Saturday, February 15, 2025
Disappointed with "Blogger"
Friday, February 14, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Do not try to be Perfect--just real!
So am I happy to be out of Elliot Lake , with a ton more snow there, than here--??-- --AND --A VERY LONG DRIVEWAY----which would be left to me to clear--by myself---- SO SO HAPPY TO BE HERE!--Its an act of GOD for sure!--Please remind me of that , when ever I sink to the "depths of despair" --(which I did yesterday)--
Well, I guess whatever will be eh???-above is me--cozy and warm, inside----
So, when one moves, I am thinking, "the depths of despair" come often--because one remembers all the good stuff--forgets the terrible awful hard stuff--like--- being alone, outside shovelling, for miles and miles--all alone--wet-and cold -- Hey! Maybe the good Lord sent this extremely cold wintery day , , to remind me!----One never knows does one??--HERE----We have NO STAIRS--- A STAND UP SHOWER --A SON WHO HELPS US---- AND HIS WIFE COOKS FOR US----Holy cow! --- just some of the good things-- and--we have money in the bank--- to live on--without a worry---Jeepers Creepers!!------
I am listening to my classical radio station--- FM103.1 --so beautiful------
So, I must get on with the snowy day here-- but first, I must remind you all to be happy in the moment--- "Each moment is all we need"--as it says below-----content--grateful--- accepting---
Just try to be real--not perfect----"be you"----
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
You are amazing!
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
We Can Do It!
Oh my goodness thought I'd never make it on here--- but--- Here I am--- Lordy Be!!--The storm is coming--so, Son#$2 was down here--early saying, "Mom, You have to get to the grocery store-- We just got back and there is no-one in the store"--
You know, yesterday I drove to GIANT TIGER --out the highway--by myself---(Well sorta by myself--Son#2 sat beside me)--I am getting used to the village here - It scared me at first--'specially after they told me that I have that eye disease---- but----- I am taking those vitamins and maybe I really don't have that dreaded eye disease--who knows?--(Well, one can hope!???)-
I am kinda a "stick my head in the sand " type of person--LOL-So, How is your day going??--Are you facing your world head on???-----or-----no matter what, hoping for the best anyway??-----
So, here, in Lakefield, we are going to get a bad storm with --like 1000 feet of snow--NO, really about 2 feet of the white stuff--maybe--
- Son #2 flew off to Montreal this AM-- will return this evening--- To-day he carried the recyclables to the curb for me--AND THEY TOOK THEM AWAY--even mine-----Lopez will have his Dog Trainer come-- sometime next week, AND--big news, when Lopez gets in his "growl-y" mood, I tell him to get into his crate--- AND HE DOES--- He crawls in there and I shut the door--so, no more biting, for now--Big news for him!!! These dogs are not easy--boy oh boy!
Himself is good--- (sorta--for him)--I am trying to not eat the sweets--- and more veggies--- The wash is done-- We have food in the frig--Lord love a Duck!!! It IS a good day! How about in your neck of the woods??--
Monday, February 10, 2025
Believe in yourself--
Almost noon here --- Late because a lot going on this morning--I drove to the Post office and mailed Birthday $$$ to Son#1's daughter--something I should've done sooner--- To-morrow, early, I will hit the grocery store-- AND-- I hear another snow storm is on its way here--Lordy Be!!!
Himself was not too good in the night--kept choking on mucous--- choking--then coughing---I don't know why he has all that mucous-- I will put another pillow under his head to-night--
Our TV is full of TRUMP---We do not like him ----too sad that 2 countries, neighbours , cannot get along--Oh well--- not much I can do---sad tho---but--- I will try very hard to buy Canadian- I never used to care--I consider Canadians and Americans , the same people--altho I guess they are not--It seems to me that we are all intermingled--(Is that a word?) I grew up in Windsor , Ontario, and we were crossing the Border a lot--to go to Church-----not really to shop, but some of our children married people in the US---so--- I always felt we were all the same. ----
I see the sun coming out--looks nice--Maybe it will melt all our snow--How is your day going???--- Did you get a wee walk in??--I am trying to do that everyday --I always liked the meme below--- It put a smile on my face--
Remember the above meme??-- Remember SparkPeople??So, I hope this is a good day for everyone-- --I wonder how many days until Spring/
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Just get out there and be amazing!
