I feel like running away--but--where on earth would I go?--I could go to London to visit the Queen---but--I know that is out of the question--She has not invited me--AND, being a Senior citizen, that trip is completely not affordable-And if I ever could go somewhere, what would happen to Sushi, and to Beau--? They would miss me terribly--- Wee little Lopez would finish devouring the rug in the living room for sure! So----I guess the best I can do, is dream ----and to tell you the truth, I don't believe I can even dream of a real place I'd rather be, than right here.
I wish I had a million dollars however---If I did, I'd not worry as much as I do, trying to keep the bank books flowing smoothly--I might hire someone to cut down a few trees that are too close to the house---maybe turn this place into a B@B---but--then I'd have to get rid of Sadie, the cleaning Lady, who is really me---and hire full time help----also hire a full time gardener (who presently is me also-)-- so, what would I do in my spare time?--well, maybe then I could go to London to visit the Queen--
So, if you could run away, where would you go?---It sounds good--Maybe we could go to a desert Island?--- You know , once, a long time ago, Himself and I, with children, went to the Dominican for a vacation-- They had "day trips"--- Himself and children decided to take a jeep trip up into the mountains--I went on a sail boat , which was advertised as going to a deserted island in the middle of the sea, and we could swim with some kind of fish. Now to me, that was a dream come true-- I had visions of no-one --on this island--and I could see myself (in my head)- lolling around and loving the peace and quiet-
Well! From the moment they bussed me to the sail boat, it was a complete disaster- The bus was hot and had so many people on it, one could not sit down-- I managed to get on the sail boat and the drinks flowed like there was no to-morrow-- That created another problem, as there was no washroom--only a bucket which one had to straddle out in the open-- I thought, "Oh well, not to worry, because, soon we will be on the deserted island"--Then a thunderstorm struck as we were approaching the island- where at least 60 other sail boats were sitting off shore--
They did manage to motor boat us ashore to the supposedly Deserted Island--with all the other boats taxiing people to shore-- It turned out of course, the island was about 130 degrees--no breeze --no where to sit on the sand--no wash room-- and we were left there for hours and hours-- It was just a terrible experience and I was never so glad to get off that so called, "Deserted Island"--and head back , by bus, to our hotel--
I realized after that experience , there is no such thing, in this world , as a "deserted island"-- Well, maybe in story books, like Robinson Crusoe--- It exists only in one's head--and peace and quiet can be where ever you want ---walking thru the bush----or, in your own back yard--
Maybe "running away" can be in your head too-- and that can even be better ! ---maybe just sit down and dream --That sounds good to me!----