Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Be kind, Be strong, Be happy, Be YOU!

                                                     The top of the morning to you all--This IS a good day --We shall have a great day--make it amazing--

Himself is at his day  Program--socializing-----away from me----  who tries to be the big boss here without him realizing it!---I had to learn how to do that!

I have been playing the piano here---I LOVE  PLAYING THE PIANO--- Lopez is the only one listening to me playing, and he fell asleep on the sofa--Funny how piano music puts animals to sleep-- Farmers could hire me out and I could play in their barn--- and the cows and pigs would all fall asleep-- contented-- Funny tho--No-one has ever asked me! ---

We were driving into town this morning--and in a park beside the lake, were geese--a lot of geese, on the grass--so, some of them are here already--or--maybe just passing thru--

How is your day going?---  How was your weekend?---Is it warmer now where you live?---  It is here , and almost all our snow is gone.--

Isn't the above so true?----  Everyday I wonder, how did I ever get this old?-- What ever happened and when  did it happen?---  Life passes by so fast doesn't it?---  I remember my Gramma who must've been old--- (Grammas are always "old") --I never thought of her that way however---in Chinese, Gramma was called "APO"---    This was Himself's Mom, in Lucea , Jamaica----not old to us--just Gramma-- 
                    Anyway, -I hope that "Life is good", where you are--whatever age you are--
The above picture is of Son#2, son #3 and Son#4 ----  with out a care in the world--many moons ago--Who would ever think that you are now looking at a Pilot, a Policeman and a City  water manager---  You never know eh?---Be kind to your children---- 

                                            I hope that you are in a good mood to-day---


  1. What an awesome start to my day, checking your blog. Actually it's not the start, it's about 5 hours into the day, as with a new puppy in the house, one has to get up EARLY to make sure we don't have accidents inside. She's been very good about nighttime, being in her "safe space", as I call her crate to her.

    One thing I wanted to say was that I thought of YOU at once when I first flipped to the "Dog TV" stream as part of helping Ember adjust to her new home here. I had no idea... what is it? Videos of dogs running free, splashing in water, calmly lying down, etc. But the sound track is all calming piano music! As soon as I turned it on the first day she was with me, she fell asleep!

    Aren't dogs wonderful companions (yes, hard work, but so lovable)!

    Hope Himself has a good day at his socializing, and that you have a good day, too, Lopez right there with you.

    1. Dogs really are good companions--I agree--Ember is fortunate to have you Barb as his Mom--Lynda

  2. Good morning, Lynda.
    Great memes as always.
    The washer is free. Sadie may do another load.
    Yes, it is a beautiful day here. Mostly sunny, just a bit of a breeze. We have leaves on the trees. Birds are singing. No flowering trees yet, but they will be blooming soon. It is to be 70F today! That's 21.11C.
    Wonderful weather. I am obsessively wearing my sun glasses.
    Will do a bit of shopping today, and maybe get gas.
    Tomorrow one of my 'adopted daughters' is buying s steak dinner for me as well as her wife and mother. Life is good.
    Happy it's going well for you today, too. Himself will be in a good mood, you are getting into your piano playing happy place. I'll bet Sushi hears it, too...and loves it. Animals do love music. Lucky likes that I have the radio on my the computer here. And when I put on my new age beautiful music I listen to while I meditate, he falls asleep on my lap and purrs. That's part being on mama, and part music.
    Guess I can't go to the laundry room yet. I am waiting for an important call.
    Whatever, I, too, am determined to stay in a good mood all day today. You give good advice. We help each other, me...and all your followers. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. lots to think about eh?-- Did they put a new washer in, in your laundry room?? It sounds like you are enjoying the day--That is good! Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. It's a beautiful day here, warm and sunny. When you talk about playing your piano I can almost hear my mom playing. She loved that, especially after my sister and I went to bed. That's a good memory listening to my mom playing while falling asleep. Yes, I wonder who that is looking at me from the mirror because it sure doesn't look like the young person I feel like! If only my body would agree. I'm glad you got some quiet time today!

    1. LOL--nice that yer Mom relaxed , playing her piano--Good memories eh?--Lynda

  4. Lots of rain showers here today. I hope it doesn't wash away all the weed and feed I spread with the Kubota yesterday! I didn't think rain was predicted until tonight! My cats like music too! The YouTube TV channel shows cats while piano and sometimes harp music play to soothe them. My cats love it! It is soothing to me also, hahaha! I know what you mean about our grandmothers....but I don't think of myself as old just because I have 7 grandchildren! I still think of myself as about 50 - especially since I will be 77 in less than 2 weeks from now! You are only as old as you feel, right?? So glad you have time to play your piano while your DH is at the lodge!

    1. Rain here for the next few days--Funny--I bought Scotts triple action for the grass--haven't put it on yet tho--Lynda

  5. Love the family pictures, nice memories! We are lucky to have had lots of pleasant times, not everyone has that. Glad you have your piano tuned, so you can play it!

    1. Nothing better than playing the piano--even if it is just for the dog--Lynda

  6. Eh. Boyfriend got up at 4:30 am and then I couldn't go back to sleep, then at work I had to work like a dog b/c two people were out, then at the exercise center for seniors my earbuds weren't working and I had to listen to all these women gab very loudly, and I didn't have fun at all. Now I have to go next door to help my neighbor set up her new computer. She's clueless about computers. Ugh!

    1. Yu have had a very interesting day--How did the computer setting up go??-- Yu are a good person to help your friend set it up--Lynda

  7. Awwww, so sweet that Lopez falls asleep to your playing and is content!

    It’s definitely warming up here. Pleasant. I will enjoy this day!

    Absolutely, always have to wonder, where have the years gone? I don’t feel my age. But . . . every once in awhile, the body lets me know exactly what my biological age is!

    Yes, our kids do grow up and become accomplished, don’t they! Makes you proud.

    Hope Himself had a good day @ the program. And YOU had a good day, too!


    1. Oh Barb---Himself did go to the Day program--had lunch there also--Our kids do grow up and become amazing people--Nice to see summer coming in isn't it?--Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda
    I'm really running late here today. Busy day.
    LOVED all your great inserts today.
    I'm so glad you took time to play your piano. Lopez seems to love it too.
    Glad doc went to center and had congregate lunch too.
    Raining in St.Louis but temps are in the 60s F
    Have a wonderful, peaceful evening.
    Hugs and blessings
    Marge in St.Louis

    1. Hi Marge--Poor yu with a busy day--but--yu are doing it--Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda! I hope Himself enjoyed the program today and was happy this afternoon. Lopez is lucky to enjoy your piano playing. I bet you sound like Jim Brickman. My fave piano player. Good day in Ohio. A bit rainy and will rain again tomorrow and Friday. The boys are too cute. Enjoy your night!

    1. Himself enjoyed going to Day Program-- Thank goodness--Lynda


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