humour---


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"Keep Your Chin Up!"

 Pretending IS good!--  I can do that--for now!--"I" am Okay-- There are multi hurricanes flying by--somewhere--I pray for all those affected--A recession, (whatever that is???) is in the works--- I won't mention the War--  (but I just did!_) Here at home, I walked Lopez BEFORE the school bus went by--AND he did his business (One has to be thankful for small mercies!)---The wash  has been done before 7am-- when the hydro goes up-(That is a crazy rule yu know--It affects housewives!)---- Himself seems OK--cannot hear anything but I seem to handle  this pretty good in the morning-

Lord love a Duck!--It is good that we do pretend isn't it?- Here in the North, we are well into fall---The Hummingbirds are  on their way South--I hear the Loons will be leaving our lakes soon--The wild life seem to continue to do what they do-- unaware of anything too much to worry about-They must be good at "pretending."

Our Canadian Thanksgiving will be here soon--"Turkey time! -(I surmise these turkeys are  a tad freaked out!--)--Himself and I usually buy that big bird, with Son#3 cooking the meal--  That helps Himself and I so much---

It looks like all is well on the "Homefront" ---at least for this day--and at least for now--Hopefully you are not in the "eye" of a storm and you  are "pretending" too---You know, when one remembers all that we have lived thru, the past 3 to 4 yrs, it truly is amazing, that we do have (as Dad used to say)-- that we do have our "wits about us"-----Lord love a Duck eh?--We are strong-- Really we are!---

I hope your day goes well--I always tell yu all to say "HI" to a Policeman--  He lays his life down for us daily-- Buy a Pilot a gift card for a coffee--maybe that Policeman too--- Hugs to you --until to-morrow-as Dad used to say, "Keep your chin up!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Drop a Stress-size!

 I have begun this blog twice- ---because, there is so much going on in the world  , I started talking about it all-- I think there must be "worry -free" days-- I declare this must be one of them!-- 

A great thing this morning is, I AM ALIVE----I AM HEALTHY_(I think!)--- Now, this never used to be  something one would think about as one rises from the warm comfy bed--but----to-day it is!--


THE BANK BOOK BALANCES---HIMSELF SEEMS HAPPY_--LOPEZ , the Chihuahua is listening to me--not chewing my hands-My Children are all OK--

So---I guess I am smiling--like that monkey with a new banana.-- The sky is not falling --so far! I can drop a "stress size"--

It really is mind boggling what we live thru these days isn't it?--As a kid, I never remember  all the stuff going on-- Well, I do remember, when very young,  a lot of rain falling and the house beside ours was flooded--water all around it, and I said to my Dad, "When this house caves in like that one" (pointing to the neighbours home)-"Can we get a new one?"--- somehow my Dad calmed my worries---- I do remember also sitting in front of a radio (There were no TV's then)--and hearing a big voice shouting over this radio and I knew he was a bad person ---It was Hitler---So, maybe  our parents did live thru a lot of stressful events---
There were good memories also--happy events-- as there are to-day--  and moments such as family reunions-- keep us going-
I must take time to get to know all ---give out lotza hugs-- dance --be a little silly--All that keeps us strong! 

Monday, September 26, 2022

"What if ????"

It's Monday, the 26th of September--cool with rain predicted --- and--the best part is---  WE ARE ALL ALIVE!
What if---  we lived along the East Coast of Nova Scotia?--- or---  What if, we were "buckling down the hatches"--(Dad's expression)-like--those people preparing for a hurricane , in Florida? My Mom and Dad moved to Florida when Dad got a job  when Disney was being built. He was a Civil Engineer and had retired --but--He did not enjoy being retired--so,  he applied, and before I could say, "Jiminy Cricket" they were moving--I don't remember the storms being as bad then, when we lugged all 5 children , to visit them.

Do you miss people in your lives--people that have passed--? Of course, you must!-I always hope that they are hovering somewhere around us--The night that Dad passed, I was walking out of his ""Kind and Caring Home"-- feeling like I had lost my best friend, and right beside the door to the parking area, was an enormous black crow-- Now y'all will think me weird, but, when Lopez and I walk, flying above us squawking , is a black crow-- just above our heads---There are times also when I am somewhere and feeling pretty blue, a huge black crow will be beside me, in a tree and will fly over--It always reminds me of the night Dad and I sat together in his room, knowing our times together  was  going to end----"What if" eh????-----

I have no idea how I got onto this topic, because I have never admitted to anyone, all these thoughts---I do  hear Mom's expressions often, as you all know--- They just seem to run thru my brain--

I  wonder if my thoughts are unique?--I don't believe they are--but these thoughts would make people look at one funny, if told out loud . very often--or at all---

Lopez, the Chihuahua turned into CUJO last evening, all because I took a  bone away from him- He needs to get outside, so, I shall leave you for to-day--Lord Love Duck!  What if--he is  CUJO!----

No-no no--


Sunday, September 25, 2022

To-day is a Rainy Day!

