Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Just Go On Anyway---

Good Morning--  We have sunshine--  all the snow has melted--- more coming to-morrow however-- It is almost a new year---  --I am sad however---Our daughter just left --So far Son#2  is still around-- but I do hear he will be back to work soon--Our daughter did so so much--We now have chiming clocks, chiming--- a few pictures up--  and it is beginning to look like home --FINALLY!----- The daughter did it all---simply amazing really!-----The Living room is beginning to look like we live here ---

We need a Doctor, a Dentist and an Eye Doctor ---- plus a couple of the payments never got moved to our new bank--all of that will take time---kinda frustrating really---

I do miss our daughter--but---she is really only 6 hours away now---not 12 hours , as she used to be, so hopefully we will see more of her -----

Can yu tell that I am sad??-- It is so hard to say "Good Bye" isn't it??--- But--I shall think happy thoughts---We do have Son#2 here--- and we do have our daughter closer--  and we did downsize--with their help--  Oh dear-- I really do need you all to talk to--Lord Love a Duck!

                            I hope that you enjoy to-day--appreciate  all going on in your life--


Monday, December 30, 2024

Everything I need is within me!

I was up around 5-30am--- taking my pills--- getting them all in, before Lopez gets up---It is a balancing act here--Lopez and I went out  then---a routine I try to stick to every morning--Yesterday, our daughter was working, setting up the livng room--no pictures on the walls yet,  and eventually we will get rid of a huge leather chair in the living room--- Our furniture was bought for an enormous living area--  but , for now, the living room is looking better--no clocks on the walls yet or pictures--and no blinds yet on windows--

The kitchen resembles a bit of a disaster area--but--that will improve-"TIME"---- in "TIME"--We need more time in each day---

-Rain all day here yesterday and all the snow has melted--I love that!

--the banking---  the post office--- all of that has to be worked on more--  getting a Doctor  will be a challenge also-----and a Dentist--and an Opthomolagist-------Lordy Be! I don't know when that will happen!
-Himself has improved 100%----still, he is 96 so I must remember that--There are many services for him here--it's getting them started,--- with everything else to do,-- That is the hard part.--
So, the kids are back with Lopez so I best get off here --I was thinking of you all--still need to read all your comments from yesterday,  but I will definitely get to that later---Something to look forward to--

Remember to put one foot in front of other and keep going-- perhaps try not to look back--Yu are not going that way anyway-- 
I hope that you make to-day the most amazing day ever---


Sunday, December 29, 2024


I thank yu all for helping me caring for Lopez--The suggestion from the multitudes (family members)--is to get rid of   him--that he cannot be trusted--"put him down""--- but--  he  really has been thru hell-- a huge move , completely out of everything he knew---even the outside territory is different-- and  leaving him alone, in Matt's apartment, was different for him--All your suggestions about offering to get his sofa cleaned , are good ideas and of course , yes, I shall do that too--

Christmas is over for another year--very good--so , we can get on with life now--Next year we can get our tree up--This year we never did that----And next year we will be so much more settled here-

- How are you all??---  Tired??---  Happy to have Christmas over ?----As for the unpacking,  hopefully  things will find a place ----sometimes, must be moved to a different spot --more accessible-I believe all  our dishes have been moved a few times---I still find the recyclables are confusing-- because we never did that at home-and it seems everyone  here has their own opinion as to what goes where--kinda drives one crazy---
I must get off of here--   I hear suggestions being made , and I think I should be a part of the discussions--They mean well--just trying to help--LOLOL----maybe make some coffee---in fact, men should make us coffee--


Saturday, December 28, 2024

I believe in you!

