Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Hope you feel beautiful to-day.

Good Morning--It is very mild outside--but VERY ice-y----Our Driveway is   slippery-----  So, I am determined to write this blog, early--and not drag it out , over the whole day.--

 To-day the dog trainer will be  here for Lopez-He has not bitten me in a few weeks, which is great---I have not given him any toys, as then he  hoards them in his bed and growls when I go to reach for the toy--=and if I do go to take whatever out of his bed, he bites--  Nice dog eh??--I don't know if she can correct that or not.

So, the dog trainer this AM--to-morrow "Molly Maid"----  I did not call for the Molly Maid-- Son#2 decided I need her--Personally I do not feel , in this tiny apartment, that I really need a cleaning Lady--but----  we shall see--Son #2 has done so much to help us here-- , I hate to tell him "NO" --until we try her--

And Son#2 has arranged to have Himself go to a "Day Program"  here in Lakefield, 2 mornings a week--with them coming to drive him there and back--for a fee of course--Himself seems  very willing to go--We shall see---  It is all thru Community Care---Of course these kids mean well--so--I shall sit tight and see how it works out--

I see the sun shining--so--guess it's time to make the bed and walk Lopez AGAIN--on the ice!--- Won't it be ever so nice when Spring arrives and the ice goes?-




  1. Well, hope that the trainer has success w/Lopez and his toys!

    That is AWESOME that your DS #2 (God bless him!) decided you needed Molly Maid. See how it works . . . you might enjoy it! It will give you a bit more free time.

    OH MY GOODNESS! And 2 days/week of Day Program for Himself and DS and DIL will take him and pick him up! That is AWESOME. Definitely, you KNOW it helped before, so let some time pass and see how he does.

    Cannot wait for spring. We have rain/snow mix here, too. Not going anywhere.

    Hugs and blessings


    1. Hi Barb--- Yes We will have a Molly Maid-- What next eh??-- Plus I have red toe nails-- I wonder if the Queen gets all this attention--Love hearing from yu--Lynda

    2. Sweetie . . . you deserve to be treated like a Queen. Enjoy those red toes! Makes me giggle.

  2. The adult day care sounds fabulous! Embrace it. And having someone clean the bathroom and floors will be so nice. I think those are both going to be a treat.

    1. I feel like the Queen of England-LOL--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda! Nice and mild in Ohio, too. The daycare will be so nice for Fred. Yes, try out the maid and see how it goes. She can make that big bed for ya! My dogly advice would be leave whatever Lopez puts in his bed, leave it alone. No reason to mess with it. Let it be his stuff, his space. That is how I do with my yorkies and they give me no problems. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. Hugs!

    1. Good idea--Leave it in the bed--- Lynda

  4. It's' Kathy. I love that your son is willing to help, even if it's by providing help for you. I would give just about anything to have someone come here to clean - it's still too much for me even if I take it one room a day. I've had "clean the kitchen" on my list since Friday!!! Maybe today. We're having another really nice day after some rain came through last night. Daisy was all wet after her last trip outside - I had to towel her off before we went to bed. Today I see my surgeon and I sure hope that goes as I want it to go! I hope the dog trainer can get through to little Lopez - I wonder why he is so possessive of his toys! Have a great day!

    1. Yes he is a hoarder---- have to watch him- It is a lovely Spring Day here to-day But I hear more snow hitting us tomorrow-Hugs to yu----Lynda

  5. I say YES to Molly Maids! Why should you be scrubbing showers and getting on your hands and knees to reach the corners and odd spaces that are hard to get to? Let them clean the challenging parts, and you can maintain "the middles" between cleanings. Even once a month would make a difference (and I say this as someone whose mother finally allowed someone in to clean when she was in her 80s, and it made her life so much less stressful). This will give you time to read.
    To play the piano. To take longer walks with Lopez once the weather gets nicer. To explore new friendships. And re the community program for Himself, very nice that they "pick up and deliver.".

    I love that Son #2 is doing so much to make your life easier and to help you transition to this community. Maybe it feels like too much to you now, in the beginning -- but what a difference from your old life when you had THREE sons who, for the most part, sat back and assumed you could handle everything on your own. If you feel he's too involved, you could tell him to ease back a bit so you can find your footing on your own for a bit. You can do this! / Leslie

    1. I suppose-Leslie--a good idea--never had so much help--but--it does sound delightful---- I am paying for all this but at least he arrnges it--LOL-- Lordy Be!!-- Lynda

