Monday, February 10, 2025

Believe in yourself--

 Almost  noon here ---  Late because a lot going on this morning--I drove to the Post office and mailed Birthday $$$ to Son#1's daughter--something I should've done sooner--- To-morrow, early, I will hit the grocery store-- AND--  I hear another snow storm is on its way here--Lordy Be!!!  

Himself was not too good in the night--kept choking on mucous---  choking--then coughing---I don't know why he has all that mucous-- I will put another pillow under his head to-night--

Our TV is full of TRUMP---We do not like him ----too sad that 2  countries, neighbours , cannot get along--Oh well--- not much I can do---sad tho---but---  I will try very hard to buy Canadian-  I never used to care--I consider Canadians  and Americans , the same people--altho I guess they are not--It seems to me that  we are all intermingled--(Is that a word?) I grew up in Windsor , Ontario, and we were crossing the Border a lot--to go to Church-----not really to shop, but some of our children married people in the US---so---  I always felt we were all the same. ----

I see the sun coming out--looks nice--Maybe it will melt all our snow--How is your day going???--- Did you get a wee walk in??--I am trying to do that everyday --I always liked the meme below---  It put a smile on my face--

                                Remember the above meme??--           Remember SparkPeople??
                So, I hope this is a good day  for everyone--  --I wonder how many days until Spring/


  1. It's Kathy. Thanks for the Monday Morning Reminder - because I am not really too sure about that. It's cold here but no more snow for a while. Daisy wants to go out often, but she can't find the right spots to do her business. If it wasn't so cold standing there it would be funny! She walks back and forth several times - sometimes she just comes back in the house. My girl doesn't like winter any more than I do! Sorry about himself, that must be kind of scary for you! And I imagine he's not getting enough sleep which isn't good either. I hope the extra pillow helps. Nothing exciting here - just trying to pick up a bit and stay warm!

    1. AWw Poor Daisy-- Lopez walks back and forth also in the snow--poor wee fellow-- busy day here yesterday and now the storm is coming --Sounds like a movie eh?-=-:LOL-And Himself seemed fine last night--or maybe I just didn't hear him--LOL--Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda! Beautiful day in Ohio. Sun is out and 31. Next Monday high of 10. Oh, hope Himself sleeps better tonight. I am sure that keeps you awake. Trump is a mess. Now wanting to stop making pennies. Always some strange idea! I thought of you yesterday. I saw a solid white goose flying in the field. Lord love a duck! LOL. Hope you are having a nice day! Hugs!

    1. Yu saw a white duck??- or--goose--LOL---= Son#$2 in Montreal--wanted to holiday in Bermuda but cancelled it due to weather--Lynda

    2. Yep a white goose! My nephew whi is 17 is going to Bermuda in May before he comes here for the Summer. Too bad the pilot had to cancel.

  3. Himself’s cough sounds like something I picked up at Christmastime. Gunk in the back of my throat and coughing for 10 days. I hope he can figure out how to be more comfortable.
    Trump may be our President, but Canada is our neighbor and we like you, so as usual, Trump is just making trouble because he likes to be a bully and he has no redeeming human qualities. Many of us don’t like him either.
    Thanks for the positive memes. It is Monday with a new week ahead!

    1. I agree re. Trump---He is a "bully"" and kinda stupid in many ways-- but what do I know-- He mustve been very difficult in school--eh??--Lynda

  4. I miss Spaek people. That is when I first saw your blogs. I have always enjoyed ready your blogs. Hope you have a good day?

    1. Wow-- YU read my blogs on Spark People--Yes I liked Spark People--They stopped allowing Canadians to join-- but I learned a lot with them-- healthy living--Lynda

  5. We ARE intermingled, and many of us here in the lower 48 are NOT fans of Trump, either. I have to be careful about what I say, though, because I live in what is a reliably Republican state. Sigh. Every year come election time, I am grateful that it's a secret ballot and my neighbors who might "drink the Kool-Aid" (btw, Kool-Aid was invented less than 50 miles from here) might not think kindly of me because I consider it a privilege if someone who is non-binary considers me a "safe" person to come out to. But I know there are a lot of us "closet" social liberals down here. It becomes a test of courage.

    The current "rulers" are readers of Sun-Tsu, who recommends taking charge by picking out the leaders of the opposition and beheading them to bring the rest of the populace to heel. Seems to be working, doesn't it.

    Meantime, I have cousins that I have never met, who settled in Canada back over 200 years ago, in another time when it wasn't safe to not be on the "winning" side.

    Your Himself's phlemy cough sounds a lot like something that's been going around down here, too! Knock wood, I haven't had it.

    Hope Lopez is being better for you, and that you're surviving the snow. We're due for it on Wednesday, here.

    Hugs & best wishes... buy Canadian, just in case DJT's tariffs make it too expensive for those of us down here to do so!

    1. Yes --- DJT'S tarrifs are not good for Canadians--but there are lotza other countries--AND WE LOVE PEOPLE IN THE US-==- In fact we love everybody--LOL--maybe not DJT but he is not too smart--Smart People do not do stuff to their neighbours-So Barb-- He must be a terrible husband eh??-- Lynda-

    2. Oh, Lynda, maybe that's why DT's had three different wives?

  6. Hi Lynda, sorry about Himself's problem with mucus. Have you finally been linked up with a doctor? There's an over the counter product called Mucinex that is specifically for mucus and congestion. If you and Fred do not yet have a Doctor, perhaps you can call your daughter and she can ask her husband about Fred taking it.

