Monday, March 20, 2023

Lots to think about!

 I want to sing, "It's just another manic Monday"-----but, I must think of it differently-- It is a new day--a day closer to summer---  Probably the Hummingbirds are packing up their strength , ready to fly north--and the Robins are maybe half way here--- coming up thru the U.S., where some of them have been spotted already---so, even tho it still seems a tad wintry on the western front, things are happening and maybe I just have to trust that the good Lord knows what he is doing.

We do not have snow falling, so that is a huge plus--We do have a lot of ice, which hopefully will melt soon-I really wanted to get to the grocery store this AM., but have a few phone calls to make , and the bananas are looking  OK ---  so, I guess , no groceries to-day--

Everyday I must decide  to not worry about  the worldly news---I cannot change things---I kinda like to be aware of what is happening in the world, so I do turn on CBC every morning----  but----- in the back of my head, I wonder if I were completely oblivious to all of the earthquakes and this and that leader travelling to a war zone, would I  not worry so much?-How about you?--- Do you listen daily to news reports?--How does it make you feel?

This week we are going to see a house in town that perhaps we will  be able to move into-I always felt that moving from our family home would upset me, but--you know,  I am quite excited to  begin a new stage in our life-- funny, because I hope  that whoever buys this place, has children, as our home has always been full of happy  family events-- the docks--the lake--all the dogs-- and plenty of room for the children's friends.

I hope that your day will be awesome-

There was always SO much action on the dock--I absolutely loved it!--summers were so special---


  1. Happy first day of Spring! Still cool, but no snow, so Mother Nature is making progress!

    It is important to know what is going on in the world, but . . . I tend to limit it to once/day. ½ hr. That’s enough for me.

    Well, hope that your house viewing today goes well! You’ll find the right place for you and Himself. And hopefully have a little less work so you have a little bit of relaxation time.



    1. They changed the date for the house viewing-- so upset about that--- Happy 1st day of Spring Barb-Lynda

  2. Happy first day of Spring! (Yes, I'm being repetitive of the other Barb, but you can never hear this one too often, can you?)

    I do hope you continue to feel hopeful about entering a new phase of living... we can only move forward. Good luck with the house viewing. Be patient in finding just the right one.

    1. Thanks Barb fo the advice-- and it does feel like Spring here--above zero== Lynda

  3. I also want to say happy first day of spring. Hope all goes well with seeing the other house and that it works and you like it. Like inserts today.

    1. Hi Brenda--It is even above zero here-Lynda

  4. Good Luck on the house hunting . . . you will know when you have found the right one. I have been reading to catch up but haven't commented lately. My husband has been in and out of the hospital the last 3 weeks with pneumonia so I have been the only one around to care for him and as you well know it is stressful and tiring . . . we have had multiple snow storms where I have also had to snow blow the driveway. I really am getting a feel for your life . . . exhausting.

    1. Ooh my Lord! --Snow blowing is really tiring-- I am sorry that yu are doing this! And I know how difficult it must be to take over ALL the chores--I am so sorry about your husband and his illness---It makes everyday hard on yu-- but--yu are doing it!--
      I had to start the day at 5-30am or 6am-- to get everything in--and even then, it's hard!--

    2. I forgot to sign ny name-- LOL--- It's me, Lynda

  5. Beautiful aerial pictures of your property. I am happy that you are excited about moving into a smaller home when you find the perfect place. It will be less work for you and more relaxation which you certainly deserve. Happy first day of spring!

    1. Son#2 took those pictures with his Drone--=Lynda

  6. So sorry they changed the date for the house viewing, again.. Are real estate people there money hungry like they are in the states? They can be a cagey lot. I guess all we can do is go forward, or down into the ground or up on the shelf. Ethelmerz

    1. Ethel-I guess Real Estate people do the best they can--but--I hope in the end it all works out-Lynda

  7. I moved 8 years ago, after nearly 40 years in one house. Glad I did. I live on a lake and watch the geese,ducks, and birds get ready for spring. Donna_cps2

    1. I hope when we move, it will cut back on all the work I do out here-Lynda

  8. Hey Lynda, it's me, Marti. You can probably call me rather oblivious, for the most part, on what's going on in the world, but I typically don't understand it anyway. I read the daily headlines that I get in my email but I do not turn on the news. For one thing, I can't. I only get streaming channels. I even had to drop the news from my Facebook, as all it ever did was make me mad and cranky. Really, I would do as someone else suggested, set a limit to it, and turn it off and put on something upbeat. Something that will make you laugh out loud. For me, that's Saturday Night Live. I should take my own advice - I have not turned that on lately.

    I am sorry about the house. I get easily disappointed, and that would make me really upset. But, all in God's time, not ours.

    I am sure you will miss all the happy times on the dock in summer, but suffering all winter for those few times, not worth it anymore, I'm sure, and you will always have the memories and the pictures. :)

    1. Marti--Please say a prayer that the house we have our hearts on, can be sold to us---as yu say--"All in gods time--"---- Hopefully it all works out-- Lordy be---- and--I love Saturday nite Live--Lynda

  9. We closed on our home on the water last Friday and I feel relief!! Yes, our view was magnificent, the multitude of dolphins endlessly entertaining, BUT maintaining a home on the water is an endless struggle….the salt air is harsh on everything! I know that you will feel the same relief 1,000 X’s more!! Decluttering and packing is rough, but I’m on the other side of that and survived. ❤️ Eissa7

    1. Yu went thru the same eh?--I hope all turns out well here--I really do Lynda

  10. Sorry the house viewing got postponed. I sure hope its something you like.
    I watch very little news as I find it depressing. I mostly watch the weather and listen to the headlines for a bit or read snippets on line, mostly local news which is very violent.
    Your home is lovely. You'll always have the great memories. Its time to have a simpler life. Change is daunting but you'll be so relieved next winter. Time for you to stop having to work outside hours on end.
    Finding help is difficult and expensive. Hoping it all works out well and when you find the right place you'll be so glad you made the change.
    More time to read and play your piano. ❤
    Hugs .

    1. Oh Margene--I pray it all works out-- Thank yu for telling me that-Lynda

  11. Happy first day if SPRING all!

    1. Spring has sprung-- LOL-Lynda

  12. You will miss the lake, but I am sure you will have access to it. There are public beaches and parks, right?
    We sometimes do need new start.
    Good luck with the house. I thought a couple weeks ago that you said you had found one.
    Cold here morning and night, but getting up to the mid 40s F during the afternoons.
    I do not listen to the news if anything is important to my life, it finds me.
    We welcome spring! {{{HUGS}}}

    1. We found "the " house but--- hopefully it comes our way-- good attitude about the news-- neat person--you! --Hugs, Lynda

  13. Yay for spring!! Now if the actual weather would catch up to the calendar...

    I hope your house hunting goes well. Does the son that is just down the road from you have a house on the lake? If so, maybe the lake activities can switch to that place and you can be the guest instead of the host. It wouldn't be quite as convenient, but a whole lot less work... And you could be there on your schedule.

    1. Yres--He does have a home just down the lake-- and yes, I will for sure be a visitor there-- Yu are so good--Lynda

  14. No, I quit watching the news....I keep it silent until the weather then turn it more bed news and stuff needed. It is bad enough here now.
    Between losing my husband and me being in the hospital ....just don't need no more negative.


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