Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Good morning---- Good Evening--

 Good morning to you all---6-20 am--  Lopez, Sushi, and I are up--in the dark--I am going for a Pedicure  this AM--I have never ever had a Pedicure--in my whole life--  so, this should be interesting--I have to drag the recyclables down the parking lot, to the road--on the ice-before I go--

-It seems everything is melting--and -it is 4 Celcius outside--this AM --

It has been raining here all day and all the snow is melting--there are huge puddles everywhere making it so hard to walk with little Lopez---

Well, I did get a pedicure-- first time in my life--$60 --Is that about the same price that all of you pay?--It was wonderful,   but, I was gone the whole morning--kinda hard leaving Lopez with Fred that long--

How is your day going??---  I  was speaking to a Lady at the Salon, who is off to Florida for a month --We used to do that---load all 5 children in our vehicle and drive South for 3 days, to Florida , where Mom and Dad lived in Altamonte Springs-- in Orlando--- We did that year after year after year--, always at Christmas time.--We wanted  Mom and Fad to enjoy our children--at Christmas Time-- As the children got older, we rented a Condo , over at the beach, and Mom and Dad would come over--

Finally--I have finished this blog!  Jeepers Creepers--You all have no idea how many interruptions there has been while I was trying to type this--  CRAZY eh??----FINALLY---- ( DONE!!!  5-30pm)

                                        I HOPE THAT YOUR DAY IS GOING WELL__


  1. Good morning Lynda,
    How cool that you are treating yourself to a pedicure. Girl time Wahoo. Enjoy
    Big hugs from St.Louis

    1. I did it--the Pedicure --took me ALL morning--Would I do it again?-- maybe --but probably not--unless I was Queen Elizabeth--LOLOL--Lynda

  2. Good morning! Hope you enjoy your pedicure!

    And good for you getting your recyclables out before you go. Be careful on the ice!

    Yes, our snow melted a lot yesterday, so this early morning it was a bit of an ice glaze as the temp was @ or below freezing.

    Here’s to a good time w/your pampering.


    1. WelI I tried it Barb--The Pedicure-- took all my morning tho-- LOL-- not sure I'd do it again--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda! It’s 43 and nice here in Ohio. I hope you enjoy your pedicure. I haven’t had one by someone in years. I determined that my OCD didn’t like it. LOL. I bet you will love it. Can’t wait to hear. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes I did enjoy the pedicure--but very time consuming--the whole morning--LOL_- but she did trim my nails--Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. We've lost almost all our snow and it's in the mid 40's for us again today. I believe it reached 50 degrees yesterday. I love it so much. I forgot to say yesterday that I loved the photos you posted - beautiful sunrise from both your camera and your son's. We had a lovely time with Colin last night. I don't get to see my children much anymore either and most of them live fairly close! But I think that's probably okay! I have always wanted to get myself a pedicure so I'm excited to hear how you liked it! Glad the hearing aids worked out! Have a good day!

    1. It was great coz she cut my toe nails--I could not do it-- but very time consuming--relaxing tho-- but--I'd rather ride my bike--LOL--Lynda

  5. Pedicures: I have had three, I think, over my lifetime. All during my endurance running years. Wonderful relaxation thing, but not something I immediately think of to pamper myself with. Hope you find it enjoyable!

    1. Enjoyable Barb--and she trimmed my nails--but extremely time consumimg--Lynda

    2. Glad you enjoyed it Lynda. I found that the one I had they did a full calf massage, and that felt wonderful!

  6. Wow, you get up so early! I’m so glad the hearing aids worked. Then lifting the garbage cans down the road, too! I’m so happy my son does ours. Hope you enjoy the nails stuff, Im 78, never had any of that done in my life, never will. Have no idea what it costs, even, and i guess you have to tip, too? I hope it is fun for you.

    1. It was different-- I needed a nail trim so thts how it started-- Would I do it again??--No--- too costly and it took the whole morning--Lynda


  7. Good luck with the pedicure. Hope you don't choose gel polish. It's impossible to get off when it chips, etc.
    I also hope you read my comment from yesterday. I had to repost it (from the email I've been sending with my pasted comment) cuz it wasn't there anymore!!!!! {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie
    That was my first response. I sent it to myself at my gmail address. Sure enough, when I checked this again MY COMMENT WAS NOT THERE. I am being very deliberate: do the comment, copy it, click to publish, then sending it to my email.
    Hopefully this one stays. I'll check again, and add this part to the one I send email.
    Did you get polish on your toes? What color?
    I am sure Lopez was fine when you got home. Himself, too.
    Temp here now is 50F...10C, OUR SNOW IS GONE.
    Again...{{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--Why are these posta disappearing?? I got bright red polish--LOL-- mainly because Ive never had a pedicure before--Lynda--Your snow is gone??--Amazing--Lynda

  8. Hi again,
    Glad you enjoyed your pedicure. The price...well... much higher than here. I haven't gone for a long time but it was $30 plus a tip. The important part...you enjoyed it.
    Lopez is fine at home for many hours...not to worry.
    Our snow is gone Wahoo.
    Your past Flirida trips sound wonderful.
    Enjoy your evening. Prop up your pretty toes on the couch. 😁
    Hugs, Marge/St.Louis

    1. The Pedicure was $60 plus tip[--a lot eh?--I kept thinking of all the people in Ukraine-- LOL--They probsbly needed it more than me--LOL--Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda, my pedicure costs $35 (I live just north of Toronto in Vaughan) and it usually only takes about an hour. If you enjoyed it maybe just call around for prices. I’m glad you enjoyed it though, I love going for pedicures.


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