Thursday, September 30, 2021

Don't Look Back-You're Not Going That Way!

 I tend to look back----go over what has gone on--cry a little because of some of it---  It's true tho---I am NOT going that way---This has been a good week for walking--for me--  It's not that I go far--It's that I go!-----And the more days I go, the stronger I feel. My enormous struggle is in that easy chair, after supper---crazy foods just appear in my hand.  I shall continue to work on that.

Everyday , Himself and I have a rest, after lunch-----and I feel so much better for getting that wee rest--even 30 minutes-----I find however that people look at me funny, if I say, "Well, don't come and visit until after 2pm because we take a rest,--- AND THEY COME ANYWAY----And-----phone calls from everyone in the world seem to come in  at our nap time. I think the whole world thinks we are ancient---that we don't really need a nap-----that maybe we are making it up--and then, sometimes, I book dental appointments during our nap time--  I forget------- (Maybe I am ancient like people think!)----  The new dog groomer booked Beau for his grooming  tomorrow at our nap time and I was so happy that she could take him, that  even I forgot about  the precious "nap time"--

So, Lord love a Duck !--More and more our "Nap time" is falling by the wayside --(Mom's expression ) and Himself and I cannot allow this! It is that short time in our day that we recharge our batteries and it keeps up going till night time-  (Maybe we really are  becoming ancient eh?-)

----You think the Queen gets a wee nap in the day?  Hmm--I must look into this! 

It's a good thing I don't care what people think!---(At least I don't think I do!-----LOLOL)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Courage is getting out there and moving!


This is tomorrow--- AND------ I hoofed it go the highway---and back------ and it was a good walk-----I met the man who lives down the road--(never saw him walk before)----The sun was out-----and my heart rate was good-----and--my music was good!  Beau and I walked a wee bit earlier--Beau, who doesn't like vehicles going by--chases them-----  so--I try to get him out by 7-30am and we don't go far---

My whole walk is only about 20 minutes , but it seems to be all I need to stop that "shake leg syndrome" at night------Do I love getting out there and hoofing it, as it's sorta cold now?-----NO!-----but----I always come home feeling so good! Mind over matter----or something! 

They predicted frost here , the past 2 nights, but so far, we haven't had it-- I am still packing outside stuff away, getting ready for winter----

This was the fog rising from the lake this AM---After I took this picture , I looked down and a huge beaver was swimming by, just beyond our dock--
I found this picture --taken at our cottage at Port Stanley, of myself on the left, with my 2 sisters--Note the hats on all of us--- I remember that day, as tho it was yesterday--

So, ever onward here-- hugs to all---and I am so fortunate to chat away with  all of you, even tho we are not on theSpark website--Once in awhile , remember to get out and walk--It really helps the weight go down--I HOPE! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Yes, You Can!


I need a night off--forget the dress---but--(that big "butt" again!)---a Prince might be good--- NO! Maybe it's better without "the Prince"!---  That would only be more work for me---It might be good to have a few days alone in a house---even a day--Hmmmmm-----  What would I ever do with a whole day, alone?-----Maybe-----I might read-----or, ---just loll around----- It has never happened---  

Sunday, Son #3, the Policeman, and I, travel to Barrie, to pick up Lopez--He says we will leave --like--around 4am---Barrie is about a 5 hr trip from here--(People in the North, never talk in miles. We talk distances , in time!)

-I will take the cat cage and some baby blankets to wrap the wee fella in--I just hope Himself keeps track of Beau-- Yesterday, Himself came in from the deck, and no Beau, who was out there with him. When I asked Himself where big Beau was, he just said, "I have no idea!"- ---  I reminded him, that when he comes back into the house, bring Beau--- He went back , and returned from the deck, saying, "He's not there." 

"Well, you better get outside and look for him, because, guaranteed, he is looking for you." --I heard myself  telling him.

 And Beau was searching for him!   Beau was at the from door waiting to come in--Maybe a Grandchild should check on their Grandfather when I am away--

Did you know that you all have a "world" inside of you?----  And we keep the world going---  I am sure of it! Lord love a Duck eh?

