Thursday, February 13, 2025

Do not try to be Perfect--just real!

-my favourite  carton--so so true?-----So, How are you all?   As we say in the "north----Did you get dumped on????--(with "snow --" ??)--We sure did--60 cm-- fell here--  I have been cleaning around the car-- and the neighbours car--- Plus it is cold out there--minus 7 Celsius  here--with wind-- VERY  WINTERY--

So am I happy to be out of Elliot Lake , with a ton more snow there,  than here--??-- --AND --A VERY LONG DRIVEWAY----which would be left to me to clear--by myself----  SO SO HAPPY TO BE HERE!--Its an act of GOD for sure!--Please remind me of that , when ever I sink to the "depths of despair" --(which I did yesterday)--

                            Well,  I guess whatever will be  eh???-above is me--cozy and warm, inside----

So, when one moves, I am thinking, "the depths of despair" come often--because one remembers all the good stuff--forgets the terrible awful hard stuff--like--- being alone, outside shovelling, for miles and miles--all alone--wet-and cold -- Hey! Maybe the good Lord sent this extremely cold wintery day , , to remind me!----One never knows does one??-- 

HERE----We have NO STAIRS--- A STAND UP SHOWER --A SON WHO HELPS US---- AND HIS WIFE COOKS FOR US----Holy cow! ---  just some of the good things--  and--we have  money  in the bank--- to live on--without a worry---Jeepers Creepers!!------

                        I am listening to my classical radio station--- FM103.1 --so beautiful------ 

 So, I must get on with the snowy day here-- but first, I must remind you all to be happy in the moment---  "Each moment is all we need"--as it says below-----content--grateful--- accepting---

And , I must get off of here-- Looking outside, I see MORE snow falling--Lord love a duck!!!

Just try to be real--not perfect----"be you"----



  1. So cold here, too, sis. The temp is -7F (-21.667C), and the wind chill makes it feel 15 degrees colder. We only got about an inch of 'dump', though.
    I did everything yesterday so I wouldn't have to go out for a couple/three days. My wheel-less friend, Rebecca, needed a ride to the hospital. She had taken a cab to the ER, a cab back her, but needed a ride back. She had just needed to pack a bag as they were admitting her for low potassium.
    I am waiting for calls from docs, too. My doc said I need an appointment with endocrinology due to my DEXA scan. Also from my GI doc for my EGD.
    Seems the older we get the more docs we are involved with!
    I know you are happy not to be doing all that shoveling...and you are keeping the good memories of Elliot Lake close to your heart. To have a daughter-in-law that cooks for you might be almost as good as having a son nearby that owns a restaurant!
    Classical music is great. I love most kinds of music, but my favorite to just have on in the background is country. I can sing along with lots of the songs.
    I may get more laundry done today, but when I came back from taking 'Becca, the laundry room was busy. I do have clean dishes to put away (do you have a dishwasher now?) and a couple other little chores. They will go fast.
    Tuesday you should receive your package from me. If I would have sent it 'express' you would have it tomorrow. The cost for that was prohibitive.
    I'll be back. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Miss Maggie-- special Lady-- YU are so good to your friend--taking her to DR etc --AND --to me-- One day we shall meet--We both know that!--Now what is a DEXA can?----of what???-and YES_-Yers YES--- no long driveway to shovel--YEAHHHH__ And yes, I have a dishwasher--a washer IN this apartment, a Dryer IN this Apartment also--a furnace--and an AC unit--a stand up shower--no basement--no stairs--- Lory Be--AND WE ARE NEVER MOVING--EVER AGAIN!!--LOOL--AND--Any way yu sendanything is fine with me--even Shanks Pony , as Mom usedto dsay-- (on your own legs)-Hugs,Lynda

  2. Yup, we got dumped on, about 23 cm. But not as bad as you. Things like that surely do reinforce that you and Himself are I the right place! Such a blessing that your DS #2 and your sweet DIL help you and Himself, and even do some COOKING! That’s a true blessing.

    HUGS and peace


    1. The 2 of them --the DIL and Son#2 are truly special Barb--We are SO fortunate to be HERE----not THERE-- LOL--Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. No snow here - might get a dusting tomorrow. But it's still below 0. So cold that even Daisy doesn't want to go outside for long. And she wears her winter coat! I'm glad Lopez had a good day yesterday and how great when he's having a difficult time you can tell him to go into his crate and he listens to you. I guess even dogs need time to chill sometimes! I didn't sleep very well last night. I got up, turned on my heating pad and sat in my recliner - and promptly fell asleep. Guess I just needed a change! Yes, it's much better to not have all that outside work to do even though you do miss your home. I hope we an leave here one of these days! Have a good day.

    1. If yu ever leave there and venture into Canada--please come here and visit--- Hugs, Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, no depths of despair please....count your blessings. All that outside and inside work and rooms you didn't use...yay done.
    Not only is your son fantastic, caring and loving to you but a DIL who cooks...OMG What a blessing. I dont think you had that back there. You've got time to pursue what you like doing and time with hubs.
    Thats precious.
    It's cold in St.Louis but the sun is out. It's been hiding for days. We got about 3 inches of sleet/snow junk. Roads are ok
    We went to the gym this morning with no problem.
    Hang in, find your joy. Classical music, any music is good. Have you resumed your piano recital?
    Big hugs dear lady.

    1. Marge I played the piano a lot to-day--and not much snow-- was a good day-- Hearts Day tomorrow-Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, Glad you're feeling better today!! Love your positive attitude!
    Donna_cps2 Chicago area

    1. Donna--a good day to-day-lotza snow but that's OK--Lynda-

  6. Hi Lynda! We have too much to do without worrying about perfect. Right? Windy in Ohio today. The neighbor put out recycling and I see a box and packing in my yard. Lots of snow here Sunday. Yes, happy you downsized in the snow department with that driveway and dog paths and all that. Much easier to manage it all now. How is Lopez and Sushi today? Tommy is ball crazy and Kloi just wants to relax. I hope your day was good and Himself content. Hugs!

    1. It really was a good day--cold but a good day--nice --and Himself was good-- and tomorrow is valentines Day--Yeah--Lynda


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