Monday, March 10, 2025


I am up-AND---the best part is--ALL IS WELL--Lopez is not up yet--- but--very soon--dark --- but rainy--but--- NOT SNOW!--It is 6-45 am-

-Canada has a new Rrime Minister----Mark Carney--a Liberal-- I heard him speak last night--and he sounded so interesting--respectful--I like him!--Plus, he seems to have a good sense of humour----sounds intelligent and knowledgable ---I believe that   Canada will do well with him--

I must tell you that yesterday, "I"  drove to Peterborough---  went to Walmart- there--- and I was proud of myself for venturing out of Lakefield--first time , almost by myself -- It was good to get out of the village here and into the city---That was the largest Walmart store I have ever been in! -  --

We have rain falling here  right now--RAIN----  NOT SNOW! Holy Cow eh!!!--That should get rid of the snow-- --  

Yesterday Lopez and I walked to the post office --in the village--this village--It is about 3 blocks away.  You see, no-one  in Lakefield have mail delivery-- We alL have to go to the local post office , with a key, and unlock a wee tiny box ,. to get our mail--Weird eh?---I am getting better at hoofing it over there--- at first I just could not remember to get over there and pick up the mail-- and the women who work in there (the mail ladies) do not like to have to cram more mail into your wee tiny little box.

    A picture of the main  street in Lakefield-- The village reminds me of a scene in a Hallmark movie--very old, but VERY nice old buildings--

I shall get Lopez out for his walk--going up to 9 degrees  I hear  to-day--- Himself seems good-- (Praise be to God!)--It might even be a nice day---
Canadians ae all excited  about our new Prime Minister--Canadians are a proud people--We love Canada-- We love being Canadian--We also love Americans and we do love the U.S.--  not so much the new President who is spouting a lot of nonsense--LOL----

                    Enough about that eh???--Hugs to yu all---Get out and enjoy the day-- NOW--



  1. Good morning! So proud of you going to Walmart! You are so good! I can’t get to mine. It is too hectic. I used to but anxiety makes me too nervous and so many wrecks over on that side of town. Great news Himself had a good night. What a relief. Yes, I like your new Prime Minister! Sunny day in Ohio and will be 60 degrees. Going out with my husband to the next town over where we used to live. More stuff to see and do there. They say our town looks like a Hallmark movie, too. Have a lovely day! Hugs!

    1. Maybe you really live here in Lakefield?--LOLOL-- Your neck of the woods sound like here--LOLOL-- We do have sun to-day--I just changed the bed--the bed that is larger than the room--so hard to make--I didn't tell himself--TELL HIMSELF--- but--I put 2 pee pads of Lopez' Pee ads--- under the bottom sheet, on his side of the bed---- under the mattress pad on his side of the King bed --I'm not tyelling him so don't sdy anything--LOLOL-- Nice to hear from yu-Lynda

    2. sorry about the typing above and it will not allow me to correct it-- oh well-- LYNDA

  2. It's Kathy. We have had some really nice weather. They say it might hit 70 degrees today but then down to 28 overnight. Kind of a big range! I didn't sleep very well last night but had to be up early this morning to have my annual mammogram. Tom offered to drive me and I willingly accepted. Good for you for going to Peterborough on your own. I can't imagine living in a small town where mail isn't delivered. We had a cabin outside of a small town while I was growing up. My mom and us kids would stay there all summer - we had to drive into town to pick up our mail. It sounds like a good way to get some exercise! I hope you have a good day today!

  3. Lynda, I did just get out of bed...for the second time. Wore myself out earlier so went back to bed for another hour.
    Your main street does look like a Christmas post card. It just needs a lighted tree.
    Happy Himself and Lopez both are okay so far. We know Sushi is.
    That would be nice to continue throughout the day.
    Walmart is wonderful. I am going there today. It can be cheaper for necessities but dangerous to the budget, too. Congratulations on your adventure 'outside your comfort zone.'
    It's warmer here today. Our snow should be melting already. No rain so far. The sky is a beautiful blue.
    My wheel-less friend is in hospital with low potassium. This is the third day. I am caring for her kitty. I can see looking at my tabs on top of my screen that she just messaged me. Maybe they are releasing her and I can go pick her up. I'd better check.
    Continue to have a great day sis. I'll be back to check later. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie


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