Yesterday I cut grass----and this afternoon, I shall cut grass too--It is good exercise--lotza steps--

Monday, September 27, 2021

I even saw geese yesterday in a park in town---


This is son#4 , many years go,   with his son, using our tractor to cut the grass on the lakeside of the house. This little boy is now taller than I am, and he uses our battery mower now to cut our front yard-- I pay him $20 a cut--- and he saves his money--He just bought a dirt bike--

The rain has finally stopped----and we even have sun---  I am still trying to   put chairs etc., into the shed-- Getting ready for winter in the north is  hard! ---  The docks are in--tied up along the shore-- thanks to Son #4--- the hoses are put away, the flower boxes emptied--- and I suggested to Himself, that maybe he might think about getting the BBQ into the sunroom for the winter--  --It did not go over well at all-It is so much easier to pack all the summer stuff away before the cold wind and snow starts-- 

And in between, I am trying to move winter clothing upstairs into my closet and get the summer stuff away---well----  I must tell you, that I took over Himself's closet--sorta---  He is not aware of this yet-- but---- he hardly has as many outfits as I do, and his closet usually is half empty--Lord love a Duck!----  I hope he doesn't notice---  right away------It is so much easier to use one closet on this level, than dragging all my clothes (which I never seem to wear_down 2 levels)-

I tried so hard to download the vaccine App. onto my phone ----  but----it did not work----  I will have to call Son #2, who knows everything about doing that! 

And we go Sunday to pick up Lopez--or is it Pedro---or maybe WonTon-- pretty scarey--I have never looked after a tiny dog-- I hope I am doing the right thing! ----  

Crazy ------ There are times I wish everyday had 75 hrs---  Do yu ever wish for that?--Mom used to say, "A Woman's work is never done!"---

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday and the seasons are changing!

 Our docks are in--- Son #4 came out yesterday to do that--- That means summer is officially over--This morning, Himself and I have been reorganizing our shed--trying to cram everything but the kitchen sink into a shed which  we now wish had been built larger.----  Hoses, lawn furniture, containers for flowers--wheel barrels , shovels, lawn mowers, --- a sail boat--water boards---  The list goes on and on---wagons from when the kids were small, bicycles------and we haven't even cleared the back deck yet---

Next week we travel to Barrie, a 5 hr trip one way, to pick up  the wee Chihuahua-- We have come up with a few more names--Lopez---Amigo--WonTon-----Piedro-----I guess we will have  to see the little fella--see what he looks like-----  What do you all think? Son #3 is driving me there.

So, the seasons, they are a-changing---  In tis area, we don't usually get snow till the mid to end of November--and it doesn't stay on the ground until well into Christmas-- 

Son #4 floating a dock into shore-
Lord love a Duck!-I have not walked to-day and I miss it-Hopefully I can get out there soon and hoof it to the highway and back. 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Please Be Safe and Aircraft overhead!

 It is "FALL"---- The picture is of the end of the driveway--out by the road--but---it is raining--still!---Son#2 the Air Canada Pilot called this AM to tell us that his wife just flew over our house-- She is a flight attendant--- She is en route to Alberta where the Covid cases are high-- He told her to double mask and wear a shield plus her PPE outfit over her uniform.  That must be hot eh?--It seems that aircraft are flying more now--

Yesterday, Himself and I were sitting out in the front yard, on a bench, which faces the back road. I saw the exhaust from an aircraft way up high--something we haven't seen too much of during this Pandemic. It was nice to see it.

Son #2 , always aware of the weather, sent this early this AM-- a weather system over us--thus--all the rain! And, just to let you all know, I did get the applesauce made yesterday,--but --not the cookies--  

I always put some in jars in the frig., as we can't eat it all at once-- 

So, that is about it for to-day---  The Piano tuner will be here after lunch-- The piano always sounds like Heaven after he has been here-- 

Stay safe----  Dance--- Think thin--- move---  Pray-----Lord love a Duck! I need you all here tomorrow-  

Friday, September 24, 2021

Dreaming of the Queen recognizing--"ME"

 I seem to have cows on the brain ---  maybe because they appear to be such a docile animal- 

The first weekend of Fall, is coming up--We have a misty rain falling to-day---  I "hoofed" it to the highway and back already--in the rain!- And this morning I hope to make applesauce  and maybe chocolate chip cookies--It seems like "that" kind of day--

Yesterday I never got to exercise and by bedtime, my legs just felt like they wanted to keep going.  Do any of you get that problem if you don't exercise? I call it the "Shaky Leg Syndrome"----  I can getaway without exercise for maybe , one day--- then that  "shaky leg" thing  kicks in--- And it doesn't take much exercise  to squelch that syndrome---10 minutes on the Dreadmill will do it too! ---

Since we are not on Spark---- like--no-one to monitor me----  I find I am  eating healthy one day and the next day, everything but the kitchen sink goes into my mouth.
 My weight is now 193 (from 217)---so----Lord love a Duck!----  I need to get a streamlined body  --like---before I die----(Well, ya never know eh?)------  and if I could just see the "180's"----for now----it would make my day! 
AND then, maybe the Queen would  hear about it, and send for me---
WE CAN DO IT YOU KNOW!------  and if I have to wait a long time , before I hear from her, (the Queen!)-well, the exercise will keep me healthy--


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Canadians pay over 6 Dollars per gallon at the pump-and it's Fall-

 This is the first day of FALL----This is Gloria's favourite season-----I like "fall"--but--- (That big "butt")---what follows  Gloria's favourite season is--WINTER! 

