Thursday, August 19, 2021

CBC radio tells me about the present generation--

 Now if this should make you relax-----Doncha jess want to sit there like Beau and think  good thoughts? It is another extremely hot day here , and I have already walked, and--walked Tess, the older German, as in dog. She is doing okay so far! 

I am still suffering from lack of "Spark"---I wonder if some of you are also. Even tho I know better, I find myself going back to old habits--eating before bed--EATING ICE CREAM before bed--- not drinking the water--reaching for carbonated drinks--not cooking as many veggies-- 

And I know that all of that is crazy! So, as of to-day, I shall try harder--

I hoofed it to the highway--- and on the way back, in the sun and heat, I was so relieved that the exercise was almost over. Coming into the sun room, himself's radio was playing , very loudly, on CBC radio. They were talking about how the new generation will not live as long as my generation--so----I stopped to hear . "why"?  The announcer said it is because of their diet--

And that is probably right--Fast Foods-- and lack of exercise because of video games and their phone stuff- It sounded like my present life, without spark---and I know better! 

Now isn't that shocking?----when I think of it, I feed my Grandkids ---pizza, hot dogs, donuts--and some pop--I AM CONTRIBUTING TO THEM LOSING YEARS  IN THEIR LIVES-----and mine too! 

Doesn't that make one change the bad habits?-Lord love a Duck! --So, instead of Spark in my life right now, I must think--HEALTH -----HEALTHY HABITS-----

Beginning to-day, I shall make every day, the best day ever! 
I shall get some exercise  in every day--- and, guess what?-----The ice cream has to go! I miss Spark, but the time spent doing all I felt I had to , on the site, I could be adding years onto my life -----


  1. I feel the same about Spark. I am not doing as much exercise, because I am not booking it every day, but that could be because of the heat. But, I have more time in the morning, as I am not checking the community feed every morning, and reading articles. (Spark ReverieGirl).

  2. I so enjoy your blogs and while it is not the same platform as Spark, I am thankful to not have lost touch. Glad d that Tess is doing pretty well. Love the photos you send of the lake and your family! I think that it is pretty wonderful that your grand daughter wanted you to meet her boyfriend, That speaks volumes! Thank you for your encouragement Lynda!

  3. You are doing very well without SparkPeople and setting a good example for us! I wish I could make myself get up that early to go for a walk every day! It’s been so hot here lately that I’ve been mainly staying at home out of the heat. I have been recording my food though and have decided no more chocolate bars when I’m grocery shopping. Enjoy the rest of the day ! ❤️ 🐕‍🦺

  4. It does feel strange to be disconnected from Spark. The old emails are no longer supported so the articles are unavailable!
    I understand the appeal of ice cream on these hot days! Have you tried “nice cream” made from bananas? It’s quite easy to make and helps us live well longer. Also pre-portioned treats, like a Revelo bar, works for me! 🥰

  5. Good Afternoon! I am at work and thought it was still morning, glad it is not. That is a beautiful picture of Beau and yes I would love to be out there relaxing with him. I am glad Tess is doing well and you are enjoying the hike to the highway with her. That is my problem, I need to move. I get home from work and basically become a couch potato, ugh. I need to stop sitting down to watch TV with my hubby. I don't get to see him much because of his work schedule to I love the time we spend watching TV before he goes to bed. So I have to find a way to get my down time but not stay down. Your phrase "Lord love a duck" fits perfect here!
    Continued blessings and strength as we make changes.

  6. I'm actually okay without Spark, although having it was a great thing and helped me learn the importance of logging and mindfulness. I'm blogging here and getting better used to it. I'm still logging on another fitness platform, and actually started logging food/water/moving it there pretty quickly after Spark announced the shutdown, only checking in there for blogs. That site (MyFitnessPal) has the ability to post status (kind of like feedposts) and I've connected with some of my sparkfriends there. While it would be more convenient to log and blog on one site, this is working. I'm sloowwwllly losing some weight and staying motivated as long as I don't dive too deep into a novel too early in the day.

    Hopefully you can find another online place to log food/water/moving it, or maybe use a self-designed paper chart of some sort? You are amazing with all you do and the motivation you have, so I know you can push forward and enjoy your good health.

    Happy Thursday!

