Monday, February 28, 2022

Deep thoughts--To-morrow will be the first of March--

To-morrow will be the first of March--  There will be so many great things begin to happen-- like----in 3 weeks are clocks will "Spring ahead"----the days will be longer---more daylight hours--- The sun will begin to be warmer--Already I see the sun beginning to melt the ice and snow in front of the garage--I cannot imagine all this snow ever melting, but---  I guess it will begin--and already I do hear  more birds around in the trees--and---  the ice will begin to melt on the lake--- It will only be March--but--  (that big "butt"!)--then there is April which is even better--Easter---

I am rushing the seasons-- I know that!--  Last night was minus 26.4 C however--so so cold this morning, outside with Lopez--- 

To-morrow AM, I will take Himself to the Lab at the clinic--for blood work--If I get him there early, there will not be so many people. His Dr. asked me   last week, at the hospital, if he had had his blood work-- (and no, he hadn't, as it is up to me to get him there)--Too bad they don't do home visits--And of course, no results yet from the Brain scan--

Of course we listen to CNN, and CTV and CBC--all about Ukraine , and I silently pray that they remain strong--They seem to be  people who love their country!--You know, it is a wonder that we all are sane (At least I think we are!)_--- The Pandemic--  and now a war in the world!- It is so important to be strong--and healthy---and a wee prayer doesn't hurt either--Lord Love A Duck---  

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Beast Mode On!

We have a planned power outage here , beginning at 9am---the whole town--  Hopefully it will end at 12 noon--SO-----a short blog-- 

Last nite I watched  Ukraine--- and the strength and determination of their people , to remain an independent country. Hopefully, their determination will help them hold onto their lives there--- "What you tell yourself every day will either lift you up or---tear yu down!"---- ----I certainly do admire them! Son #2 the Pilot , is still over in Britain--He sent a picture of "London Bridge", which incidentally has never fallen down--  Remember how we used to sing that song about London Bridge--?

-And--their famous  double decker buses--

I must get ready for the whole house to shut down--  Hopefully we can get the generator working-- 

-I must tell myself that I can enjoy this day --


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Hello Gorgeous!

Look in the mirror----  the reflection is someone who  is unique----simply gorgeous--  I am telling yu that this morning!---  (Now, who else has told yu that to-day?)--We all need a mirror on our walls so that mirror could answer that famous question--"Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, who is the fairest of us all?"

--I feel grouchy this morning--because I want all this house work done and no-one is going to do it but me--I should not feel this way, because the Queen is not going to come--(She has Covid)_and no-one is going to look inside the house---but me----I think too, Himself used to help me a lot, but not anymore--Perhaps I am feeling a tad sorry for myself???

I must tell yu however, that yesterday went well, with Himself going to the hospital for the brain scan-- We were going thru admitting at 7-30am and that waiting area has changed so much. Every chair in the waiting area is surrounded with plexiglass----  and each chair is  socially distanced from another----I felt very safe. We were asked if we had been out of the country etc etc , and then taken to the Xray dept by a very kind nurse--The scan itself took 3 minutes--We were met by his DR there too, which I thought was very good --In fact, he went in  to where the scan was done, with Himself---

A few of the nurses recognized Himself too, which made him feel special----  I used to work in the Tuck shop of that hospital, many yrs ago---  so I was familiar with it-- Yesterday I found the hospital to be brighter--decorated so much nicer--friendlier--  I felt like the staff really went out of their way to help us feel good!----Of course , it is a much smaller hospital that the one I had my eye surgeries in, which was a safe place, but definitely  not very friendly.

So--We do NOT have snow falling to-day-----I hope yer day goes well-- If you find that mirror on the wall asking yu who is the fairest of us all, please let me know-- We all need one--I might take 4!!!- 

We  have our dreams----  which------  must be a good thing, doncha think???

Friday, February 25, 2022

We are off to get our head examined!

 It is 7am--  Soon I will drive the guy in the picture, to the hospital here in town, for his brain scan--  Hopefully it goes well!-- They say we should be back before 10am--  a half an hour to do the scan--

But--  I wonder if yu all could listen for Lopez , who will be screeching all the time we are gone. I shall put him in his crate and I know that he will screech very loud--poor wee fellow--So, when yu hear him howling--could yu  sing to him--or talk to him-"-sweet nothings", he loves ---- Hopefully he doesn't figure out how to escape from his crate--  He is safe in the crate --or --should be---  

I was up at 5am---No snow is falling-- Pray for the people in Ukraine--Pray for us all--will talk to yu all soon- 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

We are so fortunate to live where we do!

