Saturday, February 15, 2025

Disappointed with "Blogger"

This is a sad day--- As yu all know, I do enjoy communicating to you all--  but --looking back---  like way back---someone--or ---some people have gone into my comments on your comments , and changed MY WORDS-- to  extremely critical words --on your President--and typed my name onto the comments--so --it looks as if  I was very critical of your President------  I feel terrible--- That is not right--- I would NEVER type in what was put there--  I may not be a big fan of someone--or some things, but I appreciate your opinions as long as the comments are not  derogatory--  I do not know how long this has been going on--  this AM was the first morning I have gone back to read what has been said----  and why was  this allowed??--   Isn't there a way that when you type in whatever you type--that it stays there?--- and  not be changed-- I am disappointed in the BLOGGER SYSTEM----- What can I do to stop this???- Any ideas , I would be certainly appreciated hearing--Lynda---


  1. I am sorry that this happened, it isn't right! However, you could say any negative thing you wanted about DJT because he is a terrible president!

    1. Yu are so funny--but --I will NOT comment--LOLOL--Lynda

  2. Maybe you can report it to the blogger site. It is YOUR blog and you can say whatever you want here but I understand you want it to be YOUR words. Icy in Ohio today. Hope you are warm and safe. Hugs!

    1. Snowy here and COLD!! Winter eh??--- Lynda

  3. (((HUGS))) I think I'd try to bring it up to Blogger, too. You are entitled to your opinion and for sure, your opinion is shared by lots of people. I am included!

    hugs and blessings

    1. Oh Barb--Who wud ever think eh that this could happen-Lynda

  4. RD in AZ Here I agree it is your blog and you can say what ever you want it is my choice to be offended or not to be I have never been offended by you blog or your comments I would try to see how it could be fixed big hugs sweet lady stay strong

    1. Oh you are sweet-- thank yu so much---kinda shocking that my comments could be changed-- Lynda

    2. I agree with RD. Bring it up with them. Be sure you do not have a virus on your computer, too. I have also never been offended. Everyone has their own perspective, and that's just fine. Also, it helps that I don't approve of the president, either. I do respect the presidency.
      I could understand you entering those negative comments, cuz that's the way many of us feel.
      Should this be like when we're in a social situation with new politics or religion?
      {{{HUGS}}}, your sis, Maggie

    3. Maggie--- Yu are so good to try to figure this out--- kinda crazy-- Flitterbug says I must log in--to here-- How???--Lynda

  5. Lynda, I think you should bring it to the attention of the blog site you use. I had no idea someone could go in and make changes and put words in your mouth. As for what you might say about Trump, he is a terrible, hateful man. If you put something in your blog that someone doesn't like, they can stop reading your blog. It's as simple as that. As he continues to take a wrecking ball to Democracy and the Institutions, those who voted for him will someday wake up and realize they've been duped. Stay warm and enjoy your weekend.
    Maureen from California

    1. Yes I certainly will Maureen-- -Lynda

  6. I have never seen any derogatory comments about President Trump on your blog, so not sure what you’re talking about. You haves said he seems to be giving your country a hard time, and that is just a fact. Some of us have agreed strongly with you. I think some of us on the blog think of you as a friend, and friends share their worries and concerns, so the President has been mentioned by others, and not always in a great light. We readers can try harder not to express our views on the President,

    1. Awwwww Yu are so good--- Yes we are all friends--i did not know my comments could be replaced--- Werid--Lynda

  7. I think I know how your words are being changed. You aren't logging in before replying to comments, so your comments come through as being by "Anonymous" - and anyone not logged is Anonymous. So someone not logged in has come along and changed your words. VERY RUDE!! But the way to stop this from happening is ALWAYS make sure you are logged in before replying to our comments. I work on web sites in my day job. I really hope this helps. The part that bothers me is ... do you use two different ways to reach your blog? One for posting new posts and maybe your phone for replying to comments? Because I really hope that you are logged in when you write your blog posts.

    1. No--I only use the computer-- and how do I log in???

  8. That's terrible, Lynda. The world these days can be an evil place. Marti

    1. Crazy eh Marti--= oh well--- I am OPK-=-just disappointed thr someone could do this-- but--- what the heck eh?-=Lynda

  9. It's Kathy. I am so sorry this happened to you. I don't know enough of all this - since I am logged in to Google but I still show up as Anonymous - and I have never seen any negative comments in your comments to us. If I had, I wouldn't believe they could ever come from you. The world has a lot of thoughts about our President. I'm not happy with everything he is doing but I'm willing to see what happens. This country has been around for almost 250 years - I'm sure we can weather the next 4 years! We all love you! I hope you have a better day!

    1. Yes---Kathy --- I dod not even know that my comments could be changed--weird--=- so whover it was, I hope it stops---Yes I agree-- We will; survive the "T" yrs for sure--Lynda

  10. Hi Lynda,
    I have no idea how that can happen but if anyone doesn't like the comments, that aren't yours, they can jump to the next paragraph lol. As some it and also log out and in. Hope that helps.
    You mentioned a new friend. I'm curious.
    We're under an extreme Arctic Air blast through below zero and highs of 2 degrees above. Oh goody and the gas meter will spin its head off. Come on Spring.
    Stay warm and well. Big hugs
    Marge from very cold, dreary St.Louis

    1. Marge it is extremely cold outside here-- Lynda

  11. What a shame that your , or anyone's, comments can be edited. I'm confused because it says that if you enter anonymously, you cannot edit once published. Beyond my knowledge.

    As to the President, I do believe that all of the negative comments do not help things at all - frankly, I'm still open minded and approve of many of the changes while not others. He was elected which means that over 50% of the voters approved of him and he deserves a chance - after all he has been in office less than a month. I will get off my soapbox and complain about all the rain. I should be happy that it is rain and not ice/snow but since I live in the midwest, anything is possible. Have a great day.

  12. 'hi lynda: I have no clue how that could happen. Did anything change when you moved - like your web provider, etc? I agree that you should contact the blog site provider. And happy Canadian flag day! But our weather this week needs to move on - this is like the winters we used to get years ago!

  13. I am so sorry that happened to you.
    I didn’t agree many times with what was said, but I just moved on.
    I still checked in weekly to see how you and your family were doing. I still cared. We had (or didn’t have) different opinions, but that’s what makes our countries great.
    I hope that you can get it resolved. Get in touch with the blog site and have them instruct.
    FYI, for me, I’m excited to see what can be accomplished in these next four years.


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