Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Make It A Great Day

 We have sun----with mega black flies--NO RAIN---- which is not good---There are fires--not close to us, but--in time---yu never know how quickly they will travel--I have never experienced this in all the years we have lived here.--- There are fires in Alberta---and,  in the city of Halifax--around Sudbury--which is only 2 hrs away--There is a fire ban in this whole area.

We have mosquitoes--with the Black Flies--I usually have  bug zappers in one room on each level of this house--Yesterday I asked Himself if he could change the batteries in the bug zappers---  He seemed to be working on them--- but---  (Isn't there always that "big Butt?")---this morning when I went to chase an enormous mosquito with one of the zappers--nothing happened--I asked him if he changed the batteries and he replied, "No, I threw them all out. We need new ones."----So, that is what I was doing before I sat here---  retrieving  those things from the garbage --changing the batteries--and chasing a few flying bugs--

Beau  has an infected ear--It looks quite sore---the groomer noticed it---i have some ear antibiotic --stopped at the vet yesterday after picking him up from the groomer--and we are treating it--It is probably from the lake--

Each day brings   different challenges---  I guess that is what life is all about.--- Interesting what it says below--- It is so true! I believe weare smarter as we age--Life teaches us lessons--

I had a call from  "Retirement Living" about a house to rent-- available Sept. 1st--We shall do a "drive by"---  Our hands are tied however until this house is sold--and it's not looking good right now--I am trying to just accept what is going on --and deal with it all-- that all will fit into place in time--but---- will it?-
It is another hot day beginning-- --and speaking of accepting stuff----  this cow kinda says it all--LOLOL--
STAY STRONG----and--get on here with your day------WE - will only see this day to-day--so, MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

You Have It Within You!

 Well--The above made me laugh-----isn't it so true tho?--
We have sun--with SO many black flies--I had the bug suit on but  but I still came in feeling so crawly--  They fly in front of my face--Beau and Lopez were out with me and probably have tons of bites---   I was told not to put "DEET" on  the pets--- that they do not tolerate it well--so, I shall go to the pet store  this AM, and see what they have to offer--for a bug repellant.----and--then there is the lawn mower--which I have to call and see if it is ready---

Isn't it just so wonderful, when a day  comes, and there are no errands-- nothing to drive to pick up--and yu can just stay home and organize a more relaxing kind of day?---But it doesn't happen often enough , does it?
There are days one needs to just sit and think! -------
Big Beau goes to the groomer this afternoon---  She has cancelled 3 times---  so the poor fella is dropping fur everywhere--

We now have huge fires out East--Nova Scotia---and there are fires out n Alberta--west--which are  now more under control-- you know, I look around here at all the bush--so close to out street--close to our house---It is becoming kind of scare-y--- like, maybe I should have an emergency kit , ready to grab with important papers in there, pet food--a few changes of clothing-- I do keep the hoses going around the house, but, it seems summers are hotter ---

As yu can see, we do have a lot of trees close by--

I best get moving here---  My older brother, Marvin seems pretty happy running his LT Care Facility--He is not too clear on what he has to do, but he loves his job--  (SMILE!)--It is wonderful how that place keeps it's residents happy! ----  
I do hope you all have a good day--just remember that you CAN do  things that , you might not believe possible---  You are stronger than you think you know! 

-and a smile on your face--a wee prayer--- and perhaps a kind word to someone in your life helps--

Monday, May 29, 2023

There are lotza reasons to be happy--


Have a beautiful day
I just dropped off the lawn mower--It needed the blades sharpened 
-And----  I am back home----  picking up Himself--then going for bananas ----I want to tell you how heavy that lawn mower was to get into the car----Lord love a Duck----I remember how I tell yu that you are "stronger than you know"---so-----  at first I thought----I cannot get this into the car--It was SO heavy!
--and then I remembered what I always say to you----"YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU KNOW"---and it worked-----I managed to get one set of wheels into the hatch----and ---then-----I Got it in----