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Life can be tough-- Be Strong!
So, I took a vitamin--yesterday at dinner time, and another this AM--with no allergic reaction-- praise the good Lord!--- (the ones for the eye troublers)-----(Yes I do have a lot of food allergies--but--who is allergic to a vitamin?))---- Son#2 has travelled to Toronto as our Grand daughter is in a University swim meet--I wanted to go so much but there is no way I could leave Himself--or Lopez----and after the swim meet, I know they will not drive here-- It would be out of their way--Son #2 used to swim on the Nation Swim Team----All our children and Grandchildren, are swimmers--
So, how are you all??--It is so nice to have a weekend , to rest a bit--Altho I had to change the bed-- (only one bed--ours)--It used to be 7 or 8 beds---and-NO SHOVELLING ---The guy who owns this building ploughed out the parking area with his truck--
I try to remember the above--"Where we are headed is more important than what we have left behind-"-I do sometimes think that one day I will return to what I have left behind----Will I??--I do not know--yet--Life is busy isn't it??-- I think I shall paste the above meme in front of my face--
It is Sunday----Make it a good day--
Friday, February 7, 2025
Life can be complicated--
We have SNOW ---- lotza snow falling--- and VERY cold!!--I have been out shovelling around the car, twice-- The guy who owns this place, has ploughed also----(NOT ME!!!! LOLOL!)----
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Macular Degeneration--I have it!!
Bad news is definitely NOT Good news
-I hear Lopez --so I shall return--must get him up before he wakes the world---- I sure missed you all yesterday --will return soon--will settle wee Lopez --Lynda
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Lots going on--and on----on---
Good morning-- It is cold-- I have shovelled off the car--(which sits outside)----Ice and snow on it-- It needs to be driven-- We have sunshine--but it is cold--and snowy out there. Lots of snow fell here yesterday--I think all I did was shovel yesterday------ mostly around the car--and on the car--(not like a huge long driveway--)
Monday, February 3, 2025
A World of Worry or a World of Wonder --It's our choice!
Good Day to you all-- One never knows what each day will bring--does one?--We just have to cope with whatever comes our way--and, if you are a Chihuahua, I guess it is hard-- because you a small---- So-- Lopez, the Chihuahua, this AM--did not want to wear his coat--I thought , wearing his coat a good idea, as it is cold outside-- so--he bit me-----and maybe he didn't care about the cold--I should've taken him out without the coat--- maybe?-
-He bit my hand--I have no idea how a Chihuahua thinks--but, they certainly have their own ideas--But----in the long run, did it really, matter if he wore the coat--or not----
I did call the Lady who is supposed to know all this stuff, and she said, "He bites you because he is scarred of you--and now you are asking if you should squirt him with a water bottle?-Don't you think that will make things even worse-"(BUT---in my head, this Chihuahua should do what "I" tell him---)
BUT--- I guess I had that all wrong---- Seems-- Chihuahuas have their own ideas-----Another event---- the people who live behind me, must've fallen -- An Ambulance just appeared and loaded a poor soul onto their stretcher----The house has stairs by the looks of it-- It didn't look good.--precisely why we live here on one level---
So. Himself, the Husband's day. is going better than mine--seems he worries about nothing--I worry about everything--- and now--- we have Tariffs ----
Crazy mixed up day going on here -----Things going on that I have no control over ----Why on earth do I worry over everything, even stuff I have no control over?---the Chihuahua----perhaps falling down a set of stairs-- What will Trumps Tariff even do?----------We can choose to live in a World of Worry--or a World of Wonder--It's our choice!-
Sunday, February 2, 2025
It's Ground Hog Day--where is his shadow?
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Let a Smile be your Umbrella--
Well I just wrote a whole blog--and it flew off my page-- dunno where it went-- but-- I will try to remember what I was trying to tell you all--
and--the best part-- tell you all to be strong--smile at someone to-day--It will make their day a tad brighter--so important---and I shall return--after Lopez and I hoof it around the parking lot----- HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!-.........-Just think about the meme below---