    Regarding Trump, he wants to be a King and rule over all of us until the end of his days on earth. Sadly, the Republicans are allowing this to happen. They are ceding all of their power to Trump and they've all gone mute over all the illegal things he is doing. Even the VP, is saying that Trump does not have to follow Court rulings if it interferes with his agenda. Musk, who was not elected, has been given enormous power to fire people, close down agencies and otherwise destroy Democracy and the Country. Buy Canadian if you can because American products will cost much more.

    Have a good day.
    Maureen from California

    1. Maureen--no Doctor for us-- and maybe never-- Himself is a DR and I am an RN so I guess we can survive--unless we die--and then it won't matter any more--(Good attitude eh?--LOLOL)-- Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda: Sorry himself is having problems. Call your daughter and her husband for their advise. Also your old doctor in Elliott Lake and he can probably prescribe something for him. Trump is nothing but a bully and enjoys being one. Beyond me how they elected him and how he wants to control the world. He wants to make us part of the US so wants to drive us into the ground. Hope he can't do this. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Yes our Dr in Elliot Lake still prescribes our meds--and Canadians are smart people so we can get thru these Trump yrs--I hope--LOL--Lynda

  8. I like Canadians a lot better than many of 'my fellow Americans'. We may need your protection, because our government is being dismantled on a daily basis, thoroughly illegally as well. I had the coughing mucus stuff since Thanksgiving and finally see to be breathing easier. Sinus salt rinse seemed to be very helpful, if you can get Himself on board. Hope it warms up soon. Sunny 62 degrees in San Diego, atmospheric river on the way though.

    1. Oh Deb--WE forgive yu people in the U.S. for TRUMP--We even like the U.S.--A big storm on the way here-- SNOW--Lynda--- Always nice to hear from yu Deb--

  9. It's cold here, too, sis. No snow due for us, but windy. I looked it up. Spring, according to the calendar) is March 20. So 18 days left in February added to 20 in March...38 days left. We'll be lucky if it feels like spring on that day.
    Does Himself have an illness or allergy causing all the mucus? There's a drug advertised here called Mucinex that's supposed to get rid of it for hours.
    It's so cold in my apartment...I turned the heat up a couple hours ago to 72F. It's 69 now. Sure doesn't feel like it.
    Had another food delivery from Walmart and our detergent...Blue Water came in the mail today. If it's not too bitter, I will take yours and books to the post office tomorrow and get them on the way to you. Maybe you will consider them a special Valentine.
    All for now. It's time to meditate....{{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Holy cow-- SPRING March 20th--=YEAH!!!! Himself was OK last nite so I do not worry about him--=-= A special Valentine-?- YU are amazing!! --a good dy here to-day--Yesterday was just too busy----my eyes seem OK today-- thank the good Lord!!--Hugs--Lynda

  10. We are in for some big storms the rest of the week. Some appointments are probably going to have to be cancelled.

    Sorry to hear that Himself was having so much phlegm that he was coughing and choking. *SIGH* HOPE the extra pillow under the head works. Hugs!

    OMG, I simply turn off the TV when he is one so . . . not watching much TV. Disgusting. That’s all I can say. And what he is doing is illegal. AND why Musk has been given all this power. . . he's not even an elected official! *SIGH* Just all disgusting and disheartening.

    Had some sun today and am glad of that because, seemingly, won’t be seeing much of it throughout the week.

    After today’s events I HOPE I can handle what is thrown my way the rest of the week. Sheesh. Just frustrations. But, thankfully most of the issues solved.

    HUGS and blessings.

    1. Big storm arriving here to-morrow , so they say--and Fred OK last night-=-but--I just may not have heard him--LOL--Yes--I turn off Tfump on the TV also-- but---but he is not all there --LOL-- Lynda

  11. Hi Lynda, cold here with sleet,ice, snow on the way Tuesday and Wednesday. Ugh. I hate snow.
    Sparkpeople is where I first started following you. Any physical activity done consistently is helpful. Good for you with walking.
    Hope the extra pillow helps himself. If others mentioned..Mucinex is helpful. It's over the counter.
    Enjoy your day.
    Hugs and blessings,

    1. Marge yu began watching for me on Spark too??--I did not know that-- long time ago too--Lynda

  12. I hope Himself sleeps better tonight and feels better for it tomorrow.

    SparkPeople ... blast from the past. It was a good app for me on my healthy journey, and I miss some of the folks from there. That said, my healthy journey continues just fine on a different food logging app so don't miss it. :D

    We never got a drop of rain here in my desert during the last rainstorm. A new, bigger rainstorm is predicted for this week ... as always I'll believe it when I'm wet. I do hope we get some; water is like gold here on the desert.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Yu live in the desert??-- with not much water??-- Too bad we all cannot meet somewhere eh??"--That would be amazing for sure! --- We in Canada really hate snow-- could send it to yu--- but--- we just have to accept the weather eh??--Living ion a desert dors sound interesting-- Happy that yu wrote--Thank yu-Lynda

  13. I can handle anything this week throws at me. 💪🏻 Thank you for that fortifying saying!

    1. Wow!!! YU sound pretty amazing-- I have to handle everything but there are times I wish I were a part of the "Royal Family""----but---I'm just me--LOLOL-- So nice to hear from yu--Lynda

  14. I have enjoyed your blog since SparkPeople days. Always the first place I go in the morning for my daily positive, uplifting, and chuckle worthy reading. I have shared your struggles with Himself, aging challenges and unruly puppies. I'm disheartened to see politics creeping into your blog. It always seemed like a "safe place" from nastiness. I know we all have the right to free speech. I just wish it was expressed in a more appropriate place.

    1. a reply from another of Lynda’s followers. Friends talk about what is bothering them, and currently Lynda as a Canadian has some major concerns about our government, so this is her safe space. I don’t think there has been much nastiness, just facts and support. Many of us our mourning the USA we have known for many years.


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