Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dreams don't work unless you do--

It's the weekend--AND--the sun is shining--and it's fairly warm outside-- AND --there are robins everywhere trying to get food from the lawn. They seem to be "eying" the property trying to decide where to build their nest. 

We are so fortunate that the snow and winter , is behind us! I have not heard  the geese flying over. They usually wait until they are sure there will be open water before they arrive.--  The lake is not open yet--It is open in town but only along the shore out here. We live north of the town---

I heard that rain is in store for to-morrow , so I shall buy bananas to-morrow--maybe rake some more to-day. 

The above picture was taken last evening at dinner time. both dogs were under Himself's feet --BECAUSE HE WAS FEEDING THEM----- They don't sit under my chair --BECAUSE I DON"T GIVE THEM TABLE SCRAPS---- Himself tries to throw food at them under the table, thinking that I won't see them. It seems pretty obvious what is happening doesn't it?--LOLOL

Can yu tell that it has not been an easy morning with Himself--?--He does not appreciate my guidance --(For the life of me , I don't understand why!--LOLOLOL--)---Oh well---  I do the best that I can do--Yu know, I remember my Mother telling me strange things that my Dad was doing, and I never believed her-- (same as my kids!)-After Mom passed, Dad DID DO strange things--like calling the mayor as he felt his house was too hot and he wanted the heat turned down in town--and thinking the operator on the phone was a real person and getting angry at the recording--  I believe Mom now---  many years too late! -So, life goes on----There is so much to think about-- and be grateful for ----and--it is the wonderful weekend--


Friday, April 29, 2022

I'm always tired but never of you !

 The above is a good thing to remember! Yesterday was a difficult day. There probably will be more of those--- so--I did take "the bull by the horns"--(Mom's expression)--and I called Himself's Dementia Doctor who lives in Sudbury but will be here in May--He kinda changed Himself's medication--so it might be easier to get it in him-- He has now made it a liquid--I never knew it came like that--He had other suggestions  too, and he gave me hope that I can deal with himself--I still have to find a kind soul who might come out here once a week, for a few hrs so I can do  errands-

Himself thinks he knows everything---That is a bit of a problem for me! I have to "lay down the law" (again, Mom's expression)--with him quite a bit before he does what he's told! I wonder if that is a "Doctor" thing-- partially too because  he can't hear and he refusers to wear the hearing aids-

It is a beautiful sunny day outside--cold still ! And yesterday I even got a bit of raking done--I spotted  many robins  as I raked. 

Son#2 , the Air Canada Pilot, is in Dublin, Ireland to-day--a 6 hr flight on the Dreamliner  from Toronto. He texted to let me know he had arrived, then said he was going to bed. I am always happy to hear that  he is on land again! 
I absolutely love the above picture--  Too bad we have to wear clothes --- Wouldn't it just be the best to look out and see people riding by, looking like this?--  Imagine how much less work we would have?-- --like--- I wouldn't have to lug upstairs all those summer clothes!---- And wouldn't it be so  funny --freedom from clothing!--

Lopez is crying--wants to come up and terrorize poor Sushi--"All is well on the Western Front" here (as Mom used to say--
I hope it is where you live! 

Thursday, April 28, 2022


 I am late blogging--Himself has not been Himself--since yesterday, when I left him to pick up some papers at his Clinic--I come home to a very strong, very bad smell in the house. He was attempting to start supper, in his Ninja, which he always uses----but --never has cleaned it--It was a wonder there was not a fire. I am beginning to see that he cannot be left alone--  He has not been  himself since all that!---  very angry--very hard to get along with--I read about "Vascular Dementia" online, and all the symptoms suit him to a "T"---So, somehow, I must muster up some help for me-- 

So other than all that, Lopez and Beau and I are good--and Sushi---the cat who came in from the cold.-

This is "Hair Day"---  dunno if I will get there or not-- if I do, I will bring Lopez and crate him in the car-- I would not be long--

Life is packed full of surprises isn't it--?  The challenge is to keep on top of all of them--We do have sunshine--warmer weather --so that should help--  Slowly I am moving my summer clothes upstairs---There is always good news isn't there?---

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

You are braver than yu think!

