Sunday, March 31, 2024

Yes, it is a beautiful day!

                FINALLY-----  Easter Sunday--- so happy--because--SPRING is around the corner--
                Spring has sprung
                The grass has riz
                I wonder where
                The boidies iz?
                 The Boid is on the wing
                But that's absoid
                I thought the wing was on the boid-

I have "stuff " to tell you--Yesterday I saw a flock of geese--in a park on the way into town--Our lakes are not open yet--so, they were running all over this park-- resting probably. on their way, farther north-I wanted to stop the car and introduce myself--another sign of Spring--
It is still cold here--and snow is predicted for parts of next week--

            April  showers bring May Flowers----in the North here, Spring kinda lags a bit--

Lopez and I have "hoofed" it up the road , and--he even did his business--and the bed is changed-but-- no taxes are done--"yet"----I have all the needed papers ready--I just have to sit at the table and organize all those papers--Mom used to say, "A Woman's work is never done"-----and it seems that way--but---- to-day is a beautiful day--and one day we will say, "Yes , it was a beautiful life!"----
                                                                    HAPPY EASTER

Yes, it is a Beautiful Day--

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Wear the Perfume??

Happy Easter Saturday--and--the stores are open to-day--- I need vegetables--fruit-- maybe yogurts--It seems like a good day to spread "the love"--- so----  as it says above, "I love you all to the moon and back"---and, to-morrow is Easter Sunday---when you can put on that Easter Bonnet, with all the frills upon it--and--"you will be the finest in the Easter parade"--so-----dance around the kitchen--and sing---

        I realize Easter Sunday is to-morrow--but----  it's Easter weekend---so, we can celebrate  even to-day---

 Last evening, I grabbed wee little Lopez and pressed the camera--You can tell he did not like the sound--but here he is, trying to get away-

- Last night he  ran upstairs here-- (Sushi's abode)-chased poor Sushi into the closet---and before I could grab him, he  went behind her into the closet, then began to yelp--- Sushi had turned around and whacked  Lopez , probably in his face---I grabbed Lopez,  expecting to see blood, (There was none)-and praised Sushi for standing up to this wee bad boy-- a lesson to Lopez-!-Lots of action always it seems, in this house!

-I hope that your day is calmer---the above  might help--- I like the "wear perfume"---Lately it's the last thing I think of as I leave the house---A person who is 81 and wears her perfume ----Wow!

- sounds good anyway--LOL---- Perfume or not, always  get back up again and again, even after a good cry---Lord love a Duck! ---  There are times that it is hard,  but,  there doesn't seem to be anyone in this house who picks me up---"If it's going to be, it's up to me!"--

        Easter weekend---means SPRING, is nearly here--We made it thru winter---- and then----
                                                                LESS CLOTHING

                                            --can hardly wait----always remember---


Friday, March 29, 2024

An old Irish Blessing-

Good Friday---  and a holiday --AND--no snow falling--minus 2 C----  Lopez and I "hoofed" it up the road---He did NOT do his business--but----- he will eventually--

It is so nice to have ALL the stores closed--no pressure to get to town--and--the 'hair" is done--and yesterday, I even stopped at the grocery -and the pet store, for Sushi's kibble plus a small bag of bird seed--  There are lots of birds at the feeder--more everyday--

How is your day going--to-day--so far so good?---I am hoping to work on the taxes----dunno if that will happen, but it sure would relieve a lot of stress--worrying about when I am going to get it all together--No Sadie to-day---  I gave her Easter weekend off--(LOL)---- so yu all may see her at yer house---  Let me know if she makes it across the border.

I had a call from my older sister's son, yesterday--  apparently he is helping rescue large dogs--and after they are taken to somewhere, to chill and given lots of tender loving are, they are rehome-ed--and he drives them where -ever---  a volunteer  job, and  such a good thing----hard to think that some dogs live a challenged life--abused etc---

So, have yu got your Easter Bonnet ready for to-morrow-- Easter Sunday?- My Mom used to take my sisters and I, to a hat store, in London, ON., and we always wore that hat to Church, Eater Sunday---  I do not remember too much chocolate  being around in those days-at least at our house. 

But, when raising our own children, they each received a small chocolate bunny Easter Sunday-Son #2, the Pilot always would eat the back of some of his brothers and sister's chocolate rabbit--and put it back in the box, so it looked like it had not been eaten---but, eventually, the child would discover what had happened and I'd hear a lot of weeping and whaling--Funny what one remembers--

I hope to-day finds you "Happy"-----A day to be home here makes me more relaxed--I might even bake some muffins this afternoon--
                                          -especially to-day------the Queen of the house----
                    Below---- a nice Blessing --to think about---even if you are or are not, Irish--


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Strong is beautiful !!

