Monday, December 23, 2024

Pretend to be Sane----

Choose to live buy Choice---not by chance---to be motivated, not manipulated---I choose to be me!
It is not an easy thing to do--to choose to be "ME"---and --I question my choices--Did I do the right thing?--Did I make the right decision? In your head you know your choice is right--- in your heart , you may--still wonder--
-So--How are you all this morning?---
I am sitting in the computer room---in a huge mess of clothing, bedding for the spare trundle bed--the printer , which is not hooked up yet--- Lord love a Duck! Will everything ever get to sorted out?---The rest of the place is livable-----no pictures hung, or clocks placed, (You know I love clocks)--The wash is done--ready to hit the dryer--Lopez has been out ---loves the trail to do his business on-- and-- here I must bag the doggie DooDoo-AND---  the "reycling" is driving me crazy--- trying to put the garbage in various clear or blue bags------  

The very best part is that Himself is happy---- absolutely loves living in this apartment---loves his "stand up shower"--- (me?----not so much!)--- but --no stairs for him----and I Am in the house here---NOT outside shovelling snow--or cutting grass-- He is happy! 
I do feel the "self love"---  I hope my decision to downsize is a good one! in any event--  I shall just "Fake it----till I make it!"

Are you feeling strong this AM? I hope so---  because if you feel strong, it will inspire others---
I wanted to blog early this AM--earlier than yesterday--- It is nearly Christmas Day --and we are alive --We are so so fortunate to be a part of today--"-Keep your chin up--"--as Dad-used to say--- and  carry on--- WE CAN DO THIS!



  1. YES INDEED . . . no matter what 2nd guessing you may do, the fact that Himself is happy in the apartment trumps everything! That’s awesome.

    I am wishing you and Himself (and Sushi, and Lopez) a wonderful Christmas in your new apartment!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Cute=== ""Trumps everything""-- Yes Amazing how much better Fred is and I know that is important--Lynda

  2. Decisions? Go with your emotions...if the decision feels good, go with it. If not, change your decision.
    Do you know how to hook up your printer, sis? Maybe your son can do it OR you will figure it out yourself when you need it.
    Happy Lopez and Himself love the new residence. Previously you had said Sushi was getting used to it, too.
    Have others of your kids come to help or visit in the new place?
    I'm out soon to mail 2 cards locally and to get $1 lottery tickets to include in the cards I am giving to my fellow residents.
    My daughter said she will let me know today if I can come for Christmas Eve or Day OR if my son-in-law is still sick.
    Did you even have time to do any shopping? If not, maybe you can have, "Christmas in July."
    Gotta get going before the mailman comes. Will check back later.
    Love your (mostly) positive attitude. Keep it up! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie-- No Xmas shopping--'cept at the bank--and soon going to run up the trail to the nicest shop in town to get Son#2 and his wife a gift certificate from there--all the Grandkids are going to get $100 only way I could do it this year--

  3. It's Kathy. I am still "pooped". Simply overwhelmed with everything - and I didn't MOVE!!! I love reading your blogs, they are so positive, even when you're having a hard time. Today I shall Pretend to be Sane! It's so good to hear that himself is happy with the new place AND that you no longer have to shovel or rake leaves or mow the lawn. Yes, I believe you have made the right decision and you've inspired me to start going through my own house. There are a lot of things I can do sitting down, although every day I get a little stronger. We are having our family Christmas celebration tomorrow afternoon at my oldest daughters which means I have no work to do to get ready. Daisy's sister Annie will be coming to our house for a visit with Daisy while we are all at my daughters. She will be happy to see her sister! My husband asked me what we were going to do on Christmas Day - I said "absolutely nothing!" Although I will probably make us a nice breakfast! I LOVE the I Choose meme - I've copied it to my computer so I can print it out and post it where I can see it every day. Enjoy your day!

