Thursday, March 6, 2025

I shall make the best of to-day

Good Day to you all--I get my hair done--finally--this AM--Himself will have a visit from a PSW--I hope she will be able to trim his hair--help him with his meds--- I have a list for her--Hopefully she can help him--and then --help me by helping him----

- He is definitely better but still on the antibiotics--last pill to-morrow--I guess it was a Z-pack--Allison sent him one of those wedge pillows--to help him sorta sit up as he sleeps-There is so much stuff in this house, to help him with everything--I think I could open up a hospital---

Outside there is ice everywhere -- I want to walk to the hair dresser--hope I am able--It is about 3 blocks away-- I shall crate Lopez--

I see our Grandkids have returned to Elliot , from the swim meet in Toronto--They both did very well-

                                    This is Ava , Son #3's daughter--She won quite a few medals--
                            and--This is Ethan, son of son#4---- who also won a few medals 

                I think all the Moo Youngs  are part fish--  They always do well in the pool--

                 So, what is on your agenda for to-day??-- Whatever it is,  try to be strong----One of these days  it will be warm--   and the birds will return--and the lakes will warm up--and  once again we can have fresh fruits and vegetables--pack away those jackets--- Well, we must dream eh?? ----And we must carry the torch for all those who have gone before us--Always REMEMBER___




  1. Good luck today w/the PSW. Hope that you get help for Himself and that will help you, too.

    Oh yes, the Z-pack usually helps me a lot, and pretty quickly.

    Glad the grandkids did well in the swim meet. Awesome.

    Have to get out for freggies. We do have sunshine today, which is welcomed after yesterday’s rain and snow.

    Hugs and blessings

  2. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. It seems I totally missed yesterday. I was so behind all day long and I realized it long after I shut down my computer. I'm so sorry that himself is feeling so poorly but very happy to hear that you insisted on his taking the antibiotics. Just before the new year I got something that I really tried to just live with - but it got so bad that I finally called the doctor and they gave me antibiotics. It was such a blessing. It still took awhile for me to completely heal but it wouldn't have happened without the meds. I have thought for years that I need to write each of my children a note with how much I love them and how much I loved being their mom! I think it's time! Congratulations to your grandchildren for their swimming awards! And I'm happy to hear that your daughter will be coming soon for a visit. Take care of yourself while you are taking care of himself. We woke up to a lot of snow yesterday, with really strong winds. But the temps are above freezing and the sun is out so it should melt fairly quickly! I'm so done with winter! I hope the ice melts enough for you to walk to the hairdressers!

    1. kathy wasn't that a loverly thing to write your children??-- because we really do enjoy them all-=Lynda

  3. Wonderful job the grandkids did! All but 1 or 2 of my 11 are athletes, too.
    Makes them strong, and their families proud.
    Good luck on walking to your hair appointment. Glad you have ice grips on your footwear.
    Also happy to hear that Fred is improving. Lucky he has you, a new helper, he can hear now and has no stairs.
    I am going nowhere today. Each day it's warmer and it will be easier to deal with the snow around and on the car. One friendly resident shoveled the hill of snow the plows puts behind the car. That part, at least, is done. There's lots of sun today, too...but it's still not above freezing.
    Got a large load of laundry done yesterday and one today. Now I need more quarters for the machines. All is done, though, with the exception of extra sheets, towels and blankets. I will not go around naked. I'd scare everyone if I did anyway.
    Enjoy your day, Lynda! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. OHHHHH Maggie--too bad yu have to feed the washer money??--If I could, I'd buy you a new machine--just for yu--Nice to stay home eh on certain days--I understand that--Big hugs--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! I hope you had a safe walk to the hairdresser. So nice Himself is getting some help and the meds helping. So nice of Allison. I have taken so many antibiotics in my life. They really help but not good for us. Congrats to the swimmer grands! An inch of snow and windy in Ohio. I had coffee early then tea a bit ago. Enjoy your day. Hugs!

    1. Alison will be here soon--a 6 hr drive from Medina , Ohio--It will be so good to see her--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda: Good to hear himself is feeling a bit better. Hope if continues and he gets totally better soon so you can have a better outlook for the near future. Keep positive! Hope you get to your hair appointment ok. It is so cold here today but not as icy as you have it. Glad Allison is coming back soon. That will be good. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Benda the hair turned out--I had to have patience--LOL--Lynda


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