Last night was not good here with Himself-- He has a lot of mucous--so, instead of breathing normally, he huffs and puffs-- I tried breathing like he is doing, and it does wear one out--Just breathing normally is so much easier, even if one has a lot of mucous ---I had to call Matt down at one point to assess the situation--Should I take Fred to Emerg---or just persevere with him, and try to get him to breathe normally-???-Matt came down and we decided , calling an ambulance might just make him worse---dragging him into Hospital where he might be just put aside as Drs do not like going in there in the middle of the night-
I got thru the nite , but, it wasn't easy-- Himself doesn't take orders very well---but--- Himself is still alive--still coughing -but better because he is sitting up--Lordy Be!!
The above did make me LOL--- Well, it put a smile on my face-- You see, Himself is Chinese--- Chinese men know everything--(the wife knows not so much--they think-)---especially if he is the Doctor--and the wife the nurse--makes everyday difficult for me--the---wife----So, that's my story and I'm sticking with it---I am the "boss' here now--- and he better listen--Otherwise-- he will spend some time , in Emerg---Sometimes we-(the wife)-must just tell it the way it is!!-- Strong --WE must be strong--WE have to be-- "TRULY AMAZING"-----
It's Kathy. I'm so sorry himself is having such a hard time at night. When you're not feeling well, it's the worst not getting a restful night's sleep. I hope today is better. I'm glad you were able to get help from your son. I totally agree with Shakespeare AND John Wayne! Great memes. We both slept in this morning. Daisy is usually awake by 7:30 am but even she slept until 8:30. So this day we will just take it as it comes and relax! And yes, maybe a wee nap this afternoon will be in order! Hope your day goes well.
ReplyDeleteIf Fred is bad to-night ,I may put him out in the living room--Lynda
DeleteGood morning Lynda, sorry to hear that Fred is still dealing with the issue of mucus, even after taking antibiotics. Has he finished the prescription?
ReplyDeleteI believe your daughter sent an oxygen monitor. What level of oxygen is he showing? I would still recommend that you get over the counter Mucinex Cough Syrup and see if that helps. Glad that Matt could help you assess the situation. Hope your day goes better.
Maureen from California
Yes It was a Z-pack--5 days of antibiotics--which really worked--but now are gone , so he is on his own--Hopefully to-night will be better-- Lynda
DeleteHi Lynda, sorry to hear Fred's still having a tough time breathing. Maybe another round of antibiotics or Mucinex? I'm glad Matt was home to help assess situation. Sounds rough for both of you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the daily dose of positivity and the insert from Shakespeare. John Wayne insert made me giggle. Thanks.
Sunny but cool in St.Louis. Next week looks to be way above normal temps, shorts weather.
I didn't like getting up in the DARK this morning. We'll all need a nap today.
Did you get all your clocks changed?
Have a fabulous day. Relax.
Big hugs from St.Louis
Marge-- Yes the clocks went back--only3 of them up so far here--The Liberal election going on now--Lynd a
DeleteMarti here. Your husband must be a very strong man, getting through all that at 95. I'm 66, and suffering from a terrible sinus infection right now, I'm on antibiotics and a cough pill, but the coughing just goes on and on, and it wears you out. I feel weak as a kitten. Such thick mucus, and it keeps draining down the back of my throat. My bf is here, at least, and is walking the dog for me and keeping things running around here. He's lucky he has you, though, taking care of him and keeping things running. Stay strong!
ReplyDeleteYou and Fred must have the same virus--The mucous was getting to him in the night--plus he wasn"t breathing right-- oh man-It really was a difficult night--Lynda-
DeleteHi Lynda! Hope you are having a super Sunday. Our favorite day. So sorry you had quite the scary night with Himself. So nice Matt was home. I hope things get better soon. It is sunny in Ohio. Tomorrow will be 60 degrees! That will be lovely! Come for ice cream. LOL. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteAllison says it is warm on OHIO-- She was sitting in the sun on her front porch-- sounded like a lovly thing to do--milder than here- windy here-Yes--I LOVE ice cream--LOLOL--- Lynda
DeleteHello, sis.
ReplyDeleteChecked this morning, and now it's after Bingo. Will go back and see if you replied to any comments on yesterday's blog.
So sorry Fred is still not Himself! Breathing is necessary for life. We thought that antibiotic was clearing up his problems. Does he need a refill?
We are strong when we hafta be. That is who we are.
I'm must go down and fix JoAnne's clocks next. Mine are done, except my watch. That needs a new battery first.
You don't mention the pets, so I guess they're alright. How about you?
Keep us posted about Himself. {HUGS}}}, Love, Maggie
So sorry that Himself is having such breathing challenges. I am glad that Matt came down and helped you assess the situation and make a decision. HOPE today is a better day for y'all.
ReplyDeleteHOPE your sun is out. Makes the day a little better.
hugs and sending healing thoughts