Monday, February 3, 2025

A World of Worry or a World of Wonder --It's our choice!

Good Day to you all-- One never knows what each day will bring--does one?--We just have to cope with whatever  comes our way--and, if you are a Chihuahua, I guess it is hard-- because you a small---- So--  Lopez, the Chihuahua, this AM--did not want to wear his coat--I thought , wearing his coat a good idea, as it is cold outside-- so--he bit me-----and  maybe he didn't care about the cold--I should've taken him out  without the coat--- maybe?-

-He bit my hand--I have no idea how a Chihuahua thinks--but, they certainly have their own ideas--But----in the long run, did it really, matter  if he wore the coat--or not----

I did call the Lady who is supposed to know all this stuff, and she said, "He bites you because he is scarred of you--and now you are asking if you should squirt him with a water bottle?-Don't you think that will make things even worse-"
--- So------ I changed my thoughts--what if Lopez doesn't want the coat on--?---  Does it really matter??

                    (BUT---in my head, this Chihuahua should do what "I" tell him---)

BUT--- I guess I had that all wrong----  Seems-- Chihuahuas have their own ideas-----Another event---- the people who live  behind me, must've fallen -- An Ambulance just appeared and loaded a poor soul onto their stretcher----The house has stairs  by the looks of it--  It didn't look good.--precisely why we  live  here on one level---

        So. Himself, the Husband's day.  is going better than mine--seems he worries about nothing--I worry about everything---  and now---  we have Tariffs ----

            Crazy mixed up day going on here -----Things going on that I have no control over ----Why on earth do I worry over everything, even stuff I have no control over?---the Chihuahua----perhaps falling down a set of stairs--  What will Trumps Tariff even do?----------We can choose to  live in a World of Worry--or a World of Wonder--It's our choice!




  1. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. Yes, we are neighbors and friends with Canada so I'm not sure why he's doing this. But I do believe that the media builds things up to scare us. I'm with you - we can either worry or we can wonder - and I chose to wonder. No sense worrying over something none of us have any control over! I'm so sorry little Lopez bit you. I do know that as Daisy gets older she gets more set in her ways. Her dad thinks he knows best, and sometimes she will growl at him if it's something she doesn't want to do. Of course then he is mad at her. I think dogs must listen to us - but then sometimes we need to listen to them. I hope it's not a bad bite! I hope you have a good day today! Sorry to hear about your neighbor. My SIL's mother lives alone now and is rather unsteady on her feet so her children got her a Lifeline - she fell a few days ago and it took them 25 minutes to contact her. Not acceptable! She was finally able to get herself up! Getting old is not for the faint of heart!

    1. Kathy--a bad day here-- Daisy gets upset too eh??-- Lynda

  2. As has been said, chihuahuas are difficult dogs and I am afraid Lopez has problems that you may not be able to deal with. Dog bites are painful and can get infected. Perhaps, if the trainer and you are not seeing improvement in a few weeks you should look into finding him another home. You are a wise woman, and I know you love dogs, but is Lopez the dog for you?
    As for worry, I suffer from that as well, and it is always good to take a break and do something, like knitting or jigsaw puzzles, or word games, or reading, to refocus the mind.
    Hope your hand is okay.

    1. Oh ==hard eh??-- I love this wee ag--but--I live in fer that one day he will bite Fred also--Lynda

  3. Good morning Lynda. I have to wonder why Lopez would be afraid of you, but your trainer would know more about that than I would. She was there to watch you interact with Lopez, so maybe she's onto something. Perhaps you should wear gardening gloves when you're going to be touching Lopez.

    I worry about things too, and I should know better because my worrying has never changed anything.

    I hope your day improves.

    Maureen from California

    1. Oh Maureen--- I think he is fridof many tings-- Poor Lopez-- I do ot like nim biting-- and of course I want to keep him-- but--the biting must stop-Lynda

  4. Lynda, the trainer is the expert. I have even told people that you do not correct bad behavior with punishment. You correct bad behavior by rewarding good behavior.
    I hope your neighbors will be ok. They are evidently receiving the help they need
    Happy Himself is having a good day.
    One of my favorite quotes from the Law of Attraction is, "Worrying is using your imagination to create something you do not want." Cuz, of course, what we focus on is what we get.
    This is short, sis, cuz I have to go pick up a grocery order. I thought I asked to have it delivered, but the confirmation says it's for pick-up.
    I'll be back to check later.
    Did Lopez break the skin when he bit you? Hope not...{{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. yes he did break the skin-- --but--I still love him-- and I just wnt to know how to stop him biting-- hard- Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, I've been reading your blogs since Spark. I finally found your blogs once again and I'm trying to catch up on a few years of missing them. You sure did have a lot of things happen over time. As for Lopez, his behavior not really the best is it? Seems like he is the pack leader and not you. I would suggest getting some Caesar Milan books from the library on dogs' behavior and how to correct it. Since you have a trainer she should teach you how to become the pack leader. Remember Lopez is following your clues and can sense your moods. If you're constantly fearful of being bit, he senses that. Although I must say that breed of dog is just a difficult breed to train. Glad you got the move over and this place is becoming home more and more by the day. I wish you and himself all the best. Sushi too.

