Sunday, March 2, 2025

The power of "POWER"

Good Morning--  It has been quite a night--Our power was out  most of the night--so, I was  wandering around the apartment  looking for the  emergency lights--Son #3 texted me from England so,  I asked  him--  Had he seen these stored  lantern type lights, on top of the computer desk-?-He replied,  that he had moved them to the front hall closet  -
-so, life improved dramatically when I found them and turned them on--like--Himself could get to the bathroom -without breaking his neck--

Son#2 is now on his way back home--  just sent his route--nice to get him back home--  AND--I hear the weather just might warm up this week---SPRING--- might  arrive---  let's hope!
He had sent some pictures of food--meals he ate there--

Below is some roast of Lamb--

and below---  relatives he was visiting who live there--

I am hoping to hit the grocery store before the multitudes-- I must get Lopez out first--  I feel like I have been up all night due to the power outage and looking for  lights-- I guess changing our bed can wait until tomorrow--Lordy Be!!  So much going on---  but--WE CAN DEAL WITH IT--(I Hope!)
I shall return ----  STAY STRONG---  I know you can--

I am back--=drove to the pet store-bought Lopez kibble--  $80 /bag

LAST night--Waking up to complete darkness--trying to   stop Himself from trying to get to the bathroom in the dark--trying to find where the  emergency small lanterns were--and of course , because we are in a different house, they were not where I thought I had seen them --AND IT WAS DARKER THAN DARK--I texted Son#2 , in his 'plane , leaving Britain-- --(of all things eh?)-

"Have you seen those lanterns which used to be on top of the computer?--I asked.----  

Now if you are flying somewhere--anywhere --   Did you ever think that the guy driving your plane had to take a phone call from his Mom???

But---Son#2 replied-- "Those lanterns are in the front door closet-- I put them there", he replied--

I was so happy that he knew where I could find them---  ""lights""""---Him in the sky--me in my nightgown in the dark---so------WE HAD LIGHT -finally---- ----and the power returned near morning--
Life Renovation---  changes in our life--
-one does what one has to do to survive, I guess--

We do have sunshine-to-day-with cold temperatures--  
and--Son#2 will be home  this evening--
But, I now know, after  the big move, tht these lanterns need to be left out---



  1. Glad that you were able to get those lantern type lights with help. No, don’t need Himself falling in the dark . . . OR in the light, for that matter.

    Oh the food looks delicious . . . as always!

    Grocery store tomorrow for us. And definitely getting Miss Lilly out as the sun is out – but cold – BUT – no precipitation. And supposed to be a wet week ahead. Maybe . . . hope they’re wrong!

    Hope you can catch a wee nap this afternoon!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Yes Brb--Fist time of losing power here in this house--Rain eh??--- Well, as long as it is milder!--- Good to hear from yu--Lynda

  2. Oh the picture of the roast lamb made my stomach growl. Looks delicious. Bad night for you but you have seen worse! Glad the power is back on now.

    1. Yes for sure--have seen worse eh??-- Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. The food pictures look delicious. I wish I could make my food look that good! Yes, it is very nice to have a Jakey in the family - his name is Jacob but he likes to be called Jakey. He is a very sweet boy (until he gets mad about something) and calls me often. He always asks how am I doing! Things are going fairly well right now. Lauriellen insisted on having a Custody Evaluation done - Bryan was very slow in agreeing but it's now underway. Two evaluators (a woman and a man) will collect information from both Bryan and Lauriellen, from 3 people they selected to answer questions, and from the professionals both boys have been dealing with. It's pretty clear, at least to me, that Lauriellen is on top of everything the boys need and Bryan knows very little about his sons. Because of their Autism, we feel it's best that Lauriellen has full physical and legal custody with Bryan having visitation - scheduled and possibly on the fly! It's such a long process!!! Sorry about losing your electricity - I'm glad your son was able to help you find the lanterns. We bought 2 last summer - I'm pretty sure they are downstairs in the pantry (I guess I should check). But we have small flashlights in every room of our home. They do come in handy! Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Yes Kathy Look for the lights -- WE waited and were groping in the dark and then had to call our Pilot son in the sky--LOL--Terrible!! Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda
    Glad you found your lanterns. With help. Put them somewhere where you know lol.
    Pilot on the way back yay. No doubt he was surprised to get a text from mom. Lol
    Happy grocery shopping. Ugg
    Gosh the food for tiny Lopez is expensive. Hope it lasts a long time
    Sunny here but cold. Friday it was a balmy 75 degrees but this morning...20 degrees. Winter returned. Crazy Midwest weather. Rain and storms on the way.
    Enjoy your day. Relax.
    Life renovation indeed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing stays the same.
    Hugs and blessings from St.Louis

    1. Yes Marge Nothing stays the same--I sure do agree--- So cold outide here oday --We do need milder weather--Lynda

  5. Good afternoon, sis. I'm kinda late commenting.
    I think you meant son #2 was in England...but I sure am glad you found the lanterns! It would be scary for both of you going to the bathroom in the dark.
    The food photos were mostly unrecognizable to me, but they sure looked good. I could almost smell the odor wafting up.
    It's been sunny here, but still pretty cold. We are due for snow again in a couple days. Here's hoping it's just a tiny bit. Looking at the weather app on my phone, it does look like spring is in the air! Funny though, the breeze always feels colder this time of year.
    Gonna go see about the washer. Didn't go outside yet today, either.
    Hope the rest of your day proceeds with much less stress that you had last night!
    Oh, we did go to karaoke last night. I left an hour early. We (JoAnne and I) had a great time until someone got overheated and THEY TURNED THE AIR CONDITIONER ON!
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. They turned on the AC_on---in the cold??-- Awful!!---Sounds like you enjoyed yer Karaoke tho!-Bs night last night-and Himself still bad today--gets cross-'it was VERY cold here all day--- been tired from last night ??---- Some days are hard to look after him yu know and I wonder if me taking care of him is the right thing-- He's never treated anyone else like he treats me-- Oh well--just do the best I can-- Hugs Maggie-Lynda

  6. Blessings on Son #2 for 1) Remembering where he put something, and 2) answering call from mom wherever in the world h happens to be!

    1. Barb--Yes--Yu are so right-- and then we had "light"--LOL--Lynda

  7. No blog, hope you're okay! Marti

  8. Hope all is well since we haven't heard from you today. Hugs


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