Sunday, February 23, 2025

You're worth a hell of a lot more than you think!

Good Day---a new day---light snow falling, but I hear it will not snow long, and it might even get milder to-day--Yeahhhhhh!

Yes-- Lets make it a good day---I just had wee Lopez out --twice---- AND --He did his business-- and--I am getting better, with the poop bag--  never did that when we lived in the bush--but--now we are (_ahem)--City people----so, I carry a baggie in my pocket ---AND, 
---I changed our bed--  Lordy Be!  The King sized bed is almost larger than the room, so what a challenge to change it-
-I  also, heard in the night  --from Himself--how he hates his flat pillow--wants a firm pillow--Lordy Be!!  I  think he is blessed to even have a pillow, after all we have been thru lately--  Men eh??--  They expect the moon ----but--I just ordered 2 new firm  pillows from Amazon--  Bless Amazon!!!

So, Son #2 is now in Los Vegas---will return to-morrow--no snow there, he says, and it is plus 8 degrees --He was telling me , it is a city of concrete--large concrete buildings--, walls, sidewalk--Just look at the blue sky!--

I hear that Himself's hearing aids are in--Oh man---  It will be wonderful when he can hear again--I have begun to write things down when I want him to hear me--It means a trip to Peterborough-It also means that I will have  to put them safely away every night--- Remember , the cat chewed his other pair because he never closed the lid to the charger and Sushi, our cat,  found them, and chewed them--Horrible!!
                Apparently cats are intrigued with a blinking light--which was on the charger--

When you married, did you think your life would be like Cinderella's life--that she met her Prince and was taken care of forever and for always??-- -------  It isn't that way is it??--My life seems  to be  in charge of everything--and when something goes wrong--or someone needs a new pillow--it's up to me to produce that--kinda crazy-----Good thing we are strong, very capable, women!!!--

This is the day, that a very nice Lady invited me to attend a concert, at the United Church-with het--- I guess it is part of their "concert series"----- It is some brass orchestra and  it sounds like it will be  fun to listen to--from 3pm to 5pm-- Hopefully Himself can survive here alone--Lopez will have to be crated--

I hope that your Sunday is a good day ---  If not, MAKE IT A GOOD DAY--Son#2 just texted me--  having breakfast  at Denny's restaurant--on a 55+  menu--looks good--

                        ```You are special---  just in cae you didn't remember This is a reminder-- !




  1. If the cord is thin enough, you should put it in a cabinet or drawer when the aids are charging (don;t close the door/drawer tightly) so Sushi can't see the blinking light. Maybe put it in the kitchen or bathroom up high?


  2. Wow. Yes, for sure Las Vegas is a concrete city! Many tourists. Been there once, and . . . that was enough. LOL The sky is a gorgeous blue!

    Oh boy. That is something I MAKE sure to do nightly .. safely store the aids and CLOSE the lid charger. Too expensive not to and I DO like hearing, too! THAT is part of what attracted Miss Lilly to the charger . . . the blinking green lights of the aides as they charged!

    Hope it’s a good day!


  3. Hi Lynda, yes, at least for me, I do it all. Good you got the pillows ordered.
    Los Vegas isnt my cup of tea, but it is warm there. Yes, concrete jungle with each casino trying to out glitz the other to draw you in.
    I loved all the inserts. The cat insert is so true.
    I think you'll really enjoy the concert. So glad the lady invited you. Fred and Lopez will be just fine. Not to worry. I do hope this lady introduces you to other friends of hers that are Elliott Lake transplants.
    Pilot son eating at Dennys...guess he couldnt find a McDonalds nearby.
    I do hope you enjoy your outing and the stupid snow stops.
    Downtown St Louis has their annual pre Mardi Gras pet parade today. It's a lot of fun watching all the dogs, cats, birds, a few pigs and whatever and their owners dressed up...some dogs painted up parading in the streets. It draws s huge crowd. I won't be going as downtown is too far away and not safe. Money raised goes for pet rescues. I've gone in the past before moving and it was a hoot.
    We have human temps and sun for the next couple of days. Yay. The subzero temps were brutal. I want all this snow to melt and do it soon. I washed my car at car wash this morning. Road crud had it filthy.
    Enjoy your day.
    Love and lots of big hugs from sunny St.Louis

  4. It's Kathy. Yes, when I married Tom I thought it would be a little like Cinderella because he had always been so thoughtful and treated me like a princess. He's still pretty great but now days I have to actually ASK if I want him to do something for me! We used to have a Denny's pretty close to us and loved going there for brunch - that 55+ menu is great, has everything we need and in just the right portions! But that one clsed and we need to go further these days. Yes, us city people have to carry a poop bag whenever we take our dogs for a walk - although not everyone does! Your meme about Making it a Beautiful reminded me of my mom. On her answering machine message she always ended with "Make it a Great Day!" It's quite warm here today, the sun is shining and the snow is melting! It's not going to last but I'm going to enjoy it while it's here! Have a beautiful day, Lynda!

  5. Hi Lynda! It is 36 with half snow and half grass in Ohio. We are finally in a warm up. I hope you enjoy your outing today. I washed my bedding and towels and sanitized from us having the flu. Our Denny’s went out but it wasn’t any good and Perkins right down the road from it. Have you been washing your hair in the very warm water? Not sure if you read my comment a couple days ago. Hope it helps. Have a super Sunday! Hugs.

  6. I forgot to say that I hope the new ears work well. Find a drawer he can put them in. The refrigerator from moisture and cold temps can damage them.


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