  7. I am doing pretty good without Spark too. Funny thing is that I have gotten really excited about blogging here and am posting nearly every day. Maybe a notebook might help you. I tracked nearly 40 years so I am so done that but still doing pretty good with my 3 small rules that work best for me. - Have a spark-filled day anyway.

  8. Beau looks so comfy and relaxed laying there. Nice spot. Glad Tess is doing ok. Good that you got himself's hearing aids fixed. Try to stop eating anything earlier in the evening. That way maybe you can wean yourself off the ice cream in time.😀

  9. I love reading your blogs! Keep up the good words, walks,and work. Gail

  10. I hope that now that you have the blogging thing "down", you will find another tool in which to track food and exercise. I use a Canadian product that I found very easy to start in with: Cronometer. I'm also over on MyFitnessPal, for exactly what RaeRaeLee66 said, the status, where I can hang out my "virtual tea towel" to let folks know even if I don't get a blog out that day, that I'm still breathing!

    And I'm now doing fine without Spark, although I sort of miss it... I'm still seeing some folks, including YOU! And photos of Beau and Tess... and the news of family doings.

    Stick with those healthy habits... we know what to do... and we can do it, with or without Spark as a site, because of the Spark in our hearts! 💖

  11. I love this blog, thank you for continuing to share your life with us!

  12. Hi Lynda, Beau does look comfy! I am tracking my food. I am maintaining so I am happy. However, I still have my sister Thoms1 as my diet Buddy thank Goodness. I ended up with COVID-19 but am fine. I was fully vaccinated and still got it. I have been masked and tried to social distance. I along with my sister Julie were flying to Wisconsin and made the mistake of eating in an airport restaurant! While seated people were not masked however, wait staff was fully masked the whole time. Not much social distancing. That's where we think we got it. Anyway, we had a mild case and had to notify lots and lots of people to make them aware that they may need to be tested as well. Fortunately all our friends that we visited had been vaccinated as well. None have turned up positive which we are thankful for. We have been released from our isolation and Julie will be able to fly back to Montana to her cat "Hattie" puppy Bella and Hubby Wayne.
    We are doing good, spent a lot of time on the phone with the Contact Tracer and calling friends. I hope I never have to do that again. I guess limiting travel is quite appealing.

  13. Thanks for keeping on blogging. :) I enjoy hearing your little stories every day.
    I've been having a bit of trouble keeping up my healthy lifestyle too. We need to be careful not to fall into the "all or nothing" mentality.

  14. Yes, I miss Spark, also! But so glad you are blogging here. AND, glad Tess is doing her best.

  15. I miss Spark too...I want to go on it and check everything out but then I remember that it is not there anymore...I am so glad that I still get to read your blogs.

    Have a great day

  16. Love that pic... it starts me daydreaming about sitting right there next to Beau... In answer to your question, yes, I'm missing Spark too but we gotta take what we learned and move forward. So happy to be able to do so with some of my SP friends and a daily dose of Lynda!!

  17. Hi Linda, We must remember all we learned on Spark and keep on keeping on. Otherwise all those years on Spark were wasted. Eat your veggies, Drink your water, keep walking and NO ice cream. Well at least just limited amounts. You are doing great, just hang in there.

  18. It's me again, Willow. Seems the only way I can send my post is by using anonymous. The last post was mine.

  19. Maybe, the way the world is going, this is long enough! Over population is doing us in. Just a thought.

    I’m glad the dogs are happy! And your hummingbirds are doing well.

  20. Dogs happy, birds singing what more can we ask for?

  21. Think we are all going through a time
    of withdrawal from SP. Glad you are
    still "Hoofing" it up to the road.
    And glad that Tess is still doing
    well. Have a blessed evening.
    Sharon Cyr

  22. Yes, I miss Spark ALOT....BUT....I am truly grateful that you continue to blog and offer snippets of your daily life. Carry on, Lynda! We ALL know what we should be doing, don’t we?! ❤️ Eissa7

  23. Oh, Beau is gorgeous. So happy that Tess is doing well. Keep up with your walks!

  24. Oh Lynda, step away from the ice cream. We learned a lot about a healthy lifestyle on spark now is the time for us to put it to work. Don't go back to your old ways. You have all of us that read your wonderful blogs to give you support. Now once again step away from the ice cream.

  25. Those are great news for us but not for our descendants. It's a good call of attention so that they can change their ways. Hugs, Lynda

  26. Each morning I looked forward to signing into spark and I do miss it. I am so happy that I have your blog to read every day.