Gloria by the way is  the nicest, most beautiful person from Spark-- now on my Facebook page, with such beautiful pictures.

OK., I must tell you , that our gasoline prices are $1.42 a Litre-----  AND--there are 4 Litres in a Gallon, so, if you multiply 4 X $1.42 , then add, .72 cents, WE PAY, $6.48 A GALLON, in Canada.

Now, doesn't that shock you all?

No wonder I find I never have enough money--

HAPPY FALL to you all--  The Hummingbirds have left-----no more sugar water--- and this is my hair day--YEAH!!!!!

-Lord love a Duck!!!----  like --not too many eh?---  I can barely see even one! 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

We are all alive!--Amazing!


I was buying bananas----and grapes--and apples --plus stopped at the nursery and paid the owner to deliver 2 bales of straw for out by the road, ready for Halloween-then --circled back for gas which is $1.42 a gal --terrible! --The groceries too were costly for 2 of us--- $243.00------one needs a lot of money these days-- ----- When I got home, big Beau was sitting by his cookie cupboard ready for his freeze dried beef things--Funny how he knows that every noon hour he gets one--

I sure do love this boy! ----So-----  no lunch for me yet--because I had to carry in all the groceries---then clean out the frig----- Lord love a Duck! A woman's work is never done! --But, I must say-Himself vacuumed ----- so good eh! 

I must tell you too that my cousin called me last night-He lives in Port Perry--Isn't it nice to chat with "family"---?- He sounds great and we  talked   about family members who are not doing well-- and we laughed a lot about visiting  Grampa's house, when we were kids and how we would slide down the banister in Grampa's hall-

Memories are so precious! 

So---away I go for lunch-- Hope you all are doing well-- You know what? We are all alive!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Yikes---- Downsizing is scary!

 Yu know, I think I could have a cow--- They seem like a pretty docile animal--I remember as a kid, visiting Grampa  in Port Perry.  He had a field beside his house, (in the town)-which he somehow leased out the field to a farmer, who kept his cows in Grampa's field. I remember sitting on the edge of Grampa's porch, which hung over the field, and wishing I could go into that field and pet the cows. Mom had told us, (and pretty stern too!) that we were never to go in that field!--

To the left of that house  was where  we used to dangle our feet, watching the cows. The 2 people you see , if you look closely, where Grampa and Gramma, waving good bye to us , as Dad drove out the driveway.--Note the roof around  porch. This house is still there---  There are no fields however close to the house, as that land has been sold, and there are more streets close by.

Years and years later, we went back to search for Grampa's house ----  You can see the houses built to the left of it--

I have no idea how I ever got into talking to yu all about cows--It has been a quiet morning-- looks like rain --and I hear that we are in for colder days ---  Canada had an election yesterday, and  the Gov't has stayed pretty much the same ---- AND----I did get a call from Tess' Breeder and they will have puppies ready to go in January--- BUT-----we have spoken for "Lopez" and will go to get him Oct 3rd-- a wee little fella--a Chihuahua--- of which I know nothing at all about the breed , except it might be less fur to float around, and less grooming and easier to transport places-- 

Lord love a Duck! You might say, WE ARE REALLY DOWNSIZING! 

Monday, September 20, 2021

You Go Girl!

 A new week--a new day to get it right--AGAIN! ----Do yu know what I have discovered?-- (And it has taken me a very long time to realize this!)----that-----when I am upset ------I EAT------and----I eat the wrong foods-- It's like, in my head, I imagine that the food will solve everything -----

If I only ate  low calorie foods---  fruits----  there would not be the damage---  but--- I sit in that easy chair, going over in my mind what I can snack on--in front of the TV-

Yesterday, I finally heard a voice  in my head saying, "OK girl, get your act together---- drink the water------get started eating healthy-- You CAN DO THIS! --You did it before --Now Do It AGAIN!"

