Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Amazon Christmas!

I just read all your posts on Christmas in your house! --We got thru it didn't we?----  And it sounds like we made the best of a very different Christmas!--Himself and I are  just fine!--  We ate our own Christmas Turkey, with mashed potatoes and turnip with a Toblerone Cheese Cake, compliments of son #1---It was so hard not to join the rest of the family Christmas Eve--  I shed a few tears over that!--  Thank goodness for our daughter in Ohio who told me, "It is only one day Mom! You can do it! Stay home!"----so, we did! and you know, it was kinda nice to have a day alone---  I even enjoyed it! 

Son#2, the Air Canada Pilot, who did a flight to the UK just before Christmas, is now isolating in his room, in his home.--He has a headache and a head cold, and tested himself and it  was right on the line--for the variant. He has been vaccinated 3 times, so he will be OK---- but------He was supposed to come up here --and now--who knows?--

Of course he will retest, but--his visit is "on hold"--- for now---So many flights  have been cancelled due to lack of workers to  man them--! ------

So what did I get for Christmas?---  Well, the gift of life--Lord love a Duck!--the best gift ever! ---And like the rest of you, I am so grateful! (and--I bought myself a new vacuum--a dyson!)---and my glasses---  and, what did Himself get--from me?----new sensible slippers from Amazon---  nice ones with a heel and a good soul--  Of course, he doesn't like them--and probably won't wear them for 10 yrs--Lord love a Duck!--Men don't like new stuff! 

I call this the "Amazon" Christmas ----  Our daughter sent so much thru them--free shipping-- which I did not rewrap upon arriving here--We opened lotza boxes-- 

So that is about it! The Queen survived too I hear---masked too!--Until to-morrow, 




  1. I feel rested today due to the quiet day yesterday. I skyped my sister in Georgia yesterday so we were together for awhile even though it wasn't in person. Time changes everything but the memories of years before remain. Enjoy your day.

  2. Happy Boxing Day! (Lived in England for 4 years, and no I did not get to see the Queen,but did see Buckingham Palace.)

    1. Hope Son#2 is feeling better today. Had written Sun. comment before I read your post. Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas.
      We also spent it by ourselves. Closest relative is in N. Carolina. Enjoyed ourselves with Christmas dinner after church on Sun. Have a good Mon. (back to the old grind, as they say.)

  3. Oh no! Hope DS #2 is all right. GOOD he’s been 3 times vaccinated. That will lessen the severity.

    Sounds like you got the best gift of all – love. Same here. NOTHING better!

    Well hope that Himself decides to at least try those new slippers. They sound nice.

    How did Little Lopez do w/Christmas!? Miss Lilly got a squeaky toy that she will not part with! LOL She took it to bed. Had to hide it as she kept chomping on the squeaker. LOL

  4. I love both the togetherness and the apartness. I was lucky to get both this Christmas and I'm praying for all of us to have remained healthy. We've all been ever so careful, the five of us... and we live in a so-called lagging state, so hopefully we squeaked this holiday in before the worst of Omicron hits and we'll all stay well.

    Glad you and Himself survived, too. An Amazon Christmas isn't so bad, after all... sort of reminds me of the years my husband, son and I lived so far from all the relatives, and that's how we got our gifts... shipped via "MailPlus" from my mom, and how we sent them, mail-order back then!

    Wishing you the best Boxing Day and week ahead leading up to the New Year!

    (( hugs ))

  5. Thinking positive thoughts for Son #2. Glad you made it through the day. It was different here too and we are all ok. On to the New Year!

  6. Wishing your son to not have the Covid, but even colds are no fun, and spread around a family. Crossing fingers. And you both made it thru Christmas alone! We had our bubble members here, and that was enough, ate fried fish for a change, ham and turkey too expensive ! Birthday cake, for our son, who turned 43. And so it goes. Take care of yourselves. Thanks for the nice photos!

