Friday, May 26, 2023

Do you know what Day it is?

I am jess sittin' here --thinking---  hoping --that everything jess falls into place-and hopin' that , God up there in Heaven , will help  my future life changes go smoothly-(-if these changes ever happen--)
Before I forget, y older Brother, in the Long Term  care Facility , who now believes that he is charge of that place--and tells me he got this position because the  big whigs there have come to look on him as a very important person, because of the mail he is receiving from all of you--and who am I to tell him any different?--I am so happy that he is happy-- He absolutely loves the cards he has received-is so proud that someone--anyone--is thinking of him-- So, if any of you, still are  thinking of writing to someone, he would appreciate it if you wrote to him--just a wee card--or note--Here he is-
The address is-- Marvin Wallace, The North Lambton Lodge, Maple Lane, 39  Morris St., Forest, Ontario, Canada 

Lately I resemble the above Lady---It seems most of my morning is spent trying to keep up with the dust and dog hair in tis house--the afternoons , I am outside fertilizing  grass and feeding it---  There is never a dull moment in this place!--  It does seem insane that  this is my daily ritual--There are some days that , doncha wish you were born  in a royal family---  that you were waited on hand and foot?-----

Maybe one day, if I ever live in a LT Care place, I will really believe that I am royalty---One must dream! Maybe there is something great , really about to happen---

--but---  for to-day, I shall carry on--- 
Yesterday I attempted to do the impossible--Do you ever do that-forget that you are older than old, and attempt to accomplish the impossible in a few hours--like stop in 100 different places in one afternoon--- and arrive back home, as grouchy as a bear--???--  Why on earth do we  do that?-- There is always another day----
The Rototiller man will be here shortly ---- He is a kind old soul---  loves to make the garden by the lake looking better-- is very old--but--ever so nice--  I must get ready as I look like   the Lady in the above picture  with the mop and pail-- 

Remember that ---you are stronger than you believe you are--- Always remember that!



  1. Thanks for the update. Hope to send a card. Donna_cps2

    1. Dear Donna---- just get well---- love yu--Lynda

  2. That’s always something I pray about, too. Leaving things in His hands. Sometimes hard to do!

    Yes, there is never an end to things that have to be done in the house. BUT I am grateful to be able to still do it! Some days it is tougher than others to get things done and the upside is . . . it gets done!

    Laughing out loud @ that last meme. For some reason, I woke up thinking today was MONDAY! Lord! NOPE, thankfully it is Friday!

    Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone!


    1. LOLL--=Hard to remember what day everyday is --I know!--LOL--Lynda

  3. Glad the Rototiller man is coming. Just thing, with a smaller place, you won’t have to live the life of a maid and house cleaner and yard worker every day! You can do what YOU want! Life is short, enjoy more. How is your hair?

    1. Always--The hair is great--- --- That hair-do makes my day-LOL-Lynda

  4. It's Kathy - it struck me today that my routine is like yours and I'm just so tired of it. I have flowers to plant and a garden to plant but I just don't seem to have the energy. It doesn't help that I have gotten a summer cold - haven't had one of those in years. And tomorrow Grandpa and Grandma will have 2 very busy little boys, 3 and 4, all day while their mom moves! That should be interesting!

  5. Hi Lynda: I know what you mean by making a ton of stops thinking that we are still younger and can easily do that.Sure gets harder to do! Glad your brother thinks he is important now. Sounds like you got a lot on the go today. Hope everything goes smoothly.

  6. Hi Lynda
    Yep, Always a lot to do. I'm also guilty of tooooooo many errands and stops when I go out.
    I know you enjoyed hair day. You deserve that bit of pampering. I would not want to mess up my hair with yard work or a bug suit after hair is done.
    Your brother thinks he's a big wig and has an important job since he gets fan mail from everywhere. Thats cute. A card coming from St.Louis to add to his notoriety lol
    One day we'll be pampered princess people. Not sure when though.
    Hang in. Stay strong. Play your piano.

  7. Thanks for sending your brother's address again. I just filled out a card for him and will mail it when I go out. It seems there is never enough time to get everything done and also for me the energy to do it. I just plod along and do what I can until I run out of steam. Tomorrow is another day.

  8. Lynda, you need your kids to clone you! Then maybe between the two of you, the work would get done and you'd both still have time to relax!
    I will get enough stamps this week to send your bro another card.
    Hot here...80sF but a nice breeze. For a change that breeze is warm and not cold.
    Did you see the comment I did yesterday very late? It was after you normally read our comments.
    Have a great weekend. Everyone reading this, enjoy your Memorial Day holiday or just your weekend activities.

  9. Ah, yesterday, I decided to plant some petunias for my next door neighbor who is soon to be 90 - she loves that I do those things for her, as long as I tend to them. I already am out there every night watering mine, so it's no big deal to do hers too. Anyway, I overdid it and was hot, sticky, dirty, and cranky by the time I went in, just before the sun was about ready to set. I hope they thrive, anyway. I already planted marigolds, and all but one was doing okay. Two or three got eaten, or rather, not eaten, by some sort of critter. Said critter just takes the top off and leaves it to lay there. Doesn't eat it. Only by the front sidewalk. All the others closer to the yard are undisturbed. So I gave up trying to put anything there. LOL

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to you, though I don't know if you guys celebrate that. It's a long Memorial Day weekend here for us. My guy will be here on Sunday thru Monday to celebrate with me. He has to drive from where he lives to where I live, and he has a cookout going on tomorrow night.

    1. Your garden sounds wonderful--! --=And yes we have a Memorial Day also--Lynda


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