I shall return----so---  BE STRONG---=  Believe you CAN do things----and I shall return-- Big hugs here--


AND---------  There are lotza reasons to be happy--

Sunday, May 28, 2023

"Don't Be Shy., Butterfly"

It's Sunday---and we do have sunshine-- and Hummingbirds---  and great news to tell yu---Lord love a Duck----  now all of you will not find this news too exciting--- but-----It was really quite amazing!----I GOT TO SLEEP LAST NIGHT WITH THE PATIO DOOR OPEN-----  unbelievable----  and I slept so soundly--  after 2 years of feeling like I was suffocating in our bedroom---- ---I felt fresh air and the temperature was not 78 degrees--UNBELIEVABLE!---

It took  threatening himself with moving to another bedroom--telling everyone I could see what I had to go thru--Man oh man! ---  I want to tell you, NEVER MARRY A DR--as they think they know everything! ----I HAD THE STRENGTH-----not saying he is --well, "not thinking very hard of me or my needs"----- or anything--like that---but---(But--I sorta am)-- He sure gets what he wants and---well, I did walk away------without --- well, you know ---kicking  or using blunt force---etc etc-- 

So, the world sure does look brighter this morning--I managed to get the hoses working on the lakeside--AND HIMSELF EVEN CAME DOWN (backwards so not to fall)- to help me----  We water from the lake---- with a very complicated hose system-- Hopefully today I can spread some "Weed and Feed" down there--and eventually some fertilizer--

I just had to throw the above in---I do love the Ladies figure and nothing stops her from riding her bike--plus, she looks about my age--- 
And---- the below is kinda cute!  Imagine saying , "OKIE DOKIE, ARTICHOKE"-- to someone---or--"WHAT'S NEW, HONEYDEW"--ever so cute!

I hope where ever you are, you are having the best day ever---Try to dance--It is with your heart that you dance----Doncha think?


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Trying to decide if I want to Participate in today---

Strong--I must be strong---  because last evening, everything fell apart here-- I will finish reading your comments from yesterday, this afternoon--I enjoy your comments so very much--  You all make me realize that all our lives are very much the same--

So what happened yesterday to make me realize that I have a problem here?-

-Well, I was out cutting the lawn--front and side---and fertilized it --then set the hoses on it-- must've been out there at least 2 hrs--and when I came inside, Himself was coming in from the deck after planting his tomato plants----AND-----  Lopez began to bark at Himself---  so--Himself took his cane and gave this tiny chihuahua a good whack--and Lopez kept barking at him and the cane was flying around over his head--and Lopez bit his toe---and all "hell broke loose"--

I think this has been going on for some time--'specially when I am not around--or in town---after "laying down the Law" with both Lopez, and the husband,---  we went to bed in our upstairs room, with a temperature of 78 degrees, and the husband refusing  TO OPEN THE PATIO___Lord love a Duck!---

So, this morning, rules had to be set--  Lopez can never be left with Himself  again--- and----  as for the bedroom--We do have 3 other bedrooms and things will change--It is summer---  It is hot upstairs--and , soon the AC will go on----- and one of us will have to adapt--

Love too is being patient , with your spouse , even when he/she, does not understand his/her,  present life-----  but--  it takes so much patience --and there are days I wonder if I have it in me----but--then, I realize, I have no choice do I?----
Things will change--- for the good--or---worse, for the bad---and somehow, one must cope-- be strong---There are good days---  then there are ----days not so good--complicated for sure--  Anyway---  it is the weekend---and---  a weekend brings more rest--more time to ourselves--- Yu think the good Lord planned it that way???


Friday, May 26, 2023

Do you know what Day it is?

