Monday, September 4, 2023

Let's Be Awesome To-day--

 It is a HOLIDAY___  YEAHHHhhhhhhh----  We need  a holiday--no shopping--not going to town---maybe I can clear off the dining room table-- "stuff" to keep--"stuff"  to give away-----catch a wee nap after lunch--hopefully--with my book---The best part is----- WE ARE ALIVE!----

I read all your comments yesterday --and I thanked Son#2, the Pilot, for his pictures for all of yu--He made it back to Toronto , as he said, on the Tradewinds--early---- I am always so happy when I hear he is home! ---- I believe he was happy that you all enjoyed those pictures of San Fran---

We have sunshine with warm temperatures to-day--and it is LABOUR DAY___and to-morrow school starts -----I remember a couple of our children not happy--in fact holding onto my legs  for dear life, screaming, with a teacher trying to pry their little hands away, and get him into a classroom--- These children did turn into upright happy clever citizens , in spite of all that!---Sometimes it takes longer for some children to leave their Mom and their home---- It must be very frightening for them-- 

When I started school, many moons ago,  I remember not wanting to go-- In fact, it was in the middle of us moving from Windsor to London , Ontario, and I suppose, the move was upsetting enough-I believe I was dragged there, with my older sister  or brother--and I do believe , I ran back home on my own, as I remember Mom not very happy with me-- Crazy what one remembers as a child , isn't it?

Sometimes big hugs, with lotza love, make a difference  in a persons life-----  What do you remember, or do you remember, your first few days at school?----  Did you have a friend to help you adjust?

Do you think this really works?---I tried it, but felt I was going to fall over--- --I need to boost my brain power tho--LOLOL--

I hope that your day is going well-_ be Awesome to-day---
--------------------------------------------something to think about to-day


  1. Good morning,
    I started kindergarten when I was 4 years old. I had a younger brother who was 2 1/2 years old and I took him to school w/me. I wanted him to have some fun instead of staying home. Mom was on the phone and the school had a hard time getting a hold of her because she was talking w/my aunt. They figured Mom didn't know he was missing because he had his pj's on and no shoes. 😁

    1. That is so funny-- Yu took yer brother with yu--to school --in his PJs with no shoes-- I think that is the best story ever! ---- Yu made my night reading all these comments--LOL--Lynda

  2. Good Morning. My mom took me to school for my first day and when she left I followed her home. She had to take me back for a second try. After that I was fine with school and actually enjoyed it. That is taking me back seventy three years and I still can remember it yet I can't always remember why i walked into a room. Enjoy your day, take care, relax and play the piano.

    1. So funny-- When she left, yu followed your Mom home--sounds like me---Its fun to go back and remember parts of our lives--Lynda

  3. Good Morning! When you read this, I'll be sound asleep! I hope! On my first day of school, on the bus home, I told the bus driver this was my stop ... because I recognised the place, but I was actually about half a mile from where I should be. Fortunately I managed to walk the very busy road - staying on the side of course all the way home. The next day somehow the driver knew exactly where to drop me off! And he somehow knew my name. Mr. Borm was a lovely man who was also a volunteer fire fighter. And a great bus driver! I can't do the head bend in the example, but when I'm able, I like to put my arms up in the air and look up to the heavens and just think maybe today will be extra special. It always puts me in a good mood. I can barely move my head and my right shoulder is being not so good about going up, so we'll have to see what's happening with that. I'm being sent for xrays and an ultrasound. I hope you have a great Labor Day! We have ours in Australia next month. My kids will be enjoying theirs at the same time you do. If they're not working that is. I'm off to make the kitchen nice for when I wake up, then off to bed. G'night! ((Hugs))

    1. SO good to hear you are doing OK__-- good thing yu found your way home that 1st day of school--I like that idea of reaching towards the Heavens and it puts yu in a good mood--Interesting--Your Labour Day is next month-You sound good anyway---always do sound happy---
      It was a good day here -Himself was pretty good all day--Lynda

  4. Remembering childhood is like the whisper of emotions felt, and then building the story of what happened around those emotions. First day of school, such a jumble. Hope you and yours have a fine Labour Day!

    1. First day of school--very traumatic--seems like that for most of us-- It shouldnt be that way-- and yes to-day was good--hot tho Barb-Lynd

  5. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I don't remember much about going to school except my mother has told me time and again that she started me early (I was 4) because she couldn't handle me! I do remember back to school with my own children. In the years that I was home, I could walk them to the bus stop. But for most of their lives I was the bread winner of our family. The day after Labor Day was always a day off for me so I could see them off and welcome them home again. The hardest was when my twins - the youngest and only boys - started school! Tomorrow my grandson starts - how exciting for him and how hard for my daughter!

    1. Hi Kathy--You were the bread winner??-- Awesome!-- - --Yu made me LOL about your Mom putting yu in school because she couldnt handle yu--Lynda

  6. I love the note to self....that is so kind so you have no regrets and enjoy your life and children/grands and so forth.
    Really enjoyed #2's pictures. He is quite good with the camera or phone maybe.
    Blessings on you and your family this week Lynda........

    1. Ill tell Son#2 again how much yu enjoy his pictures--I guess it givers him something to do as he wanders around looking for food-- Pilots are a rare bunch--LOL-Lynd

  7. Yes, I don’t imagine the kiddos are really happy that this is their last day of vacation, but . . . I remember being conflicted . . . glad to see my friends that I knew in my grade but NOT necessarily glad to get in the school routine.