"Eating any thing  I desire will not bring Tess back! "
 I did hoof it up the highway this AM----Life is hard, but it will be so much harder if I don't work on the ol' body-Lord love a Duck! 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

"Pandemic Wear" ----2 yrs of the same clothing-

 It's that time---- Time to put away the summer clothing--  bring up the winter-- ---It will be a lot of work! Does yer closet look like the above?-----or---worse???--You know, I never dragged out too many summer shoes-----probably 'cause there was no place to go in them-- 

In fact, I never dragged too many summer clothing out----You see, my summer wear was stored in one of the boys closets---  a grown child that had left the nest--- All summer, I thought, "One day, I will get to   my " summer clothes!"-----but--(that big "butt" again)----I never did---  so-----I had about 3 Pandemic outfits----garden clothes---that now almost resemble rags---I don't wear the "garden housey clothes" to town--I do take time to change into something more presentable----  but-----the garden wear----- well, it looks bad-----Day after day, after day, I was in one outfit---then put on a clean awful outfit-- Three garden Pandemic outfits--

My hairdresser told me the same-- She used to be a smart dresser-- and still is when I appear to get my hair done--but---  she says, when home at her house--"Pandemic Wear" is what she puts on--and she told me that she will eventually burn hers.

I think these "Pandemic  outfits" should be saved--put in a museum somewhere, to show the world what we , the women of the world, were forced into----Lord love a Duck! Who would think eh?

It's Sunday--Our Hummingbirds seem to have finally gone-- Big Beau , I know , seems to miss Tess--- so---we walk together--and talk about it--To-day we did not cry---finally--yet!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

There is a new puppy in the works--


This was me this morning----chugging up the back road. ---I am "later than late" posting ---because----
WE BOUGHT ANOTHER DOG"----Lord love a Duck eh!  Himself and I must be crazy! ----  --It is NOT a German Shepherd-- (Whew eh?)----  I want another  German Shepherd---  but-----  because of Himself's age--AND--I am NO spring Chicken either---  and if either of us  passed on to the great world where-ever, and the other one of us were left, that person could never survive in this large house--like---if we had 2 large Germans, where on earth would we move?-There are not too many houses with huge yards-- 
But, before I decided  completely, I called the breeder where Tess was from --no puppies -- I then called a few other breeders and there are no puppies anywhere and if there are, they are spoken for--
So, I sensibly  thought  that REALLY we should not have another large puppy-- SO-----  (You will freak out for sure!)-----  I bought a tiny wee fella--- a Chihuahua-----well----- ( a lifespan of 12 to 20 yrs)-

We pick him up Oct 3rd, in Barrie , ON--------  He looks like a rat----  He is dark brown and black and very small--so--we go  from one extreme to the other.  Beau already plays with Lola, son#3's  dog, the same breed as the one we are getting so I know he will be OK with the new pup-- 

I still cry ---not as much--- but, there are moments--- I miss Tess a lot! I know we were so fortunate to have had her as long as we did---  Her breeder has puppies  in January -----  and yu know----- it is something to think about-- Lord love a Duck! Himself will  never  ------well--ya jess never know! 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Is a tiny dog in our future?

 --justa quick blog here--  You see, it is such a lovely day, that I have been down at the dock, cleaning out the 2 tiny sheds which hold all the floats , paddles, life jackets etc for the lake--Beau was down there with me, chasing chipmunks, which he never catches by the way. It is a very hot fall day--Beau went in the lake too-- waded in as he doesn't swim.

I was also very busy  calling breeders  of German Shepherds----Did you know. they are now priced at $3000?---  Lord love a Duck! ----  And --I know right well, that a new German Shepherd Puppy will  put us right back where we were--  hard to get in the car---- expensive to groom---tons of hair--- only be able to  live on a huge property (such as ours)---and--one day, we will HAVE to downsize---pretty hard to do when one owns 2 huge dogs--So------  I talked it over with Son #3, the Policeman, and he suggested a tiny wee  dog---  and he found one--and even tho I really really really want a Shepherd, I believe I must have a vision of our future--  So, what do yu all think?--  
Holy Cow--Life is hard! 

Maybe  tiny dogs are okay--????Maybe I will like them--

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Big Beau and I are toughing it out!

 This is Beau, this morning, just in from his walk around the property. He tends to chase vehicles if I take him on the back road--and because he is so strong, and  I can't hold him back--and with bis AF condition of his heart, -----he only  runs around  between the lake and the back road, in our yard, when outside.

