Friday, March 31, 2023

Where there is a Woman, there is magic.

It is snowing--- mild outside--but--lots of snow falling-- and I hear to-morrow will be a lot worse with rain and ice pellets-

-I have been  vacuuming--dusting --etc etc--BECAUSE THAT DR FROM SUDBURY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE COMING-I called his office (2 hrs away)-and was told they were doing "rounds" and would inform me if he had any change of plans--I told his nurse, "Well, if he comes here, he for sure will get stuck as  lotza snow is falling -ALL DAY--and-to-morrow will be worse"---  She did not seem to be impressed with my weather woes--did not respond! ---

"Attitude is a Choice"  --I quietly hung up the phone, and told Himself, "Oh well,  you are doing pretty good for an almost 95 yr old person--with only me here to help you"-------so, I will not "hold my breathe" and expect a miracle-- We ARE managing--- 

On a different note, my older brother , who refuses to go into a long term care home, has vanished--I believe he is hiding somewhere, where his kids can't find him--  He called here asking me to go and get him--so hard to deal with all that--poor guy eh?--- I just know that I can not take care of him---- He lives about a 9 hr drive from here--

The Social worker who works with the "Dr from away", who was supposed to be here to-day, just called, and said, because of the weather, will now be coming in May--I told her to "Stay Safe"---- 

So, life just goes on--One day it really will be Spring-- and one day, those geese which have been spotted in some of your areas , will fly over . I enjoy hearing their honking SO SO much--I always stop whatever I am doing, and stare up at the sky--- and over the tree tops they come-- in their "V" shape, and I always say, "Welcome home--Welcome to the North!"--
Make to-day the best day ever! ----Only you can make it that way---

----------------------= remember, the above---=======--Believe in yourself---"Mom always said, "Where there is a will, there is a Way"---

------I believe, that,  it truly is amazing what one woman can do--to change the world---


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Dance Up A STORM !

 It is so cold this morning--minus 13C --but we do have sunshine-  I took both boys out (Beau and Lopez)-- but poor wee Lopez, the Chihuahua,  did nothing--He just shivered and shook-- then ran for the door- 

This is "hair Day"-AND--- WE HAVE NO BANANAS ----so we are going to do a quick trip to town---get bananas, then "high -tail" it back home---  That expression, just floated thru my head-- Dad used to say it all the time , to my older sister and I when we were going out somewhere-- "HIGH TAIL IT BACK HOME----  Funny how these expressions stay somewhere in your brain, and then  come out your mouth once in awhile! It's almost like my Dad is sitting on my head--- ready to respond to me--LOLOL--Lord love a Duck! 

Yesterday was so busy--  I honestly don't know how I ever did it all-- the accountant--the Lady driving out to pick up "the clutter stuff"----dragging all that stuff outside for her-

-I was thinking about it all , this morning, as I lay in bed  going over to-day---AND-----  ALSO---- thinking about another Snow storm, hitting us Friday and Saturday--Can you even believe that?--- Siri says, 5 to 20 more cm of snow--

Speaking of SIRI---- I get such a kick out of her, on my phone--One time  I said to her, "Hey Siri"--and she responded, "Yes Lynda"---  She knew my name--  It blew me away!-- I can ask her all kinds of crazy things-- Himself   says he wants to meet her--LOLOL--

I hope your day goes well--- I hear Willow, a  follower of this blog,  is having heart surgery, so , if you  remember, maybe say a wee prayer for her--To-day  they are going to mend her heart--- kind of like  one of the characters  in "The Wizard of Oz"-----Was it the Tin Woodman?---

Kick up your heels---and smile--WE ARE ALL IN THIS DAY!-- ENJOY IT! --DANCE UP A STORM! 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

I think you are the sweetest thing!

 Hello there---  Man oh man! I am late posting--I am so sorry--  You see, we had MORE SNOW this morning--not a lot more--but--- it was snow--- and then, the accountant called--about our taxes---- AND---Himself has a refund coming--- and I owe less than $100-- NEVER HAS IT HAPPENED BEFORE! --So, I guess there are benefits to not working ---  and to have a few ailments going on--  I was so shocked--It blew my mind---Never in all our married years have we ever had a refund-----  I forgot everything--- I am so sorry--because I even forgot to blog!-----Crazy---

And, I was de-cluttering---getting ready for a move--to where, we do not know-- but--   every week, a very kind person drives out here and takes what ever I can load into her car--Bless her heart eh?---This week, a few long dresses  (which I will never wear again-)-and Christmas Decorations are going her way--plus some naked statues---- I must've purchased a zillion  figures of lovers  wrapping their arms around each other-, in my very younger years---plus lotza dog figurines----and a tall Doctor with a very long needle in his hand-- from Himself's office--  I guess I had way too much money in those younger days-

So, how is your day going?-- We certainly do not have very warm weather, but it is sunny-----Well, it was sunny--Looking outside now, there is more snow falling--

Maybe we just have to pretend it's spring--
One day it really will be-and those hummingbirds will be knocking at our windows demanding food--gee, I never thought----We might not even be here--I   must remember to leave the feeders full, and hopefully they will be refilled-----maybe instructions on where to find us--

Anyway--- make to-day a happy day---Be kind to your pets--and your family-- and YOU--- 

You really are you know!-----I hope when yu look in the mirror, you tell that person looking back at you 
enjoy your day---

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Beautiful Girl, you can do hard thngs!

