Saturday, March 8, 2025

You can do ANYTHING!


                                                         To-day  is International Women's Day----Whatta wonderful way to celebrate a woman's  ability--worth--eventually  moving towards  " Gender Equality "
                        We women keep the world going 'round--  My Mom used to say that-

What are you doing to-day to keep the world going 'round??/-----    Maybe you never thought of that?---  Think of all the good things that happen in a day??--Most of them are created--done--by women---Of course there usually is  some special man who helped us along the way--and we are grateful for them--

March is such a special month-- International Women's Day----  the clocks change to mark Spring-- plus I have a couple of family Birthdays this month----In the north,   March   is a huge weather change--SPRING WILL SPRING-----

Years ago, I took Women's studies courses in the evenings, with a group of women teachers who were upgrading their degrees---- We all had taken care of our families before attending the class--fed them dinner--probably bathed some younger child, prepared them all for bed--left them with their Dad, at the end of a full day, changed our clothing, jumped in our car, and attended the class somewhere in town, in the evening--- How I enjoyed those classes! ---After   having 5 young children, I finally got to do something for me--I absolutely loved  hearing all the participants in the class, speak up--argue--and all of a sudden, my mind  was stimulated--I took quite a few of these courses and  actually almost got enough courses  (English-- a science course, and a Women's study course ) to make up my first year  university degree-- All this after  spending the previous day in the home, with 5 young kids--but --how I enjoyed the stimulation! 
We have sunshine---to-day, with very cold temperatures-- I must get Lopez out  to do his business--  back to reality here--
I hope that your Friday is special---  Make it special!   YOU ARE SPECIAL----  NEVER FORGET THAT! 
YOU CAN FLY____like the turtles -----  if you decide to do that---  YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!



Friday, March 7, 2025

FINALLY---- back---

Lordy Be--  Almost dinner time and here I am posting---- So, now you know , it has been another ice-y rough day--LOL=--but--  the ice has melted-- I even got out--- and got down the driveway with my ice grip boots--AND--=Lopez  even did hios business--FINALLY---

It is almost supper time here --but I need to tell you that I am alive---  and--SPRING is on it's way--We have sunshine---  and melted ice--a really great sign------

So--  Things  will never go back to the way they were-----but-I guess that is OK---as long as  things--life --is good anyway---So, I finally got my hair done--and the colour--the blackish tint , the Hair Lady put on by mistake--is now lightened----FINALLY!--It took a couple trips to the new Hair dresser , but I  stuck to my guns--_Moms expression--  stayed with the same Hair shop--and voila---  nice lighter hair--

Supper time---  so I best end this-- but--I had to tell yu that life is good to-day--It began kinda crazy , bnt all is well now--I hope it is in yer part of the world--
                                                        I'll look for yu Later--  lynda


Thursday, March 6, 2025

I shall make the best of to-day

Good Day to you all--I get my hair done--finally--this AM--Himself will have a visit from a PSW--I hope she will be able to trim his hair--help him with his meds--- I have a list for her--Hopefully she can help him--and then --help me by helping him----

- He is definitely better but still on the antibiotics--last pill to-morrow--I guess it was a Z-pack--Allison sent him one of those wedge pillows--to help him sorta sit up as he sleeps-There is so much stuff in this house, to help him with everything--I think I could open up a hospital---

Outside there is ice everywhere -- I want to walk to the hair dresser--hope I am able--It is about 3 blocks away-- I shall crate Lopez--

I see our Grandkids have returned to Elliot , from the swim meet in Toronto--They both did very well-

                                    This is Ava , Son #3's daughter--She won quite a few medals--
                            and--This is Ethan, son of son#4---- who also won a few medals 

                I think all the Moo Youngs  are part fish--  They always do well in the pool--

                 So, what is on your agenda for to-day??-- Whatever it is,  try to be strong----One of these days  it will be warm--   and the birds will return--and the lakes will warm up--and  once again we can have fresh fruits and vegetables--pack away those jackets--- Well, we must dream eh?? ----And we must carry the torch for all those who have gone before us--Always REMEMBER___



Wednesday, March 5, 2025

"I had a really good time being your Mom---"

Yes We "Do" need SPRNG ---- We have a terrific amount of ice on our parking lot--There is no way an ambulance could get up this hill. even  if it had to pick up Himself--

I  just hope that our car does not roll down the hill -You can see the black SUV at the top of the parking area--
So, it has been quite the night for me-- with a sudden realization, that Himself is not going to live forever --and I maybe should prepare the grown children--He had trouble breathing, in the night--but, he did have a better night than the previous night--I believe the antibiotic , which he refused at first to take,  helped to clear his chest and the mucous-I think his oxygen level must be low as he gasps for air--
                                                He does not look like the same person right now--This was him at home in Elliot-a few years ago----always reading the paper-

-I think I should prepare all our grown kids--  Our daughter will be here next month--That will help both Himself and me for sure-----

I found such a lovely thing to tell your children, one by one-- to let hem know how much you love them--all of them---one by one--- letting each child know that you have loved them forever--to the moon and then back-- Just read the meme below---  almost makes me cry--

                                                                            nice eh???