    1. Kathy--YU are so positive! I appreciate it so much! --I hope this place will seem like home soon--LOLOL--At least we can now see the trundle bed--- I uncovered many pieces of clothing which they just threw onto that bed-- washed it all today--- I appreciate hearing that yu enjoyed the morning blog-- Allison will be here next week--That will help a lot--- Hugs Lynda

  4. Lynda, I believe all of us at one time or the another, prefer familiarity with where we live, friends we've made and shops we frequent. However, while it may take you a while to feel comfortable with your move, you will come to realize it was a good decision. Remember all those times you were in tears because of Fred yelling at you, or mistreating Lopez. Now he's happy and more the Himself you remember. That in itself should tell you that you made the right decision. I think part of what's causing you to feel unsettled is that there are still boxes to unpack, pictures to hang and clocks displayed. It doesn't feel like home to you yet, but it will. Take care of yourself, Lynda. Do what you can, and can the rest.
    Maureen from California

    1. Maureen thank yu--I hope yu ase right--- I really hope it will see like home sooner than later!--I have all of yu--Thanks be to God!!! ---- We never hear from the boys in Elliot ---Hopefully they are not angry still-- Lordy Be eh?--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! I hope you are having a great day! I always call it manic Monday because I do most of the errands and groceries on Mondays. It all seems less crowded. I know you are second guessing your move. I know it’s because you are missing your home and surroundings. I bet when you get settled there you will be happy and enjoy it. Just Himself being so good there means so much and good for you. I wish I could help. I love to decorate and organize. I bet your daughter will help. It’s finally warming up here in Ohio but plenty of snow still on the ground. It sounds like Lopez and Sushi are doing well, too. Hugs to you for making it all happen!

    1. Oh man-- Yes I miss our home--our boys there--(who never call)-and the familiarity of that area--Hopefully all those thoughts will go--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda. Pretending to be sane is the only way to be. Love that title for today's blog.
    Lynda, forward! Back isnt an option. Of course you miss the familiarity of the other house. Doubt you miss black flies, weed eating, snow blowing, mowing, dock maintenance, snakes etc.etc.etc. Give this time. Forward. Can't go back...forward.
    Matt can probably get your computer going and hang stuff on walls.
    Hoping grands are appreciative.
    Not to worry, we all know you worry, it will all be ok. Rome wasn't built in a day. You are doing this by yourself. Pat Lynda on the back. She's one loving, kind, strong, beautiful, intelligent, determined lady.
    Hugs and blessings
    PS I would have never guessed Fred would settle in so easily. Everything falls on it does for me...and you are overwhelmed with the stuff and all you'd like to have done. It will get day at a time. When Allison comes she'll help and may have some ideas.

    1. Oh Marge--Yes Fred really is a lot better--way more normal--I am the one who wonders when are going to go back home--cannot get it in my head that this IS home--plus it snowed ALL day here--- Hopefully it will seem like home one day--maybe??--Lynda

  7. As someone else said, I'm shocked that Fred has adapted so well and is so happy. I'm sure a lot is the attention from his son and daughter in law but he is still happy when it is just the two of you. The boxes and stuff will happen in time but what's the rush - - long winter still ahead and it will give you something to do! At least the time won't be spent shoveling!!

    My grandchildren get checks also. Have no idea what to buy for them or no energy to shop and mail. They are happier this way anyhow. Hang in there and a very Merry Christmas. Dot

    Had to laugh at the recycling confusion - I'm that way when at my daughter's house.

    1. Dot--Yes Fred is so so much better--It may not last, but so far he is good--well, good for him-- not as angry as he used to get--- Lynda

  8. Howdy, Marti here. I'm going to go ahead and wish you Merry Christmas now, in case I forget, or you don't blog before then. It sounds like you've got it pretty livable, and the important thing is that the hubby likes it and is back to himself, the animals like it, and you'll come to like it too, if you don't already. For the shower, get one of those shower chairs. I'm just 66 and have to sit. I have bad feet and cannot stand very long at all. I have tomorrow off, and the next day, and may even take off Thursday just for ME. The bf is coming tomorrow, and then we'll be busy, driving to Columbus, going to his parents for the exchange and dessert (they're super old and don't do dinners anymore), and then to my cousin's house not too far away from his parent's. There will just be 6 of us. That's all that's left of my family. Really, just my cousin. It'll be my cousin's hubby, my late cousin's 2nd wife, her son, and my bf and me. :) I will be making my corn casserole. If I don't make that, I make my green bean casserole (I don't cook, really).