Good Morning--Even tho it's raining, it is a good day to have a good day-- Positive thoughts going your way-Indoor stuff is going to happen to-day-- like--making applesauce--maybe an orange loaf to go with it-and it just might be a good day to make a pot of soup----

Rainy days remind me of our cottage-- well, the cottage Mom and Dad had when we were kids--in Port Stanley--along the shores of Lake Erie--We used to play "Crazy Eights"-or "Memory"-or we would bake--or, some days, Mom would announce that it would be a good day to drive to little villages around Port--perhaps  visit antique shops full of old dishes--or go to the Mennonite markets and buy their bread etc-- or--drive along the back road to visit some farms for fresh veggies. We would be gone most of the day, and would return home with  treasures, some of which I still have to-day--like a large platter which would hold a turkey--I used to love "tootling" around--Mom was happy--and myself , my younger sister and my older sister looked on these days as an adventure-

When my own children were the same age, on a rainy day, I would pile whatever children were still at home, and we would drive north, to some of the lodges, and have lunch and  go on some trails in the Provincial Park or--if we went west, we could pick berries at farms--We always had lunch  somewhere exciting, en route. Rainy days bing back memories of good times! 

I am holding the umbrella in the above picture --Himself is doing OK --but--cannot hear anything-kinda drives one crazy--but---  what can one do?-- - 

Son#2 the Pilot is back home--said the plane was full-- maybe 3 open seats out of 300--  It seems like a lot of people travel too Seoul, Korea--and back! Lord love a Duck!---

I hope you are loving' this rainy day--Now if you were to travel to Seoul, yu would know what foods to order eh?


Saturday, September 24, 2022

My Boyfriend has an Awesome Girlfriend!

That is "ME"--To-day I will be awesome----I hope!-*S*--It's all a matter of "mind over matter"----You know, last Spring, I never thought that "I" could do everything --the outside--and the inside of the house--I did it tho---Was it easy?-- NO!--'specially the day I rolled down the hill when I was weed whacking--That  did scare me!--It is amazing however that the yard looks good--the house is clean--There is food in the refrigerator and Himself and I are Okay-- 

Yesterday I took some pictures of the yard--(just in case it never looks like this again)---The grass is watered  from the lake--I believe its the Algae in the lake that keeps the grass so green!  Son#3 set up the pump system which begins in the lake-- Praise be to Son #3! He was here yesterday to blow air into the pipes from the lake , so they will be still open next Spring--not freeze!

-The gate going out to the back road which keeps the 2 boys in the yard-(Beau and Lopez)-

I had to place  bins of flowers around the yard ---easier than digging gardens-And of course the docks, which Son#4 puts out in the Spring and hopefully will bring them in soon-- along the shore.

Son#2 , in Korea sent more pictures of foods-These are some kind of BEEF dishes with Kimchi -and various DIM SUM ----As yu know also, Chinese people  take pictures of food--Right now he is winging his way back to Toronto---  not as long a flight as going there--He says the Tradewinds speed them along--altho they are not allowed to fly over or into,  Russia's Airspace----which makes the trip there long-
I hope all is well in your world-- that you are not in the path of a Hurricane or a Typhoon--that your day  is quiet-- thats you have food in your frig--power to your house--money in the bank--love in your heart-- and that you have your health, which counts more than anything-


Friday, September 23, 2022

Stay Strong-The Weekend is Coming Soon!

 Summer leaving the lake--Look at the fog! --Look at the temperature this morning!--5 degrees Celsius

Yesterday  the "Grass cutter" was here--who is the trusty Grandson-- -- He and his Dad  helped me a lot--He also said he will be out to bring in the docks one weekend soon.