  27. I find myself trying to log in to Spark but get a message that it has shut down. I am truly happy that you are here and blogging still and that I have now found the way to let you know that. My problem comes from not logging in my food the way I used to so I will pick up the chips or whatever that I would not have done before. I have a Weight Watchers app that I may go back to to log on my food and activity. And come to your blog to tell you how much I enjoy reading about your dogs and family. I also have dogs but mine are small Chinese cresteds..Peanut has some fur but Gypsy has only the crest on her head and a little hair on her tail. She wears a coat all summer so she doesn't sunburn. It's so good to read your blog and the comments.

  28. Truly, it’s crazy to see the diet of some of these younger adults, and yet we are who rewarded them with sugar treats as we do our grandkids. So now it’s up to us to model appropriate eating behaviors!

  29. I wore my sass all day! 😉
    Maybe feed those grandkids some grapes and watermelon (oh my goodness I started to type that spelled watermellen like the sparkperson) and chicken, even if it’s fried?
    Thank you for that relaxing picture of the dock view. Beau is a great model!

  30. Beth Here. I feel the same way about Spark, I feel like I am missing something, that I have forgotten to do something. I miss logging my food so I can see If I burned more calories than I eat. I have not found a site that works for me...I cannot find their page where to log food. Ugh... I will find someday. I hope sooner rather than later.
    You have a blessed evening and I will check back tomorrow.

  31. Hi Lynda, I am missing Spark so much. I am sleeping an hour later so I think that might be a plus, but I miss talking with everyone each day. I can see where the diet the generation of today eats would affect their longenity. One thing I can thank SP for is that I now cook most of our meals were we used to eat out two or three times a day. And I have many more healthy habits, that I can hope I can keep up the things SP taught me.

  32. Glad you're here, blogging away, spreading the Spark.

  33. now a daily habit for me to read your blogs!

  34. I too miss logging into Spark each morning and spinning the wheel but I am finding myself with more time and as soon as my knee heals I will be exercising my lower body again. For the next 2 weeks I am on meloxicam, ice regularly and rest hopefully to ease the pain of my strained MCL. I guess we ex Sparkers have to stick together.

  35. Only thing I did on SPwas follow your blog and maybe grab a recipe or two. Glad you’re still blogging here!

  36. Definitely miss Sparks a lot, but one thing that makes me feel better is coming here and seeing your blog!


  37. Don't beat yourself up over a couple "bad" days. Just each day resolve to do better?

    Have you tried plant based ice cream yet? Or cups of fruit freezes? That's what I have. For a bedtime snack I also like a couple mouths-full of dark chocolate covered raisins. {{{Hugs}}}

  38. I too am finding it difficult to eat healthy every day, without SparkPeople. Because it depresses me that they are gone. But I know I can count calories whenever I want, over at Lose It! I also hang out on My Fitness Pal now, to reconnect with former SparkPeople. I'm trying to "gather my tribe", so to speak. I think I'll feel more normal, by and by, especially when I'm done with all the blogs I've collected being where they belong. Thank you for another blog, Lynda! Longevity is a huge interest of mine, and I hope the young people can wake up to the fact that they need to care for their diets better!

  39. Keep On Keeping On (KOKO).

    In place of ice cream I like frozen fruit, like mangoes, that are partially thawed and can be made mushy easily with a few mashes with a fork or spoon.

  40. It is sad that the current younger generation will likely have shorter life spans due to their diet. I'm listening to the audiobook "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger. He's an MD who has extensively studied nutrition. His grandmother, who many years ago was sent home to die due to heart disease, lived another 30 years because she changed her diet to whole food plant based. He was just a kid when she changed her diet. He was so impressed by her results that he became a doctor to help other people live longer. But he is not your typical doctor, as he puts so much emphasis on being healthy through diet. Each chapter of the book is how not to die of some disease -- cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc. He has another book, "How Not to Diet" that I listened to first. That was so good, I had to keep listening to his audiobooks. He also has books titled "How Not to Diet Cookbook" and "How to Survive a Pandemic." I'll be listening to the pandemic book next!

    What we eat is really so important to our health. I hope that you can find your healthy habits again. Sounds like your trip to the grocery store has you back on track. Be well!


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