    1. Marti--Sounds good--_that yu have it well planned-and thank yu for reading the blog just before Christmas--such a buy time of year too--- and yer corn caserrole sounds delicious-Lynda

  9. Merry Christmas Lynda and Fred....hope you are doing just a little each day so it eventually comes together. I am sure there will be some stuff to donate yet, because when I got here I had to drop more off, but keep picking at it and it will get does not seem like Christmas already, my daughter did not put up the tree and I didn't feel like it either.....I may splurge tomorrow and get my small 4 footer out...she absconded with my big tree and all the decorations and I have no idea what she did with the decorations...but she uses western stuff to decorate?????? when she does put a a tree up...I don't care for that stuff, at any rate I would have sent you a Christmas card if you had sent me your new address.............
    Merry Christmas almost...

  10. PHOENIX1949

    Apple Air Tags are a 'gadget' we really enjoy using. These are sold in packs of 4 and can be linked through your phone to track their location from your home address.

    We have 1 in both vehicles (should they get stolen, we can track their route; also spouse uses it to help him find car in parking garages), 1 in my purse since different people take me for my cancer medical appointments, and 1 for KC the Sunshine Dog's collar should he accidentally get out of the house or pulls away while on a walk.

    The batteries lasted 3 years on our first set of 4 which we just replaced. The tags have come down in price here in TX -- $120 for for first set & $80 for second set. I've seen them for less in recent holidays sales.

    Also, have someone set up your new address on Google maps on your phone then you can ask for directions from wherever you are to guide you home.

    Not technically-minded here but spouse set everything on my phone and using these tools are helpful. When you've calmed down a little more, see if your son will set these up.

    Eat healthy, read good books, play that piano and take in your new outdoor area with Lopez. Hugs for the emotions that are tugging at you.

    Susan - Central Texas

  11. It's evening as I write and I'm feeling... grouchy! Having a misunderstanding with a merchant online. Sigh.

    I expect I'll feel better in the morning. A good night's sleep does wonders for one's attitude, don't you think! And Lynda, let's be honest... you're under a mountain of "settling in" chores, but you know in your heart of hearts you have done the right thing! Wishing the best for you and Himself!

    Happy Christmas to you and all those you love!

    1. aw Barb--Yes in my heart it is the right thing--sorry for the 3 boys in Elliot-- Hugs--Lynda

  12. Happy Hubby is a blessing! It will all fall in place. One day at a time.💞

  13. Yes yu are right---It has not been easy so I feel that I should question the move-but Fred is so much better--Lynda

  14. Your life has changed big time and that is hard, but as we age, sometimes we have to do hard things. You have made the best choice you could make. Son #2 stepped up and helped with what he believes to be a great option for his aging parents. Think positive, embrace it, and as you said, fake it till you make it!

  15. Merry Christmas, Lynda!
    Thank you for inspiring me to work on the clutter here, and inspiring me to be brave. A big change (hug). Good to hear your DD will visit ❤️

  16. I'm running behind ... our Christmas dinner was yesterday due to my daughter's work schedule. It was lovely. There were seven of us ... myself, daughter, son-in-love, and several of their friends. I made lasagne and a green salad. My kids prepared the garlic bread, pasta salad and Costco dessert -- a delicious layered whitencake with rasbperry filling, a cream filling, and white chocolate icing on top. Oh my, that cake was something! One our guests brought a 'tuxedo' cake ... chocolate cake and icing, with a white cream filling. After eating, we played a fun group game which made us all laugh. So much different from the Christmas celebrations of my past. But. Both of my parents are gone home to heaven. My siblings are estranged from each other and me. No other cousins live close enough to spend the holiday together. So we do it a new way. Life moves forward and while I look back and miss the old a bit, I'm glad for the now too. No more cooking for thirty people because my mom couldn't any longer (dementia) and no one except my kids stepped up and I knew my parents enjoyed it so much. Yesterday I was a bit pooped as I had a hair appointment in the morning before I came home and cooked two lasagnes and a big salad. But the three of us shared the work together. Our guests were glad to be here, as they also work funny shifts and can't always be with family at the holiday. When I was pooped out, I retired to my bedroom recliner to read and as I dozed off I was so happy hearing my kids (both of them are forty) across the house laughing and enjoying games with their friends.

    I've lived a few different places through my life as a child and an adult, and there are always times when my heart misses people and places I'm far away from. Little pieces of my heart are in all of those places. When I visit some of them, I miss where I live now.

    I know it's really hard to settle into a new place and different way of living, and takes some time to make routines, get a grip on the house and newness. I hope you decide to move forward in joy.

    Hugs to you.


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