  6. OH my dear. Miss Lilly does NOT want to wear boots in the winter or when it rains, which *I* think is a good idea, but . . . she does not. So . . . no boots. Eventually maybe she’ll change her mind, but I’m not going to fight with her. AS for the coat, went through that balking @ the coat, too, til she was chilled enough going out w/o it in the winter (I think she was 2 – she’s 5, going on 6 in June!) and then . . . the coat was a good idea. Kind of like potty training a toddler. They have to be ready and seemingly, it has to be THEIR idea. Yes, we have OUR idea(s) about what should or should not go on, but apparently so do canines and I’m sure felines, too. *SIGH* One thing I will say is Miss Lilly has never bitten. That is a huge problem w/Lopez. HOPE you and the trainer can change that around for Lopez and YOU.

    So sorry to hear about your neighbor. Hope all ends well, Prayers.

    HUGS and blessings and peace!


  7. Did your books about chihuahua’s, that you read before you got one, have any tips to help? Check again.

  8. Hi Lynda,
    Worry won't change a thing...well it might add wrinkles lol. As the serenity prayer says...courage to change the things we can and the serenity to accept what we cant change.
    Great inserts.
    HE bit you again? Wow you are patient and tolerant. The breed is difficult but biting you isnt ok. He could bite Fred!!!
    Hope neighbor is ok.
    It is 70F (21C) in St.Louis today. That's crazy. The snow is melted. Temp will be cold tomorrow.
    Take care of you.
    Big hugs and blessings

  9. Lynda, I am sorry, but I believe you really must rehome that dog. Not good, not good at all. And you can get some really bad trainers, as well. We tried it all with our "dog from hell," the one who had to be put down. We tried the gentle method from one trainer - wearing a gentle leader in the house, he completely shut down. We had another trainer tell us to swing him around by his leash when he tried to bite, that did no good either, and when I think back, that was a terrible thing to do to a dog. Anyway, nothing could be done, ultimately. Not with HIM. I just wouldn't have a dog who bit me. Period.


    1. Biting you is one thing but when he bites someone'll have a lawsuit on your hands.

  10. Hi Lynda! How was your day? Before I had my coffee this morning the guy with the window company was at the door. He was here to do finish up from December. It wasn’t his fault but no one called me. We had a grooming appointment and things to do. We made it work but it just made the whole day crazy! Very nice in Ohio today but had to stay in and send my husband on the errands. Fun! Hope your neighbor is ok! Hugs!

  11. OK, practical advice for a biting dog. When he does bite, what do you do? Do you freeze? Calm him and praise him for letting go when he does? Stroke him gently when he does calm down? Assess what caused the bite in the first place and come up with the next plan?

    I definitely had bite issues with Ember, and as recently as today something scared her and I had to go into the bite protocol. I'm much better at it than I used to be, and she responds much better than she used to, but I still ended up with two small bandages from today's incident. I apologized for my part, praised her for calming down and we ended up napping on the couch together afterward. Like you, I love my dog, and me getting better at communicating with her and reading her communications to me is my way through this.

    Clearly every situation is different. Male dogs like Lopez will have different issues from my female (Ember). Breeds are different. But most importantly, the human situation is always different, too. You have Fred to consider. I know there are folks who will advise you differently from what I say. Only you can find the way forward in your own case. I wish you well in that decision making, and in building a better bond with little Lopez.

  12. RD in AZ here I wish there was a simple answer to all that is going on tariff's I can't stop them and I will have higher prices so why worry thank goodness you do not have stairs but be careful anyway falls and things like that can happen
    I do worry about wee Lopez if he will not wear his coat let or make him go out with out it he still has to do his business and you do not want it in the house there has to be something to make him not bite I would also worry about him biting Fred but I doubt if he is afraid of you there may be a breading issue and he has a "miss wire or short circuit in his brain we once had a dog that would try to bite everyone until my disabled son bit her on the ear she loved him after that but she never did like me too much inbreading there we lost her to a bad driver he hit her when we were walking she was on a leash driver barely missed us
    Best of luck with Lopez I do know that you love the wee fella


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