But--(that big "butt" again!)-I walked myself---"hoofed" it, as Dad used to say! AND------there is more--the weight now is 191.5. Lord love a duck! Unbelievable! I think the loss of weight is due to the loss of tears---They still are flowing-----maybe not as much---i think the sadness stems too from , me knowing that I should not get a new puppy, due to himself and I aging----

You see, we have always replaced whatever dog has passed on--- so--there has always been 2 German (as in dogs)- in our life. We have the yard for 2 dogs-- We have the house and equipment for 2 dogs---  but----himself being almost 93 and me , not a spring chicken, is it a wise move to have 2 enormous dogs at this time?  My mind tells me, "No"--my heart tells me, "Go For It"------AND--if we were ever to get another puppy, maybe it should be a small breed---

I hope to blow some of the pine needles that the trees are shedding, all over the driveway, this morning.--Beau can assist me--be out there with me and we can play ball or he can chase a few chippys--his favourite pastime! (He never ever has caught one!)

I am working on the "smiles"--- Perhaps  losing a dog is all part of the aging process eh?---  Wouldn't it be terrible if a human passed on and left their canine friend to fend for themselves?

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Tess, our beautiful friend--our German Shepherd, passed---


Tess is on the rt----  beside her best friend Cole, who passed on several yrs ago---  Tess went on with her life, adapted to Beau, but, it was never the same for her--  Beau and Tess never really bonded-
Tess was a calm, wonderful Shepherd--  I said, "was", because she passed  yesterday--VERY SAD--- It was some kind of Sarcoma--bleeding into her chest--  I kept telling the kids (grown adult children) that all I wanted for her, was to survive the summer, because she absolutely loved the lake--She would jump right off our docks--then swim to shore, and she was her happiest then.

I knew there was something seriously wrong with her-- Her belly was so swollen and getting larger everyday. I did not want her to suffer in any way, as she was in her 11th year--not young--and deserved  better. So, I changed vets-- to a new vet in town--so that I would not have to drive her 3 hrs up the highway in an emergency situation.---I told the vet yesterday that I did not want her to go thru a lot of tests --I did not want her to be upset-- She did get an Xray  and the vet came out with a syringe full of blood, withdrawn from her chest, telling me, "The news is not good."  --some kind of a Hemangio Sarcoma--and said it amazed him that it hadn't burst--He also told me that it would be a kindness to "put her down"--I agreed---  It is a difficult thing to go thru--- I feel like a hole has been ripped out of our family--  Poor Beau does not know what to do --looks for her--

I have cried and cried-- I talk to Beau--I have explained to him that he has Sushi the cat, ---now--that he now can sleep in our bedroom, ---but he didn't--He went out in the hall where he has always slept-

It is hell to lose a friend--- Tess was in her 11th year--- was from Carissima Kennels, north of Toronto--They flew her into Sudbury and we drove in to pick her up--she was a wee puppy then---

I appreciate all your kindness-, that, so many of you have expressed----- eventually the tears will stop I hope---  and we are so fortunate that Tess was such a strong little girl---was so sick and so tired--and yet carried on!- 

Lord love a Duck!  I hope she finds Cole, her buddy--- Tess, we will never ever forget you! 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Well, at least there are good things about being older than old!

 I like the above saying--- I am trying to not take life so serious ---look at "stuff" differently!---This morning Himself showed considerable concern for me  as I was going out for my walk. you see, I have extended "the walk" thru the bush" to the boat launch, and then back up the highway and home. "You never know what you might meet in the bush" Himself was telling me--"Well, at my age, I don't need to worry about being raped" I replied--- Lord love a Duck eh?---  There is always something good about being "older than old."
I always feel that it would be kinda nice to have phone calls , with grown children telling their Mom how much they love them. They do  express their love in so many ways--cutting grass--carrying the pump up from the lake--calling their Dad---  all that is "family love"-- ways to express  it! 
Right now we are in a storm---rain pounding down--  I never remember a summer with so many storms around us--tornados too--- kinda different! ----  Some days it feels like "Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz" here! 

This picture was sent , of food, in Seoul, Korea, where Son #2 is right now.---Korean foods-- different and so good!
I must add too, that there is NO ICE CRAM in this house--and that is different too!
I hope you get out and walk-- even 10 minutes! 


Monday, September 13, 2021

The Lakeside Lady returns-- with a new weight


Well, I am FINALLY back---- I guess I could say, that the last few days , I have been the statue---- BUT--(that big "butt" again!)---I think I am becoming the pigeon!-----  The past few days were busy---- so busy, that I tried not to blog--- just to give my head a shake and get my life back to where it should be--and my head back to normal----  I was not sick----just so so busy!

