Saturday, November 11, 2023

A Rough day here--

COMPUTER TROUBLE   this morning---  was online with Apple Care for hours--  Maybe its time for a new computer ---  You know what tho? I had a bandaid on my finger--that I type with--  Could that have been the trouble?----  I just took off that band aid and all seems to be going well-- --so far!--  I use a track pad also--  It might not agree with the band aid----Who knows-----  I should price a new IMAC  anyway-- as if I can afford that!
Anyway, we have sunshine--  cold temps --and no snow falling--  which is a good thing--
So, since this has taken my whole morning, I best get off of here for now--and the computer seems to be working---  FOR NOW! 
I hope your day is going well--



  1. Yikes! Good luck. Isn’t it scary that we depend on technology so much? Kind of scary. Hope that your computer comes on line soon.

    1. It mightve been caused by a bandaid on my index finger--who knows--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Computer problems are the most frustrating! I'm glad you were able to get it working again. Yes, we do seem to be able to get through 100% of the bad days! Hope today improves for you.

    1. yes--maybe it was the bandaid on my index finger--Lordy --Live and .learn eh? Lynda

  3. Oh, Lynda...the band aid caused your trouble? That's funny! Right after the holidays prices will probably be lowered on the computers that were not bought for gifts.
    I'm so busy today, too. Figured I'd better comment before I got started with everything.
    Happy Remembrance Day to you and yours.
    Still have Veteran gifts to collect here: coupon for a haircut, pizza for a friend.
    Some Sadie work going on here, too...and Lucky hasn't been played with yet...but, he's eyeing me. Who can resist those adorable faces? Not me!
    Have a great weekend, Lynda. Hope your 'troubles' are done for the rest of it! {{{HUGS}}}

    1. Oh yu are so good to write--Good idea--- I shall look--after Xmas-- Everyday is busy isn't it??---Anyway, all seems good here now- Lynda

  4. Glad it is fixed now, no matter what caused it. How old is the computer? A 7 year old computer is like using a car from the 1960’s, and driving it in our freeways, not enough OOMPH anymore, not enough memory! A slow brain. Darn it all. It’s like the iPads, they don’t last long, either, maybe 3 years. Take care.

    1. This IMac is from 2013--older than old I guess --Lord love a Duck --Lynda

  5. Glad to hear you got computer problem resolved. Guess it could have been band aid on finger.
    I need a new computer too but hate to spend the money. One day.
    Hope the rest of your day goes smooth. Thanks for taking time to post
    Stay amazing

    1. It was a rubber band aid -- That might've been the problem--????--I feel like an idiot---LOL--- The computer guy- was really mad --Lynda

  6. PS yes, your track record for getting through tough days is 100%. Remember that. You are awesome.

    1. Lordy Be-- the computer seems OK Now-- cold a band aid on my index finger do all that?_Lynda

  7. Happy Saturday! Hope your computer troubles are from the bandaid and all is well. Now relax and enjoy the rest of the day. Sunny here in Ohio .

    1. maybe need a new I MAC--dunno-- mega $$$ --Lynda

    2. I know they are pricey! I checked a couple years ago but chose to get mine rebuilt for $245. Same as new again and much cheaper.

  8. Marti here. I don't know if you've upgraded your computer any, such as putting in a new hard drive or upgrading the amount of RAM you have in it, but a computer more than 7 or 8 years old, in my opinion, should be upgraded (to a new one). Today's webpages and devices generally operate better on newer computers. When you DO buy a new computer, always purchase one with as much RAM as you can afford, and consider an SSD hard drive, they are much faster. Where I work, I can take in people's old computers, or my own, and one of our managers who is very good with computers, installs more RAM for me and a solid state hard drive (for free). My 90 yr old neighbor's computer's hard drive just crashed on her not too long ago, he added so much RAM and a new solid state hard drive and the thing is FAST! :)

    1. Marti -- What am I looking at for a new IMac-----price-wise with what I need on it?-- If I waited till after Xmas would there be a sale??-- my email address if yu wish to answer me on that-- Lynda

  9. Hi Lyndsa: Com[uter issues are the worst. I am not the least technically illiterate. But the bandaid could have caused the problem. I use an external mouse because I hate the mouse on laptops. If you unintentionally touch it at the wrong time when you are typing, I can lose everything I typed! They are such a pain. Snd computers are so expensive. Maybe the Black FRiday sales will have something? You do good at getting through bad days. Play the piano and relax tonight! Hugs Brenda

    1. Oh Brenda --Yu are so good! It was such a crazy mixed up day--I took the thick band aid off my finger and all is good now-- but-- I think I should invest in a new I Mac soon-- I hate when stuff happens and don't know how to fix it-Lynda


  10. Sorry for your computer troubles! NOT good. But glad you have sunshine. That helps. Cold here, too, but sun. So, I’ll take it.

    Here’s to a good weekend.


    1. Barb--It was a mixed up day here for sure-- lynda


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