Friday, March 3, 2023

What does the little Champagne bottle call his father?

It is a good day to have a good day--We can and will achieve  what is important in our lives-to-day!-I can feel it in my heart! 

-So----forget the "worry-"--- work on the "faith"--WE CAN DO whatever we make up our minds to do-if--We have the "Faith"-

Do I sound like I am talking in circles?--- Well, you know that my biggest worry right now is "How am I ever going to sell this enormous home-----"----  "Will I ever find another place to live"---"Will I still have the income to do what needs to be done"----  and--this must sound silly--- (It does to me!)- because, I hear a little voice deep inside of me saying, "It will all work out--just listen to me and have faith"----AND------IT SEEMS TO BE SORTA HAPPENING-----Yesterday I was told of a couple houses on the market that seem livable--and this morning the real estate person called and  I believe , in time, it will work out--I must CHUCK THE WORRY----and WORK ON THE FAITH--

So, I got the hair done yesterday---  amazing what a hair-do does--After having "snow plough" hair all last week, I feel like a new person to-day-

Himself survived yesterday afternoon while I was out- I felt he would- (I had the Faith!-LOL)----and i even managed to hit the grocery store at 4-30pm--  which was bad timing as it was very busy. I wore my mask--altho not many people  are doing that it seems----  Do people in your neck of the woods still wear masks?--(I hope so!)_

Lord love a Duck! Enough of this chit chat--  time to get little Lopez out and big Beau--(again!)---- 

We must be strong--  Keep the faith---  Ask Questions-- Be Curious---(like Curious George)-and not give up---If we really want something, we CAN achieve our goals--If not, it's not meant to be--
This is a tad too serious---  time for a riddle--



  1. Do people around here still wear masks? Very few, but nobody gives someone who wears one a hard time. I am one of those few, but there are certain trusted spaces where I don't wear one. If I'm only going into the grocery to pick up one or two items, I know where they are shelved, and it's not busy, I might skip it.

    So far, I've been safe. Fingers crossed, and keeping up to date on the risk levels locally and the advice from the health people. I mean, after all, I am old-er!

    Sending good vibes for the living situation to work itself out. I'm starting to think about down-sizing again, but have been dragging my feet!

    1. If it all works out, it will be like a miracle-- Ill know on the 22nd when I can go and see the house--but--I have to keep our home till mid July-- gardening then--- but this house will look good--LOL-- Life eh Barb!-- Lynda

  2. Have to wear our masks at any doctor appointment, and the personnel all have them on. Here in the states, you pick a realtor and they do all the leg work, you tell them what you need and the price. They do all the looking, you only have to look at what you want to, they show you at first on your computer. So you don’t waste time. Our son and daughter-in-law and realtor found our house, in Texas, while we were in Calif. Bought sight unseen, been here 10 years now.

    1. This realtor did lotza leg work-- exciting that if I know the house, I believe I will like it-- as long as I'm outta here come winter--Lynda

  3. Yes, things will work out. But please think about renting instead of buying, and perhaps something with one level of living space. Do you really want to take on all the maintenance, bills, headaches that come with home ownership at this point in your life? Trading down for a smaller home with the same responsibilities and just a shorter driveway still leaves you with the same worries you have now. Just something to think about.

    1. Yes, renting may happen if this doesn't work out--hopefully it will--- A bungalow in town, would be less work , less expensive too, than living in the bush-- We loved tis house when we had all the kids--- just so big now--LOL-- -- Hugs , Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. Love the hairdo, looks great and how nice that you were able to get away for a bit. I see very few masks in my area - only at doctor offices. I love what you wrote about having faith - I am so struggling with that. My youngest daughter had to file a restraining order against the father of her children after a scary incident. In return, he is evicting her from the home she is living with her 2 autistic little boys ages 3 & 4 and he's taking her car from her (all in just his name). I am very worried but we have 3 months to work things out. So I will take our advice and believe that all things will work as they are meant to!

    1. Things will work to Kathy-- The poor children eh?--and yer poor daughter ----- It's the children one worries about isn't it?---- Lotza hugs to them-- but---- it WILL work out- Lynda

  5. HUGS and it’s hard to think about moving! But glad you seem to have a good realtor who will help you out!

    **SIGH** Barely anyone wears masks around here. Much to my chagrin, but . . . *I* do. For sure.

    Yes, keeping the faith!

    HUGS and here’s to a good weekend.


    1. That is the same as here--Most people do not I wear masks--I do---- -- Moving is a chore but-- I just cannot be here next winter-- Hugs Barb-Lynda

  6. Hello, Marti here. No, no one wears masks around here anymore. I feel, no need. They say it is now endemic. We learn to live with it just as we live with flu. I have had all my vaccines, and will continue to keep up to date. At doctors, we have a choice to wear or not wear. If I have a cold, I do wear a mask. I'm really no longer worried about it. At this point in time, anyway. I DESPISE masks. I could not breathe, and will NEVER go back if I don't have to.

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck choosing where to live. I personally feel you should choose a small condo with a one floor plan. I live in such a place, have for years. Most of the people here are elderly, and do pretty good. My condo is exactly 1000 sq feet. Those that leave have to leave to go into nursing homes or assisted living communities.

    1. I never thought of that--an endemic-- andes we all have had to deal with it! --Your condo sounds good-- Small is good now-Lynda

  7. Most people do not wear masks other than at Dr. or hospital. I wear mask at grocery or anywhere its crowded.

    I hope your realtor finds a smaller place you'll be happy with.
    Keep the faith, stay strong

    1. Margene --Funny how things work out eh?--Lynda

  8. You are so right about things working out. If you focus on that, if you believe, if you focus on the positive. That's how I try to live, too. Most of the time it works. Yesterday was a trial...kept doing things for others. That makes me happy usually, but I got NOTHING done for myself. I determined today I would do that, and I did. Chores, shopping...not even taking time for a nap. Feels good.
    You will find the perfect house for the five of you...just keep believing and trusting.
    I have something I found on Facebook for you:
    "I say,
    It’s in the reach of my arms,
    The span of my hips,
    The stride of my step,
    The curl of my lips.
    I’m a #woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me." #MayaAngelou
    💐 Happy #WomensHistoryMonth {{{HUGS}}}

    1. You are so good! --Just keep believing, a yu say--I like Angelou-- Lynda

  9. Not many people wear masks now. I do especially as no one else is - it's safer! I really like all the sayings today, Your hair looks real good. I hope one of the houses work out. And it needs to take a while so you can get more decluttering done. Relax and less time worrying about everything.

    1. I know the house--- I think it will be perfect! Isn't it strange how things work out?--Lynda

  10. If the housing market there is anything like most of the ones in the US, you shouldn't have any problem with selling your house. I hope that you find your ideal house soon.

  11. I rarely see any mask wearers but my husband and I do! He is the only one at his work. I know he may feel odd but he does it. I think you will get a big price for your home being on the lake and much less to buy another one so it will actually help you money wise. You look beautiful! Glad you had a nice outing. Have a great weekend!:)


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