Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Holy Cow! --a new day---  not so cold--- no sun--but--the best part--NO SNOW FALLING----- happy about that----
So, as usual, I crawled out of bed around 5-30am--  dark--cold------ I'm telling you, it is not fun getting up at that hour-- but--you know what?--- Almost, as soon as my slippers are on,   and I have Lopez , the wee Chihuahua, under my right arm with his "blank-y" (which came from his Mom)--- and we kinda  toggle down the stairs (5 steps)---to the main floor---  getting up  at the ungodly  hour , does not seem so bad--Beau ,  the big Shepherd, of course follows me down--- begging for his slice of cheese-- (stops him throwing up before he is fed--)

Of course the first thing I do is make myself a cup of coffee ----  and then--AND_-THEN--- the day has begun--

-No use going back to bed--(but----- I AM BACK IN BED BEFORE 10PM--every night however--) 

Of course Sushi gets fed first-- water changed--and many hugs are bestowed upon her--

--Lopez is fed--water changed-- then big Beau----  and then outside we go to face the elements --and I  ALWAYS HOPE TO GET ALL THAT DONE BEFORE HIMSELF ARRIVES ON THE SCENE_
So, that's how come I am "up and at-er" , before we see the light of day-----Do I like it????---------------

All my life I always slept late-- Himself was the early bird--never me! --How life changes eh???

 So, we had our water tested at the Public Health Unit --well, it was sent to  Sault St Marie--It came back--  with no fecal matter -- and no coliform----- I am so happy! --We can drink it right from the tap--Of course we have a system on it to purify it but it is good to know it all is working--

So---what on earth do I have planned for to-day?------ABSOLUTELY NOTHING---

Yesterday---- Day Program was for Himself---and he returned home happy---groceries are stockpiled , there is dust all over---but-------  DUST IF YOU MUST-------but-------

I hope your day will be great---Dad would say, "Keep your chin up!"----If you are out and about,  I hope that you smile at some  little old Lady--- It might be me---  maybe help her with her grocery cart--and of course, hug your pet-- and don't buy any new clothes-- for now----  We need the money more!-- LOL



  1. Good morning! It’s 35 in Ohio but in an advisory from last night. Wet and slick roads. A bus stuck on ice with kids. I got up at 5:30 to text my nephew for school. His mom is out of town and his dad goes to work very early. I am kind of babysitting a 15 year old long distance this week. Lol I am being Sadie today and first thing Tommy got past a gate and tore up a very special pillow. Sigh! Hope your day is going well!:)

    1. Oh no--Yu have ice there?--so good of yu to "text sit"--LOL--What a great way to babysit--LOL-And now I know where Sadie is-- I could not find her round here--but--then I decided to take the day off-- to do nothing--LOL--(as if eh?-)Nice that yu took time to respond to the blog-Lynda- oh---I did shovel around the dog pen--Lynda

  2. Lynda, you do get up early. Lucky has been waking me up just before 7. When I was in the Army and on KP (kitchen patrol), I had to report at 3 AM to start helping with breakfast prep. That was awful. And, of course, no chance for a nap later.
    I had an unexpected bill post to my account. Now I need to wait 5 or 6 days for more $. I do have quarters, so they will probably go for gas and laundry will need to wait.
    I trust, though, that I will sail right through all that.
    Today will just be straightening up, chillin', loving on Lucky (love the photo of you loving on Sushi!) and planning tomorrow.
    Hope you don't plan too much, either. Maybe our Sadie twins kinda have the day off.
    Your dust poem kinda reminds me of one from 20-30 years ago: quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.
    There's another fave of mine I will send on FB. Can't figure out how to paste something here. I think that's just your option.
    Warmer here, too. Above freezing! No sun today, and a mist. Tomorrow afternoon we're supposed to get sleet...and then a possibility of more snow.
    I know you and I, and probably the majority of your followers, can't wait until spring!
    If we were neighbors, I could help with pets, Sadie chores an care of Himself. Maybe shopping, too. Maybe someday.
    Make it a great day, sis. {{{HUGS}}}

    1. My dear SISTER--- I do not enjoy getting up early-- but--it seems to get stuff done without Himself interfering-Good for yu--- Yu were in the army--Did yu get to go anywhere exciting??-I have had that awful experience of some horrid bill appearing and it is not fun---- worrying--so, I feel for yu---but--it works out somehow--Yu got to have faith!--LOL And yes, Sadie told me she would not be here to-day-- I told her OK--LOL-- AND---only February to get thru--and---SPRING---- Lordy BE--That will be nice!-- Big hugs to yu and Lucky--Lynda

  3. Glad you have no snow. We have had rain/sleet/freezing rain and snow. It’s a wreck of the hespers out there (Mom used to say that. Kinda like it). Icy and treacherous. Staying IN.

    I hope it's a good day for you and Himself (and of course Beau, Lopez and Sushi, too).


    1. I know that expression----The "Wreck of the Hesprus"s----- Sorry about yu all getting sleet--nothing worse-and yes, Him self good to-day-- Yu just never know what comes next eh??-- Hugs Barb--Lynda

  4. You sure to get up early all the time. At least it's warmer this week. Although it's lightly snowing today. Can't wait til spring! Glad your water came back ok. I remember having to do that when I lived up north for a few years. It's a real pain..but unfortunately necessary when you have a well. Nice that himself got to daycare yesterday - helps with his frame of mind! Have a good night. Brenda

    1. I do not enjoy getting up so early--but--it does help with Himself--The water-- I now need to know how "hard" the water is-- Never ending eh?-- Nice to hear from yu Brenda-Lynda

  5. Keeping calm on a cloudy day with "wintery mix" light precipitation. It looks cold, but it's thawing temperature, making ugly gray slush out of the streets. I generally wake up in the 5 a.m. hour, even in Winter, when it's still dark then. So we have another thing in common, besides running out of bananas being a major reason to head to the store! LOL

    1. Barb--yu get up at 5am also??_- Oh , I'm not alone !-- YU made my day girl! --LOL---- and yes, we both need bananas-- LOL--<Lynda

  6. Hoping your plan to do nothing materialized.
    Glad water well test turned out good.
    I'm up early every day. I've never in my life slept late. I'm in bed early too.
    I get a lot of house chores done in those early morning hours plus I enjoy my quiet time and that 1st cup of coffee.
    Thank God we're above freezing and that horrible ice is passed. We have rain predicted all week but Temps above freezing YAY
    Glad you don't have snow. YAY
    Enjoy your day. Be well and safe.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. You are an early bird also--good to hear that--Lynda

  7. Glad your water turned out safe. Hope you had a good day and did as little as possible, played your piano or read a book with a cup of coffee....
    Have a great rest of the week.

    1. well--it turned out to be a pretty good day-- Lynda

  8. It's Kathy. I used to like getting up in those wee hours of the morning, watching the sun rise (if there is sun that is). But the past 2-3 years it has been nearly impossible. I make my coffee the night before so it's ready for me whenever I get up! Unfortunately, the man my daughter fell in love with was more in love with himself than her. His idea of 'playing with the boys' is to play video games while the boys wreak havoc! He was a terrible partner and a worse father. Now he's trying to get custody of them which has everyone on edge. Court is Feb 28th - at least the initial court - but I think this could drag on for awhile! My dad always said "keep your chin up" too. Another of his favorite sayings "In 100 years, Kath, none of this is going to matter." Good dads are so special!

    1. That is very sad about your daughter--I hope things turn out ok- You--r Dad mustve known my Dad -same expressions-- LOL-- Lynda


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