I am usually not a very religious person--but, listening to to-day's news about Ukraine and the people living there, it is upsetting, to say the least. How are those people  handling this?-- How would I handle this?-----Will it lead to more ?-- -And the markets go down--

The propane truck pulled in here yesterday-- gave us almost 1000 gallons of Propane-- almost $1000.00 

What do these people in Ukraine--do??-- How do they continue on with their lives?--And it has been such a cold snowy winter this year here--and I thought that was bad?-- We at least have heat and food--and our lives continue on--

Anyway, Son #3 is back from the nations capital-- They drove back in a terrible snow storm--- It was something he never wanted to do--but---  he did--

It is almost minus 30C here this AM--so so cold! And little Lopez went out, in his Parka and did his business---Whatta good little fellow! 

To-morrow , Himself goes for a brain scan at our local hospital------  I shall have to be up early to get him there-- 

I am hoping that yu all can cheer "ME" up to-day--Lord love a duck!---WE are so fortunate to live where we do! 


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Remembering my pre - Polio days-

 Remember when pony tails were in style?--- Here I am, with my younger sister --and we both have the pony tail!--And----We do look pretty happy. It looks like we are in a car--maybe going to our cottage at Port Stanley, ON.
This was our cottage--  It doesn't look like much, in to-day's standards ----It was green with pink trim--I think Dad chose those colours as they were probably on sale.  There were a zillion stairs up to the cottage, as you can see-- The window upstairs was one room--with stairs going up to it, outside-- My older sister and I slept up there-- Dad had put a sink in--no bathroom---  We had to go outside, and then into the main level to use the washroom-- The outside stairs were right beside Mom's bedroom so if my sister and I got home late,  and were tip toeing up those stairs, Mom would hear us and speak to us-- 

We lived quite far from that cottage-- London, Burlington--then Ottawa--but---  Dad and Mom would drive there weekends , and in the summer, they chose to live there all summer. Polio was rampid then, and Mom used to say that they bought that cottage to get us out of the city so we would not be exposed to the Polio virus--  In those days, there was no vaccine. Every noon hour, on CBC radio, I remember listening to the news and they would announce the number of children who had died that day-

We had several boyfriends , each summer--Skip the drip--_(called that by Dad)--who walked along the shore of the lake, skipping stones into the lake, past our cottage, hoping I would see him, and meet him---then there was "Horsey Bill", who used to work in the stables--But the best part of  Port Stanley, was,  my older sister and I had free reins of the town--We would ride our bicycles all over the village, of course after we had hung out lines and lines of laundry.

I still look back on those days with happy memories--It wasn't the cottage itself, it was all the fun that went on in and around the place-

The beach was wonderful and Lake Erie was so nice. Here is my younger sister, and behind her, is me--on my left is my brother, and my older sister.--BUT----the very best part of Port Stanley-(looking back now!)_-There were NO black flies--

I hope yu all are enjoying to-day-- We even have sunshine--but --very cold! 

Remember this?---  THE BUG SUIT of the NORTH!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

We did NOT have "The Power

 The power went out last evening ---twice! --  You see, it was almost bedtime--then--BOOM--- no power--and the house was in complete darkness---"Black as the Ace of Spades"--as Mom used to say--

So----  Himself and I, knowing it was just too late to get the generator set up (It was in the basement)---  We dug around for flashlights-then, decided to just go to bed----
--then--BOOM---The power came on again---  And of course the cell phone was not charged up-- so--that was the first thing I did-with power- charged the cell phone-----  We put all those flashlights away--and went upstairs to get ready for bed-
-and then--BOOM----  The power went out AGAIN_-

-This time I called Hydro One-----  They are now all automated--  You cannot speak to a real live person anymore-- eventually, they sent me a text, saying , "The estimated time of restoration of Power was 10pm"-----It was now 9pm----

"Let's just go got bed", I told Himself------  Well, by the time we had just climbed into bed, BOOM, on came the Power--- But--  Now the freezer was buzzing----  the dishwasher was ringing---

