Thursday, December 2, 2021

Are kids as resilient as we think?

It's the Queen- in Elliot Lake!----  I think she may be here! ------ LOLOLOL----  I wish!----No, this picture was sent to me by our daughter in Ohio----  She saw it in a car there--a card board replica-----  I love it!!!!-----and--below here, is a picture of inside Pearson airport in Toronto, this morning---so many people travelling!- It was sent by Son #2 the Pilot . He is sitting on his aircraft, waiting to depart to a warm destination, but waiting for passengers stuck in security.
I was playing the piano last evening, and thinking of when my Dad used to take me for piano lessons. I took from the Nuns, in London, Ontario. My Dad would wait in the car for me  to finish my lesson. -- I did not enjoy these lessons, mainly because I did not practice-- I was about 8 yrs old--and,  my parents persisted   with these lessons until I got to Gr 6-Piano.-  How they ever did that , I'll never know because it must've cost them a bundle!--I remember the Nun who was teaching me the ropes,  sitting beside me with a long stick, and when I hit the wrong note (as I did 90% of the time)-  she would wack my hands  on the piano-

-I liked visiting the Nuns residence  in spite of all this, and I  always remember  finding their residence so cold with wooden bare floors. There were 5 of us kids, and so having Dad just take me to a piano lesson, by myself --(just Dad and I)-was a treat--

Funny what one remembers of their "growing up" days----I remember also, having Air Raid tests in Public School---  Apparently Canada must've been watching out for Atomic Bombs ---- The teacher would blink the lights, and we had to jump under our desks.---  and after  doing that in school, lying in bed at night, I would see a car drive past our house, and it made me wonder if it was an Air Raid---

So, it's amazing that kids survive everything isn't it?--  So many very frightening things happen in their lives as they grow up, and I wonder if adults understand that these children really don't understand the "Whys" and  the "What's"-----And now we have another frightening  illness looming in their lives-----One day they might be blogging about their feelings!

 Lord love a Duck eh! -----  How did I ever think of all this?-----



  1. LOVE the pic of Queen Elizabeth. Made me smile!

    OMGOMGOMG. I just about jumped off my piano bench. I tool lessons, too, till I was a sophomore in high school. In grammar school I started out w/a nun who taught piano. O. M. G she had that same pointer and would rap me on the knuckles when I made a mistake, too! I told my Mom I was never going back to that nun again. We found a lady on our block who taught. She was wonderful. Then when we moved found another private teacher. Turned out her DD and I went to high school together and she was my bestie! Good memories of her lessons.

    YES! We had those same air raid drills. Like being under a desk would protect us @ all in a nuclear attack! LOL BUT we didn’t realize that as kids. We just did as we were told.

    For sure, I truly wonder how much the littles understand about what is going on in this world today. **SIGH** I am grateful I grew up in the era I did.

    Well, hope today is a good day . . . going to make it one!


    1. Barb--Yu sure made me LOL When I read that your piano lessons were with the Nuns too--and that she stick--LOLOL--- Thanks for writing! Lynd

  2. There are many things about "the good old days" that were not really so good when we think back. I was born in 1938. I was 6 when my brother went into WWII. I well remember the children with polio. My little nephew was in Sick Kids Hospital in London Ontario for 6 months when I was 14 and the wards were full of kids in iron lungs. So sad. And no microwaves, no mobile phones and no computers just to name a few things that hadn't been invented yet. We really must appreciate what we have now days.

  3. I remember the CBC news every noon hour telling us how many children had passed with Polio-- and the Iron Lungs--no respirators-- Thanks Willow for reminding me how lucky we are to have so much! Lynda

  4. I remember Air Raids too. We would have to go out into the hallway, get down on our knees and put our hands over our heads. Not sure that would really protect us if a bomb was dropped but we did as we were told. I also took piano lessons when I was about that same age, and didn't enjoy them at all. My mother loved playing the piano and I loved lying in bed listening to her - that's how she relaxed after we went to bed.

  5. My dad played by ear and was a wonderful musician. He played the saxophone, clarinet and the violin. Unfortunately none of his children followed in his footsteps. Great memories. Enjoy your day!

  6. Love the photo of the Queen in a car!

    My paternal grandfather, born 1886, along with my spouse and multiple cousins and friends have all shared their experiences of being whacked by the nuns. Appears to be a long-standing tradition! Our parochial school (non-Catholic) did not use corporal punishment and my parents did not spank so this has always seemed barbaric to me.

  7. Such interesting memories you had, Lynda. Those poor nuns, angry because they had no lovers and forced yo join the cult! Awful stuff back then. Your parents spent a lot to give you piano lessons. At least you can still play. Enjoy what you can!

  8. What a nasty way to teach a young child to play the piano, whacking your hands when you hit a wrong key! NOT the way to teach or treat a child. It must be remembered that young minds do no see things the way older ones do - 'you cannot put an old head on a young shoulder.' And kindness is how everyone, with no exception, should be treated.

    I have 'memories' too Lynda, that aren't great. I'm so glad things are different for youngsters these days and they are generally happy. Of course this Covid is really bumming up things for them but they're strong and will come out of this with little damage. I hope!

    Hugs to all of you there.

  9. I like the Queen picture in the car. LOL.
    Nuns rapping kids with rulers was standard operating procedure. You were lucky to have lessons and time alone with your dad. I'm glad you still play.
    Yes, I remember air raid drills. I also remember the polio outbreak. Lots of scarry things in life.
    Hoping you have a good day. Be well.

  10. Oh, the Queen Elizabeth picture, so fun! Although I'm in the USA, I admire Queen Elizabeth; she has been faithful to her duty for so many years.

    I remember the air raid drills. And when I was in junior high and high school we lived close to the coast, so in PE sometimes they'd do drills for incoming plane attacks and we'd have to drop facedown and flat to the grass and stay there until all clear. Livng in California we also had earthquake drills. And fire drills.

  11. Very interesting and funny too. I'm sure you've enjoyed the effort your Dad did for you.

  12. Love the queen's cut out in the car! As RaeRaeLee66 said, I admire the Queen, even though I am a US citizen. She represents a good deal of my genetic heritage and culture, as that's the family tree I came down from. I thought it was really classy how the Barbados transition to a Republic was handled this week, too.

    That wasn't the comment I was going to leave, but that's how it came out. Did you try to phone me tonight? I got this really goofy "screening" message on my phone that just had two words "teaching me" and I thought of you. But when I Googled the phone number it said it was coming from, the answer came up in Korean, of all things!

    Anyway, if it was you, try again, and I'll try to pick up before the screening thing kicks in!

  13. We had those alarms in school, too. Had to crawl under our desks and cover our heads with our arms.

    Now when there is a siren going off...I still wonder. It's always just a practice drill, though.

    I once read in Readers Digest that by the time a child is 6, you should have taught them to go through life expecting candy, but with enough wisdom not to take it from strangers.

    Glad I am through raising mine. Sure with I saw my grand children more often. Sigh. Such is life!


  14. Perservere Lynda...and you did. Now the pups enjoy your playing...

  15. We also had the alarms in school! Remember when people built fall out shelters under ground? Those were the days my friend!

  16. I still can't get over the piano lessons. I never practiced and to this day I wish I could play the piano. Oh well! (((HUGS)))


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