Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Just Go On Anyway---

Good Morning--  We have sunshine--  all the snow has melted--- more coming to-morrow however-- It is almost a new year---  --I am sad however---Our daughter just left --So far Son#2  is still around-- but I do hear he will be back to work soon--Our daughter did so so much--We now have chiming clocks, chiming--- a few pictures up--  and it is beginning to look like home --FINALLY!----- The daughter did it all---simply amazing really!-----The Living room is beginning to look like we live here ---

We need a Doctor, a Dentist and an Eye Doctor ---- plus a couple of the payments never got moved to our new bank--all of that will take time---kinda frustrating really---

I do miss our daughter--but---she is really only 6 hours away now---not 12 hours , as she used to be, so hopefully we will see more of her -----

Can yu tell that I am sad??-- It is so hard to say "Good Bye" isn't it??--- But--I shall think happy thoughts---We do have Son#2 here--- and we do have our daughter closer--  and we did downsize--with their help--  Oh dear-- I really do need you all to talk to--Lord Love a Duck!

                            I hope that you enjoy to-day--appreciate  all going on in your life--



  1. I do need the hugs and courage to carry on--Thank yu----- so happy to hesr from yu--- Yes I CAN do this---(I hope!)--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. My middle daughter and her family live in Roanoke, VA - about 1250 miles from us or approximately 20 - 22 hours to drive. They come up about every other year but now that Faith is in college, that will likely be less and less. We go there when we can but it's getting to be a very long drive for us and little Daisy. I cry a bit every time we leave them, or they leave us. I doubt it will ever be different. I'm so glad your daughter was able to help you put the finishing touches on some things. Yes, your new place will feel like home very soon! Take care and Happy New Years Eve!

    1. Kathy-- hard to move--Lucky we have Matt and Erin--but--WE now have TFSavings --- and the apartment is nice--Lynda

  3. Hi It's really shaping up . So nice your children are able to help. And no snow to shovel or blow!!! Donna_cps2

    1. No snow to blow--no grass to cut--and a washer and dryer IN THE APARTMENT--Lynda

  4. Oh, I do hope you will be able to see your daughter more with a six hour drive instead of twelve for her. I know change is hard, and I really loved the slogan on the rock: "Behind every strong person is a story that gave them no choice." Ain't it the truth?

    Hugs from a distance!

    1. no choice-- our large home really was killing me Barb--and this is all we need--- a tight fit tho--lol--Lynda

  5. Lynda, we love it when you talk to us, too. We also vent on you. We all are helped by our communications!
    It's too bad your darling daughter is gone, but as you say...she's only half as far away as she was. You WILL see her more often.
    Your dinner photo is great. I take it the extra lady is your daughter-in-law.
    I finally saw mine yesterday. We had a great time. My grandson and daughter loved their gifts. My son-in-law was busy elsewhere.
    I had to my wheel-less friend to the ER. Waiting to find out when I can pick her up. I have stuff to do!
    We are having one of those crazy inspections again on Monday. Need to get gas, too.
    I know everything will eventually work out for all of us. Sometimes (well, all the time), it's just hard waiting.
    Weather below freezing here, too, but almost all the snow is gone. Hope it won't come back heavily for quite some time.
    My tests at the VA went fine. I am waiting to hear results. It will take a couple days.
    Back later. Hope you can cheer yourself up and have a good rest of your day! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Those crazy inspections-- Crazy! YU are not children--Anyway, Allison got home to Medina in 6 hrs --before dark-- and I know she will come more often now--Yes I sure missed yu all this morning--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! So happy so much got done but sad you had to say goodbye to your daughter. You will see her more often! I have to say goodbye to my nephew tomorrow until Spril spring break. He is 6 hours away, as well. We are strong. We can do it and let’s make a beautiful 2025. Hugs from Ohio!

    1. ohio --Yu are in OHIO--- wonder how close yu are to Medina??--Took her 6 hrs to get home-- got there before dark--Lynda

    2. I am 40 minutes from Allison.

  7. Hi Lynda, your daughter was a big help and with pictures on the wall, and chiming clocks sounding off, it's more and more like home. I'm sure you'll see more of your daughter now that the drive has been reduced to 6 hrs. Even if Matt returns to work, you'll see him when he returns instead of just a phone call. You really are doing so well Lynda, so give yourself a pat on the back. You are one strong woman.
    Maureen from California

    1. Oh Maureen--so so hard to downsize but necessary I guess-- So good to have Allison here--Lynda

  8. PHOENIX1949

    Sent a comment that showed up on screen, then went away.

    I was tickled to see bananas front and center on the dining table pic.

    88F here in Central Texas yesterday, a record reading for the date.

    I'm impressed by how quickly you have settled into your new place -- less than a month since arriving.

    Happy New Year!


    1. Oh Susan--- I do believe people should downsize but perhaps sooner than we did--Wow! VERY hot in Texas eh?--Lynda

  9. Yay that your new home is feeling more homey. And so wonderful that Son #2 and wife and your daughter so lovingly stepped up and sacrificed to help you and your husband during this big undertaking! Not all parents have children who make the effort to remain close and help, so you hit the jackpot with those two.

    It is nice that your daughter lives closer, but six hours is still a bit of a haul. Are you able to do Zoom meetings or their equivilant? That way you and Fred and 'see' her more frequently. Nice for you and her both.

    Your kitchen table is looking pretty fabulous, I must say!

    Happiest of New Years to you!

    1. LOL--The kitchen table is always so full eh?--LOL--Our daughter really came thru --worked so hard to make things fit--Lynda

  10. Sounds like things are slowly falling into place. The photos look like it’s shaping onto HOME! Wonderful.

    Hope y’all have a wonderful New Nears Eve and a wonderful 2025. You’re having a great start with the move done and over, even with things still left to do. You know we're all rooting for you, in your corner!


    Happy New Year


    1. Barb--SO so good to hear from yu--=Thank yu--Yes its coming together but I have never given so much away--Lynda

  11. So nice to see a nice full dinner table, in such a cozy place. I never see that (no family really). My bf is here now, and I always love having him here. I too, get sad when he leaves, but he's only 45 minutes away. But he lives such a bachelor lifestyle there, and here, he's always helping, and busy. There will be major changes coming in January for him, i.e., probably a job, and perhaps living here, at least temporarily. He still has to get his other eye done January 23rd - cataract surgery. The rest is a long story!

    Happiest of New Year's to you, my dear Lynda! The New Year will bring settling in for you, and hopefully, much happiness!


    1. Marti is he oK??--The Boyfriend??---I had that surgery also-Lynda

  12. Hi Lynda: You are doing great with the apartment, with Allison, Matt and Erin's help. Even though Allison had to leave she got lots accomplished while she was there. And now she is much closer than before. Can you use zoom meetings or something similar where you guys can talk to her and see her over the phone?You have lots of changes that you're dealing with and know that you can't get everything done all at once. So try to relax a little. Play the piano. Hugs Brenda

  13. Replies
    1. Brenda-- Love seeing yu--Happy New Year-Lynda


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