Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Once again, I love you a Lottle!

Good Morning ---- We took Himself to the Hearing Clinic  this AM--  the guy who is "hearing impaired " and will not wear his hearing aids---One ear is good now-- the infection cleared up-the other with the blood in it, now has a scab in it--which I hear could take mos. to disappear --so,  she told us to return in 2-3 mos.-- She did clean out the one ear--I will  get them a gift card as she refuses to take any $$$ --- nice lady-
I'm a-thinking that to-day will be a good day to have a good day---except I may worry (I hate worrying about everything!)--You see, I heard on CBC radio this AM., that people who don't have a job and receive gov't assistance receive only $50 a week for groceries. Lord love a duck! Yesterday I spent $224.00 on groceries-- and that was at one store. I had already spent more at another store.-- How can people eat enough on $50 per week?-- 3 qts of Milk here  must be about $5.00 ----How could they buy meat?--  The man on the radio tried  to test it out--He said he couldn't buy meat--ate beans---- It must be tough ---It is tough for me , to just balance the books now-- make sure everything is paid--' specially if an appliance goes --like  a refrigerator---Worrying does not accomplish anything tho, does it?--and--it's not as if one can talk about all this to other people--I imagine  nearly everyone  is going thru the same--

So, I have vacuuming to do--- and leaves to blow away , maybe later on to-day-and--just maybe, I can persuade Himself to go to Son#1's  "Wing Night---  this weekend-if we went at 4pm--  when the restaurant is quiet-He probably will not agree to go, but--I shall see what I shall see!- --

Good thing I can tell all of you, all of this--



  1. Oh yes, the high food prices, and it really is worldwide…..AND companies see this in the news, so it gives all of them reason to raise prices, and just do it because they can!! Whether they need to or not. I don’t trust them. Med prices too, they have us by the balls! We need our medications. I hope Himselfs other ear gets better on its own!

    1. Did you find yer wallet?--- Holy Cow--I'd be freaking out too--Lynda

  2. I am worried about finances too. Everything has gotten so expensive. I'm driving my husband crazy walking around turning off lights and trying not to use too much electricity or water or spend too much at the grocery store which seems to be impossible! I'm sure we will all be okay but it's hard to believe it these days!

  3. I try not to listen to the news. Have a happy Tuesday.

    1. I agree with not listening to the news. Sort of the Ignorance is Bliss syndrome. Especially when it comes to poliltics. I can't do anything about prices so why listen to them!

  4. As someone else said above and I agree - when companies see some have raised prices they feel it's their ticket to do the same. Then they all have inflated pricing. Then they keep going. At least himself's ears are starting to get looked after. Hope he agrees to go to son #1's wing night, If not, go by yourself.

    1. I really hope that I can persuade Hi=mself to come out for dinner-- Lynda-- Hugs to yu --

  5. Lynda, I think most retirees are in the same boat with money and inflation. I noticed today, some shrunken package sizes on Brussel sprouts. Price is a little higher but the bag is a LOT smaller. For today, I'm grateful we have all that we need. Worry doesn't change anything. One day at a time.
    Glad Fred's ear is healing. A gift card would be a very nice gesture. I'm sure she'll appreciate your thoughtfulness.
    Were all in this together. I value you and relate to your shares and struggles.
    Sure hope Fred will go to wing night. It would do you both good to GET OUT for a bit. Going early sounds like a good idea. Fingers crossed.
    Love you a lottle ❤

    1. YU think most Retirees are gong thru this "balancing the budget"?-- It's a different way to live for sure! --Hugs to yu ---Lynda

  6. Sure hope you found your wallet...what an awful feeling!! Best of success!!!

  7. Love you a lottle, too! Even if we don't listen to the news, we see those prices at our own grocery shopping. Grateful to have enough for each day, as it comes, eh? I see on the news that the KIng (Charles III) has gone to Balmoral for a bit. I do hope he gets some rest. He looked just exhausted at the end of the last service yesterday.

    1. Oh Barb--Whatta long couple of weeks for all those ROYALS-- I am happy it is over-- Hugs to yu-Lynda

  8. Well, glad that Himself’s ear infection has cleared. That’s progress.

    $50/week for groceries? Oh my! That surely wouldn’t buy many groceries in my house, either! Definitely could not buy meat, milk, fruits/veggies. What’s left??

    HOPE that Himself will go to Son #1’s wing night. That would be good for both of you to get out!

    Love you a lottle, too!



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