 Yes, yu can! ---  I can!---   It's a new day--  the sun is shining--It's cold--- but it will warm up--And-- We are a part of to-day-

Yesterday was different---having someone come thru your home and telling you how to make it appealing to another person-- giving up "stuff" that you don't use anymore but for reasons we don't understand, we want to keep in our lives.

-- Paul Leautaud (whoever that was) said "I was asked the other day:  "What are you doing nowadays?"  "I'm busy growing older, I answered, It's a whole-time job."

Now isn't that the truth?--We are busy growing older---

Golda Meir said,"Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you're aboard, there's nothing you can do."

  and----good ol' George Burns, (Remember him?) said, "By the time you're eighty years old you've learned everything. (My age!)--You only have to remember it."

Growing old is challenging--  My kids do not understand  that I need them beside me-- but-- it's difficult for me to take all their advice- I'm the one who took care of their needs--  role reversal for sure--and I love my kids  to the moon and back--  It's about---  listening ----  accepting-----hugging--loving--deep thoughts----sorting out-- and, 

I've heard people say, "Old age comes at a bad time."

But--I like what Mae West says, "You're never too old to become younger."---  Lord love a Duck! -All these deep thoughts on life---  BUT------BUT------- "THE " most important thing in our lives is-------TO--------

AND--- to always remember---that no matter what happens in our lives, to-----

WE CAN!-------------------for sure! 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Hello Monday

I got thru yesterday-- that terrible , horrible snowy snow storm--- thanks to Son#1--  who is very ill-- and hopefully, that was the last storm of the year--

To-day 2 Real Estate Ladies are coming thru the house--  no pictures yet--I hope! But at least they will see the house-- inside! Because we are on the lake, I know it will show better as soon as these mountains of snow melt--when ever that will be-- because the property is beautiful--under the snow!

Even the driveway is pretty-- which right now is covered with snow-- The above picture was taken late last spring-

So, I must get the big Beau out and the wee fellow-- Oh--I must tell you that I played the piano , loud and clear yesterday-- I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE, playing--The above , was  me  and  the dogs--dancing in our hearts--letting loose--to the music--acting crazy--- It's amazing how good one feels after a "jamming " session! 

I hope you are as happy to-day as a clam at high tide--- act a bit crazy--- You will feel young--- -I might get back on here later--- just to check on you all--to see if you are dancing up a storm--
I hope that you are able to read the above--- 
Toddlers seem to have their own rules----but they aren't so bad--We might have to adopt some of their rules--Lord love a Duck! 
Try to  make your day spectacular-- Maybe this riddle will put a smile on your face-


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Dance like a crazy woman--

We got the snow storm---  It was awful---  It feels like 1000 ft of snow fell--and the wind blew-This AM I had to shovel a few Chihuahua trails for the wee guy to do his business---  in his Parka--

AND----then------  Son#1 came over in his big machine--AND PLOUGHED THE DRIVEWAY--It was like God himself sitting in the big Kabuka (or whatever it is called)--to me-- AND he is so sick---  I felt so sorry for him-high fever--I took out some meds for him  from Himself, and a G-'ale ---- 

So there is a God in Heaven hanging around , out here to-day--

My  oldest brother 's son, called me last evening--It was such a pleasure to talk to him--My older brother lives near London, Ontario, and has been trying to manage on his own, in his own home--but-- the 2 sons are going to move him to a Long Term Care Home--  I know it will be the best thing for him, but-- of course he doesn't want to go--In fact, he wants to come here and have me take care of him, (which is not going to happen!)--kinda sad tho--His wife died a few years ago--- and he isn't managing very well on his own--He is the one in the middle--back row--
So, Lopez , is doing a lot better---  now that I know he is so afraid of Himself's cane---  you see, when himself walks in the house, he kinda bangs the cane with each step he takes-- I notice both Beau and Lopez keep their distance of Himself-

Our daughter, and her family, who live in Ohio, was en route to visit the In Laws   south of Medina,  last evening, and were trapped in her vehicle, because of storms all around them--  They had to return home, after spending 7 hrs in their vehicle-- She said the winds were terrible--with a van ahead of them, even blowing off the highway-The weather everywhere has changed so much--Do you find that?--  Here we have more snow than I ever seen-- many storms in other places--  Climate Change has turned Into events now which our children are dealing with--AND ME!

