Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Welcome to Lynda's Spark Page!
I have been on here for an eternity--It probably is saving me from becoming a Diabetic--I have learned to eat healthy because of SparkPeople--but--I don't always do it!---
My goal right now is to get under the 200 lb. mark----I have been hovering-----
Because of SparkPeople, I never drink pop----
Because of SparkPeople, I wear a stepper 6 days out of the week---and I achieve the 10,000 steps daily!
I try VERY hard to not eat unhealthy foods----
I try to drink more water daily!
I have stopped eating in the night----(I used to!)----
I think SparkPeople has added life--to my life!

Member Since: 5/20/2010
Fitness Minutes: 321,168
My Goals:
--to stay alive till I lose all 50 pounds!
My Program:
To meet my goals I am journaling----exercising--and doing a lot of talking in my head to not eat certain foods---I WILL NOT EAT AFTER SUPPER Anything bad!
Personal Information:
I live in Northern Ontario, almost at the North Pole--My email address is
I play the piano---I have 2 German Shepherd dogs, a cat, 5 grown children with families, and a wonderful husband---well, most of the time he is pretty good!!!
Other Information:
It ain't over 'til the fat lady loses weight!---
"If not now--when?" LOL