 Well, Here is the wee little fellow-- Lopez-- He had the surgery yesterday  and so far , all seems well.  They did find the other Testicle and removed it--He went in at 9am --came home here by 12 noon--The surgical line looks awful-- like--it is bruised-- but--he is eating--can only go out side for the next 10 days on a leash--is not to jump or go up or downstairs-So far he has not pooped---- even on the back road--This whole procedure costs  an arm and a leg--  almost $800---Good thing for "Charge cards!"
They weighed him at the vet and he is over 9 pounds-- 

AND----the big news--Son #1 is back--- so--I don't have to feed or clean up after Watson anymore, his cat--I took our Dyson down there yesterday and vacuumed their house--cat litter was all over -  Cats spread that on their paws-

That cat I hear was so happy to see them--- They still have my radio which I took down there to keep Watson happy-- Kids these days don't own radios--nor do they mind leaving a cat alone for 10 days with no noise in their house!

I need to shop for groceries--but, I will stay home to-day with Lopez-- will shop to-morrow-- I don't trust leaving Lopez with Himself yet--

So, Lord love a Duck!--All is well on this home front!-- Don't forget to --"Stay Strong-"--because, one never knows what is in our future and it seems we have to deal with it! Even the Queen , who I hope is going to call me soon,  has to "Face the music"--in her life -(Dad's expression!)- 

Maybe to-day is the day she will call me!--(LOLOLOL) 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Lopez visits the vet!

 Well, this is it---  Lopez goes to the vet--  Lordy --I did not sleep well---I have the "Heeby Jeebies"---but, of course I'm NOT worried---  Lord love a Duck! You would think it was me who wads getting neutered!

I will keep yu posted  later on in the day---It will go OK_-  Good thing I don't worry eh?--- 

And one more thing--Ms Robin was on our lawn this AM looking for worms--

--sent by Son#2--the beautiful beach at LAX--Looks inviting doesn't it?


Monday, April 25, 2022

"Just Breathe"

 We don't have sunshine yet--but-- it is NOT raining! YEAH!!!  Yesterday, while walking Lopez, I saw 2 robins in our gully --Our property  is surrounded by a gully on 2 sides--- Whenever we have to chop down a tree, or I have stuff raked from the lawn, it all goes into the gully--anything which is disposable! I don't know how people survive without a "gully".

So, to-morrow is the day Lopez goes in for his surgery--I am not going to worry---I am not worrying-(LOL--as if eh?)--  Lord love a Duck! Lopez is so small, I hope it all goes well- I pick him up in the afternoon.----Yesterday , son #3 came out to trim both Lopez and big Beau's nails--He also took his dogs, plus Beau and Lopez down our hill to the lake, and Beau went into the lake.  The lake is open about 10 ft from the shore. This is the most dangerous time for dogs , near the lake as there still is ice. I never go down there this time of year , until the ice is gone and the lake is open. 

Son #2 is enroute to LAX---and Son#1 and his family will be returning from Jamaica. I have 1 more day to feed Watson, his cat. Praise the Lord! 

Himself needs quite a bit of care --He doesn't think so, of course, but, I do keep catching him outside in his slippers-- definitely NOT a good thing! For such a smart man, I am always bewildered how all his "smarts" just exit his brain  right now. He continues to tell Me how to "back up the car"--- "How to do everything" however--I guess it is a "leftover" from his Doctoring days when he advised his patients how to live healthy.

Now isn't the above the truth?--- "Just Breathe"----  Everything will work out for the best! 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

YOU are special

WE HAVE SUN! -----and no snow is flying--- and I can see grass! ----AND--better still--It is not raining--and-there are no black flies out there-yet! -----It seems like a day made in Heaven!-

Yesterday I went to town later than I usually do--I was just going to buy bananas--but---I picked up a watermelon, some mangoes and strawberries. So, I will not shop again till  the end of the week. Lopez goes in for his surgery on Tuesday---(I just hope they don't "do him in" with the sedation etc----) Here I go worrying about that now!---  I must have the faith! You know, he has turned into a nice little dog---  a

bit yappy, but---he is a happy wee fellow and I am glad that we persevered  with the outside toilet training.
So far, we have not seen that robin  that built her nest right beside the sunroom door------I fully expect her and her young one to return- There are very few robins here yet this Spring  yet!

 I like the above saying---The Queen has not called me to go for tea yet, but----as it says above, "There is no such thing as a hopeless situation"----so, I shall not give up--Maybe the phone call will come to-day--- 

It is a good day to have a great day-- "Keep yer chin up", as Dad used to tell me---and do remember that-

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Believe that you can do it!

