Wednesday, September 21, 2022

You are the Flip to my Flop

 Some days I feel like the "Cookie Monster"-but, living in the moment , is my wish for you to-day---It is September 21st--the 264th day of the year. There are 101 days remaining until the end of the year. I read that in the U.S., it is "National Pecan Day.  I have never heard of Pecan Day- but--it does sound yummy!-

September marks the beginning of Fall. To me it means, getting ready for winter--bringing in the docks, stashing the Hummingbird feeders away--lugging up the water toys from the dock--covering bushes too protect them from all the snow that will be coming-Oh, the list is endless-- Winter coats--Parkas--boots-winter tires---It's mind boggling! -There is Labour Day and Patriot Day which honours and remembers all those killed in the Sept.11th attacks-

Here it means bringing in the pump which was sitting in the lake-- also all the hoses-- It makes me tired just to talk about all of this! I suppose if one lives in Costa Rica, Hawaii, and Florida, there is not the work involved with seasonal changes, like here in Northern Ontario.

The neighbour called yesterday, to warn me that a cougar has been spotted on our back road-- scary! --Years ago we spotted one  going up a neighbours drive. It's unusual to see one this time of year.  Lopez sometimes will stare into the bush when we walk, and growl-- I never see anything, but I am sure he smells some animal.

It is wonderful to report that Himself is Himself to-day-so far---I believe Sadie (who is really me!) is coming also--She will begin a few windows as well as clean a level--providing Lopez co-operates--doesn't begin to eat the carpet  or chew  on Beau's leg-Oh the joys of owning a Chihuahua!

It really doesn't matter what road I take first--or---  what room I begin to clean-I suppose-- Do children to-day read "Alice in Wonderland"?----- or Grimm's Fairy Tales--???  Imagination is a wonderful thing!-- Those books  used to carry us away to different lands didn't they?

Lopez is  barking away here-- (Maybe he smells the Cougar)---NO--no no--

Make to-day a special day--  It really is you know, because we are a part of it!---and--all seems to be well --to-day--Hugs--Stay Strong! 


  1. The Cookie Monster poster is great! It's what the Law of Attraction would call, "thinking a better thought." (when you think something that makes you feel bad).
    You really do have lots of work to do to prep for winter. Hopefully you will have some help in the way of family and neighbors.
    I just heard our elevator will take a couple more weeks to repair. That means several trips a day up and down 3 flights of stairs. About to do it now to take my garbage and recycles out to the dumpster. Sigh. Life goes on
    It's good that Himself is good. Lopez? Well, there is hope for him! {{{HUGS}}}

  2. Oh goodness! Be careful of the cougar. I am Sadie today, too. Glad himself is doing well today. Yes, you have a lot of winterizing to do! Hope you can relax this evening. Maybe even have time to listen to the music I emailed to you the other day!:)

  3. Wow, a cougar in your neighborhood!!! Be careful and safe. Have a great Wednesday.

  4. I doubt kids today read Alice in Wonderland, but who knows.
    Oh gosh be careful on your walks..cougar...yikes.
    My goodness you have a lot of work to prepare outside for cold temps. Hope the boys help.
    Lots of work for Sadie too.
    Glad Fred's having a good day.
    Pace yourself. Cant do it all today.
    Hugs dear Lynda

  5. We have had bear seen on webcams near us and a bear took down my birdfeeders last year when they didn't even have food in them. I wouldn't lie to see a cougar close up. I hope you carry a whistle and a walking stick when your out to scare him off if necessary.

  6. We are feeling fall today. Yesterday it got up to 91 - warmest for 9/20 since the 1800's. Today I'm sure it's barely 60-something. I've been going around all day closing windows and wore a flannel shirt when I walked Daisy (which wasn't quite enough!). Glad it's a better day for Himself today!

  7. Enjoy this day, hope it’s Still going well! We have record hot heat, bad air day, yucky to live where so many others live, lol! Take care.

  8. Lynda, if the cougar is old and hungry, he might see you as in the way to an easy meal of Lopez. or sick...please be careful.

  9. I say, time to get you a condo! :) I love mine, don't have to do a thing!

  10. I didn't know we have cougars in northern Ontario. Bad enough we have more coyotes in the city now. I walk with a cane and a whistle - don't know what works for cougars though. I expect they are much more dangerous - please be careful - walking Lopez and working outside alone. Glad himself is doing good today. Love the saying in your blog.


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