Our daughter is here--sleeping in the study--the computer room-- and will be here a few more days--Both she and Son#2's wife, cleared out the study of boxes-So we have now --only 2 boxes left  to unload--just unbelievable--It is Son #2's Birthday to-day also, and we are taking him out to dinner somewhere--to-night----So, it has been a busy busy day--and I am sorry to be so late posting----

I left Lopez with Son #2 , and went to the hair Dresser--- Apparently Lopez  never was put out to pee--my fault--as he was just given to Son#2 who took him right up to their apartment---and Lopez "PEE_ED""" on their sofa---I feel bad ----  I was presented with Lopez  and told about it---and felt so terrible--so-----  right now, Lopez is in their bad books and I do  feel like I am to blame--and I am!!--  Lopez is a handful----I have been apologizing for Lopez tp them----I do feel bad---- Their sofa was probably quite new--

So---I hope that your day is going well--that your dog did not do his/her business on someone you loves , sofa---Lord love a Duck!------that you are cruising thru this day with no mishaps--And that you have a good sense of laughter---

 Remember--I BELIEVE IN YOU!


Friday, December 27, 2024


 Our daughter from Ohio is here--drove up yesterday--is now out, walking Lopez----  I set the trundle bed up last evening in the computer room for her to sleep on-- 

She just registered Himself and I,  on a list  for a Doctor here --The person she registered us with, knew that we had a Doctor  back in Elliot Lake--so THE DAUGHTER  had to get us off that list  in Elliot , so we can be put on the list here------Rules are rules----- so---Hopefully, eventually, we will be on a list here------IT'S ALL ABOUT "THE LIST"------

Our daughter loves this apartment--keeps telling us how perfect this place is for us--and says more Seniors should "Downsize"----(which is hard--"God awful" to do)--- but again, I wish we had done it 20 yrs ago--It would've been so much easier--

-----  but again---  easier now than 20 years down the road-

I hope that your Christmas was wonderful----Was it a happy day??-- Was it full of LOVE?----

                                                                -small steps everyday--
                                                                    and-----until to-morrow---

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Celebrate however feels right for you---

 Good day to you all---just got up here --- It is a day AFTER Christmas Day---Did you  enjoy Christmas Day?--It was a wonderful day here yesterday--

The Piano Tuner came--ON CHRISTMAS DAY! He was on is way back from Toronto--and Lakefield was en route--So--There "she " be--all tuned--BELOW---and the 2 keys which were not working had a cookie dropped onto the notes--The Humidity system needs some work (inside the piano)-but, in May, when he returns, he will work on that--It was the best gift ever , to get the piano working--  certainly made my day!

Son #2's daughter--our Granddaughter  gave me the mug below----  for Christmas, --with a wee doggie stuck to the bottom of the mug--the cutest thing ever! As yu drink the coffee , the wee doggie appears-- 

I hope that you all were happy yesterday--Our day was filled with "love"
---  --"happiness"-----And  "joy"--AND----good food ---
I hope that it was the same for you all---- Was it?--- 
So, our daughter is driving up here---is going to help clear out some boxes---I think Santa asked her to come--
The above is so true here right now--- "LESS HOUSE, MORE HOME"--what happens when one downsizes---We all must celebrate however feels right for each one of us--Strong-----  Happy----Patient-Caring --MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Here's to a Fantabulous 2025 and a Happy and Peaceful Forever After!

Christmas Day--- justa few words to  wish you all happiness---  strength in all you do---  lotza love of course--and best off all, happiness and contentment--
Son #2and his wife, have a beautiful Christmas tree up-- decorated also, with gifts under the tree--AND guess what?---  The Piano man is stopping off here to tune the piano TO-DAY---. on his way home to Kanata (Ottawa)---The move certainly has damaged my beautiful piano--2 keys are not playing at all---Frances , the PIANO MAN sys he can fix it up--I hope so!-
I hope that Santa is good to you all to-day---that jolly old man--that he sprinkles you  with " FAIRY DUST". full of particles of strength---


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Watch out for that jolly old man!


