Sunday, February 9, 2025

Just get out there and be amazing!

Good day to you all--light snow falling here--Winter is not over yet! Your day is going to go well--I feel it in my bones. 

 Lopez and I are  "up and at-er"  here! Son#2 has been down with Gerrard, his dog, and Himself and Sushi, the cat who came in from the cold-- are up also---I got to bed early last night-- with Sushi and Lopez-
-  Emma , our Granddaughter was swimming in Markham, and she did make finals , so Himself and Son#2 , watched the swim on the I Pad-------  interesting as they now post the swims on an AP on the phone--and "I PAD"--

There is Son#2, Son #3,  Emma , (the Grand Daughter)  and her Mom---  watching all the swimming , at the pool--in the morning--before the finals--

I have already been out cleaning up snow around our car, so I will be able to see the newspaper when the Lady drops it---Himself loves his newspaper!--

It is Sunday---hard to keep track of the days when one is home 24/7---

When Son #2 was in Toronto., he picked up some Chinese   Dim Sum at T@T--- Really good Dim Sum--Chinese people love DIM SUM---

So, are you feeling strong this morning??-- Is your day going well?--
 SO---  just get out there 
-AND BE AMAZING----I know that we can all do that!!



  1. I’m going to get out there, not so sure about the amazing part. It’s still early yet so anything is possible!
    Have a great day!! Phyllis in Indiana~~

    1. LOL--- Phyllis--- It is a Looooooooooonnnnnggggg winter here in Canada-- wish Spring was closer!--Lynda

  2. RD in AZ here Congratulations to the Grand Daughter that is awesome and amazing just like you have a wonderful day and you can sent all the snow to northeastern Arizona we need it
    Hugs my friend

    1. I am sending you all the rest of our winter--cold here--LOL--Lynda

  3. Good morning, sis! It's a beautiful and sunny day here after an inch or so of snow late yesterday. I have very little snow to clear from the car.
    The photos are great of the family at the swim meet.
    I'm glad Himself can still read and enjoy the newspaper. That's positive.
    I have to figure out if I did my grocery order for pick up or if they are going to deliver it. I haven't even yet received a confirmation of the order. I may have to do it over again.
    There's Bingo in the Community Room at 1. I guess I will go, though it means no nap for me. Lucky is sleeping already, anyway...and I am far from being ready for that.
    I have dishes to wash and clothes to sort for washing, too. That, figuring out my order and Bingo will fill most of my day. Then supper, relaxing with that, tv and Lucky will fill the rest of that.
    Remember to get your sunglasses and night driving glasses.
    Oh, I have searched for when you shared your new address to send those books. I should have put it in my phone contacts right away. I didn't and still have the Elliot Lake address in there...Thought maybe I'd send you some Blue Water, too.
    All for now, Lynda. I'll be back. You 'guys' all have a great day, too. Think happy thoughts! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yes Maggie--vitamins--sun glasses--vegetables---Lordy Be!!-Just got a wee nap in --going out with Lopez--soon---
      New address-- P.O. Box 1345, 2-45 Rabbit St.Lakefield, ON., Canada, KOL2HO

  4. It's Kathy. Love the picture of your family. Great job to your granddaughter. My oldest daughter was on the swim team in high school but she doesn't swim anymore. We went to our grandson's archery tournament - he did really well. It was fun - and it goes pretty fast which is good for me because it's still a bit challenging to sit in hard chairs for a long time. No snow for us today but it's below zero. I'm very happy to say that I can stay home all day! I hope you have a good day.

    1. Hi Kathy--Allison sys they are still getting the freezing rain at her house--Yes, that swim meet is still going on-- Lynda

  5. Chinese people aren't the only ones who love dim sum -- so good! And especially fun when you're in a restaurant where the dim sum carts make the rounds and you can pick out what you want. A T&T opened in our area a couple of months ago -- people were lining up overnight before it opened -- and another one will be opening this summer less than a mile from our home. We're looking forward to exploring and tasting, not only the dim sum but also all the pastries and fruit and noodles and anything else that catches our eye (no durian, though, lol). / Leslie

    1. Oh Leslie-Yes we love Dim Sum-- and the pastries etc--lotza "
      winter" going on here now-- We need SPRING!-Lynda

  6. Congratulations to your granddaughter! What a nice photo and glad you could watch the finals on the i-Pad.

    That dim sum looks fantastic.

    Have a fantastic Tuesday!

    hugs and blessings


    1. Hi Barb-- nice day here but--still quite cold and snowy---Wo't it be nice when Spring arrives??-- Lynda

  7. Good evening, Lynda! It was a nice day in Ohio after the ice melted. I don’t go out unless there is NO snow and at least 30 degrees. I was able to go out today and enjoy an ice coffee and run around a bit. Love your blog and pics today. Your family has lots of good swimmers. How was your day? Hugs!

    1. It has been a good day-- altho se did get snow--AGAIN--- LOL--Never ending--Lynda


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