It is a weekend---  AND----I will try to get some groceries--bananas--- after I feed Watson, Son#1's cat-- Will it ever be wonderful when he gets home! ---  

Yesterday our accountant called---I have been dreading it--  because we usually have to pay taxes--Well, guess what?  This year , only "I" have to pay, not Himself--  and I had put aside an amount in case we both had to pay---and---so,   I PAID MY TAXES -

--Oh Lord love a Duck! I believe there really is a God up in Heaven. The exact amount I had set aside,  is what I had to pay--  Can yu believe that?---You know all this "tax" stuff was on my mind--  When will the accountant call?--  This was our first year with Himself retired and I had no idea what the gov't would demand.----All that worrying for nothing-

It really is a crappy day out there-- freezing rain is falling---- The weatherman predicted rain all week--  April showers bring May flowers----so i'm told! 

You know, that little voice in the head continues to cry out to me-- that  can I do all the stuff that has become a part of my life?--I still question  that voice---It seems that many of us, (Women)-are left to pick up the pieces, as we age---  I must believe that I can do it--because, that's the only way  I'm going to get it done----  That's what the above says---STRONG WOMEN we  must be! 

When will I learn to stop worrying--


Friday, April 22, 2022

Believe in Yourself--inhale-Don't Give Up

 -I just cannot unlove you all! ---  isn't it nice to know that someone loves you?-- It is "Earth Day" to-day, whatever that means--perhaps it means to think about how to stop Climate change-- the little things each of us can do ----

To-day we have sunshine-- It takes such a difference when one sees the sun. Yesterday was such a cold wet sloppy day outside and inside I was panicking  with too many errands to run--The Covid seems to be everywhere  in town--The Lady who usually is before me at the hairdresser was not there--Apparently she has Covid--Apartment buildings are closed in town here, because there is too much Covid--The Drs clinic has it too--So far, himself and I have managed to avoid it, and hopefully we will continue to do that!

This crate was donated to us from son #4 and wife. It belonged to their dog who is now passed---  AND---Houdini-or-- Lopez--- cannot break out of it---  so--FINALLY--himself and I get a break when we go to town, if we want to leave the wee Chihuahua--he will be safe and Beau can dog sit him.--I bought a new mattress for the crate  --$50- Everything to-day costs "an arm and a leg"--(Mom's expression!)

We were down to feed Watson, (Son#1's cat)-- and the fox was at their door again---  I don't like that as I'm afraid he will come right up to me and he is a wild animal--no shots----  

I like the above--- Yu know that yu never ever have to worry--because I am the world's best worrier-- I am trying however  to BELIEVE --INHALE--- HAVE THE FAITH---FIGHT  --BE STRONG_--and I think--that I am winning-- am a surviver--I try to " stick to my guns"- (Mom's expression" of course)_fight for  "ME more----Everyday brings more to worry about--- and I must survive! 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Only in the North--in the bush---

The weather is bad outside-- a rainy snow is falling--  Lopez and I made it part way up the back road but the slush and the rain falling was terrible--so, we turned around- They say it will stop by 9am, so we will try again--Poor wee fella eh , having to  wade thru that slush !

Yesterday turned into a weird day---only in the North, in the bush, would this happen!  Himself and I had a wee nap after lunch-- We got up after an hour and I noted from the cell phone that the outdoor cameras were off---  then Himself told me that there was no power in the house----  so--the usual--- I called the neighbour and , everyone else on this road had power-----  I texted the power company, who looked into the whole weird situation, and they called me from Barrie, Ontario (which is a zillion miles away) and told me that the power would be restored at 4-30pm---that to go outside and look at the garbage pail looking thing on the pole outside along the road, and if there was a stick hanging down from the garbage pail looking thing, it meant that something had blown ---and--sure enough, there was a stick pointing down--

- So it only affected our place and our neighbour next door, who is away-----  The 2 guys who repaired it said a squirrel had gotten in and chewed the wires--  Only in the North would this happen---

I need to run away--maybe visit the Queen---  I am awaiting her invite--I just can't understand why this invite is taking so long to come-- ---Lord love a Duck! -----In this weather, a gal has to dream---


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Don't hit or bite anyone!

 Lord love a Duck! I feel just like the "dog /cat lady--I was just down to look after Watson, and he is enjoying our radio--  He told me that he appreciates the noise--It seems to work better in that house than in our garage which is wonderful for him.

And Lopez has been outside 450 times, and wants out again--I just know it! He loves it outside and it is sunny and mild out there to-day.-And I have been vacuuming out registers  and cold air vents--I guess we should get them cleaned out--  We never have and the dust in there is bad.------I never used to believe in that--"CLEANING DUCTS "-----but--this is an older home and I think it is time! 

