Monday, February 24, 2025

We can pretend to be sane---


Good Day---I hear we are  soon heading onto Peterborough for Himself's ears---new  hearing aids--I just hope they work and that his hearing loss isn't caused by damage to his ears--We shall soon find out--

I have decided that from to-day on, I shall stop worrying so much about Himself-- his coughing--too much mucous-- the vocal cords damaged from Covid--him not doing what he  is told to do--I cannot change him--(my biggest worry)--  I must accept what shall be , shall be-----  Please remind me of all that---

This is the picture from our front deck of the sunrise this AM-- beautiful isn't it ?----and Son#2 , the pilot, took almost the same picture, only from the air, as he was descending early this AM

and---  if you look closely, at the "pink", you might see me , standing on our deck, taking a picture of the sunrise--Now isn't that so weird?--We both saw the "pink"in the ski--

        I must get out of here--get ready for another trip into Peterborough----I'll take Lopez ---I'll have to let you know how things turn out-- -I must keep my chin up (as Dad just told me , in my head)---

Enjoy to-day-- Laugh at  everything--and I shall check in here this evening-------see how y'all are --Just think......a brand new day--- just beginning---  Holy Schmoly! 



  1. Pretending to be sane is the only way lol..
    Hope the aids work and he wears them. Can't Lopez stay home alone for a few hours? You guys might want to get lunch on the way back. Sounds like you've already decided to take him with.
    It's nice here. Sunshine and 60F today. Feels like Spring.
    Glad you enjoyed the concert and met more nice people. Keep it up. Get out there.
    The sunrise is gorgeous as is sons picture.
    Sunny and 60F today. Feels like Spring.
    Be safe and well
    Love and lots of hugs

    1. Yes we took Lopez--AND got lunch-- LOL--AND FRED now can hear--Whatta huge difference--It is quite mild here today with snow melting--I love it!--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Yes, I also pretend to be sane sometimes, yet clearly I am not! I think you have a good plan, accepting himself as he is and not worrying about him. I am so trying to do the same. This morning my husband had an appointment at 10 am - 15 minutes away. At 9:05 he started putting on his outside shoes. Lately he's been a lot in his head, says he has so much to think about. So I asked, thinking he didn't realize what time it was. Well, apparently that was the wrong thing to say! So I too will have to stop worrying about him and what he is doing - focus more on what I need to do! Got a message from my youngest son that he wants to come for dinner tonight - haven't seen him since Christmas. That will be nice! I hope your trip to Peterborough was successful and himself's hearing aids help him hear!

    1. Nice that your son will; be there for dinner-- I love it when The kids drop in--=which doesn't happen much here--(LOL)_ coz they sre a million miles away--LOL--- And yes, Fred has new hearing aids--I love them--Lynda

  3. I'm glad your son is taking you for the hearing aids. Maybe Fred will listen to him explain the necessity of wearing them rather than you saying it. All the worrying about him does no good at all - might as well just accept what is, is. Is there anything in particular that keeps him content like a TV program, your piano playing, or music? If you can find the magic thing and just keep it going to relax him. I know it is a challenge and easier for me to sit here and say it than for you to do it! Is the picture of the sunrise from your apartment? beautiful! You must have been up early. Dot

    1. Yes it was early when I took that picture--and funny coz Matt too the same picture only from the sky--Fred CAN HEAR----It
      's like magic--Lets hope he doesn't lose these-- Yes--I might as well not worry about Fred as I do--What will be --will be--LOL--Lynda

  4. Good luck w/Himself’s hearing helpers. Hope all goes well and safe travels.

    OH my dear, it is SOOoooo hard as THE WIFE NOT to worry about our Himself’s but . . . I find myself in the same position. My Himself has several things going on, he’s been given instructions, but he doesn’t always follow them. I cannot make him –nor shall I. HE has to do it for himself. So . . . I am just THE WIFE (not the nurse) looking @ the situation and supporting him the best I can. That’s all we can do.

    Wow! What a spectacular sunrise! Ad what an AWESOME photo DS #2 took. Just astonishing.

    YES! For sure I think we all have times when we have to pretend to be sane. These last 2 weeks have sure been all about that!

    Hugs and blessings. Hang in there and safe travels!


    1. He has his hearing aids AND HE HEARS!!--SO SO GOOD!!--It was a good trip in to Peterborough--and it is much milder here to-day--Nice!--Always good o hear from yu Barb-- WE CAN do this --LOL--Hugs, Lynda

    2. Marti here. I'm not married, but I worry a lot about my bf who I have dated for 8 years now - I don't want to marry, and he's not in the position to do so anyway. His mom has been paying most all his bills as she lets him live at his late sister's condo, but she cut him pretty much off this Christmas. He usually is given a huge chunk of stock money for Christmas. She didn't give him much, and even with her paying for all the bills at the condo he will need to work. He hasn't worked for ages. He wants to move in with me and work here in Newark, so he's (very slowly) applying, and I worry he won't find anything and he'll run out of money. He doesn't have a college degree, and he's older. He was already turned down as a cashier at Kroger. I'm not going to let him live here with me unless he works. Unfortunately, it's all out of my hands. It's up to God, I guess.

    3. Marti---8 yrs--??-- amazing-- Yeah-- Weird that he doesn't work-but he must keep busy anyway== Yu guys will figure it out----eventually--- Does he help yu out with your bills anyway?-- We've had a busy day here to-day with Fred getting those hearing aids-- -Matt was down here ---back from his flight to LOs Vegas-- Fred all happy about the hearing aids--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! Love the sunrise pics. Much warmer in Ohio. So nice. I bet it was an exciting day for Fred getting new ears! How did Lopez do on the trip? Tommy and Kloi went to daycare today as we had a tile man working in their space. I wonder if there is a daycare near you? Lopez could play with friends and get some energy out. It could be good for you and him. Just a thought. Enjoy your evening! Hugs!

  6. By the time I got here, Lynda, it's evening, so I'm hoping all went well in Peterborough, and that you're standing firm on the "no more worrying about things I can't control". That's a toughie for those of us prone to worrying!

    Ember sends greetings and wags to little Lopez. Prisoner says "hi" to Sushi, too.

  7. Good beautiful morning, Lynda!
    Yes, the sunrise is gorgeous. I don't get a chance to see it. There are so many trees and hills here. Thanks for sharing the photos.
    You are right. You cannot change Himself. You can (maybe) help him change his perceptions on things. That's a hard maybe, though. At his age, his beliefs, his fears, etc. are hard wired.
    Just relax, go with the flow and let what will be be. You can't stop that anyway.
    I am just chillin.' Got a few chores, of course. Maybe some more shopping, cuz I gotta get gas anyway within a couple days.
    Lucky let me sleep in today. He is already curled up in the closet on a stack of towels (they will need to be washed again), but I am no way ready to join him. In fact, I may try today for no nap.
    Hope you can get some leisure or rest in today, though...and that the trip for Himself's ears goes well. Good news is what we all want.

    The weather is beautiful. Warmer again...44F. Mix of clouds and sun. I hear the sun will go away this afternoon, but not the warmer temps.
    Let me know how the Blue Water works for you, and if you had a chance yet to be astounded by "Kinship with all Life." The hero of the first few chapters is a German shepherd that used to be a movie star!
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie
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