I am jess sittin' here --thinking---  hoping --that everything jess falls into place-and hopin' that , God up there in Heaven , will help  my future life changes go smoothly-(-if these changes ever happen--)
Before I forget, y older Brother, in the Long Term  care Facility , who now believes that he is charge of that place--and tells me he got this position because the  big whigs there have come to look on him as a very important person, because of the mail he is receiving from all of you--and who am I to tell him any different?--I am so happy that he is happy-- He absolutely loves the cards he has received-is so proud that someone--anyone--is thinking of him-- So, if any of you, still are  thinking of writing to someone, he would appreciate it if you wrote to him--just a wee card--or note--Here he is-
The address is-- Marvin Wallace, The North Lambton Lodge, Maple Lane, 39  Morris St., Forest, Ontario, Canada 

Lately I resemble the above Lady---It seems most of my morning is spent trying to keep up with the dust and dog hair in tis house--the afternoons , I am outside fertilizing  grass and feeding it---  There is never a dull moment in this place!--  It does seem insane that  this is my daily ritual--There are some days that , doncha wish you were born  in a royal family---  that you were waited on hand and foot?-----

Maybe one day, if I ever live in a LT Care place, I will really believe that I am royalty---One must dream! Maybe there is something great , really about to happen---

--but---  for to-day, I shall carry on--- 
Yesterday I attempted to do the impossible--Do you ever do that-forget that you are older than old, and attempt to accomplish the impossible in a few hours--like stop in 100 different places in one afternoon--- and arrive back home, as grouchy as a bear--???--  Why on earth do we  do that?-- There is always another day----
The Rototiller man will be here shortly ---- He is a kind old soul---  loves to make the garden by the lake looking better-- is very old--but--ever so nice--  I must get ready as I look like   the Lady in the above picture  with the mop and pail-- 

Remember that ---you are stronger than you believe you are--- Always remember that!


Thursday, May 25, 2023

The World is a Better Place because you are in it!


 Good day --We have sunshine-- It is one degree Celsius-very cool--I am alive---  which amazes me-- The good Lord is   keeping me alive---  and I thank him--The only problem--I need 4 more of me-I have a Rototiller man coming to do the garden to-morrow morning---and I have ordered a new weed whacker which I will pick up this afternoon -- Weed Whacking is the very most terrible job in the whole world!

Before I forget, I must tell you that my brother called yesterday  and he says he is becoming quite famous in his LTC facility as he receives cards from all over the world and the staff  wonders how he knows all these people-- He loves it so much! Isn't that just the greatest?--He has become a celebrity---  He was telling me  he was thinking of breaking out AGAIN--- as everyday is the same he says-- but--then the cards began to arrive--- Thank you to everyone who sent this old guy a card--You have made him feel important and everyone should feel that way--

We have so so many Hummingbirds---  I love to watch them! --And they tell me they were all at your houses and they said to thank you all for feeding them, as thy travelled north, to Canada--I have 4 feeders on the go here and they are all busy--
I LOVE DOGS---  big Beau understands english--Little " Lopez/Cujo"----  is trying to  figure out life  in house with an old man WITH A CANE--- The cane frightens him---poor wee fellow!--and no matter what I say to Himself, he uses that cane in front of him as he walks . I firmly believe when I'm not around, that cane is used as a weapon--So--more and more, Lopez travels with me----

It really is a good day to think happy thoughts--believe that you really CAN do anything---if you believe you can--I do live in my own little world-- talking to Lopez and Beau--(Himself cannot hear me!)-----but-----that is OK--- One must do what one must do, to keep going!--
It is "hair day"-----Lord love a Duck! I shall look just "Duckie"--like  the above gorgeous bird! 
We can be those people---look at how you all made an old man so happy??---

It is-----  Oh----  What day is it??----  Ir doesn't matter , because we can enjoy to-day anyway--- can't we?---

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Life is like a puzzle--

It is a new day--  cool- windy--- but that just might blow away the black flies-- I see the sun is out now--

So, yesterday was just crazy---  what with getting our name on a list for a "rental"-- getting this house online--" Lake", Ontario--  It is now listed, online, and yu will recognize  this house--  lovely pictures----I went to bed late (for me)-