Himself is doing OK----but---  He needs more of his "miracle medication" --the one that keeps me sane because with whatever he has happening in his head, this wee little tablet makes such a difference. And for some reason, the DR. seems to order only one month supply--I think  Himself will be on this "till the cows come home" (Mom just put that expression into my head!)_--Why would the DR. only give us enough for a month, and then I have to beg and plead for more--???--- I must  try to  explain this to his DR---- but---  that is a problem too, because Ive heard that nearly all the Drs at our clinic have Covid---

Now isn't that so true?--  We make the best of everything---It is a good day here---Where ever yu are--- I hope your day is going well-- and--if not, make it a better day--Maybe just tell yourself, that  you are so fortunate to live where yu do--  sing too ---in your head of course--BUT----(that big "BUTT" again)--don't hit or bite anyone!


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

My brain has too many tabs open.

This is WATSON--named after Himself's Dad-- I am looking after this fellow until his parents (Son#1 and wife)--  return from Jamaica--This morning , Watson met me at his front door-- You see, he is lonely--He is all alone in his beautiful home, with no music--no noise --and only me, checking  on him twice a day. I searched high and low for as radio, which I am learning, is "a thing of the past"-- no radio to be found in his house!---  I saw a TV , hooked up to a satellite  dish outside, but I was afraid to mess with that! ---Poor fellow!---

I returned home to find Lopez  tied in our kitchen screaming bloody murder (Mom's expression of course)- I quickly took him out he  and he had diarrhea, which is from Himself feeding him Beau's cookies while I was down the road with Watson--So--I "laid down the law" there with Himself-- (Mom's expression again!)

We have snow falling---  hard to believe eh?---Eventually this too shall pass!

Sadie  that cleaning Lady is here (who is , as yu know, really , ME)- And, one more thing, I heard on CBC radio this morning that a lot of birds are dying, because of "Avian Flu"----  Maybe that is why we do not see  robins --or geese-- I just thought I'd throw that in-LOL----Lord love a Duck!--One more thing to think about--   hugs to you all--  


Monday, April 18, 2022

-I'm tired of being tired!

Easter Monday--WE DO NOT HAVE SNOW FALLING! --  Lord love a Duck! I am ecstatic! ---I was down the road to feed the cat in Son#1's house-- Watson is his name--named after Himself's Dad-- Watson met me at the door--and what beautiful cat he is! --When I go down this evening, I must take a picture of him!---his fur looks like Angora and it is long and white!  They are vacationing in Jamaica. 

These 2 bottom  pictures were sent from them--- --looks nice doesn't it?-----  -especially compared to here------(the top photo) They flew on the Dreamliner, and it was 3.5 hrs from Toronto---quite fast! 
It has been a good Easter weekend here--cool---  no sun---  but -----no blizzards and I have been able to get outside to clean up a bit of the yard--The driveway finally has no snow on it--
I cannot stop watching pictures of Ukraine and I silently pray for the people there. I cannot imagine how terrified their children must feel! ---  I want to help them--- I want to hug them---I want all the fighting to stop--I want peaceful living for them. I just cannot imagine  how they  survive---so I silently pray for them--
Sometimes, doncha jess feel like this??


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Put on your Easter Bonnet!

 Put on that Easter Bonnet--and you will be the finest in the Easter Parade!---Happy Easter--Happy Spring!  I wish it was warmer here---  but--at least we have sunshine, and the snow is melting--
It is off the driveway-----not off the lake--

Son #2 is en route to Australia--Son #3 will be leaving Hawaii this evening for home--and son #4 was just in Michigan--might be home now! --We are just happy to be home here ---everything is  cold still but I know that will change soon---

Happy Easter to you all--I hope that your day goes well--

Saturday, April 16, 2022

"Mutual Weirdness sounds good to me!"

Easter weekend ---Saturday--- and to-morrow is ----  EASTER SUNDAY----"Put on yer Easter Bonnet, with all the frills upon it, and you shall be the finest in the Easter Parade "-----  AND we shall dance--

To-day I descended upon the grocery store at 8-30am----last minute items---  and--then the beer store where I bought 2 cases of 12 bottles each, because I cannot carry the 24 case. I took Himself with me which I thought was a good idea, but---- I really think he'd have been better at home.

We had snow falling all day yesterday--  It was very sad!---  One day it will be Spring----- 

I have something to tell you all. My hairdresser, always tells me that--- (now get this!)--that she doesn't worry until it's time to worry--- so--that is my new thing--- "Don't worry at all, until it's time to worry"----and you all know that I am a worry wart----so, I shall work on that--It sounds like a great plan to me! It might even add years onto my life! 

"Mutual Weirdness"---sounds good to me!-- Lord love a DucK  eh?