so----here I am again--doling out advice----But, do you find that  there are "down in the Dump days"----then--- the sun comes out--and  good things begin to happen, and you wonder, "Why on Earth did I ever allow that to get to me"-----  All the worrying one does, is just not worth it is it---- because in the end, the world turns out  pretty good anyway--
I hope your Sunday  is spectacular--and if it isn't so far, look in the mirror and tell yourself---

-----AND----- -----------------------------------SMILE------  ----WE CAN DANCE LIKE THIS LADY--- 


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Don't hit or bite anyone to-day-

 NEVER QUIT! --  But, we all know that-- Guess what? It is not snowing here yet--But, I know it will be snowing by the end of the day--

 I had to post the picture  below--because this is what our dock used to resemble-- Grandchildren  and their parents (our grown children)- boats , kayaks, dogs-- munchies--I absolutely loved it!~ every afternoon--for many summers-- It hasn't looked like this for the past 2 summers now-- (sob sob)- The older ones have summer jobs--and,  son#1 now has a larger dock---docks that don't give them thistles in their feet--docks that don't rock back and forth-- sometimes they go there---   sometimes they came here last summer, but as their lives progress, other things take priority-- What a great few years  we did share with these kids----  I hope another family will  take over our docks--and enjoy them as much as we have!

You know, docks are difficult to maintain-- our sons always put them out for us--  brought them in each fall-- tied them along the shoreline--- and when spring came the following year, did some maintenance on  them--We were so grateful they always helped us--

Then, there was the water system--To keep the grass green, we drew water from the lake---Many times the hose going into the lake became covered in sea weed, the pump would lose its prime, and another son would drive from town out here to get the pump working again--I guess you could say, without the boys to help, we may not have lived here as long as we have--We are so grateful to them! 

So, ever onward-- whenever we find  another easier home to manage , at our age--  Will we miss the lake?--  ALWAYS ----  They sure have been wonderful years!-

Doncha just love Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin--above?-- It's a good thing that we  really are braver than we believe-- that we  are stronger than we seem,  and smart enough to know it is time to accept a new phase in our life-whenever we find a place to move to--Maybe I'll even have time to  get back to  doing watercolour  painting again--- OR____ maybe I even may get to  visit Austria---  or  Buckingham Palace---or-write a book-- who knows?-- Son#2 sent these pictures while in Vienna---
--such a pretty city-----
--and even a "MacDonalds" ---

Anyway, I hope to-day,  where ever you are---  you have a good day--and that you  stay strong---

Friday, March 24, 2023

Well, here I am---AGAIN!

Oh my Goodness--  I missed you all yesterday--   As you probably found out, someone got into my Facebook friendly list and  did whatever-- I started to blog and then decided it just might be better to not send anything more out to you all , until the Facebook people  somehow deleted whoever it was --- 

It was a difficult day yesterday--  I had to decide if we want that Srs house in the next town--and  did we want to go and see it---The $60,000.00  upfront building fees, kinda, put a stop to us thinking too long about it all-----It was "hair day"  anyway, (at a new time)-and I did go there, with little Lopez, the Chihuahua who has big attitude----I decided to always  take the little fellow with me when I go to town--  It was Son#2's idea--Lopez  does not  seem to like Himself with "the cane"-- He seems to attack Himself's cane-- --- 

I had my doubts if he would behave in the car, but, you know, I brought his blanket and a few toys, and he was a really good boy--  cried a bit when I went in to the Hair Lady, but then settled down and went to sleep. and he was a good boy the rest of the day--as long  as he could see me--

This was Lopez this morning in the living room, as soon as I brought him down--He  really is a one person dog-

OK-- Son #2, is in Austria--Vienna--  and of course the food pictures are coming in fast and furious-

Schnitzel Time he called the above--with Paprika flavoured chips below--
and some sort of jar of something


He ate in an old cellar, --the "Zwolf Apostelkeller"----a cave, dating back to 1339--- It is now, an old cellar deep underground--a restaurant--He feels that Hitler must've been there at one time as he was born in Austria.
There is another storm heading our way-- I AM NOT GOING TO PLOUGH ANY MORE SNOW--- so, I will leave it to the good Lord, to melt the white stuff! 

So--as it stands now---Our present house is up for sale--We have no idea where we are moving to--some place small--fairly modern, and in town--  Lord love a Duck! We may have to even become "Street People"! ---yikes! 
I hope the good Lord will  eventually  see our dilemma and have something  on the market for us!--
Well----  I dunno if I really am the driver of the housing  thing--   Oh I hope so! ---
I sure missed chatting away to you all yesterday------  Remember----  "STRONG PEOPLE"--  are the best----because we have to be  strong! - That's us! 
----------Did you ever think about that???----------