Monday, March 4, 2024

"Stick to your guns"--

All is good---The sander came in our driveway at 7-30am--and-- both big beau and I are now able to walk all over--ON THE ICE---and we feel safe-- A very nice young man was  in the truck, throwing the sand/salt  mix , everywhere--and---it works----

-To-day is Monday--He could not come yesterday because it was Sunday-----When I came back inside, after all the  objections that floated out of Himself's mouth yesterday well--they-became positive  statements---like-- "Yes I remember him coming last year  also because of all the ice"-----after all that chaos yesterday-- the derogatory comments---like--"Just walk on the ice"--and "You will be just fine"--and-"Drive out---You can do it"-

It isn't easy being an "older Lady"---  The advice  just flies  out--- mostly from grown ups  trying to help your situation----I appreciate all their concerns---also,  I am aware of what I can --or--cannot do---Dad used to say--"Stick to your guns"--I remember  him telling me that as if he were sitting right here---
 Good thing I kept my mouth closed  isn't it?---I did listen to all the advice, weighed it all, in my mind---but----  I knew that sand truck was  my very best option--- 

Little Lopez heaved a sigh of relief---He and I walked out onto the back road and he did ALL  his business-----Beau also-----I'm sure it was a huge relief for them both---

I think it is 7C outside--very mild--with rain predicted for the next couple of days--which just might melt all the snow----No day program for Himself to-day due to the Covid outbreak at the Lodge--We will just have to make a few trips to town , so Himself can feel a part of the world still--
---------and----guess what?---  It must be SPRING, because the piano tuner will be here soon-

I thought I'd post the above, just in case you were wondering how  me--a Lady who is older than old,   has this list of guys that might have a crush on me--LOL--  As you can see, that list is quite small--but--that is OK--- as the most important guy in my life is, as you are aware--is Himself-- (thought it might put a wee smile on you)--

-Is your day going well?---Can you make it go well?--Below are a few things to think about so you can muddle on , to-day---I like  #5---Stop thinking too much
                                          and--#7---- Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world-and--- 

Sadie just stopped in--  (that cleaning Lady-who is really me)----  so I must get busy here--
                                                                 Don't forget ----to---------



  1. Hi Lynda. Yay for the sand man. Good that you and the pups can more safely navigate outside. What a mess. I'm so happy you didn't damage yourself too badly.
    Covid messed up Lodge trip but hopefully it won't last too much longer. Yes, as roads permit, himself will need to get out!!!
    Loved, loved the list of guys with a crush on me. Trust me, my list is smaller than yours.
    7 rules for life are great. I'm with you on my favorites.
    Sadie has been here. Time to get ready for the gym. I will have many opportunities to smile and interact at the gym.
    Hoping today is better for you. Hugs dear lady. Stay positive and powerful. You make my day.
    Hugs and blessings
    Marge in St.Louis where it's going to be high 70F and sunny

    1. Oh Marge --To-day was wonderful--Everything went well--I love that sand truck--LOL--Lynda-

  2. Glad you got the sand truck in and are not out there slinging sand yourself anymore. Hope your arm is feeling better.
    The seven rules are great,

    1. I lOVE THAT SAND TRUCK__Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. I love the 7 rules - absolutely perfect. I'm so happy to hear that the sand truck came and it's now safe. I get that the ice cleats are no match for thick ice. Way back when I walked Daisy in the winter we would have mild days and then freeze overnight - so the melted snow would freeze. I remember there being some spots where I went very slow to get by. Daisy didn't have any issues! My company is gone and it is now peaceful in my home again! Lots of laundry to do - towels and bedding. But my dear husband started it while I was at the gym this morning. I love my personal trainer! He has such a great perspective on all things! I hope you and himself can have a relaxing day! Don't work too hard!!

    1. -Sounds like you enjoyed your day--peaceful after your company--nice!--- Lynda

  4. Lynda, so happy your ice is covered. And that little piggy is adorable!
    Here the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has lowered that time someone has to be away from others due to covid. I believe it's 3 days now. And the daycare is still closed? It's been a week, right?
    Sadie just has dishes to deal with here.
    After 70F (21.111C) yesterday, it is now 0C and snowing! a wet, sleety kind of snow. It's due to be 5.5C - 17.22C the next few days. Maybe this will be the end of our strange 'winter.'
    Your doggies are good boys. Lucky, too. The only time he didn't use his litter box was when I had that area closed off. Then he did his business in his little collapsible jungle hunt from Walmart. Had to clean the pad is all.
    They really do what we want...if it also fits their desires.
    Enjoy your outing with Himself. Maybe get a goo lunch and errands accomplished. I am sure you will be very careful driving.
    I don't believe I need to go out today. Time will tell. {{{HUGS}}}Maggie

    1. It has been longer than 3 days--Wednesday he can return I hear--To-morrow I have to go to town--- and Wednesday Himself can go back to the Lodge--=always something eh??--Yes, Sadie came here to-day but we just laughed and talked--Hugs Girl- Lynda

  5. Glad that the sandman came! PHEW. Yup . . . lots of advice floating around out there, but . . . we DO know what’s best for us when we listen to our head and heart.

    LOVE that meme “A list of guys who have a crush on me.” Amen! LOL And you’re right . . . the most important guys in our lives are our Himselfs. That’s what counts!

    Hope Sadie doesn’t work too hard!

    It is a good day.


    1. Nice to save that list eh of the guys who adore us--LOL--LyndA

  6. Hi Lynda: Really glad that the salt/sand truck same. At least you can walk out there now and so can Beau and Lopez! Thank goodness. To bad about daycare. But hopefully you will enjoy your trip to town with himself. And hope the warmer weather the next few days melts all the snow and it doesn't get cold enough to freeze again! The Rules of Life are good. Have a good evening. Brenda

    1. Brenda--WE are enjoying this early Spring-Lynda

  7. Thanks for the words of wisdom!! Haven't seen your posts for awhile so just dropping by to say Hello!! Donna_cps2

    1. Donna--hello to yu--Hope all is well-Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda! Great news you have the driveway safe again! Sorry the program is still closed for Himself. Hope they can open soon. It was 70+ degrees and sunny here in Ohio We went to the grocery store in the next town over and just enjoyed the day. I didn't see one mask as usual and people just smile at us. lol I saw a German and thought of Beau! Yay for the piano tuner coming soon. Exciting! Enjoy your evening!

    1. Beau is the best boy--=and he speaks "DOG ENGLISH"---Hugs, Lynda

    2. GOOD boy he is!:)

    3. Yes! Every day is a new day! So glad that today worked out well for you! Makes me laugh that a guy in a truck with sand can bring joy to our lives! It's the little things that count sometimes! Our struggles from yesterday seem to disappear when good things happen today! One step at a time, one day at a time.....seems to be how I look at life nowadays!

  9. Muddling on! Thank you for this beautiful blog ❤️ ALICIA363


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