"I'll get up and turn everything off", I told Himself------so, running up and down, 3 floors--- turning Humidifiers back on--checking the garage door-- the freezer---- The list was endless of machinery  to either turn on or off--- I eventually did climb back to bed---   "You know, my leg hurts", I told Himself--so, he said, "I'll get yu a Tylenol"----

I was "all in"---  Pooped---  too "pooped to pop"---  I suppose I was the statue--
-- We need "The Power"--We depend on "the power"---Lord love a Duck!--And do you think  I could sleep after all that?------which is again why I am late posting --

Monday, February 21, 2022

Family Day in Canada.

To-day is FAMILY DAY--- in Canada--a day to get outside-- ski--ice fish--walk---We are sitting on the edge of a snow storm--15 to 25 cm of snow is supposed to hit us to-morrow----Just what we don't need-more snow! 
This is Himself out trying to clear the driveway a few days ago--then, there're the Chihuahua trails  to keep open for Lopez--  and yesterday, I gave the neighbour who ploughs the driveway, a few more 20 dollar bills to cover his gas for his machine-- He was telling me that gas here is up to  almost $2 a gallon --To-day is like, "the lull before the storm"--All is quiet on the western front, as Mom used to say.

Son #2, the Pilot son just called--said he is not going for tea with the Queen as she has Covid--  Yu know , he is over in Britain , using their Sim-----This is a picture of it! Imagine sitting in there for 4-5 hrs as they practice what to do , in all sorts of emergencies!

Enjoy to-day----"Keep a stiff upper lip" as Dad used to say! ---  Hugs to all of yu! 


Sunday, February 20, 2022

A short blog to tell yu to a bit about our family!

These are the 2 Moo Young boys--  Himself on the left (our left) and Dr Murray Moo Young, his younger brother on our rt--Our daughter sent this to me yesterday. Whatta wonderful picture!   Murray, Himself's brother, is a Professor at the University of Waterloo--  Of course both Himself and the brother, are retired! This picture was taken at the reception of Son #2, after his wedding, so it was a few yrs ago--maybe 3-4 yrs ago??

And here is Son #2, the Pilot, over in England-----   Apparently, England is 5 hrs ahead of us!  

I took Himself to Foodland this AM--We got there by 8-30am--  No-one was in the store--  This is the 1st time Himself has been  grocery shopping with me in almost 3 yrs---  It made him feel more normal---  We stopped for a coffee (brought it home)- afterwards------ SO----  that is why I'm late posting--

All is going well here, to-day--  and--to-morrow is a Holiday here in Canada--Family day---so--that means, that I can post "the blog" on time--Yeah!!!!

This little girl came to visit me yesterday, with her Dad, who is Son #1-- She said, "Gramma, you have a big house"-- and I felt like saying, "It is so much work--"-- Son #1 told her, Gramma has been in this house forever"---  which is sorta true-- 

so, that is a small insight onto "Family Day" here in our house--  The Queen has not dropped in--I hear that she has COVID-- 

 Be happy-- Enjoy this day--because, it will never come again! 



Saturday, February 19, 2022

Have an awesome Saturday!

We have so much snow---and it's windy and extremely cold!--I just got in from shovelling Chihuahua trails and in front of the garage--so, hopefully the guy that is supposed to do our driveway will be able to do it! He hasn't been here for a few days and I hope his snowblower isn't broken! ---Lordy Be! I do worry about everything.

and----#3 Son, The OPP officer, who is in Ottawa, trying to support the Ottawa Police , to get the truckers to move away, --well, I worry about him too! I wonder if all these truckers even think, that for every Police officer who is there, there is a family waiting to see them come home, and a Mother worrying about a son or daughter-- You see, Son #3 is on the night shift--when all the crazy people are even acting crazier-

and--then there is Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot, over in England, on the simulator there ---Hopefully he doesn't pick up Covid--

I must be a warrior --not a worrier! ---Positive thoughts-----And to change the topic, yesterday I went to Dollarama--What fun!---  I bought the most beautiful Barbie Doll-- huge---and so pretty--for $4.00--There were spring flowers-- (not real)- fake diamonds--  glittery-- and, so many funny hats-- It was so much fun-! -Everything was cheap---and cute!-- I think on a day when one needs to veg--be positive--not worry--  it is a great  place to just have fun!

