Friday, March 31, 2023

Where there is a Woman, there is magic.

It is snowing--- mild outside--but--lots of snow falling-- and I hear to-morrow will be a lot worse with rain and ice pellets-

-I have been  vacuuming--dusting --etc etc--BECAUSE THAT DR FROM SUDBURY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE COMING-I called his office (2 hrs away)-and was told they were doing "rounds" and would inform me if he had any change of plans--I told his nurse, "Well, if he comes here, he for sure will get stuck as  lotza snow is falling -ALL DAY--and-to-morrow will be worse"---  She did not seem to be impressed with my weather woes--did not respond! ---

"Attitude is a Choice"  --I quietly hung up the phone, and told Himself, "Oh well,  you are doing pretty good for an almost 95 yr old person--with only me here to help you"-------so, I will not "hold my breathe" and expect a miracle-- We ARE managing--- 

On a different note, my older brother , who refuses to go into a long term care home, has vanished--I believe he is hiding somewhere, where his kids can't find him--  He called here asking me to go and get him--so hard to deal with all that--poor guy eh?--- I just know that I can not take care of him---- He lives about a 9 hr drive from here--

The Social worker who works with the "Dr from away", who was supposed to be here to-day, just called, and said, because of the weather, will now be coming in May--I told her to "Stay Safe"---- 

So, life just goes on--One day it really will be Spring-- and one day, those geese which have been spotted in some of your areas , will fly over . I enjoy hearing their honking SO SO much--I always stop whatever I am doing, and stare up at the sky--- and over the tree tops they come-- in their "V" shape, and I always say, "Welcome home--Welcome to the North!"--
Make to-day the best day ever! ----Only you can make it that way---

----------------------= remember, the above---=======--Believe in yourself---"Mom always said, "Where there is a will, there is a Way"---

------I believe, that,  it truly is amazing what one woman can do--to change the world---



  1. Well, I hope the Dr. makes it and doesn’t get stuck! Good luck w/the snow. **SIGH** Tiresome! Ah just read further . . . the Dr. will come in May. That’s quite the wait, but . . . not much you can do about it.

    OH my goodness! I hope that your brother is all right!

    Yes! You, my dear, are a force to be reckoned with. You get it done! Bless you.

    Hugs and stay safe.


    1. well Barb--May seems like 100 yrs away--but-- We are OK so far-- There are times however that it would be nice to get away more--terrible weather here to-day-Lynda

  2. Lynda, you are a person who does what needs to be done…yes, you “manage”! So sorry that the weather has put a wrench in the doc/social worker visit and it’s rescheduled in May…that stinks!! Stay safe! ❤️Eissa7

    1. Yu know-I have decided there really is no help-- May seems like 100 yrs away--We are doing OK tho---not always---but--- 60% of the time--the rest of the time is not good--LOL--Oh swell-- Getting rid of this snow will help-Lynda

  3. Sorry the weather is bad again and Dr. wont be coming until May. You manage are quite the woman.
    Well...we have temps of 80 and sun. Robin's, tulips, trees in bloom. BUT we are under severe weather forecast all day and tonight. Tornadoes, severe winds, hail, downpours of rain. Spring in St.Louis can be very dangerous. By Saturday morning temps will drastically drop for a high temp of 40 and more rain. No control over Mother Nature.
    Sorry about your snow. ENOUGH.
    Enjoy your day. Play your piano. I liked today's inserts.

    1. Really bad weather here today too-- snow--ice pellets--and I hear tomorrow will be worse--so they say--Maybe we should all head to ---somewhere hot--- Lynda

  4. It figures that the doctor won’t come, he should have come already, way back when Himself was hitting you and accusing you of cheating! Apparently, that was not scary enough for him to care. It seems to take a long time to get any care there. So you have to be strong like the Pioneers. Good luck. Is your paperwork in order? Take care.

    1. Yu do have a good memory-- Yes, everyone should've come way back when--It really does seem like the medical community has sorta "gone to pot"--and yes, I do have to be strong--I have given up on help here with Himself--You say it like it really is-- and I appreciate hearing it that way-- I'm not imaginating the lack of help ---- but--It really was the weather today-so--=now it is May-- maybe??-- Lynda-

  5. Darn no doctor today . . .you are certainly taking it better than I would. I'd be on the phone and they certainly wouldn't like what I had to say. May is just to far our there . . . you have been dealing with this for many months. You are a real trooper and an inspiration to me.

    1. I really don't believe there will be a Dr in May either-- I just give up-- Im not an inspiration-- just tired--LOL--Lynda

  6. Lynda, you do change the world...your own and ours.
    It's good 'hearing' you so up-beat with all you have going on.
    The the doc and his nurse won't be coming until MAY? Wow! How about those helper ladies. Did they ever reschedule?
    Sigh. There are always good things for us to focus, family, pets, music.
    I do hope your brother is found, or that at least he is being cared for.
    Busy day here. Took a couple friends shopping and they filled my tank with gas!
    Favorite shows on tonight. Chicken pot pie for dinner.
    Probably no karaoke Saturday cuz we are getting powdered with 6 to 10 inches too!
    Stay safe and happy. {{{HUGS}}}

    1. You are getting snow Too?--Your chicken pot pie sounds good--Lynda

  7. It's Kathy. Sorry the lousy weather is coming. We're getting it too. Right now it is raining but it seems to be ice pellets rather than just rain. My little Daisy needed to go out - and she took care of business in about a minute. By morning it will have turned to snow and we should have 5 - 10 inches of that darn stuff. This is the winter that will never end! My husband and I are suppose to be going to his Art Center because they have an event going on with Karaoke. I sure don't want to go out in this and I don't think it's safe for him to go. We're under a Blizzard watch by 9 pm tonight because of the wind. Have a good night.

    1. Your weather sounds exactly like here-It is sup[posed to get quite bad to-morrow--We are all so tired of the snow!-- Lynda

  8. I admire your positive attitude! In spite of the news about your brother and the Dr. cancelling and more snow, you still keep blogging and keeping us all in the loop! We are having bad storms tonight. About 30 minutes ago the wind was 70 mph and hailing.....and I saw my cat go flying past my back deck! I am sad as it probably is toast. But I can't even go out and look at it as it is still raining with lots of lightning and thunder!

    1. Oh no Sandra--- Does your cat go outside?--Hopefully if it does, is it OK?--- Can yu call it in?-- Yu must be so worried-The weather is terrible--everywhere---Could yer cat be hiding under a deck or something?-They are pretty good at finding safety--Here it was such a terrible snowy day-with rain mixed in the snow-- very wet---Let Me know about yer cat_- Poor yu--poor caT_Lynda


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