As promised, Son #2 , the Pilot , who is in Seoul, Korea right now--sent pictures of food--
This is Spicy Garlic Chicken wings---followed with Spicy Kimchi Bao Buns below here

He did visit a Korean McDonalds--It sorta looks like our MacDonalds-- They had WIFI-- 
We are having  a cool day--Himself and I go for our 5th shot this AM------so, I will keep on keeping on here. Himself is already watching Tennis--The 2 boys--(the German and the Chihuahua)-have been out--Sushi is fed--and oh my goodness---  You know what? Yesterday when I was raking pine needles, guess what flew over?----- A FLOCK OF GEESE--Lord love a Duck!----  I just looked up, and said, "OHHHH NO--OO-OOO"------Already?----Maybe they were just heading to another lake--I hope!---Is it going to be an early winter?----Oh, I hope not! 

One more thing- The markets are DOWN---  WAY DOWN----  Lordy Be! --One has to be VERY OPTIMISTIC and hope  it climbs  soon! 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

My kind of Day at 7-10 am

 It is 6 Celsius --cold!! --AND DARK--The cat is fed--Beau too-- The wash is in--and, to-day is " HAIR DAY"--and there is more--Son#2 is in Seoul , Korea, after a 15 hr flight--I am always so happy to hear him text, to let me know he landed- 4 pilots-- So, you know what that means--There will be pictures of food coming ---soon!

I will add to this in a bit-- have to "hoof" it up the road with Lopez as soon as daylight arrives--hopefully I will NOT see this fellow--

According to Son#2, these Lynx are very shy-do not like people--like-they hide in the bush---I hope this is true! I know their diet consists of rabbits, not people or Chihuahuas----  Lord love a Duck! I really hope that is true! 

Until I get back to you all--  remember that we are friends-ALWAYS!---  Oh, One more thing--Himself is good this dark cold morning----That makes me happy too! Here he is, many moons ago, holding "Biggy"--a cat I had found one cold November morning , frozen half to death, sitting on the dumpster out by the road. He followed me home, and ended up living with us for 13 more yrs- "Big" was such a great cat! 
I'll talk to yu later--have to get this day going here-- 
(9AM )   I  made it back home here--very windy and cold  , but sunny---All seems well at home but I hear people in  Nova Scotia are in for a category 4  Hurricane -(Poor them!)-----  Sadie is waiting for me to dust the bedroom--  No rest for the wicket --Mom's expression----  and just in case yu are  wondering--Himself is fine this AM---so far. It looks like it will be a good day to have a great day-

Until to-morrow--Keep yer Chin up-(Dad's expression)-Be kind to people--- Look out for Son#2 way over in Seoul--just in case yu are there and see him---and watch out for Son#3 the Policeman as he is a good kid --as all Policemen are of course! --see y'll to-morrow--bug Hugs

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

You are the Flip to my Flop

 Some days I feel like the "Cookie Monster"-but, living in the moment , is my wish for you to-day---It is September 21st--the 264th day of the year. There are 101 days remaining until the end of the year. I read that in the U.S., it is "National Pecan Day.  I have never heard of Pecan Day- but--it does sound yummy!-

September marks the beginning of Fall. To me it means, getting ready for winter--bringing in the docks, stashing the Hummingbird feeders away--lugging up the water toys from the dock--covering bushes too protect them from all the snow that will be coming-Oh, the list is endless-- Winter coats--Parkas--boots-winter tires---It's mind boggling! -There is Labour Day and Patriot Day which honours and remembers all those killed in the Sept.11th attacks-

Here it means bringing in the pump which was sitting in the lake-- also all the hoses-- It makes me tired just to talk about all of this! I suppose if one lives in Costa Rica, Hawaii, and Florida, there is not the work involved with seasonal changes, like here in Northern Ontario.

The neighbour called yesterday, to warn me that a cougar has been spotted on our back road-- scary! --Years ago we spotted one  going up a neighbours drive. It's unusual to see one this time of year.  Lopez sometimes will stare into the bush when we walk, and growl-- I never see anything, but I am sure he smells some animal.

It is wonderful to report that Himself is Himself to-day-so far---I believe Sadie (who is really me!) is coming also--She will begin a few windows as well as clean a level--providing Lopez co-operates--doesn't begin to eat the carpet  or chew  on Beau's leg-Oh the joys of owning a Chihuahua!

It really doesn't matter what road I take first--or---  what room I begin to clean-I suppose-- Do children to-day read "Alice in Wonderland"?----- or Grimm's Fairy Tales--???  Imagination is a wonderful thing!-- Those books  used to carry us away to different lands didn't they?

Lopez is  barking away here-- (Maybe he smells the Cougar)---NO--no no--

Make to-day a special day--  It really is you know, because we are a part of it!---and--all seems to be well --to-day--Hugs--Stay Strong!