Think thin----Enjoy the day-- and be happy that we are not in Ottawa with the truckers-- Hugs---  until to-morrow----


Friday, February 18, 2022

A very short blog!


Isn't that just so true?--- a vacation is like an escape--from reality-- a great escape--- but---perhaps I could escape for a wee vacation here at home--like set time aside to walk--It doesn't have to be far--even a 10 minute walk-- and, you know, I hear more birds around here now-- It's as if they know that Spring is coming! they are slowly returning--

I must get to No Frills --The bananas are needing to be replaced--

Have a great day-- do something for yourself--  Call someone and ask how they are-- maybe dance a bit--

Hugs, Lord love a Duck--  I do love yu all- Lynda

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Love your family, Family Day weekend is coming!

 What would we ever do without "Family"?---"Father and Mother I Love You"--I never knew what  the letters in FAMILY could stand for?-----so, love your Family--I am so blessed to have 5 grown children--4 boys and a daughter--plus, some of my immediate family are still alive--and in Canada, this coming weekend is "Family Day" Holiday weekend--- We have a Friday and a Monday ,making it  a long weekend---Family Day--to get outside, with your family, to enjoy being part of a family--- Fun in the winter! 

Things are going well here--so far, to-day--and , it's "hair day"---I resemble the Lady in the following picture, to-day----Lord love a Duck!--  too much shovelling , with a hat on , on a snowy day--

Himself is good this AM---Funny how it goes eh?--He will probably (Hopefully) be good now--more like his usual self, for , maybe a couple weeks-- and then, for no reason that I know of, have a few bad days again!-

Yesterday , I looked up how old big Beau is--  He is in his 7th year----I have been telling everyone he is about 5 or 6 yrs--  Time flies by so quickly!--And wee Sushi is 5 yrs--  Remember when she was hanging around our basement patio?--Last night, she came into our room twice--jumped up on our bed, and comes across Himself. and lies on my chest purring--That lasts about 15 minutes and then she is gone --

We have clouds with above zero temperatures to-day--It feels like Spring--

I must stay strong--- ready for the "rough and rigid" times---and, get out there and walk---  even for 10 minutes daily- It  really is so important! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

This will get better!

 This is a quick blog, before vacuuming and shovelling and making custards--(  A woman's work is never done!)--First of all, I appreciate ALL your responses to yesterday's blog--It sure is helpful to have  all you very "caring" people!--I now realize that I'm not alone! ---  AND---- some very kind person referred yesterday's blog to the Alzheimer's society---- and a very nice Lady called me last evening--  and, she had some suggestions also--and, the best part, is that Himself seems OK this AM.---That is how it goes tho---  good days--and extremely bad days-----

Last evening, we went to see Son#1's new house ,which is at the end of our road. It is absolutely magnificent---modern----  no carpets--  airy---  fresh---  lovely-- with such a view of the lake--plus it will give them some privacy-!And, it will be wonderful to have them living out here on the lake, fairly close to us! -- I watched as Son#1, held Himself's arm, and helped him down to the front door from the car.---  I remember Himself carrying son#1, when he was a baby-- Now the roles have reversed--(makes me cry!)--

So---- life goes on--and on--- I will  pick myself up--dust myself off--and face this new day-- Good thing there are always  "new days"--

Beau, Lopez and Snoop  kinda realize too, that life is not the same---  Snoop came in and climbed onto my chest 3 times in the night--purring-- Funny how animals  try to help eh?---

So--ever onward here with the day----As a post script---  We still have 4 bananas--YEAH!!!!!!--which means---no shopping to-day---

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

I think I am going to cry!

 --Himself has some form of Dementia--It's difficult for me to accept it--and then to write about it, is even harder-- You see, Himself is a retired Doctor---  He used to have "the patience of Jobe"--- (Mom used to say that)----  So, when he acts a bit odd, I do the absolutely worst thing I could do (so I'm told!)- I argue with him----  I was told this morning, that when he gets a bit "off"---  to change the topic--just walk away---and he will forget all the hurt he has caused me----- You see, he thinks  I am going to leave him--He thinks I have a man on the side---  He thinks all sorts of things--(I am almost 80 yrs old--the last thing I want is a "man on the side"!)