    2. Hey Lynda, I think you've more than earned it! Marti


  6. Sis, you need ice grippers to put on your shoes/boots! I don't have any now, but have used them in past years.
    Good that you have cleaning and doggie help coming.
    I have solved a couple problems today as well. I am getting extra $ from Social Security soon and will be able to pay off some debt.
    It's not quite as warm here as it has been, but at least it's over freezing and no snow or rain. Some rain is expected this afternoon, though.
    I have long been able to see both sides of a situation. The maid? Well, maybe but not as often as your son wants? You're lucky he helps out. He loves you, that's obvious. The other kids do, too. The boys were just disappointed you moved. That shows they love you, too, in a way...cuz they knew with your move, they wouldn't have you around anymore.
    I'm about to go out again to Good Will and to pick up a grocery order.
    Lynda, you never said if you approve (or not) of the Blue Water. AND if you read that comment I had to repost---was that yesterday or the day before? Life sure can be confusing!
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yes my red boots have ice grippers--on them-- I brought them from Elliot Lake--lovely day here today--but SNOW tomorrow--hartd to believe--I will never have the Molly Maid every week--It would drive me crazy--maybe every 2 weeks>>--I do love yer paper soap--PLUS the books look so interesting and thank yu for sending all that and I appreciate it--very much--Yu are special Miss Maggie-- HUgs, Lynda

  7. Good morning Lynda. God bless Matt and your daughter-in-law. Now that you're beginning to make new friends in Lakefield, which will probably lead to events to attend, go for the Molly Maid. The move was to make your life easier as well as Fred's. It's also so nice of Matt taking the lead in making arrangements for Fred to go to the Senior Center twice a week. That will be good for Fred and you as well, especially as Spring approaches and you can make plans to meet up with new acquaintances and go for a walk, or go for coffee just to chat.

    As for Lopez and his toys, don't reach into his bed to move them because that seems to trigger him into biting you. Does he continue to go into his crate willingly when you tell him to? I hope so.
    Maureen from California

    1. Yes Maureen--He "
      "slinks" into the crate-- and he is perfectly normal when I take him out-- -- The pet Lady noticed how nervous he gets--poor wee fellow-- --It has been a busy day here--Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda
    Lots going on there. You can try Molly Maid and ask them to clean the hard stuff...scrub shower, toilet, etc. Once a month, maybe including changing sheet day to a Friday. Two people can do that much easier. Give it a try. Not committed. It's pricey but give it a try and you can pick when they come in the future. If they clean thoroughly it will be easier for you to do daily, weekly chores.
    I like the day program that picks up and delivers himself. Wahoo and hes willing. Hope it works out.
    Now you'll ger some free time. Maybe aqua aerobics?. A book club, knitting or whatever you enjoy doing with others.
    Pilot son is an angel. He's always coming up with things to make your lives easier. I love him
    If you think it's too much. Gently tell him thanks but you've got this. Way different than other sons that didn't help nor stop in. Pilot son is a jewel and really showing love and concern and support for his parents.
    Have a wonderful day. Stay strong. Be happy.
    Love and hugs from St.Louis

    1. Well Marge-just ytoo much --He is trying so hard to keep us here-- --me!! but--=- It seems like too much-- Maybe your idea will workout--have them do the showerr--bath-- the toilet etc-- I had the dog trainer here all morning---also--= Lovely day here outside--mild but I hear more snow on the way--Lynda

  9. Lots going on in your life! I have never had a pedicure, nor do I want one, but I can't figure out why it took so long! That sounds a bit expensive too from what my friends pay.

    I would let Lopez have his crate as his private space. If you really need something out, just pick up the end and dump it all. Might be more to clean up but it would accomplish what you need need.

    The program for Himself sounds like a winner. Sure hope he enjoys it and is happy going. It will be a break for you. Is there a library close that you could drop in on?

    I just started with a cleaning girl about a month ago and just wish I had done it years ago. Well worth it. At my age I can't do all I used to do and besides, I don't want to do it anymore. Mine is $50 for two hours and I have her every 2 weeks. Actually it makes me do more inbetween her visits so it isn't so messy. Have a great day. It should be around 65 again today which sure beats the freezing last week. Dot

    1. It seemed expensive to me also--took a long time also-- was nice--but-- I will not need that very often--Lynda

  10. There is hope for a dog who "guards resources" (such as Lopez and his toys). I have seen progress with Ember... she's so much better now at releasing a toy to her cue "thank you" where she gives me back the toy and I give her a treat once she does. I know it takes a long time and many repetitions before a lesson might stick but when it does, "VICTORY"! Wishing you and Lopez the best!

    1. Yes I was told to give him a treat when he returns the toy-- intertersting eh Barb?-- Hugs to yu and Ember-- Lynda and Lopez

  11. Odd after so many yrs of doing it all, now I have a sort of help--He went to school far away--then Air Canada--then flying -- and our daughter also-- now these 2 are the ones we see-- -Nice yu wrote--Thsnk yu--Lynda


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