Doncha jess wish we could go outside and pick a large bunch of  of flowers??  One day--and soon, I hope!  Spring must be just round the corner---- To-day I am going to pick up some bird seed at the pet store-- Everyday I see more birds at our feeder--

Lopez has been out--with me-We "hoofed " it up the road-There is a light dusting of snow, and it is cold!--I have to admire Lopez, pitter patting over the ice and  stones in his little bare feet, beside me, up the road--These wee Chihuahuas are a different type of dog--  Last night, when I was ready to go upstairs to bed, he began to growl at me--I knew he did not wish to come up with me, and he wanted to stay---in his crate in the living room -so, I closed the door to his crate, and went upstairs to bed --You see, he has a crate in the living room, AND , a crate upstairs beside my bed.

It did feel strange to leave him in the living room crate--  but----  in about 10-to 15 minutes-- I heard him howling --so, down I went, and this time,  no growling--He was happy to see me--and, I picked him up, carried him upstairs , and he crawled into the crate beside my bed and lay down and went to sleep--He seems to have a mind of his own, and is determined to do things on his own time--- Shepherds are not like this at all--Lopez is a whole different "kettle of fish"---kinda a bit like "Himself"---

It is HAIR DAY--and because to-morrow is a holiday I do have a few errands to do in town--

Do you have big plans for this Easter weekend?---and-if so-- is it a trip to some exotic place?--I hope to just survive the weekend-- Funny how your life changes when one is "over the hill", as Dad use to say--When I say, "survive " the weekend, I mean, get to read my book, go for groceries, and just be happy---hopefully not have to push snow around--be kind to  people I meet---'specially little older Ladies,--and to respect Lopez who  has his own mind---and to Himself, who is a bit that way also--
-AND--come to think of it, hopefully I can keep on walking past the chocolate rabbits in the stores--and--the ice cream, which is not good for my heart--
                                                    I hope to make to-day a priority day--
                                            Forgive people , and pets, who try to live life  in a different way-------hard eh?--Lots to think about---but---it is a whole new day-----AND----- "WE ", because we are strong, are  alive and,  a part of TO_DAY___


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

What you believe, you can achieve-

Himself is at his Day Program--I have managed to vacuum the main level--  Lopez is on a chair here beside me, hope that he can chase Sushi who is hiding in the closet--I'm trying to teach him to sit "DOWN" ---but, it's not going too well here-- I promised Himself that I would return and eat lunch with him--at 11-45 am--It is certainly not free--but-- $7.50 which is very affordable and a good hot dinner--

Do you realize that this Friday is GOOD FRIDAY---and then we have Easter Monday--a 4 day weekend-- Zowey!--That will be wonderful! --We might even get a "snappy Nappy"  those days-- 

Our snow is nearly all gone--There is still ice in the lake-- lots of it-- a bit of open water near Elliot Lake-That was April 8th , 2008---seems like yesterday--

What are you all doing Easter weekend?--Travelling?--Going to the cottage?---visiting Grandchildren?--We will be here , watching the snow melt--- I do notice more birds around now--and I'm even going to buy some bird seed for the feeder-- I swore I would not do that again, as it makes such a mess under the feeder and it's me who shovels the shells of the seeds up--but----- I do kinda miss hearing all the birds chirping--
I saw the above and thought, "Yes, that is so true"-We must stand up for ourselves--Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude and a Lady with Class--We can!---

A few years back, my friend (the other rabbit in the picture ) and I, had to work in the hospital Tuck shop. Ww decided to dress as rabbits for that afternoon--and we had a lot of fun--- I always like to post this picture , at Easter time--
Lopez has decided to sleep here beside me--and it's just about time to meet the "man of the house" for lunch----Dress your dogs up if you can-- LOL--
Remember to be strong--  Enjoy the weekend--- Look out for that rabbit---and-----


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

You CAN brighten the World!