This is your reminder---

Good morning---It is a very snowy morning here in Lakefield---I even was out shovelling off the car and away from the vehicle--The owner of the property is charging up his truck,  and will plough soon ----  
Hopefully to-day, I can work in the computer room here and try to make sense of the mess--
-Our daughter will be up from Ohio sometime next week--and she needs to sleep in this room--

So, I continue to miss the 3 boys left in Elliot Lake---, but , no word from them--Someone told me to leave them alone and let them contact me--but they haven't--Maybe they never will-- They do not have any respect , I guess, for me--angry that we moved---It does make me shred  tears---which doesn't help the situation does it??--What do you think?--Should I call them--or --just give them space, to digest our move----??????

So, the boxes are fewer ---  but---mostly now, the ones left are full of children's pictures , over the years-and where on earth do I put these pictures?
Himself continues to improve--- His biggest problem now, is his hearing--- We have an appointment for new Hearing Aids , on the 28th--and , in the meantime I must get us on a list , for a Doctor--

I need to heal from not receiving any apologies for the chaos we went thru in the move to here ---I wish I had had more help getting out of our house----  I figure we all need  to heal from things that we Women never get apologies for--
So, Did you see Santa last night, on his sleigh-?-Is he bringing you  sugar and spice and everything nice?
I hope so--- just "happiness"---would be ever so nice!
and ---- Watch out for that jolly old man---!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Pretend to be Sane----

Choose to live buy Choice---not by chance---to be motivated, not manipulated---I choose to be me!
It is not an easy thing to do--to choose to be "ME"---and --I question my choices--Did I do the right thing?--Did I make the right decision? In your head you know your choice is right--- in your heart , you may--still wonder--
-So--How are you all this morning?---
I am sitting in the computer room---in a huge mess of clothing, bedding for the spare trundle bed--the printer , which is not hooked up yet--- Lord love a Duck! Will everything ever get to sorted out?---The rest of the place is livable-----no pictures hung, or clocks placed, (You know I love clocks)--The wash is done--ready to hit the dryer--Lopez has been out ---loves the trail to do his business on-- and-- here I must bag the doggie DooDoo-AND---  the "reycling" is driving me crazy--- trying to put the garbage in various clear or blue bags------  

The very best part is that Himself is happy---- absolutely loves living in this apartment---loves his "stand up shower"--- (me?----not so much!)--- but --no stairs for him----and I Am in the house here---NOT outside shovelling snow--or cutting grass-- He is happy! 
I do feel the "self love"---  I hope my decision to downsize is a good one! in any event--  I shall just "Fake it----till I make it!"

Are you feeling strong this AM? I hope so---  because if you feel strong, it will inspire others---
I wanted to blog early this AM--earlier than yesterday--- It is nearly Christmas Day --and we are alive --We are so so fortunate to be a part of today--"-Keep your chin up--"--as Dad-used to say--- and  carry on--- WE CAN DO THIS!


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Because "I miss you like crazy"!


-And I do look back--I must look forward------because I am going that way---- It is easier to remember where we came from ---- but , it's true--We aren't going that way---Every day here is so busy---  The boxes are diminishing--still quite a few however-- 

 I had an "Organizer" come in this AM, but she gave me an estimate to be here and organize one room--$600-however ---  Too expensive--Lordy Be!---  I guess in time I will just have to do it myself---  get rid of stuff---lotza clothing that I haven't seen in years--- I wonder where the movers found it all--- - 

Yesterday I did get to the hair dresser -walked up there---  $120 hair-do----at home I used to pay $20 a hair -do--It looks good and I liked the lady , the Hair dresser, and I could walk there which was nice-so, I guess I will continue with her--maybe not as often as I used to though--so, life is different, for sure--which I guess is just a matter of getting used to--I must not look back----  

How was your day?---Does it feel like Christmas??--Next year it will be more like Christmas for me--- This year we didn't even get a tree up-- We do have snow , but not much--It seems milder--We are farther south----  so less snow -
-Hopefully, you are feeling strong---  I do miss you all--That is why I am posting at this hour----  There is a song like that--"I miss you like crazy"----AND I DO!!!
            I'll get this off and try to write back before bed----  That's how much I miss you-- 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Think about "downsizing" sooner than later--

