Friday, May 6, 2022

Radiate Positive Vibes

--It is Friday--a great day to have a good day--  the sun is shining--It will be warm enough that this afternoon I won't need a coat-- the livc stock here have been fed (dogs and a cat)-and I even had time to eat.

 Yesterday I was raking, and when I went to the lakeside of the house, I couldn't believe my eyes--

This is what I saw

It is an enormous hole--about 10 ft deep--right beside a rock wall, going down to the lake---
I called Son #4, as he works with the city and might know if it had anything to do with our water line. which he found he did not think so, as there was no water in it- After poking in it with a long pole, he discovered an old steel septic tank,  buried , with the top of it, disintegrated , and he thought all the soil had collapsed into the old septic tank-- We hope that is the problem. Years ago, there was a cabin situated in front of that hole and when the people who we bought tis house from, bought this land, they dragged the cabin to the property next door, but--apparently left the old tank in the ground-.

I had Beau, the German, as in dog,  with me--plus little Lopez- with me. -So happy that neither of them had discovered that deep hole  before I did!-So, one never knows what a day brings-
Mother's Day-- Lord love a Duck! There is never a day that goes by that I don't think of my Mom, with all her expressions!- 

Mothers are special --I hope your memories are good ones-- Lotza hugs to you all- 


  1. Wow! Adventures in your very own yard! Glad the mystery was solved by your son.
    Have a good Friday and a lovely weekend ahead!

  2. Oh my . . . never a dull moment at your house. Enjoy the nice weather . . .our black flies are starting to hatch hear in NH so it won't be long before you have them too. Thank goodness they don't last long here but then we get the mosquitos and deerflies. Gotta love Summer.

  3. Gracious me! So now you have to get that filled in before someone or one of the furries falls into it. Always something. You do lead an exciting life Lynda.

  4. My goodness. Such adventures at your house! Hope you can get that situation rectified shortly. Have to keep the fur kids away for sure. Have a wonderful day and a Happy Mothers Day weekend. I miss my mom, but as you say, they are always with us.
    Have a blessed day. Be safe.

  5. Always something new happening around your place, Lynda. Thank goodness the dogs were not out alone! Enjoy the weekend, as best as you can! Ethel Merz or Doris. We expect record breaking heat in this part of Texas.

  6. So true! We never know what a day will bring. Super scary hole! Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. ((hugs))

  7. I, too, think of my Mom every day. I concentrate on the good times and her love of family.
    I hope you will be able to get that hole filled in so no one get hurt or trapped in it. I was amazed to hear about a steel septic tank. All I ever had experience with was cement ones. It's a good day when you learn something new. Have a great rest of your day
    Beth Mosko

  8. What a discovery to find that deep hole. I don't understand why people do such stupid things. Glad you have some sunshine - it's a beautiful day here too! I can't walk because my back is so bad but Daisy and I will go outside and enjoy the sunshine for awhile.

  9. Scary. Glad no one found the hole before you. Now you have to get it fixed! Nice it's finally getting warmer and the lake has lost the ice. And congrats on the weight loss you mentioned yesterday.

  10. That's a big hole there. Hopefully you can get that fixed and it won't be a problem. I spent the day outside in the yard cleaning it up. It was a beautiful day for it.

  11. So true Lynda. We never know what the day will bring. That hole looks like it could be dangerous. Better fence it in or board it up.


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