Good Morning--It is overcast---mild tho--and rain is expected--Lopez and I "hoofed" (Dad's expression)- it up the road--AND---  he did his business--AND--there is more news---  Son#2 , the Pilot, is in the Barbados--and it is beautiful--- so nice that he finally got to a warm vacation spot, as he does travel to so many very different places--

Man oh man--- wouldn't you give yer eye teeth to be there---?--Look at the weather  and the sand?---  ZOWY!!!
Yesterday was a difficult day for Himself---I believe he just gets frustrated--He can't hear very well--He is afraid of falling , so does not walk outside,-- He has to listen to me, telling him what to do--- (which is the worst thing for a Chinese elderly person who was in control of everything. and everyone,  all his life, and now must rely on a woman-"-ME"-----
But--I managed to keep my mouth shut and we got thru another day---Lord love a Duck! One needs the patience of Jobe!

Woman power--You know I believe women hold maybe more than half the sky--"S"

So, how is your day going?---

Easter Weekend coming up---   Remember how we used to make Easter bonnets at school with paper plates and ribbon?---Remember the new outfits our Mothers purchased--?---  always a new hat, white socks and patent shoes---  and freezing on Easter Sunday--!!!!

----always remember that people will never forget how you made them feel---reach out , smile--


Monday, March 25, 2024

TODAY I WILL...stay true to me.

  Good morning--  How are you doing?---  We have winter here AGAIN----  We did not have winter all winter, and now, almost Easter, winter has returned with a vengeance--I was out shovelling this morning--and it feels very cold---And--in case you have forgotten-----

It's always good to send you a friendly reminder--YOU IS KIND, YOU IS SMART, and--- in case you are kinda down in the dumps, YOU IS IMPORTANT!

Himself is at his DAY PROGRAM----Good Friday and Easter Monday, there will be no Day Program, so this week, it is important he gets there-- and will stay for lunch---

And---- this week, I must work on "Taxes"--Hopefully it won't take too long as both himself and I are not working--and what we used to claim, we cannot  claim anymore---  but--gathering all the receipts etc is a timely thing--

 Son#2 the Pilot has returned to his home--I am always happy- when the text comes thru, saying, "LANDED"----

I have to ask---are you finished with "The Fitness  Protection Program"?----(just a friendly reminder-LOL)-----Did you get the ol' body moving?---   --- I have to admit  that I am still in that "Fitness Protection thing", but, I WILL begin to exercise, because I know I should-- even 20 minutes to begin with , would help--I certainly do not want to grow "older than old"------
 One more thing to do, but, I do know that once one begins to walk more--or lift a few weights, one usually feels a lot better--

AND----in case you all are wondering, "YES", the blubbering about my big Beau, is slowing down---I was looking at all the dogs we used to have, and somehow I have recovered  over them---so, why losing Beau is so different?---
-- Perhaps because I am "sorta old" now---and taking care of another shepherd is not on my "sensible things to do " list--
Maybe one day, I can visit them all  , if I go over to that Rainbow Bridge--AND NOT DODDLE TOO LONG IN THE PEOPLE PART OF HEAVEN.

-It's time to get out that Easter Bonnet, with all the frills upon it, ready for Easter Sunday---Remember sitting on that cold bench Eater Sunday, as a kid, with bare legs, and it was always freezing outside--?--
Easter Sunday will soon be here!

Time to do some tidying up here--Everyday  is a good day to have a good day--Be kind--- Be happy -Smile at some little elderly person, who is struggling to carry on, because maybe she has lost her pet also--

I shall see you all to-morrow---- Whatever is happening in your life,  DO NOT CRY---LOL---- Because everything always turns out alright--We know that!---  Big Hugs--- 


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Women hold up half the sky!

It is minus 14 C-- outside right now---  WINTER! ----  and Easter Sunday is  almost here--had to believe isn't it?
Son #2 the Pilot is sitting in London, getting ready to go to the Airport, to return home.
This picture was taken as he was going into London---and below--is somewhere in London--- 
and---- guess what--  If you look closely, yu will see a McDonald's--AND HE FOUND IT!

                                                    He will be returning to Toronto shortly---
To-day is better---  no tears --YET----  and last night I dreamt of big Beau---and he was happy---  not ill--AND--We have sunshine (and lollipops) and very cold temperatures---not too much planned for to-day---altho, I am thinking of  adding some daily fitness into my day--I can make the time now that I only  walk little Lopez and I see in the mirror-- "jiggly arms"---probably a lot more crazy stuff going on in the old body now---
Son#2 just sent the picture of the Turbulence--The "ORANGE" colour is the Turbulence--I see now how Pilots try to avoid that-I never knew that--

Time to get this body moving---  Lopez must get out -- I hope your Sunday is wonderful--  Try to be strong--We really do not have a choice do we?--  Remember, Women hold up half the sky!