    Definitely warm here. VERY warm

    Going to do as the meme says . . . going to be awesome today! Hope you are, too. Well, I KNOW you are!


    1. Poor kids-- the stories some of yu have had to go thru when yu were little children!---- Very hot here to-day-- The AC ran all day--Lynda

  8. Hi, Marti here. I was a shy little kid. I recall in kindergarten, they went to take a group photo, I was afraid of the flash, and I put my hands over my eyes. The mean kindergarten teacher yelled at me and told me I spoiled the whole picture and I was going to go lay down on my rug for punishment. School went that way all the way through 6th grade, more or less.

    1. Oh that is terrible that the teacher made you lay down --for punishment--Poor little kid!--What is wrong with all these teachers?----Did you continue on at that school?-- I am so sorry--Lynda

  9. Cool (about 60F/15C) and rainy here in NE Montana today after mid-90'sF yesterday. I just checked the air quality and it said "very unhealthy" so it will be an indoors day.

    School has been in session here for about 10 days (so they can get out in May). I don't remember my first day of school so it must have been pretty low key.

    Have a good day.

    1. You must have the cooler wet weather which is supposed to be here on Thursday-and you must have smoke--maybe from BC --Nice to hear from yu-Lynda

  10. Ow, that exercise is not safe for everyone, particularly folks in our age range. Neurologist next! First day of school, was exciting, and fun. Wanted to ride the bus, but had to walk from one end of town to the other. But no street crossing. Hated to nap on a flimsy blanket. Did not feel like sleeping.

    1. They made yu nap at school?-- They made my Grand Daughter nap too- -- I do agree -- that exercise did not make much sense to me--I shudda chucked it--Lynda

  11. I don't remember my first day of school. But I was never a problem as I liked school. My brother was the opposite so my dad started driving him to school in high school and he would turn around and walk out the back door! Never had kids or grandkids so no experiences. Yes, I also love the pilot's pictures - my only travels! Have a good Labour Day!

    1. I told the Pilot son how much yu enjoy his travels-- He likes to hear that-- It was a hot Labour day but not so bad--Himself was OK-Lynda

  12. Lynda, you are awesome, amazing, strong and inspiring every day. So glad you share with us each day.
    Very hot in St.Louis.
    School started 3rd week of August here. They didn't even have kindergarten when I was a kid. I do remember a new dress for 1st grade and another girl in my class had the same dress lol. My first grade teacher was old and stern. She was big on lining up single file in the hall and she pushed kids around by the shoulders until we conformed to her ideal.. lol. I remember giant domino tiles around the room above blackboard and that's how we learned to count and add. Kids today know all that stuff before they hit school. I rode the bus for 12 yrs. so I do remember that as we were the last kids off the bus. I remember first day of school for my son. Bittersweet.
    The tilting head back thing...jury out on that exercise.
    Loved the purpose of life insert.
    Stay awesome. Enjoy a nap and your book

    1. itv was a good day here--=so so hot tho--The AC is still on-- hottest day this summer--Funny how yu remember the new dress and tht Gr -one teacher doesn't sound good! Sad that grown adults like that teacher are like that over young children---Kids go thru a lot eh?--- Lynda

  13. It's labor day in the US, too. (we don't use the extra 'u' letter ;-) Many of the residents here were picked up by family or friends for the traditional barbeque. Not me. I'm staying home 'cept for the 3 trips to the other slide of town to pet sit. YES I finally found the little dog! He was under the huge dining table. With all the chair and bench legs, I couldn't get him out to make him go outside or put a diaper on him. The girls use doggie diapers when they are away at work.
    I forgot to bring home the ham and pineapple pizza they left for me. That's okay. I will nuke some veggies and have them with a tuna sandwich.
    I remember mama cutting my hair. I looked in the mirror when she was done and said tearfully, "Mama, I look like a ragged little boy!" Then mama gave me a perm. Toni. It was for children. The next day my first grade teacher said, "Oh, Margaret, your hair is beautiful. You look like a princess"...or something like that.
    Also there were twin boys...Warren and Wayne Carress. All the girls used to chase them around the playground at recess trying to kiss them.
    That's about all I remember about grade school. 'Course I changed grade schools 13 times when mama went back and forth from my first abusive step-father to grandma's house.
    You're right. All memories are not pleasant.
    On to happier things! Books, naps, smiles, hugs, pets...there are lots of better things.
    Hot here, too: 95F, The special weather warning says "There are near critical fire weather conditions Monday afternoon across central and southern Minnesota." It will be cooler...89F tomorrow and Wednesday only 68F. I can turn the A/C off and open the windows!

    1. Happy that yu found the wee doggIe--Poor little fellow eh?--Mom gave us all TONI PERMS and our hair was all kinky-- We looked terrible--must've been the thing then--LOL--POh no--You had abusive step fathers??__and changed schools 13 times??--Oh I shouldve adopted yu--LOLOL_-AC on all day--It was 34C-- really hot--- --Yu are so good to write-_ hugs=-Lynda

    2. Are yu OK?---- I hope yu get this--I havent seen yu on here for a few days--was worried about yu--- If yu can send me an

  14. As a former Kg teacher of many years, I can remember helping many children with their seperation anxiety and leaving their moms, but after a few days, all was well and they were happy to be in the class with all the fun learinig activites! Sweet memories for me! I loved teaching Kg!

    1. and I bet yu were a good teacher--Lynda


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