Monday, September 26, 2022

"What if ????"

It's Monday, the 26th of September--cool with rain predicted --- and--the best part is---  WE ARE ALL ALIVE!
What if---  we lived along the East Coast of Nova Scotia?--- or---  What if, we were "buckling down the hatches"--(Dad's expression)-like--those people preparing for a hurricane , in Florida? My Mom and Dad moved to Florida when Dad got a job  when Disney was being built. He was a Civil Engineer and had retired --but--He did not enjoy being retired--so,  he applied, and before I could say, "Jiminy Cricket" they were moving--I don't remember the storms being as bad then, when we lugged all 5 children , to visit them.

Do you miss people in your lives--people that have passed--? Of course, you must!-I always hope that they are hovering somewhere around us--The night that Dad passed, I was walking out of his ""Kind and Caring Home"-- feeling like I had lost my best friend, and right beside the door to the parking area, was an enormous black crow-- Now y'all will think me weird, but, when Lopez and I walk, flying above us squawking , is a black crow-- just above our heads---There are times also when I am somewhere and feeling pretty blue, a huge black crow will be beside me, in a tree and will fly over--It always reminds me of the night Dad and I sat together in his room, knowing our times together  was  going to end----"What if" eh????-----

I have no idea how I got onto this topic, because I have never admitted to anyone, all these thoughts---I do  hear Mom's expressions often, as you all know--- They just seem to run thru my brain--

I  wonder if my thoughts are unique?--I don't believe they are--but these thoughts would make people look at one funny, if told out loud . very often--or at all---

Lopez, the Chihuahua turned into CUJO last evening, all because I took a  bone away from him- He needs to get outside, so, I shall leave you for to-day--Lord Love Duck!  What if--he is  CUJO!----

No-no no--



  1. No, the storms everywhere have been more intense than ever I can remember.

    My dear Lynda, you are NOT alone! When my Dad passed, I sat on the bench outside his care home to just ‘be’ for a minute before leaving. A robin landed on the bench right besides me and I KNOW it was my Dad saying all was ok. Robin were HIS bird. When I was a teen, a baby robin had fallen out of it’s nest. We rescued it, requiring that little on to be fed every 2 hrs.! When he got older, we taught it to fly. I taught it the wolf whistle. It did fly away with a flock of it’s own that Fall But the following spring, Dad was washing his car in the back yard. There was a line of robins returning for the summer. And what did he hear? THE WOLF WHISTLE. That little robin came down close by dad as he stood still and did the wolf whistle, and then flew away. I have a picture of that robin sitting on my finger when we were teaching it to fly. Such memories.

    I am always finding pennies from my brother. That was HIS thing. He collected pennies. I have that collection. And I KNOW they’re from him, because they have his birth year on the mint mark. Now is that a coincidence? Think not!

    So, NOPE, you are NOT odd. Not . . . at . . . all!

    OHhhhh, sounds like Lopez needs to be w/o a bone for awhile. Sheesh!

    Here’s to a good Monday.


  2. I had to go back and read the weekends blogs to catch up . . . we went over to Maine to close our cabin for the end of the season. Winter is coming and that is one thing off the to do list. My dad has been gone almost 10 years and my mom almost one. I still find it terribly sad to be without them. . . .you are right though . . . there are times when I see something or hear something and memories fill my head. We are fortunate to have had good families and happy memories. We have and appointment this afternoon for our flu vaccines and Covid latest booster

  3. I do agree with you there….we do tend to complicate the process of life. We should keep it simpler. Dorothy

  4. Lynda, I totally agree that the spirits of those we love, who have passed on, hover near us all the time and watch over us. I am a true believer that they do this and that they will help us 'over' when our time on earth has come to an end. What deep thinking this morning, from both of us my dear friend!

    Lopez needs someone with a really firm hand & voice to take him and teach him manners. I wish you could do that before it's too late or you're going to be afraid to say no to an adult Lopez!

    Love and many hugs coming to you, Fred and your furry companions xoxo

    1. Gloria---I totally agree --Maybe he should go got son#3 ---- the Police guy-- Lynda

  5. I agree. The people that have passed keep watch over you, especially when your having a rough time. Maybe ‘CUJO’ needs to be without a bone for a while.

    1. I totally agree--no bone for him--Lynda

  6. You are definitely not alone. And Lopez as Cujo... I can see it. Chihuahuas are quite assertive of their dominance, for all that they are smaller than some cats.

    Hope you have a good Monday, crows flying over and all.

    1. Lopez needs to go to obedience school-which does not exist here!

  7. Oh yes on feeling those who were taken away from us, near by, now and then. I get mad that they were taken! How cruel to take them! Poor Lopez, not listening to your loud NO yet. Oh my goodness. Take care of your self.


  8. storms are definitely worse - they say it's climate change causing it. Lopez sure needs some extra training. When I lived up north and there were no formal training classes the vet gave me the name of a person that lived not too far away and would come to your house to give some training and instructions for you to continue. Check with your vet or another vet. Was supposed to rain here again today but hasn't so far and I cancelled the dog's grooming appt because of it. Take care.

  9. My DIL believes that every time she sees a butterfly it is her mother coming to her. My dad has been gone for 19 years now and I still miss him as if it happened yesterday. He was my rock and my soft place to land! We have sunshine today but it's chilly and very windy. Daisy and I decided not to walk - well, she didn't get to vote! Still recovering from my back surgery and some things just have to be put on hold!

  10. Yes, those whove left us are still with us, watching us. I agree. I always find pennies from heaven from my mom.
    Lopez...that dog. Hes lucky he found you.
    Hope you had a great day.

    1. WEll, Lopez is a big huge ton of work--but-- giving him way would mix him up--He would only get worse--so--I consider him my challenge--Lynda

  11. Do I miss people in my life who have passed? Well, yes...I miss them in the physical, but know they are with me in Spirit. I have sensed, felt, smelled, received information from these entities that have passed: mama, grandma, a lady who was almost like my mom, 2 cats and a dog. I know when I 'talk' to mom that she hears me. I have to listen with my heart and intuition.
    It is so cold here in my apartment. It's been windy and the outside doors were open all day for the workers rehabbing out building. The elevator won't be done 'til sometime next week. There is brand new carpet in the hall outside my door, and I should get my new blinds next week.
    Lopez really is possessive, huh? I would have to search the internet...may Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer to see how to deal with it.
    Good luck. Let us know how it goes. Hmm...has Beau taken things from him and he was defending his property?

  12. Shortly before my husband passed, we were walking through the Farm and Home store. We passed the area where sunflower seeds and starter pots were and he told me we should buy some and give the starter plants to each of our grandkids - as they loved the sunflowers that grow all around our property (we didn't plant them, the birds that eat the sunflower seeds my husband put out for them each day did that!) At any rate, after he died suddenly, I went back and bought the sunflower seeds and peat pots and my grandchildren all planted them and took pictures of themselves with the giant plants that summer.....and of course the sunflower has become the symbol we all identify with their blessed papa.

  13. Sorry I have been missing from here.....I fell Friday coming out of the
    place they sent David to get his Ct Scan...thankful his lungs are clear,
    but hit a slick spot and I am blessed I did not break anything the dr. says....give it a couple weeks...I told him he was mean....I don't have time to take off for 2 weeks....someone has to be the caregiver.


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