One of our sons decided that he will not be moving out of town with a business offer, offered to him over the past 6 mos--so-----both he and his wife  asked if they could purchase our home--here on the lake---Our home is not for sale----- one day it will be--when we die---- but---so far, we are surviving and enjoying our home  on the lake. I realize there is a big housing shortage in this area--perhaps everywhere--so, he maybe felt that since we are old, that we do not wish to live in our house anymore--It totally shocked me out! ----I felt that because we are "of a certain age"---, that people believe us to be incapable of living in our home-- I felt disappointed that one of our children thought that way---


So many of you phoned---wrote-----  asked where I was--"Was I Ok?"----  I was--but----kinda sad--kinda embarrassed about the whole situation-------"-LIFE GOES ON"----- and Himself and I are still here--very much alive--AND--my weight is DOWN_---I NOW WEIGH 194-----Lord love a Duck!--Isn't that amazing?-

I wonder how many others go thru what we did?--- And now I am going out to walk--- Tess, who is still with us by the way,  and I walked earlier!-- 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

No such thing as a hopeless situation except house phones these days!

 I like the above! ----I like it because I always thought my weight was a hopeless situation---It's not! I am still a heavy person, but--(that big "butt")---I used to weigh 217--so when I finally reached 194.5 , I knew then I had changed  a "weighty circumstance"---IF---I can keep my mind on it!-- Right now there is NO ICE CREAM in the freezer--

Last evening I tried to call my daughter in law--the one married to Son#3. I can never ever reach her! ---I can very seldom reach Son #3 either---You see , they all have cell phones--no house phones. Even when I try to talk to Son#4, I have to leave a message on his cell-----  Our daughter has a house phone, and I speak with her and her children a lot.  When a family gets rid of their house phone, Grandparents--like us, do not get to talk to their children. Sometimes the children have cell phones too, but they never call us back either!--  It is a dilemma that exists in these times! 

I remember how smart we felt when we had one kitchen phone , WITH A LONG EXTENSION CORD, so it would reach all over the kitchen. Those days are long gone. I remember Ooo-ing and awing at my Grampa's huge wall telephone  that he had to crank, and then ask Mabel, the operator, to put some number through. 

I must admit that I love my cell phone--It tells me the weather,  amber alerts come over it, it is my camera , and I even get the news, and covid alerts.

But, Lord love a duck! I sure do miss talking to my children and my Grandchildren over a house phone--I must be getting older than old eh!

These relatives of mine never even heard of a phone-----let alone a cell phone!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Himself and the Wood Room!

Life is good! --It is better if I try harder too! ---- Another late day and I am posting in the afternoon---You see, I had to get "Himself" out of this house. Yesterday, he was grouchy--- and when I took the time to think about the "why" he was that way, I realized he hadn't been out of this house,  since last week-- I guess it would drive anyone crazy---So, we vacuumed--walked Tess----  folded laundry--- and--we jumped in the car and drove to town. Well, first we went to the boat landing to drop off some boxes in the garbage bins over there, that Himself did not want me to part with, as he is a collector of boxes--I bit my tongue however--- did not allow the mouth to respond to what he told me he needed the boxes for, and now they are gone--- Praise the good Lord! I very much would love to get rid of "stuff" ---- beginning with the wood room , where excess  "stuff" seems to get stored~! 

When we bought this house, there was a wood, electric furnace, in the basement. Himself, being from Jamaica, had no idea how to load this furnace , and so, 9 times out of 10, way too much wood was put into this furnace, and several times, we even had to deal with chimney fires with Himself on the roof spraying the fire  coming out of the chimney.

The wood room sat empty for a few years after we put a new propane furnace in the house. until one day , son#1, moved home from University to be close to a girl friend, and he was downstairs redecorating the wood room, as he had hopes of living down there. I found him, in the wood room, painting it a very bright green.

Nowadays, I try to store my Weed whackers down there-- also light steel hoses and sprinklers--and all my tools that I try to keep away from Himself , who loses so much in his garage in all his boxes.

How on earth did I ever get talking about "the wood room", I'll never know----Tess is doing okay--Himself enjoyed his trip to Rona, a large construction home building supply store----

One more thing----  There have been mice  in that wood room--Now if I can just remove the boxes,----

Lord love a duck! One must be a tad tricky when one is married!