Anyway--- Poor Lopez cannot go out onto that ice--  me neither---I hear Himself clearing his throat--- you know, he maybe picked this virus up at that Chinese New Year dinner (that I could not get to)---I will never allow him , at his age , to go to stuff like that-Maybe he wouldve gone anyway--He is so stubborn--

Anyway, life is what it is-- Hopefully this is just a warning ,from the man above, to be prepared
--to prepare the grown children-- and to be strong to help them live on--AND----  DON'T FORGET TO TELL YOUR CHILDREN___




Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A crazy busy life---

I am back--  was up all night with Himself coughing up mucous--I thought he had a fever but  according to the thermometer he does NOT have a fever--That is good!--  just coughing continuously----  I have called his Dr. in Elliot Lake, who is going to call the Pharmacy here---  I think he does have a low grade fever--So--It has been quite a night!--  That is why I never got to blog yesterday-

AND--I am changing the sheets on our bed--Lordy Be! What a job---And yes, I must be burning  3,000 calories , putting that fitted sheet on our bedc---

Son#2 has gone to watch 2 of our Grand children at a swim meet at a pool in Toronto--They drove down, with their coach , to participate-- Too bad Himself cannot watch them--could never  manage the steps to go into the pool-


Sunday, March 2, 2025

The power of "POWER"

Good Morning--  It has been quite a night--Our power was out  most of the night--so, I was  wandering around the apartment  looking for the  emergency lights--Son #3 texted me from England so,  I asked  him--  Had he seen these stored  lantern type lights, on top of the computer desk-?-He replied,  that he had moved them to the front hall closet  -
-so, life improved dramatically when I found them and turned them on--like--Himself could get to the bathroom -without breaking his neck--

Son#2 is now on his way back home--  just sent his route--nice to get him back home--  AND--I hear the weather just might warm up this week---SPRING--- might  arrive---  let's hope!
He had sent some pictures of food--meals he ate there--

Below is some roast of Lamb--

and below---  relatives he was visiting who live there--

I am hoping to hit the grocery store before the multitudes-- I must get Lopez out first--  I feel like I have been up all night due to the power outage and looking for  lights-- I guess changing our bed can wait until tomorrow--Lordy Be!!  So much going on---  but--WE CAN DEAL WITH IT--(I Hope!)
I shall return ----  STAY STRONG---  I know you can--

I am back--=drove to the pet store-bought Lopez kibble--  $80 /bag

LAST night--Waking up to complete darkness--trying to   stop Himself from trying to get to the bathroom in the dark--trying to find where the  emergency small lanterns were--and of course , because we are in a different house, they were not where I thought I had seen them --AND IT WAS DARKER THAN DARK--I texted Son#2 , in his 'plane , leaving Britain-- --(of all things eh?)-

"Have you seen those lanterns which used to be on top of the computer?--I asked.----  

Now if you are flying somewhere--anywhere --   Did you ever think that the guy driving your plane had to take a phone call from his Mom???

But---Son#2 replied-- "Those lanterns are in the front door closet-- I put them there", he replied--

I was so happy that he knew where I could find them---  ""lights""""---Him in the sky--me in my nightgown in the dark---so------WE HAD LIGHT -finally---- ----and the power returned near morning--
Life Renovation---  changes in our life--
-one does what one has to do to survive, I guess--

We do have sunshine-to-day-with cold temperatures--  
and--Son#2 will be home  this evening--
But, I now know, after  the big move, tht these lanterns need to be left out---


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Keep your heart beautiful--

Good morning--MORE SNOW fell overnight--  I am up--just--- must shovel a bit around the car, so i can see the paper when it comes--Himself and Lopez still asleep--very dark yet--I think it is about 5-56am ---
                          I shall return---AND--I am back--It's about m hour later---  day light now-- 

Above , is Son #2 , heading to Britain--from Vancouver-Look closely, over British Columba- you can see Matt's wee plane--I heard that Zalensky is en route also to Ukraine--probably via   Britain--so--I just texted Son #2 to tell him that Zalensky might be on his .plane.---  (He really isn't!)--

It was pretty terrible how Zalensky was treated   while meeting with "Mr "T"---It was terrible how someone can belittle someone like Ukraine's President --unbelievable! ---I best not get into politics here-- , but, what kind of person does that to another very high official??---- It's like the bully beating upon another child---It seems like Mr "T" does not play well with others doesn't it--?????- ( my opinion of course--)
                                            Perhaps  this "Mr T" needs to be put in "time out"----
                                                                (How I feel about "Bullys")

Our daughter just called to remind me that it is March 1st--Soon the clocks will be put forward--the birds will return --the bathing suits  can be brought out--and--  I can buy a bike-- hit the trails------  Woo Woo!  (forget the bad stuff----lotza good stuff will be going on-)
                              Simple eh?----so--Keep your heart beautiful and the rest will fall into place. 