  7. Thought I’d repost this fro Facebook to put a smile on everyone’s face:

    I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don't have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don't have a curfew. I have a driver's license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant and I don't have acne. Life is great. I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People get out of the way much faster now.
    Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers. Now they drink like their fathers.
    I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row. I decided to stop calling the bathroom "John" and renamed it the "Jim". I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
    Old age is coming at a really bad time.
    When I was a child I thought "nap time" was a punishment. Now it feels like a small vacation.
    The biggest lie I tell myself is... " I don't have to write that down, I'll remember it".
    I don't have gray hair... I have "wisdom highlights"! I'm just very wise.
    If God wanted me to touch my toes, He would've put them on my knees.
    Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet.
    Why do I have to press one for English when you're just going to transfer me to someone I can't understand anyway?
    Of course, I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.
    At my age "Getting Lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came In there for.
    I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names.
    Now, I'm wondering... did I send this to you, or did you send it to me?

    1. There are some good ones in this. I especially like the one about pressing "1" for English, it's so, so true...

  8. Well, we got through it, and we'll get through New Year's Eve and Day, too.

    Love your poster at the end. Sure do miss the hugs.

    We are having our Boxind Day party this afternoon. 'Course the residents here don't know what Boxind Day is. To them it's just the day after Christmas.

    My son-in-law isn't too sick with his covid. So far my daughter and grandson are testing negative.

    Hey, just went shopping and...I GOT BANANAS!

    Love you, Lynda. And your whole household.

    Hopefully, Himself will try the slippers...probably when you're not looking. One day you will just notice...hey-he's wearing them!


  9. Annemarie, I like your post.

    Lynda, I'm sorry to hear you shed tears missing your kids. Your daughter is right....we all know she's right. Being alone wasn't so bad. We're all safe and well...that matters.
    I had to laugh about Fred and the new slippers. Thats so typical for my husband....hates change.
    Hoping pilot son doesn't have Covid. Might be a change in plans as far as a visit.
    Even the Queen had a "different" Christmas.
    Amazon Christmas from your daughter. How fun...Surprises
    Don't overdo shoveling please..
    Play the piano please.
    Take care.

  10. Happy Boxing Day!! I hope you see my posted message on FB from the Queen! Next best to an in person visit.

  11. We were alone too yesterday and I must say I didn't really mind. I knew that the my family was trying to keep us safe and that was a gift in itself. They both only got together with their own family so that was a total of 5 in each gathering. Stay safe Lynda. Hugs, Willow

  12. You are so right Lynda, the gift of life is the best gift ever! Nothing can top that. To have another day that is the best! Maybe himself will like the slippers if you keep them out. Men can be so fussy.

  13. I'm sorry your #2 son is ill with the variant, but thank the good Lord that he's been vaccinated properly so will get through it well. Hopefully when he's well he can get in a quick visit.

    A Dyson vacuum!!! Woo-hoo!! I've had my Dyson for probably fifteen years and love it. About six months ago or so I replaced the roller bar assembly (so so easy) as I'd worn the bristles down on it, and bought a second filter set for it so that I could have one drying while the other was in place ... in summer they dry quickly after washing but in winter they take a bit longer. It's the best vacuum I've ever owned and worth every penny.

    I'm glad you and your husband had a nice meal and enjoyed your day.

  14. Hope your son is ok. Maybe husband’s old slippers will go missing. Enlist Lopez to chew on one? My husband and I enjoyed our laid back Christmas got two. I feel so relaxed. I had no Christmas services to sing, no big dinner to prepare, no mess to clean up, and since we retired, no hurry to get things done over winter break. We ate what we wanted which was shrimp ‘n grits and gumbo.

  15. I'm so glad you enjoyed your day and everything worked out well! Sounds like a wonderful meal! Your daughter steered you in the right direction. Sorry your son is isolating and may not get to visit. I know you were looking forward to that. I love my Dyson. It is cordless and I my older one is with a cord. I don't know how I ever went without a cordless one! Enjoy your gifts. Yes, the Queen made it through although she did have an armed intruder. Hope you have a great week!:)

  16. Good evening Lynda,
    I am happy that you enjoyed Christmas, hubby and I was by our selves also. We went for a ride later in day to see the Christmas lights. It was a very relaxing day. Today we are eating leftovers. Now maybe I will be able to get all the sweets out of the house. I have gained 2 pounds-need to start all over again and get serious about losing this weight. Have a great evening!

  17. Still catching up. Hope Son#2 is better and not Covid! (((HUGS)))


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