Good morning--- I sat down to blog last evening--but was just too tired I guess-- so I closed everything and prayed that you all would understand- Son#2, Himself, and I, were at the bank, for the 3rd time---
Too bad we never tried to "downsize" years ago--It might've been so much easier--- plus we would not have had so much "stuff"-- I believe now, people in their 60's really should "downsize"-plus their investments would've been higher also-- Live and learn I guess--- Too bad also that we do not go this life a couple of times--The 2nd time we would get it right--Right??
So . what has happened over the past couple of days?--Well, I call Lakefield, a "Seniors " place to live, for sure! Every Senior should live here, because thee are "Seniors housing "everywhere-- What looks like a house, if you look closely, is really 3 or 4 houses under one roof--and there are several "Community Living"--Care places , in various subdivisions--They have garages, are one level, and there are paved walking trails everywhere-- The stores are within walking distances--- For example I will be walking to my new Hair Dresser shortly--The weather is not as harsh as it was in Elliot Lake--a tad milder--and the people residing here are very friendly.--Sushi is settling in--- beginning to come out of her cat tree---which is in our bedroom--

And--I finally called in a person to help me with ideas of where to place stuff---- moving from such a large home , to an apartment is not fun! She probably will suggest we get rid of more stuff--A very nice part of "Seniors Housing" is that every unit has all top notch appliances--IN the Apartment! --No shovelling snow---nor grass to cut either!
Is everything "Hunky Dory"??? (Dad's expression)--well --the apartment is an apartment---(much smaller than our house)-but, really , all we need---We are allowed pets--- we have to "recycle", which drives me crazy trying to remember "what" goes in "what bag"--but, eventually I will "get it"-- I hope!---- And you know what?----We now have investments ----for "our older than old" age-------
Do I miss Elliot Lake?--Yes--big time --but , in this apartment -(only 7 apartments)--3 of the apartments are renters from ELLIOT LAKE-- How cool is that!
I miss all of you however---plus--all my friends in Elliot--but--Himself is so much better --I guess just seeing more people , having Son#2 drop in with wife, and getting out more to see the world, has helped him 100% -- I believe he is even "normal"--at 96 yrs--- I do believe we are learning new things everyday here----AND IT RELLY DOES HELP __BALANCES WITH ALL THE THINGS WE KEEP FORGETTING__LOL----- Maybe that's the way it is supposed to be in our "older age"!!!