To-morrow will be the first of March-- There will be so many great things begin to happen-- like----in 3 weeks are clocks will "Spring ahead"----the days will be longer---more daylight hours--- The sun will begin to be warmer--Already I see the sun beginning to melt the ice and snow in front of the garage--I cannot imagine all this snow ever melting, but--- I guess it will begin--and already I do hear more birds around in the trees--and--- the ice will begin to melt on the lake--- It will only be March--but-- (that big "butt"!)--then there is April which is even better--Easter---
I am rushing the seasons-- I know that!-- Last night was minus 26.4 C however--so so cold this morning, outside with Lopez---
To-morrow AM, I will take Himself to the Lab at the clinic--for blood work--If I get him there early, there will not be so many people. His Dr. asked me last week, at the hospital, if he had had his blood work-- (and no, he hadn't, as it is up to me to get him there)--Too bad they don't do home visits--And of course, no results yet from the Brain scan--
Of course we listen to CNN, and CTV and CBC--all about Ukraine , and I silently pray that they remain strong--They seem to be people who love their country!--You know, it is a wonder that we all are sane (At least I think we are!)_--- The Pandemic-- and now a war in the world!- It is so important to be strong--and healthy---and a wee prayer doesn't hurt either--Lord Love A Duck---