Monday, February 28, 2022

Deep thoughts--To-morrow will be the first of March--

To-morrow will be the first of March--  There will be so many great things begin to happen-- like----in 3 weeks are clocks will "Spring ahead"----the days will be longer---more daylight hours--- The sun will begin to be warmer--Already I see the sun beginning to melt the ice and snow in front of the garage--I cannot imagine all this snow ever melting, but---  I guess it will begin--and already I do hear  more birds around in the trees--and---  the ice will begin to melt on the lake--- It will only be March--but--  (that big "butt"!)--then there is April which is even better--Easter---

I am rushing the seasons-- I know that!--  Last night was minus 26.4 C however--so so cold this morning, outside with Lopez--- 

To-morrow AM, I will take Himself to the Lab at the clinic--for blood work--If I get him there early, there will not be so many people. His Dr. asked me   last week, at the hospital, if he had had his blood work-- (and no, he hadn't, as it is up to me to get him there)--Too bad they don't do home visits--And of course, no results yet from the Brain scan--

Of course we listen to CNN, and CTV and CBC--all about Ukraine , and I silently pray that they remain strong--They seem to be  people who love their country!--You know, it is a wonder that we all are sane (At least I think we are!)_--- The Pandemic--  and now a war in the world!- It is so important to be strong--and healthy---and a wee prayer doesn't hurt either--Lord Love A Duck---  


  1. Thanks for the beautiful pictures to remind us that spring is coming. Today the sun is shining and that is always a mood booster. I hope you get Himself in and out quickly tomorrow and then maybe a trip to the drive thru at McDonalds to make him smile. Enjoy your day!

  2. We had a coupe of snow squalls come through last night but no real accumulation. . . Mother Nature is saving that for later this week. I keep thinking positive thoughts for those in Ukraine.

  3. Yes, Spring is almost here and a time of hopefulness.

    Poor little Lopez in that cold, cold weather.

    Remembering you in my prayers as you get Himself's care lined up.



  4. Yes, a wee prayer doesn't hurt. For the world, and all of us in it!

  5. Prayers are needed for Ukraine.... and each of us.
    SPRING is coming. We'll all be ready!!! Sunny here today with warmer temps. Ice is melting.
    Good luck with tomorrow's early blood draw. Maybe a quick drive thru at McDonald's will lift Fred's mood.
    Be well, warm and safe.

  6. I love those pictures that show better weather. Can't wait and I'm sure Lopez is looking forward to it too. Ukraine sure needs all the help and prayers it can get. I hope things turn out the right way for them and Russia gets out of there asap. Hope all goes well with the blood tests and you get all the results of everything soon. Have a good day.

  7. Yes, it is a wonder we are still sane! Some days I just want to close myself up in my house and never go out again. We are at least having some sunshine and today it will warm up to the low 40s - that's wonderful!

  8. Enjoyed the pics! 31F here in Central Texas last night. Warmer weather ahead. Then, it won't be long before we are complaining about the heat!

  9. Hoping the blood test goes smoothly tomorrow and you stop by McDonalds for something tasty, you don’t have to eat it, but let Himself have what he likes. Enjoy the changing to Spring weather, too. Crossing fingers for this world to be rid of impotent dictators.

    1. Blood work tomorrow and some kind of Dr who deals with Dementia and Alzh. is coming here to talk to Himself in March--so happy about that-Lynda

  10. Best to you..Our snow on the grass has melted here in the midwest.

    1. Oh Donna--I can hardly wait to get rid of this snow--Nice to hear from yu-Lynda

  11. Love your pictures Lyna and good luck with his blood tests.

  12. Amazing photos of what's coming soon! Have a beautiful day.

  13. Really lovely photos, Lynda. Spring certainly is around the corner but we aren't anxious for the time change. The snow is beginning to melt at our norther home but more coming down this coming weekend. Glad we aren't there yet.

  14. Yes, spring is coming. It was so hot today here that we went shopping without coats on. Of course snow is coming back on the weekend to remind us its not over yet.

  15. very nice day here in Alabama..........tomorrow will be even nicer
    and then look out for storms............
    Hope Himselfs' bloodwork comes out good.


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