I called the Alzheimers Society this morning--There is only a recording---  I called his Doctor-- The Dr. is recovering from cancer--  I called a nurse at a long term care place---  no-one could come to the phone--They were in a meeting--Finally, a Lady whose hubby had suffered with the same illness called me back--She lived with this for a long time until her hubby passed---"WALK AWAY"--she told me-- "HE WILL FORGET " is what she said" she added---  So, I have a lot to learn----  "I cry", I told her-- She said, "You are going to cry more"-----

It is tough to even talk about this---  My kids don't accept this-- It is a lonely disease-- Are there any of you out there going thru this too?--just wondering---

Lord love a Duck!  I do not wish this on anyone !

Monday, February 14, 2022

The best project you'll ever work on is "YOU"

 It's "Happy Hearts Day"--I hope that all your hearts are full of love!---Do you remember having Valentines  Parties when yu were in Public School?--And remember buying a book of Valentine Cards and yu had to cut them out?---Then came the wee boxes of tiny cards---  no cutting involved--All yu had too do was sign the back --and say who it was to----It used to take me ages to figure out who got what card.

And the party at school was fun---lotza candy---- and exchanging cards . I remember one girl always told me that her Gramma had sent her fancy handkerchiefs  for Valentine's Day. I was impressed! My Gramma never did that!--And looking back now, probably she was just telling me that----probably it never happened! 

It is cold again to-day--minus 36C when I took Lopez, the Chihuahua,  outside--and low and behold, he did his business---BOTH!----It really is a chore to get him out in that sort of temperature . First , his parka has to be zipped up on him, then my parka with face mask and boots --then the leash--- Lord love a Duck! I will appreciate Springtime! 

I called the vet to book his (Lopez) --neutering ---  and to get that undescended testicle--- and it is booked for April 26th --  She said the whole thing will be about $800 -- One must be rich I think, these days, to own pets.

-And--These special people Are "YOU"---Make it a great day---Think Happy thoughts--   Hug your dog--and your cat--and remember-----

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Some People are muchly much-much more unlucky than you!

 Yes! To-morrow is Valentines Day! It is not a big deal here, but--I do try to give a rose or 2 to my Son's wives-- and my daughter--  It's a good day to remind them that I love them! ---

Once again, it is cold!--  like--minus 36C --- and little Lopez , the resident Chihuahua, did go out with me, in his new coat ($60 by the way!)-- and he did ALL his business outside! Bless his heart!--I do believe that this is our last cold day--FOR NOW!-- Spring will be so welcome!

Yesterday I forgot to blog--till wayyyyyyy on in the day---  I must be losing my mind!-- I have never done that before--and yet, so many of you did reply and I appreciated that so much.  I must admit that I over bought , when it came to the bananas---  just in case the truckers carry on and block our produce.-- Life is so weird right now---  the truckers---  the "maybe" war in the Ukraine---the Covid--and there seems to be nothing we can do about any of it! 

Dr Seuss sums it up quite well I think! --  Lord love a Duck! WE can only control our own little corner of this world!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

FINALLY----- the blog---Lordy Be!

 OMG----  I forgot to blog this morning---  I am so so sorry---  Yu see, it was minus 23 C this AM----and I took Lopez out and he refused to do his business outside and ran as fast as he could back inside---then did his business in the house--I was upset---but---  with the wind and the coldness, I guess I didn't blame him-but--he refused to use the pee pad too-

I took off to the expensive grocery after that, for bananas and an enormous grocery order--$371 --I heard that there was no fruit or veggies at No Frills, due to all the truckers at various border crossings--I guess the truckers who carry our groceries to the North here , could not get thru--And--now I hear that Son #3, the Policeman, has to go to Ottawa on Monday to help them out there--to try to get rid of all the anti- vaxers --He does not want to go, but has no choice--  Ottawa is about 8 hrs from here ----

So, it has been a very busy day for me-- Oh--one more thing- I bought 2 new shovels---- I love these shovels--They are lighter than my old shovel! 

To-morrow is a new day, and I will be home here all day --after that blizzard we had yesterday and all the shovelling I did--   We must stay strong---Lord love a Duck! --One never knows when we will need to   maintain a different lifestyle-- I think there should be a book on what will happen as we age! 

Hugs my friends!