Good morning---  I sat down to blog  last evening--but was just too tired I guess-- so I closed everything  and prayed that you all would understand-  Son#2, Himself, and I, were at the bank, for the 3rd time---

Too bad we never tried to "downsize" years ago--It might've been so much easier--- plus we would not  have had so much "stuff"-- I believe now, people in their 60's really should "downsize"-plus their investments  would've been higher also-- Live and learn I guess---  Too bad also that we do not go this life a couple of times--The 2nd time we would get it right--Right??

So . what has happened  over the past couple of days?--Well, I call Lakefield, a "Seniors " place to live, for sure! Every Senior should live here, because thee are "Seniors housing "everywhere-- What looks like a house, if you look closely, is really 3 or 4 houses under one roof--and there are several "Community Living"--Care places , in various subdivisions--They have garages, are one level, and there are paved walking trails everywhere-- The stores are within walking distances---  For example I will be walking to my new Hair Dresser shortly--The weather is not as harsh as it was in Elliot Lake--a tad milder--and the people residing here are very friendly.--Sushi is settling in--- beginning to come out of her cat tree---which is in our bedroom--

And--I finally called in a person to help me with ideas of where to place stuff---- moving from such a large home , to an apartment  is not fun! She probably will suggest we  get rid of more  stuff--A very nice part of "Seniors Housing" is that every unit has all top notch appliances--IN the Apartment! --No shovelling snow---nor grass to cut either!

Is everything "Hunky Dory"???  (Dad's expression)--well --the apartment is an apartment---(much smaller than  our house)-but, really , all we need---We are allowed pets--- we have to "recycle", which drives me crazy trying to remember "what" goes in "what bag"--but, eventually I will "get it"--  I hope!---- And you know what?----We now have  investments ----for "our older than old" age------- 

Do I miss Elliot Lake?--Yes--big time --but , in this apartment -(only 7 apartments)--3 of the apartments are renters from ELLIOT LAKE--  How cool is that!

I miss all of you however---plus--all my friends in Elliot--but--Himself is so much better --I guess just seeing more people , having Son#2 drop in with wife, and getting out more to see the world, has helped him 100% -- I believe he is even "normal"--at 96 yrs--- I do believe we are learning  new things everyday here----AND IT RELLY DOES HELP __BALANCES WITH ALL THE THINGS WE KEEP FORGETTING__LOL-----  Maybe that's the way it is supposed to be in our "older age"!!!


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

You know what's sexy???

Holy Cow!  It' s almost Christmas---  and here in Lakefield,  it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas---It really is SO exciting! ----  Already a little vehicle, marked as "The Dragon Fly", has stopped several times  with flowers, and gift cards, and even a raised toilet seat for Himself--- It's truly amazing that Santa knows where we live !------Even flowers arrived on my Birthday-----for an 82 year old woman--(or is that Woman 83?---) 
So, Son#2 and I,  went to the Pet Store this AM--litter for Sushi--and the Lady on the till, trimmed Lopez nails--That really was very nice of her!-----  Then we went to Food Land for MORE GROCERIES! -We are always there it seems----and when we returned to our  apartment, Himself had made Chicken Soup----It was delicious---I must say that Himself is extremely happy---  more like he used to be! And he keeps telling me how much he likes this apartment--I feel like I have my husband back--
So, the above picture is Son#2--his wife and her daughter--They are standing just inside of our apartment--behind 20,000 boxes--

                    I hope that your day is going well---If not, you must make it go well---Lordy Be! If an 82 yr old woman can enjoy her day, with a zillion boxes all over the place, I know that you can also! Just keep your heart open and sadness will escape--Happiness will enter-----

                                                ``And-----You know what's sexy??                            
                                                    Just face Forward---forward---  forward!