Thursday, March 16, 2023

-- What would you do if you weren't afraid?

What I would do if I was not afraid--??-  Good question--I am always afraid---but--It is something to think about-Hmmmmm----  I might  like to be more vocal--- tell it the way I believe it is--- and get myself into trouble----LOL----There are times , when I am told something, I hear that little voice in my head, telling me to not respond--just walk away--maybe I  might've attempted  going into medicine-- instead of nursing- in my past life.- I never thought I was very bright when I attended school-It wasn't till I graduated with very high marks in nursing , with very little effort, that I realized I was smarter than I believed I ever was-----I do not think I would ever have done any sky diving--I'm not that sort of person--

You know, perhaps I might've  tried harder to visit the Queen--jumped on an airplane and sat outside her palace , waiting to meet her--

But--  There again, I did meet her , (in the cardboard )-in out kitchen--LOLOLL--- 

I took all 4 dogs out early this morning, and it was freezing rain falling----slippery on the bricks- --I hear  the 2 dogs who are our guests, their family are travelling back  home--will pick them up to-night-and they really have been good dogs-- 

Well, not Lopez--  This sweet looking little fellow can turn into CUJO in an instant ---thinks he can tell all the rest of the dogs what to do--  Now he IS vocal---
This is about how I look this AM--It is hair day and hopefully, I can get there this afternoon--AND pick up some bananas--and trust Himself to  take care of things on the HOME FRONT ----We shall see how this storm develops, which is not suppose to hit  until to-morrow.

We are fortunate to be a part of to-day--I listened  to CBC radio as I was making our bed, and heard of a Lady whose husband left her, and she had 3 young children-- 3, 5 and 8 yrs--  and she was new to Canada-- She had no money to even feed these children. Her story intrigued  me-- She eventually went to a post secondary institution  and obtained a bursary to attend--and she took a course and graduated  with  a  degree and supported her family and now they name that bursary after her--It was an amazing story! ---   I hear  too there is now  a 24 hr daycare opening up in Sudbury  to help women with their families who are left alone-- something I never thought of before--

I believe Women , the main caregiver of a family, are strong people--because they are like the trunk  of a tree--  They keep a family together-- or close, if not together-

-I don't know how I ever got into all this--I usually keep my beliefs to myself-- and here I am spouting it all out!---LOLOL---

I hope your day is a good day--  and if you can, do something to make it a good day--


  1. I think one of the reasons so many of us come back to read your blog, day by day by day is that we believe many of the same things. Our mothers and grandmothers passed the word along that we are women and we are strong. Not always in the same way as men, but in our own way. And true courage lies is doing things we're afraid of, so make friends with our fears!

    Hugs and warm thoughts for what's a chilly, drippy day here... hope you get some sunshine there!

    1. Barb yu are so good! --make friends with our fears--I like that!---- Storm supposerd to hit here to-morrow-- Lynda

  2. Today I did something, and afterwards as I could tell it was a really dumb thing, it scared me good. I *think* I was able to get out of this scrape intact, but we'll see how everything plays out. It was the kind of thing I warn others about. And I fell for it. That taught me a few things, including a bit of humility. I'm smart, usually. But even smart people can do dumb things sometimes. And then there's forgiveness. I might grant myself forgiveness in future - but for now I'm just grateful for that voice in the back of my head that I finally listened to. Be kind to one another and if someone you know does something stupid, don't be angry with them. Give them a hug and tell them they're only human and to be be a lot more careful going forward. I know I''ve danced around what I did but no, it was dumb and I'd hate to tip off anyone just how idiotic I can be at times. I'm strong. I'm smart - and smarter today for having made a big goof. Fears keep us from making some doozies (my Mom's word!) of mistakes. A little fear can be a good thing, like when the dogs get spooked by something in the trees.

    1. Oh poor you--Everyone makers weird mistakers--I hope yu got yerself out of it--and if not, admit whatever it was and tell them, yu are only human---- Poor you--It will all wok out-- It usually does! Lynda

  3. Lynda, maybe you are therapist to us, and we are therapist to You! That someone to talk to that we all need as humans!! Hugs!

    1. no--no therapist--LOLOL--just try to be a "realist"-I wish someone had pulled ,me aside as I was growing up and talked to me-Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. I love the story of the woman who was left with 3 small children and no way to support them. My daughter has a 3 and 4 year old boys with autism. She's done an amazing job of supporting them and getting them help all the while their father fights her every step. He attacked her last December, was arrested and is no longer in the home. But because they are not married and everything is in his name he is evicting them June 1st and taking back the car she uses to get the boys to their schools. She is very afraid and I'm so scared that she will give in and allow this horrible man back into the home rather than find a place for her and the boys. I will share your story with her!

    1. Ooh Kathy--Thank yu- I ebated whether to put that ion this AM, but Im happy I did now-- Your daughter can be strong--pick up and start again-- She must be very smart-- -So many women are put down--don't realize how smart they are!-- and there are ways to begin again with help-Lynda

  5. My dear, being realistic is the only way to survive in this world. For sure! Women ARE the hub of the family, and have to be strong having that role! YOU are strong! And we have to believe in ourselves! THAT'S how we accomplish so much.

    Awwww, sounds like Lopez wanted to make sure his position in the family wasn’t usurped!

    Here’s to a good day.


    1. Hi Barb--I totally agree with you--being realistic--Lynda

  6. Something I've always wanted to do...go skydiving. That's what I would do if not afraid.

    1. Wow!!! I am impressed-- skydiving-- Yu must have some "daredevil" in yuh--LOLOL-- I admire you for even thinking of sky diving-Lynda

  7. You certainly gave me lots to think about with this blog. Interesting. I like your realistic, truthful view of life.
    Glad the extra dogs will go home soon. Send CUJO home with your son. Maybe Lopez would return with an attitude change.
    Be safe.

    1. LOL--=- Lopez needs to be taken down a peg or 2--- --and--yes, I do believe that women are the heart of a home-- sometimes good--sometimes not good--Lynda

  8. Glad tge other 2 dogs are going home - 2 less to look after &maybe quite CUJO down a bit! Ya I hear you are getting a big storm starting sometime tomorrow - up to 50 cm of snow - make sure your son comes and helps you. Besides if you got your hair done you don't want to mess it up right away. Hope you made it to the hairdresser and the grocery store. That poor women you heard about on the news. It's terrible how so many guys get what they want and then throw everyone away. Those are some of the reasons women need to be strong! Have a good night.

    1. Brenda --My Grand Dogs have gone home--Happy I could do that for son#3--He has old very nice dogs--but--they are dogs--LOL-Ys my hair is done--It always feels so good after-- Himself managed quite well this afternoon-- It is snowing to-nite Lynda-

  9. I do not have ant Irish memories, but (being a large part Scots Irish) have always been fascinated by anything from that heritage.
    Here is a bit of Irish trivia: what is the one thing a leprechaun can never do? Answer: be female!
    I ordered a NEW computer! My doctor son sent me$!
    Super cold and windy here today. It is said that next week the 40sF will return. Let us hope so! {{{HUGS}}}


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