Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"The STORM hit!"

 Good Morning----  We have had "NO POWER"--  It went off around 3am--unbeknownst to me--- as we were asleep-- but--when I woke at 5am-- everything was dark--- plus the house was cold-- The power  is back on now--came back on around 8-30am----The house was very cold , as the power had been off since around 3am--Probably a tree was blown onto the lines, as there was high winds with blowing snow---

We have a Propane furnace and even tho, I turned it on , as soon as the power came back (around 8am)--and the temperature in the house was  only--65----it is only at 69 now---sure hasn't come up very much! ---I called the furnace repair guy and he said to go out and clear snow from the vents--I did that----  but--- the temperature is still stuck at 69---  the repair guy told me to just leave it-- that it takes time to warm the whole house----Lord Love a Duck!--I can hear the furnace working--and I feel heat coming up the registers-- but , it's sure slow to  pump enough heat to raise the temperature--

Son#1 was here already with his big Kaboka or whatever he calls it-- He ploughed the drive so we can get out if need be--as we were really snowed in --It still is very windy outside--blowing snow and very cold--I was out to clear around our gate out by the road--hard for son#1 to do that in his big machine--

Himself, of course, is VERY angry --at the whole "kit and caboodle"--- I know that anything out of the ordinary that happens here, he is just not able to handle and 'flies off the handle'---(Those last 2 expressions were   from my Dad, who must be reading this as I type--)-----  Funny how all crazy stuff pops into one's brain isn't it--stuff---from what seems like a million years ago-----
Anyway---The picture above is sorta what we look like now--no more green grass--Lotza work to clear our drive---It sounds like Himself has calmed down--has become the man I used to know----so, I must get on with the day here--hugs to yu all--- appreciate your heat! 


  1. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I'm glad you are able to order from Costco and have it delivered. It really does save some money. And I kind of like buying things in bulk because it takes a long time before I have to buy it again! I understand himself being angry with the weather - sounds like you all had quite a night. My house had only one layer and I try to keep it at 69 degrees but many days you'll find me wearing an oversized robe over my clothes. I don't see much snow in our future but we are getting below 0 temps over the weekend. So Tom and I will get out tomorrow to get some groceries and other necessities. Even he is starting to not want to go out in that frigid cold! I hope you have a good day!

    1. Hi Kathy--Yes it was quite the night--very cold and windy-- about 6 inches of snow fell-Lynda

  2. So glad your son can help with the snow! Not having heat is awful. We have hot water heat and new windows which are supposed to be better, tighter, than the sold ones. I watch tv at night in my recliner...right by the windows. Sometimes (besides the fuzzy blanket on my lap that Lucky lays on) I have a hat, a throw over my shoulders, too. Each apartment has its no controls, but it's very hard to make it the temperature you want.
    No mention about the pets. They must be ok. I can see Lopez in his parka!
    We have snow forecast today and day after tomorrow. No indication on my phone as to amounts. Maybe I'll check on the PC later
    Sadie or her twin was here this morning getting lots done. All the bruising across my lower back and tail bone area seems healed. Doesn't hurt anymore. So when the pain reliever kicks in I can do stuff!
    Hope your house gets warm fast. Otherwise, a nap under the cozy covers?

    1. Lopez is over his diarrhea troubles--but still on those pills--= Nice to have heat now!--Boy, the house sure cooled down fast without power--=-=Big Beau is good--and Sushi is beside me here-I still need to get her a cat tree to put on the landing of the stairs coming up here---then she can see us downstairs and Lopez can't get to her-Happy to hear that your pills keep-he pain away-Yeah--Sadie never made it here to-day--said she was stuck in the snow--I need her too-- -=- Fred OK---but--could be better--I miss the old him-Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda: When it is really cold and windy it takes a long time to reheat the house when the power has been out for some time. Glad it is some better now and himself has settled down. Nice the son #1 came with his big machine to clear snow. It's windy here today but we don't get the bad stuff til Friday night. Hope the rest of the day is calm. And remember the sayings in the little girl meme. It is good. Have a nice night. Brenda

    1. Brenda I never knew it would ever take that long to reheat this place-- It got to 72 about 3pm----Yes we are in for another storm on Saturday-Lynda

  4. So sorry that the power went off and the house got so cold. Storm #2 coming this way tomorrow into Saturday. 9-11 inches of snow. GAH! Can I say I’m tired of snow already? There . . . I said it. BUT we are all right.

    So sorry Himself was so upset w/the change. I can understand, though. I don’t like it but have coping mechanisms. Ok, we won’t talk about chocolate, but heck, have to have a coping mechanism, right!

    Glad your DS #1 could get your driveway cleared. That’s got to help some.

    HUGS and stay warm, stay safe.


    1. I'd like to have the heat up to 72, as it is cold outside. My daughter, however, runs hot where her hubs and I are chilly. I am living in the basement, even tho it is finished, it is a chilly 68 down here....Heavens, when she turns on the A/c I will have to shut my vents...I am freezing all the time. He is always telling her is too chilly in the house.
      Hope things with Himself go well today, and he does not get to upset.

    2. Darlene--yu are probably frozen in the basement eh??-I do find 72 very hot tho--but--Himself seems always cold-Lynda

    3. Barb--We are supposed to get another storm Saturday----too much snow all at once- Lynda

    4. We are supposed to get another storm Saturday--Lynda

    5. My replies are flying all over Barb--I wanted to tell yu that we are =getting another storm on Saturday--Lynda

    6. Barb --- I keep writing yu a reply and it has attached to everyone elses comments---LOL---= We are in for another storm Saturday

  5. Glad your power is back on!! I keep my heat at 69 and wear a cardigan most of the time. ('m sure that a lot of today's youth would not understand with those expressions like flies off the handle as we grew up with them. Donna_cps2

  6. The storm stayed north and west of me! So no snow! But now they are saying bitter cold and probably snow for this week=end starting Friday night. I have my Kubota tractor backed into the extra garage - ready to plow myself out if I need to get out! But I am well-stocked on bananas and other groceries so I am just planning on snuggling down and staying in! I have propane here also! Even my fireplace runs on propane, so I can run it without the blower if our electric goes out and also a whole house generator that runs on propane and batteries so I will never be without heat (unless I run out of propane!)....which actually did happen one time! My sweet husband had the whole house generator put in several years ago after our basement flooded when the sump pump didn't work because of a power outage....he said that will never happen to us again! I am so thankful he took care of so many things that are a blessing to me now!

    1. You really are so fortunate Sandra that he did all that--Nice to hear from yu---Lynda

  7. Oh my, Lynda! What a way to wake up with a cold house! We don’t have any snow on the ground in Ohio but very windy! It moves out tonight but rain on Friday and heading into a polar vortex. Not cold as you, though. How helpful your son to help doing the driveway. Hope your day got better! Hugs!

    1. The day turned out well-- Losing power is not fun-Lynda

  8. Oh, yes, it takes a few hours for the whole house to catch up. Feel sorry for your poor furnace, working away at it. Glad you got power back and that it's doing its thing. When we say "stay safe and warm" we really are hoping nothing bad happens to your home!

    (( hugs ))

    1. Barb it took all day to get the heat up to 72-- better evening-Lynda


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