Isn't the above so true?-- when you are young, you just want to fit in--the older yu are, it's like--"Who cares"----  Do whatever yu  need to , to get on with yer day--and if you have crazy friends, they laugh along with you---and, we all need to laugh---let loose---
I have to get big Beau and wee little Lopez out ----Poor wee fella could not figure out all the black flies attacking him when we were walking before dinner---I had to bring him in, and put him in the tub, to help him relax and forget the bites--

Yesterday we bought bananas--They certainly do not last long here before just looking so bad--I tried to not buy as many yesterday--and, we made it to the Nursery where I bought some gorgeous plants--Now the grass needs cutting--and repaired in spots--  always  a lot to do---Oh my goodness, I just heard there is a chance of frost here tonite-
 You need ,"piles of smiles"--to get thru your day---I shall send you  smiles and more smiles---when things seem to be going the wrong way,  I hope that you just open this email and SMILE ---- because YOU CAN DO IT--YOU CAN DO ANYTHING___

Eventually all those pieces of your life will come together! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

"BEE" strong!

Life is good----  IF WE MAKE IT THAT WAY!----There are days that are difficult---AND---- if we just can look in that mirror and keep smiling, our heart will lighten up--- and we can deal with , I think everything--much better!

I am heading to town shortly--- taking Himself-- and Lopez--  doing a few errands--AND -going to "Retirement Living" to  put our name on a list , for a house to rent--- you see, Elliot Lake is a Retirement Community-----  They have many houses to rent--- maybe  not so many every month--and it depends on availability------ but, maybe it's the way to go, at least for now----so far I have not been able to find a suitable place to buy--and if this house does sell, we need a place to go--I used to work for "Retirement Living"--I was a Tour Guide--selling our city to people moving North from the big cities down south-

This house goes on the market to-morrow--listed --- We even have a "BillBoard" sized sign at the gate--(Well it seems like a Billboard size!)----  another sign along the highway I hear--

I do feel better to-day, now that a decision has been made--  It was a lot of, "Do we go?"--or--"Do we stay?"----Now we have a plan (sort of)---

Hmmmmm--What is the "best version "of you---or of me?-------I just don't know--- 

I must think hard on this---I used to feel , that I felt my best, lying on our dock every summer, with all the Grand children around me--
-Now---- it seems we are in another phase of our lives--Grandchildren working-- going away to school-- no more babies  around----and it is just us--Gramma and Grampa-----  kinda alone and adjusting -

-This phase of life is certainly  not  as exciting  as it was "cracked up" to be when I used to dance around the kitchen on my Grandfather's toes as he wore his kilt  and sang, "A heel and a toe and away we go"-----  Was he having trouble accepting an "older age"????--Lord love a Duck!----

--so many memories in a home you have lived in   for  36 yrs---  good memories----I guess we now hug the kids--the Grandkids---  and we move on---and we can do this and we WILL do this because we are STRONG---  



Monday, May 22, 2023

Craziness makes the world go around!

 It is a Holiday--Victoria day---lotza sunshine with warm temperatures-- --This is an extremely short blog here--because-----I have a Real Estate person arriving shortly---plus--- I did see a very nice home last evening, and I expect it will be sold to-day--The owner of that house, was having 6 showings- to-day--  I cannot put any offer in as we have to add a "condition" that this house has to be sold-

So far there isn't even a "For Sale" sign on this house------  So----  Life is hard eh??-Maybe it might be easier to just stay put-- --stay right here in our present house---  Lord love a Duck!----  What has the good Lord got in store for us??_

It seems like such a huge mess--  and maybe it's easier to just stay here forever--maybe I need to just make the best of living in a huge house--

I shall talk to you all later---Oh, son#2 is winging his way back to Toronto--landing in Montreal first--I sure have missed all his texts and phone calls everyday-- but--
 he must feel rested-

Maybe this is a good day to act a little crazy---  What do you think?